Book Read Free

Educating the Professor

Page 7

by Sean Michael

“You any good at chopping? Let’s start with the onions—get them in first, then we can add the other stuff. If you’d like meat in with your omelet, I can do them separately.”

  “No. No, I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  Dave gave him a warm smile. “I appreciate you being willing to eat veggie with me. I promise not to be offended if you feel the need for meat, though.”

  “No big. I’ll satisfy my craving for sausage with Timothy.”

  Dave’s mouth dropped open; then he giggled. “You can totally eat my sausage any time you’d like.”

  “Nom, nom, nom.” Kenn could tease too. Friends teased.

  “We’re going to have to call yours something other than sausage, seeing as I’m vegetarian. I’d hate for it to be off the menu. Carrot? Parsnip? Daikon radishes are pretty long and thick….” Dave’s eyes danced merrily, twinkling at him.

  “I’m not sure calling it a carrot is sexy, but whatever gets you through the night….”

  “Calling it a sausage isn’t really that sexy, either, is it? It’s one of those things people do.” Dave finished taking things out of the fridge, then grabbed a couple of knives and cutting boards. “Let’s slice some veg.”

  “Sure. What are you looking for—chunky or tiny?”

  “Whatever makes you happy.” Dave grabbed a large frying pan and set it on the stove, then joined him at the counter.

  Kenn started chopping, going for fairly small because it went inside eggs. Dave worked next to him, humming to some song that was playing in his head. They worked together comfortably, easily. He couldn’t believe he was doing this, that he was happy. He glanced over at Dave, who looked back and grinned, then went back chopping.

  “Help yourself to some coffee,” Dave suggested when they were done.

  “Is it good coffee?” He was a little picky.

  “It depends on who made it and how long it’s been sitting there. I usually pick one up on my way to work,” Dave admitted. “You want orange juice instead?”

  “I think so. You?” He might go pick up coffee here in a bit.

  “Yeah, that would be good. I’m pretty sure I have some left.” Dave put the onions in the pan, then checked the fridge. He pulled out a box of orange juice and grabbed two glasses from the cupboard. When it turned out there was only three-quarters of a glass left, he gave that to Kenn and filled the other glass with water from the tap.

  “I’ll go get dressed and grab coffees for us if you want?”

  “The food’s going to be ready in about five minutes—how about we get coffees after we eat?” Dave stirred the onions then added the garlic.

  “Sounds perfect.” Lazy and luscious and easy.

  A woman dressed only in boxers and a spaghetti-strap T-shirt came in and grabbed a mug, went over to fill it with coffee.

  Dave turned toward her. “Good morning.”

  She grunted and buried her nose in her mug.

  Dave chuckled. “This is my friend Kenn. Kenn, this is Annie.”

  She swallowed a few times, then lowered the cup and gave him a smile. “Hey, Kenn. Nice to meet you.”

  “Good morning.” He felt like his cheeks were going to catch on fire.

  “Annie’s not a morning person,” Dave pointed out.

  “God no, I’m not.” Annie downed the rest of her mug of coffee, then refilled it with the last from the pot. She took another sip and made a face. “This is the worst coffee ever.” She opened the fridge and added a bunch of milk to her mug.

  Good to know. “Dave warned me, thank goodness.”

  “This one is worse than usual. But I have to be at the library in twenty minutes and actually contribute to the group, so….” She shrugged, added a bunch of sugar to her cup, then shuffled her way out.

  “Oh, I hate Saturday meetings,” Kenn commented. “I never schedule them.”

  “Yeah. I’ll probably have to do grading and studying on the weekends, but ick. Plus this group she’s working with are idiots.” Dave poured the eggs into the pan.

  “I read a lot on Saturday. Sunday is for brunch and preparing lectures.”

  “Well, I’ve certainly enjoyed spending this morning reading with you.”

  “Yes. It’s been… the loveliest Saturday in recent memory.”

  Dave beamed at him, then turned back to the pan and flipped the omelet before sliding it onto a plate. Dave placed it in front of him. “Ta-da.”

  He applauded, giving credit where it was due. “It looks amazing.”

  “Thanks. I like having an omelet on the weekend, but brunch on the weekends is surprisingly expensive, so I learned how to do my favorites.” Dave plated his own and set it down on the table before sitting next to Kenn.

  “God, don’t I know. I splurge every Sunday. It’s an indulgence, but….” He liked pretending he was still someone’s husband, like he wasn’t living in a tiny apartment and walking everywhere.

  “Yeah? Where do you go? Is there somewhere special here?” Dave drank some of his water, then dug into his omelet, but Kenn was aware he had Dave’s full attention.

  “There’s a little restaurant that does the whole shebang—mimosas, rashers of bacon, pancakes, eggs Benedict, cantaloupe.”

  “I love cantaloupe. It’s like a sweet little palate cleanser. And who can resist a mimosa?”

  “I’ve always loved Sunday brunch.” Always.

  “So maybe tomorrow you can show me your brunch place.” Dave grinned. “It could be a continuation of the culinary tour you’ve been taking me on.”

  “I could.” It would be worth it, this once. “We could toast one another.”

  “I’d like that.” Dave put another bite of omelet on his fork and nodded at Kenn’s plate. “Don’t let it get cold.”

  “Right. Sorry.” He needed to relax. This was a weekend out of time.

  “If you don’t like it, you can tell me. I promise not to get upset or anything.” Dave was so nice.

  “Nonsense. What’s not to like? I was caught in my brain. It happens.”

  “Cool. And not nonsense. I don’t want you to think you can’t tell me how you feel about food. Well, about anything, really. I’m all about communication.”

  Kenn smiled and nodded, but focused on eating, on the now. He could process everything later.

  “We were talking about getting coffee after we’d eaten. How about turning it into a walk with coffee, since we missed out on swimming? That way we still get some exercise in. It looks like a lovely day out there.”

  “I’d love that. We can have a wander, and I’ll show you around.” Kenn grinned, waving his fork. “We could go on a used bookstore crawl.”

  Dave’s face lit up. “Yes!” Then he laughed. “Now that I’ve revealed that I really am the world’s biggest dork….”

  “We can share the title. I don’t mind.”

  “You don’t seem like a dork to me.” Dave speared the last bit of his omelet. “You seem like a really nice, smart guy who’s got great interests and is fascinating.”

  He shook his head. No. He was merely a professor and a decent friend. “Just a dude.”

  “Well, you’re a dude I like an awful lot.” Dave finished his omelet and drank the rest of his water, then took his dishes over to the sink. “Bring yours over when you’re done. I’m just going to wash what dishes we used. It’s amazing how quickly the counters get disgusting when you’ve got five different people living under one roof. I always make sure I’m not contributing to any funkitude.”

  “I can only imagine. The space is nice.” He ate noodles and frozen dinners every night he didn’t go out.

  Dave made short work of their dishes, doing Kenn’s, too, when he was done. “There we go. Like we were never here. You wanna share a shower before we get dressed and go out?”

  “Lord, I haven’t done that since….” Bram. “A long time ago.”

  Dave’s grin got wicked. “Then it’s about time you did it again. Come on. Before anyone else is up so we have lots of hot water.”
r />   “I like the way you think.” He grabbed Dave’s hand. “Let’s go.”

  They raced upstairs, laughing as they went, and Dave tugged him into the bathroom a few doors down from his bedroom. “I think I’ve got clean cloths in the cupboard.” Dave checked and pulled down a couple of dark blue bath towels. “Bingo!”

  “Woo!” His cheeks were burning, heated, and his body was beginning to respond.

  Dave set the towels down on the counter and moved to turn on the water, bending over the tub, butt in the air, tempting him.

  He reached down, unable to resist, and squeezed.

  Dave hooted, the sound surprised, and shot up straight. He turned, laughing, and hugged Kenn. “You surprised me.”

  “You stuck it out there, didn’t you?”

  “I guess I did at that. Although I was doing what I always do. But next time I’ll do it on purpose and be expecting it.”

  Next time. Oh, that sounded… amazing.

  Dave tested the water with his hand, then switched it so it came out of the shower. He yelped and pulled the shower curtain closed. “Someone left it pointing out of the tub. Butthead.” Dave was laughing, though.

  Kenn wasn’t sure he could share a bathroom with a roommate, but he respected the hell out of Dave for it.

  Dave went over and locked the door, then stripped. He held the curtain open for Kenn. “After you.”

  He shucked his clothes and bowed. “Thank you, sir.”

  Dave hummed softly at his words, followed him into the shower, and slid one hand along his spine. Oh, that was nice. There was something about Dave’s hands, about the lovely touch.

  The water fell around them, and Dave stepped up close, smiling down at him, before bringing their mouths together.

  Kenn tried to remind himself that he wasn’t into this, but… who was he kidding?

  He sank against Dave, who supported him, holding him close as they kissed. Dave’s hands moved over his skin, petting him, encouraging him to melt.

  “Want to make you feel good, Kenn. I want to make you come.”

  “Again?” Oh God.

  “That was hours ago—of course again.” Dave grinned and nibbled at his lips. “I want to give you all the orgasms.”

  “I… thank you.” That was the correct response, right?

  “Mmm, you’re welcome.” Dave cupped his balls, arm against his cock, putting pressure on it. His eyelids went heavy, and the urge to press down was so hard to resist.

  “You want to fuck my hand?” Dave asked. “You’re allowed.” Dave’s grip tightened, and Kenn moaned deep in his throat. “Or you can have a little ache.”

  “Please… I don’t….” He couldn’t face that about himself again. Never again.

  “Don’t what, baby?” Dave squeezed his balls again.

  He didn’t answer—he was caught between pleasure and panic.

  Dave let go, nuzzling his face, hands moving to wrap around his waist. “You want me to stop and I will, Kenn.”

  “I’m sorry. I…. God.” He shut himself up with a kiss. Shut up, you idiot.

  Dave groaned, mouth opening and letting him in. He kept kissing, making sure Dave knew he wanted this. No talking. No secrets. Just fun, easy sex.

  Dave leaned back against the tile, bringing him along so he could lean against all that warm skin. Dave grabbed his ass and squeezed.

  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around Dave’s middle and held on. Dave kept holding his ass with one hand while the other slid up along his spine to his head. Cupping his skull, Dave tilted his head and deepened the kiss.

  That eased the tension again, allowing him to breathe. Whether Dave noticed it or not, that was the time he chose to turn them, putting him up against the tile and pressing against him. His cock pressed against Dave’s thigh and Dave’s heated belly, burning against his skin.

  He began to rock, hips arching to give Dave more.

  “Oh yeah. God, you’re sexy, Kenn. Feels so… weak, saying that. It’s not nearly good enough.”

  “I want you.” He wanted not to fuck this up.

  “Lucky me.” Dave smiled into his eyes. “I want you to want me.” Dave took another kiss, moving against him.

  He opened up and let Dave in, soft moans shared between them. Dave rocked against him, dragging their skin together in an age-old rhythm. It was easier like this, not thinking.

  Dave wrapped a hand around his cock, fingers exploring, pinching the tip and rubbing his slit.

  He arched, his heels leaving the tub. Oh fuck. Please.

  Groaning, Dave tightened his hold, and every time his hand slid up around the head of Kenn’s cock, Dave rubbed his slit. Again and again.

  He humped, world spinning madly around him. The water splashed down around them, and nothing else existed but him and Dave.

  Dave’s kisses covered his face, soothing him as that touch made him fly. He could only hope Dave was with him as they humped together, like they were trying to meld their bodies into one.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “Dave. Soon.”

  “Yeah. Do it. Wanna smell your come.”

  His eyes went wide, and he gasped, spunk spraying from him, leaving him weak-kneed. Dave’s hand stayed on his ass, holding him in place as Dave continued to hump against him. Then Dave’s face went lax, and he came as well.

  “Better.” God, so much better. “Thank you.”

  “Mmm, thank you too.” Dave’s kiss was sloppy this time, full of a goofy smile. “Being with you makes me happy.”

  “You make me….” He shook his head. No talking.

  “I’m going to assume you were about to say happy too. So if it was something else, you’ll have to tell me.” Still wearing his goofy grin, Dave grabbed the soap and ran it over Kenn’s body.

  “I’m trying to remember that I don’t have love affairs, Dave.”

  “That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.” Dave stroked his cheek. Then he grinned. “Besides, we’re not having a love affair. We’re having a friend affair.”

  “Right. We’re having a lovely new friendship with orgasms.”

  “Exactly! We can call it anything we want. We make our own rules, Kenn.”

  “Thank you.” He was so grateful that Dave understood him, heard him.

  “We’ll have to have another one where that came from later. Maybe between our walk and pizza.” Dave tugged him properly into the spray of water, hands sliding on his skin, helping the water wash away the soap.

  His balls were never going to recover.


  Dave washed himself next, making quick work of it. Then he turned off the water. “I like that look on you. The boneless, melted, you just had a great orgasm look.”

  “You bring it out of me.” No question.

  “I hope so.” Dave kissed his nose, then wrapped him in a towel, drying him gently, like he was precious.

  He tried to return the favor, but he was clumsy and fuck-addled. Dave didn’t seem to care, more focused on him. When they were done, he peeked out the door, then held out his hand.

  “If we’re quick, we can run for it.”

  “Come on, then.” They could cuddle a minute before coffee, right?

  They held hands, running down the hall wearing only their towels. Dave was laughing by the time they shut his bedroom door behind them.

  He pulled Dave onto the bed, wrapping the covers around them both, hiding them away. Dave shared kisses with him, rubbing their noses and cheeks together. “You’re something else, Kenn.”

  “Thank you. This has been…. Thank you.”

  “Yeah, it has been great, hasn’t it?” Dave pushed his hair off his face. “I’m having the best weekend ever. So thank you.”

  Kenn answered with a hard kiss. It wouldn’t last, but… he wanted to enjoy this for as long as he had it.

  Chapter Six

  DAVE WHISTLED as he headed out of the class he TA’d on Wednesday afternoons. He’d had to stay an extra twenty minutes to deal with questions from
students, but now his time was his own. He sent a text off to Kenn.

  Hey Prof—wanna get supper?

  They’d had a wonderful weekend, making love, wandering, eating, reading together. They’d even managed to go swimming on Sunday morning.

  Kenn had been busy when he’d texted and asked to get together on Monday, so Dave had been good and not asked yesterday. But he honestly missed Kenn’s company. It was more than sex he enjoyed with Kenn.

  I’m already home & in a shit mood.

  I could bring you something and me to cheer you up.

  It took a full minute before Kenn returned with, I’d like that.

  See you soon.

  He pocketed his phone and headed for Annie’s. He was pretty sure the diner had takeout. He didn’t know what Kenn’s favorite was, aside from the apple cinnamon cheesecake. He ordered a slice of that and a slice of the plain apple pie, along with the vegetarian burrito and the meatloaf special.

  In a surprisingly short time, he was on his way to Kenn’s with two bags of food.

  He headed up to Kenn’s room and kicked at the door. He was surprised when Tim answered the door.

  “Hey. I was bringing him some Tylenol. He’s in a mood.”

  “Hopefully some food will cheer him up and help get rid of his headache.” He went in. “Kenn?”

  “Hey, come on in. I’m sorry.” Kenn looked like he’d been crying, maybe, or sick.

  “I’ll leave you guys alone,” Tim said. “Feel better, Kenn.”

  “Thanks, Tim.”

  Tim left, and Dave put the food down on the little table and went over to where Kenn lay in bed. “Oh, dude. Are you sick?” He put his hand across Kenn’s forehead.

  “No. No, just a rough day.”

  “That sucks.” He pressed a soft kiss to Kenn’s lips. “I brought the meatloaf special. And if you don’t like it, you can share my veggie burrito with me. And better than that, I may have picked up a certain dessert too.”

  “You’re so dear. Thank you. How were your classes?”

  “Eh. I was thinking about you,” he admitted. In compromising positions.

  “Oh….” Kenn’s cheeks went a deep, dark red.

  He stroked one, fingers lingering on the heated skin. “Lovely man. You want to eat in bed or at the table?”


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