Dark Sculptor: Dark Sculptor Novel 01
Page 11
“Maybe a little? It’s not like our sex life is even close to needing that kind of thing. I know we haven’t resolved the whole multiple wives thing yet, plus I had noticed you checking her out a few times today. It is taboo, and kind of hot to fantasize about, even if it will never happen.”
I didn’t understand that at all, she was getting hot at the idea of me fucking another woman? Of another race? I supposed I didn’t have to understand it, I just had to accept it, but it wasn’t easy. Obviously, the idea had turned me on quite a bit too, and I didn’t love Regina any less for it.
“Do the races mix at all?”
She raised an eyebrow, and I blushed.
“I wasn’t asking for me, just curious in general.”
She smirked, “Not really, the kingdoms are separate. The elves and faerie don’t want us in their forest, and they don’t visit human cities peacefully. The only humans that meet elves are usually soldiers, and vice versa, so who knows what could happen.”
She looked at the tent wall in the direction of the fire, and waggled her eyebrows.
I gave her a dirty look.
She collapsed in a fit of giggles, and buried her face against my chest.
“You didn’t seem to mind the fantasy, and I really liked the harsh pounding, in case you didn’t notice.”
“I did, trust me. I love you, and I’ll keep an open mind about it, but I already said before, I’m not going to go looking for it. Oh, and I did like the dirty talk, in case you didn’t notice,” I threw her words back at her.
She smiled, “I did, trust me.”
Her hand wandered down my chest, and between my legs. I guessed that meant the conversation was over, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to complain about it. We made love sweetly, gently, and got more than a little lost in each other that second time, as if to reaffirm our love and desire for each other.
I was also sure, that earlier wasn’t the last fantasy bedroom game my Regina would play…
The next morning, we once again woke up at dawn, Regina had woken me up with her mouth again, and I felt quite invigorated as we left the tent and sat down to breakfast.
“Good morning, Saria.”
Saria nodded a reply, but as usual didn’t take part in small talk. She turned and ate breakfast facing away from us and looking into the forest, her head turning occasionally in the road’s direction.
“Any news?”
Saria said dispassionately, “There is no one within several miles of us, we should eat quickly and get on the road.”
Regina and I exchanged looks, and shrugged in confusion. Saria hadn’t exactly ever been gushy or outgoing toward us, but she had loosened up a little bit yesterday, and even smiled once. Now it seemed as if she was back to taciturn. Maybe she wasn’t a morning person?
We ate breakfast quickly, and started to pack up the camping site. The sky was clear and blue, without a cloud in it which was a nice change from yesterday. It didn’t take long before we were saddled up and returning to the road, except Saria who was riding bareback.
It was a lazy morning’s ride, and I was still pretty relaxed as Regina and I filled the silence with whispers. I glanced over at Saria often too, not to check her out, but to try and figure her out. She was even more quiet than usual, and seemed to be deliberately ignoring us.
“Saria, something wrong?”
She looked over her shoulder at me, and then shook her head subtly.
“Yes and no. Did you know an elf’s eyesight is comparable to a human’s?”
I shook my head, it wasn’t something I’d looked at yesterday when I’d studied her DNA.
She added, “And our elf ears, did you know our hearing is not comparable to a human’s? Our hearing is quite sensitive, and makes us very good hunters.”
Oh… fuck. I think the blood drained from my face as I realized what that meant. She’d heard every nasty and dirty word Regina had whispered in my ear last night.
“Umm, sorry?” I blushed.
Saria shook her head again, “It didn’t bother me, I’m just letting you know if you want privacy as far as conversations go, you’re going to have to wait until all this is over and we part ways. My advice is get over it and stop whispering, just talk naturally, I promise you I will be discreet.”
I frowned, confused, “So… it didn’t bother you?”
Saria said, “No. Look at me all you want if you wish, as long as it stops there I will not take offense. Touch me without permission, and we will have a problem. I already knew before last night your body desired mine, so while surprising, your sexual games with your mate didn’t shock me.”
“You did?”
Saria smiled, and it was genuine if a little smug looking.
“We elves do see about as well as humans, but we can also see over a slightly larger spectrum, into heat. I noticed yesterday your body heats up slightly every time you look at me, probably from increased heart beat and respiration.”
I exchanged a look with Regina, she appeared to be surprised, embarrassed, and more than a little turned on all at the same time. I was learning my wife was quite insatiable, but also quite a bit wild, and apparently she very much desired me to find more playmates. I felt a little guilty then, she’d been hiding it out of fear of how I’d react to what she wanted, but I was getting used to the idea.
“So, wait, if that’s not what upset you, what’s wrong?”
Saria sighed, “I’ve thought of a way to get me inside the city, as well as my men. But I don’t like it, and I’m trying to think of another way. I don’t think you will appreciate the idea either. Unfortunately, if we want it to work we need to implement it now.”
“Oh, so what’s the idea?”
Saria paused for a moment, and fell back to my side and looked me in the eyes.
I blushed, as I felt my heart pick up speed and my body react to her nearness. I couldn’t help it, not after that fantasy last night, fucking Regina like that while fantasizing about Saria with Regina whispering in my ears? I couldn’t not think about it. I could also see a little amusement in her dark blue eyes.
Saria said, “There is no shame in admiring beauty with passion, you humans worry far too much about those things. I’ve tried to put you at ease with your attraction, but somehow I’ve made it worse. Regardless, my plan is simple. We need to show up as if the king had changed us. My men stole guard uniforms, you will wear one, Regina will be your woman since you’re being reassigned to the city, and you will be our escort to the elven quarter.”
I frowned, “One guard, for you and your men?”
She sighed, “Why would more be required, since we’ll appear to be abominations under thrall to the king.”
Her words confused me for a minute, and then my eyes widened as my throat closed.
“You want me to change you.” I accused in a raspy voice. I wasn’t sure I could do that, would that be harm? What if I died? They’d be stuck that way.
She nodded, “Obviously not my loyalty, mind, or my ability to think, but you can temporarily enhance my body can you not, and do the same for my men? The king usually makes the men uglier or gives them some kind of deformity, along with more strength and speed. The women he usually sculpts to make more beautiful as well as stronger.”
I frowned, “You’re perfect already.”
It just slipped out. I blushed, and looked guiltily at Regina who just looked back with amusement. Right, I don’t know why I kept expecting dirty looks from her for admiring another woman, Regina clearly didn’t mind, and even wanted me too. More than that, she was clearly turned on. Even if Saria and I wouldn’t ever happen considering the race thing, she probably thought it was good practice.
Still, the attraction was real enough, and I didn’t have the same taboo programming Regina did regarding human and elf relations. I wondered if she’d feel the same way if she knew I’d be happy to take it past the fantasy stage. Clearly, there was a taboo on this world, but I didn’t grow up with Regina’s prejudice
s, I’d grown up with my society’s programming and prejudices, which simply didn’t apply.
Like the one that said taking the law into my own hands would be wrong.
Saria looked away, and her eyes were dancing when she looked back, her voice was also soft which confused me, didn’t that mean violence was imminent?
“Thank you James, but the king’s taste is not yours. Just make my breasts a lot bigger, and redo my skin, so it’s baby fresh without blemish, that should be enough to be convincing. You don’t even have to make us stronger or faster, the guards at the gate won’t be able to tell, just cosmetic changes.”
She looked over at Regina, “I’m sure you like them big too.”
Regina blushed, her breasts were quite bountiful, impressively so. But Regina’s body was taller, lush, and voluptuous, with a waspishly thin waist, her large breasts looked natural and fit with the rest of her. Saria had a petite curvy body, and her pert B cups fit her body shape perfectly, as well as her shorter stature. Sure, I liked big breasts, but anything bigger than a handful was just fine with me.
Not that she’d look bad with breasts too big for her body, it would look hot. I’d seen human women with petite bodies and very large breasts that looked tempting as hell, but in Saria’s case, it would be a lot less elegant on her lithe body. She had a graceful beauty about her that they would ruin, and I told her so though not in so many words.
“I do like them big, but I won’t on you. Why now?”
Saria smiled, and at just three feet away it was even more devastating, and her voice was still soft as she spoke. I didn’t think we were in danger of imminent violence, so elven woman must speak softly for other reasons as well. I had no idea what it could be this time though.
“Lunchtime is soon enough, we’ll need a couple of days to get used to our new center of balance. When we get in the city and start our mission, we need to be fast and quiet, and not trip over our own feet.”
I guessed that made sense, sort of. She was the expert on physical violence, hunting, and moving quietly. I had no reason to disbelieve her, and didn’t imagine she’d want to be changed for any longer than was absolutely required.
“You’ll have to tell me what to do about your men.”
She shrugged, “Growths on their faces to mar their appearance, maybe one leg a few millimeters shorter or longer than the other, so they have a shambling gait. A bent nose or make the facial features on either side not a perfect mirror of each other. I think your king is jealous of our beauty, or perhaps he’s just cruel as he knows we value it.”
I nodded, “I don’t like it, if anything happens to me you’ll be stuck that way.”
Saria shook her head, “My life before yours, until my oath is played out. It will be no less than what I deserve if I fail you. I don’t like it either, but it will get us inside, and to the elven section of the city. We’ll pass through it like a plague, and free my people, then you can restore us. Besides, cosmetic alteration isn’t true harm, and may even be saving our lives. It will ensure our success at least in getting in the city.”
“So, what is your forest like?” I asked curiously.
For a moment I thought she’d blow off that question again, but she moved her horse disconcertingly closer to mine. Her mouth was neutral, but her eyes were still smiling as she spoke even more softly.
“It’s magical. The fae inhabit it, and we live in harmony with the forest and fae, taking care of it as it takes care of us. The trees are larger and filled with magic due to the magic of the fae, and our cities blend into the forest, from the ground up into the great boughs above. It’s beautiful, and we fight to defend it from men who would destroy it with their greed.”
I was mesmerized by her soft musical voice, and her wide blue eyes. I had no idea what to say in response to that. I said the first thing that popped in my head.
“Sounds beautiful, I’d love to experience it someday.”
Saria’s eyes widened, and she looked toward the forest as her horse moved away from mine. When she spoke, her voice was still pleasant, but no longer soft.
“That would be impossible, humans are not welcome. Not even you James.”
I shook my head, what the fuck just happened? Was she attracted to me? Is that what the soft voice was, did elven woman speak softly before violence, and when they were turned on? She’d looked surprised when she noticed how closely together we were.
On the other hand, it was probably just wishful thinking. I was determined to pay attention, I knew she spoke angrily when she’d been filled with distrust. But pre-fight she spoke softly, almost like an adrenaline rush to the body.
For humans, lust and violence weren’t that far apart either, but that was crazy, wasn’t it? Plus, impossible, even if she did feel attraction, she’d obviously just come to her senses, and the conversation was over.
I turned to my fiancé, and saw a similarly shocked look on her face. She was looking at Saria with a thoughtful musing expression that told me her thoughts weren’t all that far from mine.
But, it was impossible, as Saria said, I wasn’t welcome in her home, and she wasn’t truly welcome in mine, or at least she didn’t want to be here. It was also clear she didn’t want to talk about it out loud, and neither did I, Saria would hear every word even if we whispered.
I pushed it out of my head, and focused on Regina. It wasn’t even all that hard, I loved Regina and adored her, even if I didn’t always understand her desires, it was easy to get lost in those green eyes, and forget the impossibilities between me and the woman with blue ones.
Chapter Sixteen
“Are you sure about this?”
We were on the side of the road, and had just gotten done eating a quick lunch.
Saria sat in the grass at least five feet away, like she was overcompensating for earlier.
“Yes, I’m sure.”
I nodded, and sent my magic into her body. I’d already healed skin, so it was easy to locate the right sequence and send a surge of my magic into it. Her skin was replaced and regrown across her whole body, per the specifications in her DNA. She was still fair, but there was a tinge of pinkness to it now too, just like in a human baby. Another reminder we weren’t really so different, outside of the ears, eyes, hair, facial structure, and musculature.
The second part took a little time to figure out, I had to tweak her DNA to grow two cup sizes, I figured a D cup would do the job. She would look hot, but also wrong at the same time, at least for her. Once I had it all worked out, I paused.
“Umm, Saria? Your armor is kind of tight.”
Saria replied in a neutral but pleasant voice, “The suit is partially alive, it will conform itself to my body’s new breasts as they grow.”
I frowned, “Alive?”
She nodded slightly, “Yes, it’s organic, and very strong. It will even repair itself if damaged.”
I pushed the magic in to make the change, and couldn’t help but watch as her breasts grew to D cups, on her petite sexy body. I was right, she did look hot, amazingly so, but her delicate graceful look was marred by the disproportioned breasts.
She reached up and cupped them, and then sighed.
“Well?” she asked me in challenge.
I smiled, “I was right, you were perfect the other way.”
Her eyes widened, and she said softly, “Thank you.”
She twisted her body as she rose to her feet, and then started to dance.
Regina said, “Why do I get the impression she was disappointed you weren’t shallow.”
I got that impression too, like she’d been hoping I’d insult her, maybe so she could dismiss her own feelings more easily? That seemed rather transparent, but the elves were obviously a lot more truthful than humans.
Regina said, “I’m over here,” in a teasing voice.
I just nodded, and continued to watch Saria dance. She was beyond graceful, even with her new center of balance, I didn’t see her falter once. She moved from a dance i
nto a tumbling performance, doing flips, cartwheels, and reverse flips, bouncing from hands to feet. She was astonishingly fit and quite… limber. It was giving me ideas, bad ideas.
I felt Regina’s hand and entwined my fingers in hers. I looked over to see her just as mesmerized and breathless as I was with Saria’s dance and acrobatics.
Then she stopped, and looked our way.
“Not as bad as I feared, but I still feel off balance.”
Regina and I looked at each other in disbelief, then back at Saria.
“Now you’re just showing off.”
Her eyes twinkled at the accusation, but she didn’t confirm or deny it. She just waved to the forest and the elven men came out. It was time to get back to work. The men if anything were harder to do, lower a cheekbone on one, crooked nose on another, and they did require a little more work to bulk up a bit.
I also considered how I was going to reverse these changes. At first, I thought the original DNA template that seems to be somehow archived on a modified person could be used directly. Just push magic into it and it would fix it all.
Then I realized what a disaster that would be, it would rebuild the entire body, including the brain. No, to fix it I’d have to find the differences from the template, and only restore those differences.
When I was finished, all the men ran, some shambled, and a few even limped into the forest, if gracefully.
I stood up, and then pulled Regina to her feet. She still stunned me, her beauty I mean. Both her and Saria were gorgeous, but in completely different ways that weren’t even really comparable.
I leaned down and claimed a kiss, as I pulled her against me.
She smiled up at me when it broke, “What was that for.”
“I love you Regina, and was once again quite overcome by your beauty,” I said extravagantly.
She giggled, blushed, and kissed me again. I was a lucky man.
Saria said softly, “We have to get moving.”
My head snapped to the side, she was standing rather close again, and something told me she didn’t even realize she was even doing it.