Dark Sculptor: Dark Sculptor Novel 01
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“Is that permanent? Did it effect my mind?”
She shrugged, “Sorry James, I don’t know the mechanics of how it works, just that it does. You’ll have to hold that question until you meet a mage you trust with your origin, and who has mastered summoning.”
I nodded, and decided not to worry about it too much, whatever it was, it was better than not being able to communicate. I’d decided there was no way this was a hallucination, or a dream, and looking at the beauty sitting next to me, for the first time I was glad for that. I worried a bit about that though, between being in a strange world and quite stressed, rebounding from my girlfriend of three years leaving me, and Regina’s heartrending beauty, my dependence on her, and her amazingly positive attitude about life, I had to question how real the feelings I’d started feeling for her were.
I wasn’t head over heels or anything, we’d just met, but I was definitely feeling an attachment, and I was frighteningly attracted to her. All of her.
I smiled, “So, how long is this trip?”
Regina said, “About five days to Dulcier, and another five days to Eastguard. Desal is about a thousand miles from border to border, from the great forest in the east, to the river that borders Gritor in the west. Malburn is pretty much right in the middle. We should make about fifty miles a day.”
I grunted, “That’s bigger than I expected, how does he control so much territory? I mean, there’s so much empty space between, why bother claiming and controlling all that unused land?”
She smirked, “Dulcier, Malburn, and Garlis used to be three small separate kingdoms. The king of Malburn decided to expand his kingdom to the natural borders, and invaded and subjugated Dulcier and Garlis several hundred years ago. His name was King Desal, and he renamed the joint kingdom so no one would ever forget his accomplishment, and Malburn simply became the city name in remembrance of the old kingdom.”
“Right, and Hanson wants to expand again?”
She shrugged, “Not sure about to the east, humans are outmatched in the Great Forest, Laya is better left alone. The mountains are inhospitable, so we leave it to the goblinoid races. From those two directions he defends, or just sends punitive expeditions if needed. But yes, he definitely wants to unseat Queen Sera, and expand his kingdom to the west.”
At least, that was the rumors among nobles. I wouldn’t forget he likes to suppress his own people as well.
“Tell me Regina, what are your ambitions. Will you share them, or the selfish reasons you came along yet?”
She hesitated a second, and ate a spoonful of a stew to give herself time to think.
“Not yet I think. I’m enjoying being mysterious, and I have to keep your attention somehow, don’t I?”
I laughed, “Fine. But I doubt you could lose my attention.”
She smiled wider, and looked pleased.
“I know your new here on this world, and turned around, but what are your ambitions, James?”
I smirked, “That hardly seems fair, Regina. Maybe I’ll tell you when you tell me?”
Regina pouted.
I laughed, “Evil woman. Fine, I do have to figure things out in this world, but that’s just living. I don’t suppose that changes my ambitions for my life much at all. I’m a physician on my world, a healer, that’s what I want to do with my life, and how I’ll earn my way. In a way, I’m already doing it, I just need to figure out a way to formalize it in this world and how I’ll fit in here. Family also comes into play, a wife and children.”
She smiled in a pleased way, I wasn’t sure if it was because she liked my answers, or if she liked that I caved so easily to her sexy alluring pout.
She asked, “How does Eastguard fit into that though, it’ll be dangerous, and you could spark off a civil war if you heal the damage the king did to most of the inhabitants of the walled city.”
I nodded, uncomfortable, but I didn’t see that I had much choice.
“It seemed the best course. If I tried to hide in one of the three main cities, I’d be found out and executed as a flesh sculptor. Especially if I open up shop and start healing people that need it for coin. There’s safety there. More than that, it’s the right thing to do, no being should be enslaved and turned into an abomination. In short, selfishly for my safety, and it’s the right thing to do. It will be dangerous, but once I’ve freed them from their sculpted shackles, they’ll protect me.”
She tilted her head, “That’s optimistic. They’ll want you to serve their rebellion with your magic, and things will get very dangerous when the king sends troops. Yes, freeing that city will be very dangerous, but it won’t be the last danger.”
I think I kind of knew that already, and struggled to find the right words.
“I’m a healer, and won’t help with violence. I know just because the king is abusive to his people, doesn’t make the people that have rebelled, or that he’s punished, good, but I’d rather take my chances with them and do the right thing. What other choice do I have? The gamble is better than certain death, and it aligns with my oath and morality. If the situation becomes untenable and they make demands I can’t meet, and those people turn out to be no better than the king, I’ll have to move on. Try my luck in Gritor.”
She looked thoughtful as we finished up dinner, and cleaned up after. She also put out the fire with some dirt, before we retired to the small two-person tent. She’d set it up earlier, and I hadn’t been inside of it, and I couldn’t fail to notice there was one wide place made up with blankets, and not two smaller ones.
I cleared my throat nervously as I took off my boots, and she looked suddenly shy herself. I reminded myself despite her devastating beauty and confidence, and the fact she was twenty-two, she was still a virgin. Did she have plans tonight?
When she slowly started to strip out of her leathers, I swallowed. It was dark in the tent, but I could make her out well enough to have a reaction.
“Sharing blankets?”
She was silent for a moment, and said, “I thought you…” and trailed off.
I smiled, “I very much thought, and left that up to you. You don’t owe me that Regina, but it’d be a cold day in hell before I turned you away. I also have to say it’s far too late for something meaningless and casual between us.”
It was, she wasn’t some nameless hot girl in a brothel now, like when I’d first propositioned her. I knew her now, if not her ambitions and dreams yet. I wasn’t sure what it would mean, this was like the end of a very long and fun first date, but it would be far more meaningful than empty pleasure and simple stress relief. I didn’t want to just get off for some relief anymore. I wanted to pleasure her, and love that sweet body of hers, and hear her say my name as she trembled beneath me.
Truthfully, that had never been like me anyway, it was the stress of my situation that had made paying for it so tempting in the first place, for a little relief. After all, I was loyal to my girlfriend for three years, and had turned down a lot of offers over that time. Sex wasn’t usually a casual thing for me at all.
The one thing I wouldn’t ever do, was take it, as if it was my right. I hadn’t really given it much thought yet, but this world was obviously very patriarchal. I only wanted her, if she wanted me too, not because it was expected for her to put out for the man she was travelling with.
Her breath caught. She didn’t say anything, but the atmosphere in the tent had clearly shifted, and a moment later she started to take her clothes off again, but this time a lot faster and with no evidence of timidity.
I wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but I’d obviously said something right. I started to remove my clothes rather quickly as well. It didn’t take long, before we laid mere inches apart on top of the bedding. It was surprisingly soft and comfortable, thick and soft material, and she’d obviously cleared out all the rocks when she’d set it up.
I reached out, and caressed her face softly with my fingertips.
“You’re sure?” I asked.
She whisp
ered, “Yes,” and leaned her head into my hand. Her fingers gently started to explore my chest and stomach, tracing the muscles, and I gasped as I felt sparks of pleasure where she touched me.
She smiled, I could hear it in her voice, “James, kiss me.”
I wrapped an arm around her and moved closer to claim her lips.
Her lips were softer than I remembered, like silk as they danced with mine. The kiss was so much softer and sweetly tentative than our first, but also filled with far more passion. Her wandering hands left sparks of tingling pleasure that radiated out into my body, and I was hard as a rock already. That was some talent, and I had a feeling she was using very little of it in that moment.
I pushed her gently onto her back, and knelt beside her, before once again claiming her lips. I ran one of my hands around her body, exploring her sexy generous curves, mouthwateringly thin waist, and toned legs. I waited until she was breathy, and had let out a few sighs of pleasure into my mouth, before I teasingly caressed her inner thighs and started to kiss my way down to her breasts.
I was so hard it hurt, and her skin and scent were so delicious. I wanted her badly, to be in her, to be fucking her, but I also felt a humble awe and gratefulness that this woman had chosen to follow me and be her first. I wasn’t going to make her regret that choice by being a selfish ass in bed. I didn’t want to be, I wanted to hear her scream my name, and tremble beneath my fingertips and tongue. The scent of her arousal was heady, and my cock twitched as my mouth met her sweet hard nipple, on a perfectly rounded and very bountiful breast.
She gasped, and ran her hands through my hair as she arched her back, pushing her breast up into me. It didn’t take me long to figure out her breasts were very sensitive, and that I shouldn’t be at all rough with them. Her breathing was shallow, fast, and she gasped again as I moved my teasing fingers up to cup her mound. She was already wet for me, and my cock jumped again.
“Fuck, too much,” I whispered into her breast, as she wrapped her hand around my cock, and stroked lightly and tentatively. Just her hand felt amazing, but her magic, the sparks of pleasure, were absolutely insane.
She sighed breathily, and the pleasure cut off, except for her soft silky fingers running up and down my length, “James, I want you.”
I whispered, “Soon,” into her breast, as I switched to the other one, and worked a finger into her tight heat.
She was ridiculously tight, as I’d expected with her being a virgin, I’d have to open and stretch her out carefully before even thinking about putting my cock in there. I wanted to pleasure her, not tear her.
She arched her back, and ground against my finger, as I put a little pressure on her clit with the top of my palm, and slowly worked in another finger. Then I worked her softly and slowly, caressing her wall with curled fingertips until I found her special spot, all while I lavished her other breast with suction, soft kisses, and teasing licks.
“James!” she cried out and started to tremble beneath me. It was a beautiful and sensual thing to feel and see, even if it wasn’t a very strong one. I was confident though a stronger one was close on the horizon.
Then things went a little wrong. My cock exploded in pleasure as she came undone beneath me, and it completely overwhelmed my body. My seed shot out and onto her stomach, tits, and thighs, not to mention the blankets. Not that I noticed in the moment, I’d been completely lost in the pleasure.
When we came down, she looked over at me and bit her lip nervously, but then started to giggle.
I couldn’t help but laugh with her.
“What happened?”
She shook her head, “I’m not sure. The pleasure was so intense I yearned to share it with you. I guess that triggered my gift. I’ll try not to let that happen again, except when you’re already in orgasm.”
I thought about that, her magic enhancing the pleasure of an orgasm already in progress.
She giggled again, probably at the look on my face.
Then she stroked me once, and my flagging cock suddenly straightened again under the influence of her magic. I hadn’t been expecting that, her magic must be more than just inciting pleasure, because the head of my cock was no longer over-sensitive either, just deliciously sensitive as she stroked over it with her palm.
It was no wonder women with this talent were so highly sought after, but her power had no influence over the way she’d been wriggling into my heart from the first moment we met.
She whispered, “Take me James, please, I don’t want to wait anymore.”
Fuck, her sweet longing words made my cock jump in her hand, and she giggled again, this time rather naughtily.
I moved and knelt between her legs, and lined myself up as I looked deeply into her bright green eyes.
Despite the orgasm, and liberal amounts of her silken liquid bliss for lubricant, it was a task to push inside of her, just to get the bulbous head of my cock fully encased in her hot and wet paradise took time and patience.
I didn’t want to hurt her, but as I worked my way in I knew I didn’t have a choice, as I slowly stroked in minute movements, deeper and deeper, until I tore through her maidenhood. Then I paused, and waited for the pain to clear from her face, all the while caressing and stroking her body, trying to overshadow her pain with pleasure.
It took a long time to get fully inside her, I wasn’t a porn star, but I wasn’t small either, and she was like a vice of pleasure around me.
We kissed lingeringly, and breathily, while her body slowly became accustomed to my rude invasion.
“You’re huge,” she accused breathily.
I was on the larger side of average only, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.
“You are so beautiful Regina.”
Her smile was blinding, and her sex tightened around me even further drawing out a grunt from between my lips.
Then she ground up against me, her body signaling it was ready. I started out with slow and shallow strokes, she was still incredibly tight, and I feared I would tear her if I wasn’t careful. The mixture of pain and pleasure on her face and in her eyes was my guide as well, and I raised up slightly and started to gently tease her clit through her folds.
As the pain disappeared from her face, and her gasps became ones of great pleasure, I lengthened and sped up my stroke.
The most difficult part was maintaining control of myself, her sex was pure wet silken friction, and so tight she was still milking my cock with every stroke. The pleasure was incredible, but I refused to relax my control until I’d sent her over the edge once again.
Her hands ran over my chest, and pleasure entered my body in bursts, and the incredible pleasure got even better as she started to move her body in a perfect counterpoint to my own. Thrusting up against me, and going aggressively after her own pleasure even as she pleasured me in equal measure.
She was a goddess of pleasure and beauty, and so sweet and intelligent that she’d already stolen into my heart, I felt like an incredibly lucky man.
Then she called out my name again and started to convulse around my sex, as her body locked up and trembled underneath mine. It was with relief that I let myself go.
My balls boiled, and I stroked in two more times before I buried it deeply in her pleasure, and started to pulse deep into her body. Our eyes were locked in mutual pleasure and it was so damned intense.
Then she released her power, and the strength of the orgasm went off the scale. So much better than that first time, being inside of her. It seemed to go on and on without end, but ended far too soon as we slowly began to fall back to Earth from our height.
I kissed her softly, lingeringly, and far too caringly for my own comfort.
She ground up against me, “More.”
I laughed, as my cock recovered, though it didn’t take away the amazing feeling of the after bliss. I laid down on her flush, and then rolled us over so she was on top.
She looked like a goddess above me, her very large breasts softly swaying, and my han
ds splayed on her tight waist, and I ran them over her hips and down around on her tight supple ass.
“As much as you want.”
I’d meant it too, I was in no hurry for our night of pleasure to end, there were a lot more positions to introduce her too, not to mention oral pleasures.
At first, she was a little awkward, but as soon as she relaxed and let her body take over she was breathtaking and filled me with pleasure as she rode me.
It was going to be a long amazing night…
Chapter Eight
She was insatiable.
That first night together was incredible, but paled next to the following days and nights, she was obviously making up for lost time. It didn’t take her long to master her magical ability, and she became very confident and aggressive in bed over those days, even as she willingly submitted to my every direction in bed. I chose the positions, and she made them hers with her unquenchable eagerness.
The first time she sucked me off had been incredible, just based on her eagerness to please, and the obvious enjoyment she took in pleasuring me, if not her technique. She learned what I liked quickly though, and it wasn’t long before her oral attentions were beyond incredible on all levels. She was in no way a selfish person in bed, and I took equal delights in making her cum on my tongue.
In short, I’d never had so much or better of a sex life in my life as I did with Regina during the days of the trip, and as we approached Dulcier on the fifth day of our trip, I imagined that wouldn’t change anytime soon. It was probably shallow, but it also made me fall for her faster. She was never unwilling, and more often than not she seduced me into it until I took control.
She was insatiable. More than that, we continued to grow closer, and I greatly enjoyed her company and conversations during the daily ride east. I was also becoming somewhat competent in helping to set up our camp each night as we stopped on the side of the road. She was sweet, generous of spirit, and at the same time as I’d said before, a force of nature, competent, intelligent and a hell of a woman. I wasn’t sure where it was all going, but I selfishly hoped it never ended. She still hadn’t told me her ambitions, and it was somewhat of a running joke between us at this point, because I was more than positive she trusted me. She’d told me more than once I made her feel safe, and spoiled.