Book Read Free

Educating the Professor

Page 1

by Sean Michael

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


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  About the Author

  By Sean Michael

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  Educating the Professor

  By Sean Michael

  Kenneth Brannigan is a small-town history professor. He’s happy with his life, loves the classes he teaches, and lives in a tiny apartment in a converted house with his best friend, Tim, next door. He’s still recovering from a bad breakup and is content to stick to his comfortable routine. It’s Tim who insists he come to the Queer Alliance’s Rainbow Mixer.

  At the mixer, Kenn meets David Burgundy, a new-to-town TA who is working on his masters. Dave is drawn immediately to Kenn and is thrilled when Kenn offers to show him the best pizza place in town. One meal leads to two, which leads to Dave and Kenn spending most of their free time together… and Kenn loosening his self-imposed rules regarding dating and sex for some kinky fun.

  Kenn’s ex isn’t going to just let Kenn be, though, and the happier Kenn is with Dave, the less the ex likes it. Will Kenn continue to run away from his past, or will his relationship with Dave help him face it head-on?

  Chapter One

  “KENNETH? KENN? Dr. Brannigan!”

  Kenn turned on his heel. He’d been crossing the courtyard, entirely focused on his emails. He had to work on the syllabi for next semester’s courses, make sure he remembered to grade the papers on post-Civil War industrialism for his 201 class, and write up this semester’s midterms.

  His office mate and oft-times drinking buddy, Timothy, came jogging up. “You’re going to fall in a hole one day, texting while walking.”

  “I wasn’t texting! I was reading.”

  Timothy chuckled. “Like there’s a difference. You know they give you a huge ticket if they catch you doing that while driving.”

  “Good thing I don’t own a car.” He’d made it out of Bram’s life with not much more than his laptop, his clothes, and his books. “And unless something has changed in the last day, neither do you, so I don’t have to worry about borrowing and texting either, butthead.”

  Timothy’s laugh filled the air, making everyone in the crowded courtyard turn and look. That was one of the reasons they’d become friends. Tim’s joy was infectious.

  “You coming to the Rainbow Mixer tonight?” Tim asked, walking along with Kenn toward the office. “The new student population is yummy, and I’m hoping to see a lot of them at the mixer.”

  “I have things to do.” He could wash his hair, trim his toenails.

  “No way.” Tim shook his head and grabbed his hand, stopping them just short of the heavy wooden doors to the Wilde Building. “You didn’t go last year, but I’m not letting you weasel out of it this year. I’m not asking you to hook up or meet the love of your life or anything. But you need to make more friends, get out, see and be seen.”

  “You know how I feel about parties, honey.” He wasn’t damaged or anything, just… not ready to put himself through the meat market again.

  “It’s a mixer. Show up. Have one drink. Let the kids see you in case some little freshman is nervous about coming out to you, and then we’ll go have a slice of cheesecake and a coffee at Alice’s.”

  “Oh….” Alice’s apple cinnamon cheesecake was to die for. He’d have to do a hundred extra laps in the pool, but it was worth it.

  Tim looked triumphant. “We can even go at eight o’clock—they’re never that busy right off the bat. That way by the time it starts getting crowded, we’ll be on our way out.” Tim opened the door and ushered him in.

  “You’re a tempter,” Kenn said. He shook his head. “You should be ashamed.”

  “Uh-huh. Fuck off.”

  They made their way up to their shared office, and Tim turned the sign they’d made for its door to The Professors Are In before they settled in at their respective desks. They worked silently for a while, each focused on what they were doing. Kenn’s spreadsheets weren’t exactly fascinating, but they had to be done.

  “You should wear that bright blue shirt with the baby blue sweater on top of your skinny jeans,” Tim suggested out of nowhere.

  “I can’t just go in this?” This was a retro Nine Inch Nails T-shirt and a pair of khakis with boat shoes. He knew he’d have to change, but it was totally worth the tease.

  Tim looked appropriately horrified. “Don’t make me come home with you and physically dress you.”

  “I don’t think two people would fit in our studios, Tim.”

  It was a constant joke between them—the house where they both lived right off campus had been broken up into six tiny studio apartments. Thank God Tim lived next door. The pair of TAs who lived in two of the downstairs units slept in one apartment and made the second into a living room.

  “Dude, we need to find bigger places.” Tim grinned. “Just remember I know where you live, and I’m not letting you weasel out of tonight.”

  “And you remember that you promised me cheesecake, butthead.”

  “There will be cheesecake. And I’m going home to start primping. Don’t stay here too long because you are changing, and you are coming.”

  “Uh-huh. I have a few more spreadsheets and a couple of—”

  “I will text you at six thirty, dude.”


  “I mean it!”

  “Okay, okay.” Kenn made shooing motions.

  Tim’s laughter echoed back to him from down the hallway.

  He’d show up, but it was only for the cheesecake. That was it.

  Only for the cheesecake and to shut Tim up.

  Chapter Two

  DAVE GRABBED his beer and took a sip before wandering away from the bar. He had to give it to the Queer Alliance—they really knew how to decorate for a Rainbow Mixer. It totally looked like a unicorn had barfed all over the place.

  His newly self-appointed best friend, Anita, sidled up next to him. “Looks great, doesn’t it?”

  Given that she was on the event committee, he knew she’d had a hand in the decorations.

  “Very colorful,” he told her, hoping she didn’t press him. He didn’t like lying, but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings either. He was generally more of a black leather and silver buckle sort of man, but this was… impossible to ignore.

  She was happy with his answer, bouncing and kissing his cheek.

  He was new to the campus, coming to the university to do his masters, and had found a room with five other TAs who lived in a great big old house—frat style, really. And honestly, he was grateful Anita had latched on to him. She knew everyone and everything about the school. She’d been the one to insist that the mixer was the best way to meet people.

  It was certainly well-attended—undergrads and graduate students, along with professors, some of whom had the confident joviality of tenured faculty while others appeared more anxious to please. Impressive.

  Anita took hold of his arm and began dragging him around, introducing him to everyone. It was a good thing he had a knack for putting together self-reminders for names and faces because he must have met a hundred people in less t
han an hour. His beer was long gone, and Anita seemed determined to ensure he met absolutely everyone before letting him go get another.

  “Have you met Drs. Brannigan and Parker? They’re from the history department.”

  “My first history profs,” he joked. He shook their hands, giving the slender blond a longer smile. Pretty. Very pretty.

  “I’m Tim, this is Kenneth.” The redhead was bouncy, all kinetic energy. “Anita, you have outdone yourself.”

  Dave wondered for one brief moment what it would take to tame that vivacity. A little bondage? No, a lot of bondage. But most of his attention remained on the much quieter Kenneth. With this man the trick would be to make him lose control. It could be a delicious challenge.

  “Thank you, Dr. Parker,” Anita said. “I appreciate it. Do you mind if I leave David here with you? I have to check on the snacks.”

  “Of course. We’ll make sure he doesn’t get lost.” Tim had a quick smile. “Oh look, Kenn! There’s a reporter. Let’s go talk to him.”

  “Go ahead, Tim. I’m not interested in publicity, huh?”

  “Oh. Right. I got it. I’ll just go and see what’s what.”

  Dave chuckled as the redhead bebopped his way over to the reporter. “If we could bottle that energy….”

  “Yes indeed. We all say that twelve times a day.”

  “I’m sure. So Anita said history. What’s your focus? Is that what they call it? Or would specialty make more sense?”

  “My focus is North American history, specifically post-industrial and LGBT studies. I also teach western civ.”

  “Cool. I’m archaeology. I’ll be doing my first TA work this year.” He was actually a little nervous. It was a sensation he wasn’t that used to.

  “Ah, I remember those days. I’m sure you’ll do fine. Who are you working under? Dr. Jonas?”

  “Yeah. She’s one of the big reasons why I decided to do my masters here.”

  “Welcome to campus. It’s a good place.”

  “Thanks.” Dave liked Kenneth’s quiet voice, and he wanted to engage him in conversation. “You have to tell me where the best pizza joint is. That’s always the first place I try to discover.”

  “Do you like thick or thin?”

  The temptation to ask if they were still talking about pizza was huge. Dave went for something not quite as suggestive, but he did let his eyes slowly climb from Kenneth’s feet to his face. “I guess it depends what I’m in the mood for.”

  “If you like thin, then Oscar’s is the place. If you like thick crust, Davidos is great.”

  “Davidos? You know I’m going to have to give a place that’s nearly my namesake a try. Especially if they’re thick….” He let the sentence trail off, his unspoken “Like me” lingering in the air.

  Kenneth’s gaze flickered away. “It’s decadent. Try the sausage, if that’s your thing. It’s better than sex.”

  Interesting. Kenneth had gotten it, Dave thought, but wasn’t sure what to do with it. Still, Kenneth had brought up sex, so Dave would run with it. “I love sausage—pun definitely intended. And nothing is better than sex. Of course if you need empirical evidence….”

  Kenneth chuckled softly. “I’m not in the market for anything more involved than pizza.”

  “But you are in the market for pizza. You should come with me to Davidos. Better yet, we’ll have one from each back at my place and compare them, see which one is better.”

  “Did you manage to find an apartment? I know that’s the biggest concern around here.”

  “I’m rooming with a bunch of folks—it’s how I met Anita. You’d like it. I’m serious, come see it and eat pizza with me and tell me outrageous stories about the academy.” What he really wanted to know more about was Kenneth.

  “Oh, I have papers to grade….” Those green eyes were fastened on Dave, though, the interest clear.

  “Already? You’re a hard taskmaster. On yourself as well as the students.” He nudged Kenneth’s shoulder. “Come on. Play hooky with me tomorrow evening.”

  “How about we meet at Davidos for supper? I don’t have any evening classes.”

  Cautious. Dave wondered if there was a story there.

  “Sure thing. Six?”

  “Six thirty?”

  A little pushy too. He kind of liked it. “Six fifteen.” They could meet in the middle.

  “I can manage that. Uh. Do you have a phone number if I have to cancel or something?”

  “I was just thinking we should exchange deets.” He pulled out his phone and handed it over.

  Kenneth typed in his information. “There you go. Would… would you like another beer or something? Tim and I are supposed to get cheesecake after this, but I can tell he’s not ready to go.”

  “Yeah, sounds good. You want my digits in your phone too?”

  “Please.” Kenneth handed his phone over, careful not to make contact.

  Dave typed in his info and handed it back, knocking their fingers together as he did, absolutely unsurprised at the jolt of electricity that passed between them.

  Kenneth was a keeper.

  He smiled, letting the phone go. “How about that drink?”

  “The bar is over here.” Kenneth eased through the crowd, confident but not aggressive.

  Dave dropped a step behind so he could check out what he was sure was a lovely ass. Sure enough, that bubble butt was perfectly encased in a tight pair of blue jeans. Yummy. He caught back up by the time they hit the bar. “So what’s your poison?”

  “I’ll have a glass of white, I think.”

  “One glass of white and a beer, please.” He passed over a twenty.

  “I can pay for my own.”

  “You can buy me cheesecake later, and we’ll call it even.” He could be aggressive too. In fact he was very good at it.

  “I… okay. That’s fair.”

  Excellent. This way he could spend more time with the lovely professor. The bartender handed over the drinks, and he passed Kenneth’s to him.

  Once again, electricity sparked when their fingers touched, and he enjoyed the way Kenneth’s nostrils flared. It was definitely not one-sided.

  “Thank you. Are you a David or a Dave? And archaeology? What’s your area of study?”

  “North American studies. And Dave or David. Whatever turns you on. Just not Davie.” He wasn’t a kid anymore.

  “No, you don’t read as a Davie.” Kenneth sipped his drink, and suddenly David could see Kenneth as Kenny, red bottomed and standing in a corner, kneeling in front of him, bound, head in his lap. Oh, those were pretty thoughts.

  His prick took an interest, so he let his thoughts veer elsewhere. He didn’t want a raging hard-on, not anywhere as public as where they currently were. “You’re a potential Kenny, though.”

  “No one calls me that. I’m a Kenn.”

  “Is that what your students call you?” He couldn’t see Kenny as anything but Professor Brannigan to the kids.

  “Dr. B, for the most part.”

  “Oh, I like that. Dr. B.” He let his tongue roll over it, made it sexy. That was a totally acceptable public name. Kenny could be utterly, perfectly private.

  They moved out of the way of the bar, and a young kid—had to be a freshman—came over, looking like he’d gathered up all his courage to approach them.

  “Hi. Hi. I’m Wilson.”

  “Hello, Wilson. I’m Dr. Brannigan. Pleased to meet you.” Kenn held one hand out to shake.

  The kid took Kenn’s hand and shook it, then held on to it. “I’m in three of your classes this semester. You’re like, my hero.”

  Now that was adorable.

  “Western civ, North American 101 and…?”

  “LGBT studies. I sit in the front every class. Remember me?”

  Huh. This had the potential to be something other than adorable.

  “Ah, yes. I’m teaching totally new material in that one, and I’m obviously into my notes.” Kenn smiled. “This is David. He’s teaching archae

  Dave shook the guy’s hand, squeezing a little harder than necessary. Back off, kid. You’re a baby, and this one’s mine.

  Okay, maybe not his, but he sure intended to try for it.

  “It’s my first year here too. Though I’m going for my masters, doing TA work. Seems like a friendly campus, doesn’t it? I bet you make a lot of friends, if not here at the mixer, then at the club meetings.”

  “I hope so. I really do. I….” Wilson looked around. “Have you been to the meetings yet?”

  “Nope. Have you, Dr. B?”

  “I have not. However, I know some of the board, and they’re very nice.”

  “There you go, kid. Attend the meetings. Meet people, and make sure you have breakfast every day. Most important meal of the day.”

  Wilson rolled his eyes. “Thanks, Mom.”

  Dave grinned. That’s right, kid. Nothing here for you—just us old folks.

  “I’ll see you in class tomorrow,” Kenn said.

  Dave waited for Wilson to leave, then asked, “You teach five days a week?”

  “I’m teaching three three-times-a-week classes this year, all mornings.”

  “Busy, busy.” He had a hunch Kenn liked to keep himself that way.

  “Yes. It’s an income. Tenure is getting harder and harder to come by.”

  “Don’t tell me things like that—I’m supposed to be full of hope, still,” Dave teased.

  “Ah, right. Teaching is lucrative and rewarding, and I don’t live in the tiniest place on earth.”

  “And you have cheesecake on occasion with hot archaeology TAs.”

  “And nutso history professors that specialize in Tudor—”

  The wild redhead in question came running up. “So. Cheesecake? Later? Please? Hot off-duty cop expressing interest.”

  Kenn chuckled. “Text me so I know you’re safe, huh?”

  “Best best friend ever. I swear I will bring you bagels between your nine and ten o’clock class.” With that Tim gave Kenn a kiss on the cheek and was gone.

  “I guess it’s just you and me.” And Dave couldn’t see anything bad in that.

  “I suppose, yes. I was going to head over to Alice’s Diner. Do you know it?”


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