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Gay Dads- All His Son's Friends

Page 2

by Fantasia Moan

  “Yeah, it’s all good,” slurred York. “Red light blinking and so on.”

  “Ok. So. I, Martha Herrera, am a virgin. And I, Martha Herrara, have paid Mr. York Gunderson to remove this affliction from me, cause he’s a doctor!” I giggled madly, drunkenly, unattractively. It was hard to reconcile the person in the phone with myself. In the video, I began to strip out of the dress, clumsily. “So I have asked you, dear doctor, to perform an insertion, and we might need to attempt it a few times to make sure it goes in right—”

  “Martha,” said York, his drunkenness still seeping through but concern creeping up. “Don’t strip, though,” he said as I wrestled with my bra strap and folded awkwardly, standing in just my underwear. I cringed as I continued watching.

  “Give me a minute,” I slurred. The video suddenly turned into a shot of the ceiling while muffled voices continued to speak.

  “No, really,” I made out York’s voice. “Let’s chill out. Don’t have to do all the sex stuff, especially cause I’m too drunk to get it up at this point, probably. I mean… you’re super sexy but I don’t even think Viagra could work on my right now. I’m too drunk. But more importantly, you’re too drunk to lose your virginity like this. But I assure you… I would love to help you. I’m a doctor, you know so. Do no harm.”

  I stopped the video. I suppose even with all that “Do no harm” BS we still ended up sleeping together.

  I got up and found my clothes based on where I had stripped in the video.

  I had found my bra and dress and put them on. My underwear, however, remained elusive. I was looking under the bed and cursing to myself when the door opened with a gust of wind and I heard footsteps behind me. Of course, my dress blew up to expose my ass and vagina to York as he entered.

  “Oh wow,” I heard York say. I scrambled to get up and cover myself. “Good morning to you too…”

  My mouth tightened in anger and shame and disappointment. I crossed my arms.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked cautiously. He was holding a tray of breakfast items. “I wasn’t sure what you would want to eat so I brought up some choices from the breakfast buffet downstairs.”

  “Thanks,” I said, quietly.

  “Just so you know, by the way,” he hurried to say while putting the tray down on the bed and sitting at the edge. “We didn’t… we didn’t have sex all the way. And we weren’t going to. I’m not sure if you remember much of last night. It’s a bit blurry for me. But I didn’t find any wet patches or telltale signs of… you know, on the bed and I was so drunk I’m sure we couldn’t possibly have. You started to give me a blowjob and then you got sleepy and… well, pretty lacklustre in the blowjob department if I’m honest. Then you said you’d finish me later and moved toward the pillow and fell asleep in five seconds flat. And even though I was pretty hard, a wave of nausea sent me running to the bathroom and I doubt I could have had sex after that.”

  “Oh…” this actually sounded fairly familiar.

  “I’m so sorry… I think at one point we were joking about me taking your virginity back at the fountain and then you said that I was all talk… and then we were told the reception was closing up so we had to leave… we came back here since it was close, I shouldn’t have let it get so far to where we were even naked...”

  I felt embarrassment fill my whole body.

  “I…” I didn’t know what to say. “I’m… sorry… or… I don’t know… I shouldn’t have been so drunk…”

  “Hey,” said York. “No. Look. Let’s just start over, can we do that? Before all that stuff, god we were SO drunk. I just remember meeting this amazing girl last night that I wanted to spend time with…”

  “And then I threw myself at you,” I said, once more feeling shame come over me.

  “No… can we please just… have breakfast? Please? It wasn’t like that. We were both having a good time. Drunk stupid good time and we both acted silly and got rowdy. I think I handled me liquor a little bit better than you so I shouldn’t have even let you get naked like you did…”

  “Let me?” I said, now annoyed. “I’m a big girl, York, if I wanted to get naked, I would get naked. And I did. So… you’re right. It’s just what happened.”

  “Right! And today’s a new day. We can… you know, hang out sober and have a nicer, less insane and… ugh… vomit-filled end to the night.”

  I looked at him. He looked quite handsome even with the embarrassment I saw on his face too. It made me smile actually to see that he was uncomfortable too.

  “Ok.” I said, peacefully. “Let me go shower.” I took a few minutes and instead of putting on the dress when I was finished, I got back into the robe, completely naked underneath it. It was far more comfortable than the dress. I emerged from the bathroom feeling lighter and more relaxed about the situation.

  By now, York had made tea and coffee.

  “Hey,” he said with a tentative smile.

  “Hey,” I said, beaming back at him. I felt suddenly very conscious of the fact that he had seen me naked. That at some point last night I had had his in my mouth. The picture of him cupping my breast flashed through my mind and made me get a little wet at the thought. He liked me. And last night, one of the last crystal clear memories I had was that I liked him.

  I joined him on the best in my robe and began to eat some French toast, dipping it in syrup.

  “Hey,” I said suddenly, “why are you still in your suit?”

  “Well I looked for my suitcase this morning and saw it was empty. I think we were testing the concierge service to see if they would take laundry at 3 in the morning.”

  “God, we’re obnoxious.”

  “Yes,” he said somberly before smiling wryly. He was leaning on his side, picking from the fruit salad. “They said everything will be dry in a couple hours.”

  “Ok. Well, it doesn’t look comfortable. Join me in the world of robes and comfort.”


  I nodded. He hopped up and began to take off his clothes with enthusiasm. I smiled a little bit as he breathed a sigh of relief while unbuttoning the shirt and stepping out of the pants. His abs were impressive, he was slender and toned with a light dusting of chest hairs. He looked like a freaking underwear model as he stood with his blue striped boxers and put on a white robe over it. I felt my stomach do another flip.

  “So much better,” he sighed in relief. I smiled. “Okay,” he said, after a pause. “Sensitive question. I don’t remember if I asked last night.” I thought I knew what he was going to ask. “How come you’re still a virgin?”

  “Ah.” I was right. “The time was just never right, you know. I was always stressed about school. I kind of get by fine by myself. Don’t think about it too much.”

  “But… don’t you get… you know, horny?”

  “Of course I do. Definitely. But. I don’t know. I just felt like the right guy would come along and until then I needed to focus on school and my career so that I had that stuff taken care of before my romantic life came into play. You know, because life is neat and orderly like that.”

  “I see.”

  I repositioned on the bed as I reached for some fruit.

  “Oh… dear virgin. You must be trying to tempt me this morning.”


  “I can see everything below your robe belt. Just saying hello.”

  I gasped and pulled the cloth of my robe closed. He smiled at me. His eyes burned with desire and suddenly I was given a show of my own.

  “Well look who’s saying hello now,” I said, my voice quieter and husky as I felt my body tense at the sight of his erection, peaking pinkly between the opening of his blue boxers.

  “Uh oh,” he said quietly, tucking the head of his penis back in his boxers.

  “Hm…” I said, losing my appetite for breakfast as I remembered the picture, the one where his dick was in my mouth, feeling my stomach squeeze pleasurably at the idea of doing it again. I positioned myself again on the bed. I was deli
berately careless about the fact that my pussy was visible, especially from the angle York was leaning on the bed. I would have never imagined doing this before but for some reason with him, all of this felt playful and fun. It wasn’t scary or intimidating.

  His eyes went directly to my pussy and his expression was a little bit stunned. I saw him bite his lip, his hand still holding a piece of cantaloupe, frozen in mid-air. I saw his whole ab-section tighten as the erection, still visible under the thin cloth of his boxers, twitched too. I felt thrilled that I could do this to him.

  “York…” I said. “I think… I think I was serious last night actually.”

  His voice was barely audible, like it was squeezed out. “Really? About what.”

  “About… you taking that…” I pointed to his erection that had poked back out from the slit in his boxers as he sat up, “and putting it in here…” and I slid my finger into my pussy as he looked at me disbelievingly. It made me feel crazed and liberated to say something so direct, knowing that it would not be poorly received. For some reason I just knew that York liked me and my impulses, and he would go with this too.

  “Oh,” he said simply. “I would love to. But you’re a virgin. And I’m leaving soon. Your first time should be…”

  “However the hell I want it to be,” I said suddenly, holding up the same pussy-finger to stop this line of conversation. “My first time should be how I want it. How my partner wants it. Are you going to be my partner on this? Or are you gonna try to tell me what I want and how I should be ‘responsible?’ Cause I can tell you, I have made some irresponsible choices over the past year but having sex with a fun guy who’s cute and got the biggest dick I’ve ever seen outside of a porno, well. That sounds like awesome decision making to me. Do me, York. Do me good. Please.”

  “Oh! You said the magic word,” he said, getting to his feet suddenly. He lifted the tray off the bed and put it aside, then pulled his robe off and his pants off. I took my robe off too, with trembling fingers, astonished at his body, and how it melded with the morning sunlight that poured onto it.

  I thought being naked in front of someone would be scary. And even though I was aware of my small breasts and disliked the proportion of my areola to my breasts, I still felt comfortable. The way York looked at me… like he didn’t even know where to look first, like he wanted me on a platter. It made me feel so bold and at ease. It also made me feel hotter than I had ever felt before in my life.

  “You’re so beautiful…” whispered York. He stepped toward me and put his hand on my shoulder, tracing down my arm as he sat before me. His arm then curved behind my back and pulled me in close to him so he could kiss me. We kissed, deeper and deeper until he began to kiss my neck and tracing his hand up and down my back. I put my hands on his chest and ran down the hard flesh of his chest and stomach. I felt myself quiver and climb onto his lap. His erection rested against me, and I felt my pussy wrap around it, like lips, along the base of it. I felt him moan into the back of my neck, buried under my hair.

  He pushed me down and pushed me up on the bed before burying his face between my legs, first kissing and licking my thighs before pushing his tongue inside me and licking up toward my clit. It felt amazing. I felt him wrap is arms under my thighs and pulling my pussy closer to his face and shaking his head from side to side so as to lick and suck on me better. He had done this many times before, it was obvious.

  I felt myself writhe against his mouth, my body knowing what to do even before I could figure out what I wanted. He seemed to find my moans motivating and soon found out what made me moan most, as he licked my clit over and over. I threaded my fingers through his hair as he made me cum and it was better than it had ever felt when I was alone.

  Immediately after he went down to the pants of his suit and took out his wallet, fishing out a condom as he did. He tore it with his teeth and hesitated for a moment.

  “Is it ok?” he asked quietly.

  I nodded and leaned forward, taking the condom from him and leaning forward to wrap my mouth around his dick. It was warm and hard in my mouth and the sensation surprised me. I tried to move my head up and down on it, wondering if what I was doing was right… his sigh of pleasure told me it was. My mouth felt too small for it but I moistened his penis further with my mouth, getter wetter as I did, thinking about what it would feel like inside me. I wanted to feel it. He lifted my head off of him and I slipped the condom on to him, looking up at his face to find a sort of animal hunger on his face that sent a thrill through me. I could tell that he was restraining himself, trying to be gentle with me since it was my first time.

  He leaned down and kissed me, gently, at first. However, soon he was holding me tight and kissing me fiercely. I felt my body was empty and pulled myself tighter to him still, wanting him to fill me. He laid me back down and knelt between my legs, pulling my legs above his thighs so that I would straddle him if I sat up. He guided his penis toward me and brushed it gently against the wet lips between my legs. He did so softly at first, moving it back and forth at first before pushing harder against the lips and my clit as he did so. As though acclimatizing my body to his girth. He put his penis against the opening of my pussy and looked at me for confirmation. I nodded.

  He placed it more securely against the opening and then held my legs up off his thighs so that he could position himself. He pushed his penis into me, and I felt the tightness resist. He pushed more and the sensation was strange, like he would not get in. It was a little painful, even though I had been so loose and open just minutes ago when he had made me cum. He used his body weight push and suddenly he was in. He let out a low and long moan as he did. It was a flash of pain as he stretched me a way I had never been stretched before but it was welcome once it entered.

  He stayed still but I was now lost in the feeling of him inside me and felt my body rotate around it, automatically, my pelvis thrusting against him, trying to see how deep he could go. The dull ache of pain faded with each movement, only to be replaced by pleasure and heat, rising in me.

  I looked at him and saw him with his eyes closed, biting his lip and holding himself back. I didn’t want him to hold back. We had done the hard bit and now I just wanted pleasure! I had never done any of this before even though I had seen it performed. However, for some reason I felt like I knew all the moves, felt as though I could do no wrong in this warm, safe space.

  I felt confident, more confident than I thought I would in a moment like this. Because my pleasure meant his pleasure, I realized. I would lose control for the both of us. I put my feet flat against the mattress and positioned my elbows to hold me up so that I could get more of him inside of me easier as I pushed my body onto him, rhythmically, soft moans escaping both me and him as I did. I began to pick up speed and then, suddenly, I felt a wet finger against my clit, teasing me and making me moan even more.

  I think the moment he lost control was when I felt another billowing wave of heat sweep through me from my pussy up into my stomach, loosening my muscles and blocking all thought momentarily. He suddenly leaned over me and kissed me deeply while thrusting into me, hard, and I loved it. I met each thrust with enthusiastic movements of my own, and as he kissed me and then buried his face into my neck and breathed me in, I felt each thrust shudder through my body, causing me to cry out in ecstasy when I felt a new source of pleasure, buried deep within, that he had found with his thrusts.

  He pushed himself up so as to look at me in those last few moments, his eyes wild and lost, as though he had been transported to the same world I had been, where only the two of us and our entangled bodies existed. His body tensed against mine as ripples of newfound pleasure engulfed us both.

  When it was over, I lay, immobile, panting, and completely, entirely happy. The sun now filled the hotel room but it was no competition for the warm glow of our bed.

  After a few minutes, York leaned over me, blocking the sunlight as he did so. He looked down at me with amazement and confusion mixed into one.
It almost looked like admiration. He kissed me once then pulled back to look at me once more.

  “What?” I asked. He kissed me again, slowly. When he pulled back he ran a hand through his hair while sighing. I wrapped my leg around his waist, trying to bring him back to the moment, and we laid together for a moment more. I felt him getting erect again against me, and I was more than ready for him. He looked down at me once more as he brushed my hair back, out of my face.

  “Have you…” he began… I dreaded his question a little bit. I wondered if he was going to question whether I was really a virgin. The way I lost control and acted so boldly, it certainly wasn’t the actions of someone who had no idea what they were doing. I myself, wondered what had caused me to behave the way I did. I could not question whether or not it was good. York had let me know that he had liked it with his every expression. So now I feared that he was going to challenge me on being a virgin.

  I was shocked, however, when instead he asked: “Have you ever thought about studying abroad?”

  I beamed up at him before replying: “That’s an idea.”

  Story Two

  “Ronda! Ronda, you are late! Again!”

  My mother’s voice was urgent. I woke up and sped out of bed and straight into the shower. Two minutes later I had found a nice knee-length peach-colored dress and zipped it up. I rushed downstairs for breakfast.

  “Good morning, Mama,” I said. “Good morning, Papa.”

  “Good morning, dear,” said my mother. “You’re late. Again.”

  “I know,” I said, trying to hide my annoyance. It was a bright, beautiful Saturday morning and it was going to be ruined again by chores. I wasn’t in the biggest hurry to get to them.

  “Ronda, you know what I’ve said about that dress before,” said my father, looking over his morning paper, no doubt searching for some material to comment on tomorrow in his sermon in the Current Events section.

  “Papa, honestly, this dress it down to my knees!”


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