Book Read Free

Educating the Professor

Page 5

by Sean Michael

  “How did you find it?”



  “Kijiji—the place to list things. Like craigslist?”

  “Ah.” Sometimes he felt like he was getting old.

  “You can find anything on there. Even jobs. It’s kind of crazy.”

  “Rock on.” Did people still say that?

  They walked along, turning into the residential area to the east of the campus. The houses here were old and large and converted into apartments like his own. Quite a few were still one dwelling, though.

  David turned up a path to an old, dilapidated house that was all the more charming for its need of repairs. It had character.

  “This is fabulous.” He would love to take a big old house like this and renovate it one day.

  “Isn’t it? You’ve got to see the interior.” They went in, and the place was warm inside. Warm—that was the best way to describe it. The wood might be worn instead of polished, but it looked lived-in rather than shabby. The furniture looked like it belonged too. Eclectic but solid.

  “So down here is all common area. The rooms are upstairs. Did you want anything out of the kitchen, a drink or something before we go up?”

  “No. No, I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Okay. I’ve got a tiny fridge with drinks in case you get thirsty.” David led him up an amazing staircase. About four feet wide, it wound its way upstairs, the wood handrail gleaming.

  They went into the second door on the right. It was about two-thirds the size of Kenn’s entire apartment, with a large bed against the back wall and a cushioned window seat that looked like the perfect perch for reading. Speaking of reading, there were stacks of books everywhere. The place wasn’t a disaster, but it wasn’t neat, either.

  Someone needed a maid. He chuckled. Not everyone was a neat freak.

  “Why don’t we sit on the bed? That’s not a come-on. It’s the most comfortable place to sit.”

  “I’d love to.” Kenn sat gingerly, trying not to be self-conscious.

  David put a couple of pillows against the headboard and leaned against them. He put two more pillows on the other side and patted the space beside him. “Come sit back—you can’t be comfortable perched on the edge like that.”

  “Are you sure?” He moved up and settled next to David, finding it surprisingly cozy.

  “See?” David grinned at him, looking at ease and happy. Looking hot, really.

  “Yes, I see.” He probably looked like a monkey, smiling back like he didn’t have a thought in his head.

  David leaned in but stopped shy of pressing their lips together. “I want to kiss you again.”

  “Do you? Is that wise?” He wanted it too.

  “Honestly? I don’t care if it is or not.” David closed the last scant inch between them, and his lips were warm and soft as they moved gently against Kenn’s.

  He reached out and let his hand rest on David’s thigh, finding it muscled, solid. David hummed in response, lips continuing to glide against his, making his skin tingle. Kenn sighed and relaxed, letting himself enjoy it for a moment.

  David closed his eyes, pressing their lips together a little bit harder. There was a promise in those kisses. A promise of more, of pleasure and joy.

  You don’t have love affairs, Kenneth. He had to remind himself of that. He was too needy, too apt to cling, and no one wanted that.

  David brought his hand up, cupped his cheek. It was so warm, the touch so gentle. Oh. Oh, he leaned into those fingers and moaned.

  At the sound, David slid his tongue along Kenn’s lips, the touch almost ghostlike. Kenn’s lips parted like they had a mind of their own, the slick caress near perfect.

  David didn’t try to shove his tongue deep or make gross noises or anything. The delicate caress of David’s mouth was just enough to cause more tingles, to feel super intimate.

  To show Kenn that David cared.

  David pulled back slowly, eyes opening, gaze finding Kenn’s. Smiling, David rubbed their noses together. “I could become addicted to kissing you.”

  “That would be dangerous, wouldn’t it?” He wasn’t going to fall in love, wasn’t going to lose himself.

  “Dangerous?” David frowned, tilted his head. “Kissing you? I don’t think so at all.”

  “No? I think kissing you might be.”

  “Nonsense.” David leaned in and kissed him again.

  This time he opened up when David begged entrance. David slipped his tongue in, sweeping gently through his mouth before touching Kenn’s tongue, sliding along it.

  Kenn inhaled, his eyes crossing as heat began to build inside him. David nibbled on his lower lip, teeth not scraping, not hurting, only making him feel. His nipples tightened, along with his ball sac, and he told himself to relax, to let it go and chill.

  More kisses followed, each one different except for how they all made him feel like he was the center of David’s world.

  A voice inside him insisted that this was a terrible idea, that he shouldn’t do this, but he ignored it. For now. For a few more kisses.

  David didn’t try to do anything else, didn’t draw him closer or roll on top of him. It was simply the kisses. Of course, simple was a misnomer. They were amazing and wonderful. Arousing. Not simple at all.

  Together they sank onto the sheets, sliding down until they were lying flat, face-to-face, exchanging kisses. It felt like they could do this all night long.

  The lamplight drew fascinating shapes on David’s face, making him look like an otherworldly being. His long lashes rested on his cheeks, the closed eyes making it seem like David was concentrating 100 percent on Kenn.

  He smiled, tracing David’s jawline with one finger. David hummed, the sound pushing into his mouth and filling him.

  “I should go. I’m sure it’s getting late.” He didn’t want to, though.

  “It’s the weekend, right? We can stay up as late as we want.”

  “You make a good argument.”

  “I’m extremely motivated.” David gave him another kiss, and it was sweet, delicious even, and he let it go. He wanted this, badly. More than coffee on a Monday morning.

  David didn’t say anything else, just continued to kiss him. Kenn lost track of time, of everything around them. All that existed were the kisses David kept pressing on him.

  His cock was hard, but he wasn’t moved to anything more. He could stay right here.

  David seemed to be in the same mind frame, not trying anything with him. The focus was on the kisses. Totally on them.

  By the time they pulled apart, Kenn’s lips felt swollen and heated. David smiled at him, eyes warm, aroused, but still David didn’t push him or try for more.

  “Wow.” Very articulate, Dr. Brannigan.

  David didn’t seem to mind, grinning at him and rubbing their noses together. “I totally agree.”

  “Good, because otherwise….”

  “It would suck.” David slid his fingers through Kenn’s hair.

  “Exactly.” That made his toes curl.

  “Well, it doesn’t suck. Although I do.” David’s eyes twinkled.

  “David!” Oh damn. His body burned.

  Chuckling, David rubbed their noses together. “What? It’s the truth.”

  “Is it? I… I have to admit, I’ve been known to as well.”

  “Oh yeah? That’s wonderful. I’m rather fond of being sucked.”

  Could he do this? Kenn wondered. Just have a meaningless thing where he didn’t get involved? Even as his body said yes, his heart wasn’t so sure. David had already become his friend.

  “What are you thinking, Kenn?”

  “I’m wondering whether I could have a meaningless fling with someone I’m already friends with.”

  “What’s wrong with a meaningful fling?” David asked, still playing with his hair.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  “Then I vote for that, because anything I do with you now wouldn’t be meaningless
at all.” David held his gaze, refusing to let him look away as they spoke.

  “I’ve sworn off relationships,” he whispered.

  “But we’re in a relationship now, aren’t we? We’re friends. Good friends, I’d like to think.”

  “I think we are. Good friends.” He didn’t kiss men he didn’t like.

  “Then we’re already in a relationship,” David informed him. “So you can’t say you don’t do them.” David kissed him before he could rebut or question the logic.

  He groaned, the sound shocking him with its volume. David deepened the kiss, like that had been a signal to do so, tongue sliding along his again. This time, though, David drew him close, rocking them together, nudging their erections against one another.

  He wasn’t the only one reacting to what was happening between them. David was clearly as affected, and it made him feel sensual, sexual.

  He explored David’s spine, tugging at his shirt idly. David shifted for him, and the shirt slid up as the end came out of David’s jeans. This was a mistake. A terrible, wonderful mistake.

  He touched the smooth, warm skin of David’s lower back, drew a lazy circle. Groaning, David pushed closer, and their erections pressed against each other, hardness to hardness.

  He was in so much trouble. So much wonderful trouble.

  David caught hold of his tongue and began sucking gently. He could feel each pull deep inside him, settling in his balls. Each tug made him whimper, made his hips roll.

  “Wanna take our shirts off?” David asked, wriggling out of his own, offering him a great chest to touch. David’s pecs were firm, his abs washboard. So… inviting.

  He reached out, flattened his hands on David’s chest. David’s moan made the skin beneath his touch vibrate.

  “Your turn, Kenn. Let me see you.”

  He moaned, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. David leaned in, kissing his skin as it was revealed by the unbuttoning. His nipples drew up, the little promises of pleasure making him ache.

  When he got enough buttons undone that they were exposed, David groaned. “Waiting for me.”

  Kenn shook his head, but it was true. He played with his nips when he jacked off. He loved nipple play.

  “You want me to take it slow?” David leaned in and blew on his right nipple, air warm with a barely there touch.

  He moaned softly, his toes curling.

  “You’ve got sensitive ones, eh?” David blew again, harder this time so there was more air, but the touch was still gentle as hell.

  “Yes, I guess so.” He brought David’s face up, took another kiss.

  David smiled into the kiss, tongue slipping out to touch his lips. As it did, David slid his fingers over Kenn’s left nipple, making it zing.

  More. He thought the plea, then made himself relax, made himself breathe.

  David rubbed his thumb across the same bit of flesh. “I want to taste them.”

  “I….” He swallowed hard, but he wanted it. At least a hint.

  David held his gaze for a moment, but must have read it in his face because he bent and whipped his tongue across Kenn’s right nipple.

  Kenn whined softly, hips rolling up instinctively.

  David touched the tip of flesh with his tongue again, then wrapped his lips around it and began to pull. Kenn’s mouth opened, his eyes going wide with the rhythmic pulling. Every now and then David would flick his tongue across the tip of his nipple, marrying the two amazing sensations.

  Kenn moaned, the sound refusing to stay caught inside him. David made a noise just like it, low and needy.

  “I…. This is getting intense.”

  “It is.” David raised his head, sharing the pillow with him again and smiling. “Nothing below the belt. Not tonight.”

  “Nothing below the belt.” That was fair.

  “Not tonight.” David kissed him again, and it was as good now as it had been earlier. Better, maybe, the throb of his nipple adding a little something extra to each kiss.

  He held on, sharing one kiss after another, becoming more and more dazed. The touch to his left nipple made him gasp like he’d been pinched. He hadn’t, though, David’s fingers super gentle, almost featherlight. He held on to David’s shoulders, steadying himself.

  David was intoxicating, honestly. Kenn was drunk without a drop of alcohol passing his lips.

  He moaned and rocked into David, licking into David’s lips. David focused on sliding their tongues together and teasing his nipples with those gentle, crazy-making touches. God, when he masturbated, he’d squeeze hard, tug them, make them ache. That made it hyperreal, though—this wasn’t his own hand, and he wasn’t on his own. It was David who was touching him, making him feel good.

  His cock was hard as nails, but he kept his hips still, kept his erection away from David.

  Groaning, David wrapped his fingers around Kenn’s nipple and tugged, still gentle. At first anyway.

  “Driving me a little crazy, you know?”

  “You need more?” David pinched, and he felt the little sting down to his toes. “I’m trying to go slowly as I don’t have a complete canvas to work with.”

  “I… a complete canvas?”

  “Just above the belt, right?” David slid his fingers down across Kenn’s belly, stopping at his waistband and teasing his fingers back and forth along that line.

  “Uh. Uh-huh….” His belly rippled.

  “Oh God, that was pretty.” David continued to stroke, eyes on Kenn’s stomach.

  “Lots of laps.”

  “This kind of lap?” David asked, scooting partway down the bed and licking at Kenn’s belly.

  “Oh….” He arched like the world’s biggest slut, pushing into David’s lips.

  David tugged a bit of skin from next to his navel between his lips, sucking hard enough to leave a mark.

  Fuck, that burn was sweet, and he had to muffle his moan in his fist.

  When David was finished with drawing it up, he pulled back and licked, then blew across Kenn’s wet skin.

  “I…. You’re making it difficult to resist you.”

  “Am I supposed to be sorry about that? Because I’m not.”

  “No?” He chuckled and stretched, trying to relax, chill the fuck out.

  “I like you, Kenn. I haven’t gotten along with anyone as well as I have with you in forever. So I’m going to take it slow, and I’m going to enjoy every second in your company. But I’m also going to hope for more.”

  “I’ve sworn off relationships—romantic entanglements. I’m not…” Capable. Able. Functional. “…ready.”

  “I know. But eventually you will be, right?” David didn’t let him answer, kissing him again. God, would that ever not be distracting?

  He let the kisses carry him away, make him float into a world of pure sensation. David began touching again too: soft flicks to his nipples, harder rubbing of one finger around the areola, pressing into his skin, and the occasional, shocking because it was rare, pinch and tug.

  He began to moan, and he told himself to stop, to breathe. David wasn’t helping, though, continuing to touch him, to turn him on. He finally had to pull away, curl into himself, breathe.

  “Kenn?” David’s hand was warm on his shoulder.

  “I need to get hold of myself.”

  “You’re allowed to have emotions,” David murmured.

  No. No, he wasn’t.

  David rubbed his back, hand warm on his bare skin. “Talk to me.”

  “I just….” No. No, you can’t fuck yourself. “I’m sorry. I needed to breathe.”

  David stroked his cheek, then slid his hand over Kenn’s head. God, the man was warm. Kenn wanted to sink against David and let the guy hold him. He didn’t, though.

  “You think maybe what’s going on between us is trying to tell you that you’re ready?”

  “I think that… I have fucked everything up with lovers. Everything.”

  “It takes two to fuck things up, Kenn.”

  “That’s the r
umor.” It wasn’t true, though.

  “Then it wasn’t just your fault,” David insisted.

  “You don’t understand. I have a problem with… with being too demanding.” He wanted to be taken. He wanted to be made to scream. He wanted to…. He shook his head. Stop it.

  “Too demanding? You might have to be more specific.”

  “I ask too much from my lovers. Really, it doesn’t matter.”

  “Then you’ve had the wrong lovers. And of course it matters.”

  “Shh. You don’t….” He turned and offered David his mouth again.

  David accepted the distraction, humming softly as he slid his tongue into Kenn’s mouth. The kiss was still good, still amazing, even with the weight of his worries hiding behind it.

  David held the back of his head, rocking him, cradling him, and it was so good. Tugging Kenn up against his solid body, David deepened their kisses further.

  He stopped stressing about things—for a second, he told himself. For a minute.

  David rolled onto his back, bringing Kenn with him. That put Kenn half on top of David, their skin sliding together. Humming, David slid his hands along Kenn’s back. He slipped one of his legs between David’s, bringing his balls against one hard thigh.

  David arched, rubbing them together, but only the once; then he focused back on the kisses and the gentle touches, leaving tingles along Kenn’s spine. He let himself lean, so slowly that David wouldn’t notice, putting sweet pressure on his balls.

  David explored, his fingers sliding all over Kenn’s exposed skin, but not wandering below his waist for even a moment. Every touch made the ache a little bit better, a little bit deeper.

  Their kisses were noisy, and the sounds joined the clamor of their breath gasping from them, filling the room with a sexual symphony. Insane. Wonderful and utterly insane.

  Kenn had no idea how long for the kissing lasted. It seemed like it went on forever, but also like they’d only been doing it a few minutes. His skin was on fire, each touch seeming more than the last, the kisses only serving to make it all even better.

  “Driving me out of my mind, David.”

  “Okay. I’d drive you home later, too, but I don’t have a car.” Then David brought their mouths back together again.

  Did that even make sense? Seriously? He didn’t think so. Still, David’s touches and kisses really were intoxicating, and he didn’t care if what David had said made sense or not. He was busy.


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