Book Read Free

Educating the Professor

Page 18

by Sean Michael

  “I try.”

  “Okay, boy. Are you ready for Xeno to start?”

  “No. No, this is a bad idea.”

  Dave met his eyes. “I know you need to say that. And I know you know what to say if you have to have this stopped.” Dave kissed him gently, then turned to Xeno. “We’re ready to begin.”

  “Excellent. You say Huxley, everything stops, right?”

  Kenn stared at Xeno, the man’s face a little watery. “R-right.”

  “Take a deep breath in,” Xeno told him. When he did, Xeno drew the needle through his flesh, the ring following in one smooth motion. A burn lingered behind, a dull throbbing.

  “Well done!” Xeno didn’t give him any time to think before doing his other nipple just as quickly and efficiently.

  Dave was hard as nails behind him. “Perfect. God, boy. You make me ache.”

  He felt sexy and lovely, thanks to Dave.

  “PA or guiche next?” Xeno’s voice was soft, unobtrusive.

  “Guiche first.” Dave spoke softly, and he gently rubbed Kenn’s perineum.

  Kenn’s eyes rolled involuntarily, and he shook his head, his toes curling tight. Dave stroked his legs, petting him.

  “Easy. Easy, boy. Let it happen.”

  Dave took in a deep breath, and when he took in another, Kenn matched him.

  “Little pinch,” Xeno warned, and then it happened—a pinch and a burn, and he cried out.

  “I’ve got you,” Dave said again.

  “Oh, that’s lovely,” Xeno murmured. “Would you like to see?”

  Kenn shook his head, but Dave had a different idea. “I do, please. It’s okay if you don’t look, Kenn. You’ll be able to see it later.”

  “I’m going to touch your sac again, so your Master can see.”

  Dave kissed his neck, lips lingering, giving him something else to feel, to concentrate on. Then Xeno touched him, and Dave gasped.

  “Beautiful.” Dave hugged him. “You’re stunning, boy. Absolutely stunning.”


  “Almost over. One left.”

  “You’re doing great, Kenn. Keep breathing.” Dave nibbled on his earlobe, then whispered, “You’re allowed to come when he does this one.”

  “No….” Please no. He would die of embarrassment.

  “I didn’t say you had to, only that you could.”

  “This’ll be quick, I promise,” Xeno told him. “It’s the easiest one.”

  “How can it be?” Kenn didn’t understand.

  “The pleasure and pain nerve centers are very close,” murmured Dave.

  “And the flesh is thin here, and soft. It’ll be over before you know it.” Xeno had such a kind voice.

  “Okay. I’m going to close my eyes.” That was the best he had.

  “It’ll be over before you know it,” Xeno promised.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Dave told him softly.

  “I’m scared,” he whispered.

  “You’re hard, boy.”

  He just shook his head.

  “You are. This turns you on as much as it scares you. Do you know how hot that is? How much you turn me on?” Dave’s fingers danced on his thighs, gentle, but leaving warm tingles. “My brave boy. We’re going to find you chains, decorate you. Maybe a couple of tattoos. One at the tip of your prick.”

  “That would be beautiful,” Xeno noted. “My partner does tattoos and can make house calls like I do.”

  “I’ve got your number,” Dave noted. “I’m sure we’ll use it.”

  “Please do. My Master is… amazing.”

  Xeno’s partner was his Master? That made him a submissive—oh! A sharp sting made Kenn cried out. Then came a tug he felt deep.

  “There you go. You’re done.”

  Dave groaned, fingers digging into Kenn’s thighs. “So beautiful.”

  “Yes. I’ll invoice you.” Xeno spoke in a low voice, easily ignored.

  “Thank you, Xeno. We really appreciate it.”

  “You’re so welcome. I’ll see myself out.”

  The click of the door shutting seemed loud because it meant they were alone.

  Kenn didn’t know what to do, what to think, so he sat, perfectly still, barely even breathing.

  “You’re all right,” Dave told him softly. “You need to remember to breathe.”

  “I just….” No, he didn’t even think. He couldn’t even think.

  “You should look, boy.” Dave cupped his balls, making everything shift.

  “Don’t touch,” he begged, his eyes squeezed tight.

  “I’m not touching your piercings. I’m not actually touching your cock, either.” Dave’s voice was as gentle as his hands.

  “You’re making things move, though.”

  “I am. And I’m going to keep making things move until you look. Until you come. Until you’re a pile of goo.”

  He shook his head, refusing to look, refusing to make it real. Not yet.

  Dave began to lick at his neck, tongue dragging along his skin, teeth threatening. It made him shiver.

  “Be nice, Dave. You let someone poke me.”

  “I paid for someone to poke you. And I am being exceptionally nice.” Dave hummed. “You look so lovely, boy. It turns me on so much, seeing you decorated for me.”

  Dave let go of his balls in favor of running the strong hands over Kenn’s body once again.

  He sighed and relaxed back, his muscles shaking from being so tense.

  “That’s it, boy. Just relax. You need to take deep breaths and enjoy this. Can you feel the places you were pierced throbbing?”

  “Shh….” God yes. God, he could.

  “Has shushing me ever worked?” Dave asked him.

  “I have faith.”

  Dave laughed, the sound happy. “God, I love you.”

  “I can’t believe we did this.” He was never going to move again. Never.

  “I can. You’re amazing, and I knew you could do this. Just like I know you’re going to love the piercings.” Dave nuzzled his ear. “You were so hard, the whole time. And you’re still hard. Proving how much you want this. So fucking hot, boy.”

  “Please. Can we…? I want to stay like this.”

  “That sounds good to me. Easy access.” Dave wrapped his hand around Kenn’s cock and began to stroke, the movements slow and easy, each one culminating in Dave’s fingers barely missing the new ring in the tip of his cock.

  “Don’t….” Don’t what? Don’t stop? Don’t touch?

  “I won’t stop.” Dave had clearly decided what he’d meant, even if he didn’t know.

  “Okay. Thank you. God, I ache.”

  “It’s good, hmm?” Dave kept moving his hand, sliding it along Kenn’s heavy flesh.

  “Uh-huh. Good. Hmm.” He stayed where he was, spread wide, aching, hard.

  Dave slid his free hand up toward his nipples, moving slowly, inching along and full of promise.

  “No… no, you can’t.”

  “But I am.” Dave touched the very tip of his right nipple, pressing against it.

  He arched, his eyes flying open. The ache was deep and so, so right.

  Dave slid his fingers across to Kenn’s other nipple, pressed on it as well. Then he touched the ring.

  He needed to get up. Get away. Get more. God, he didn’t know. He didn’t know what he needed.

  “You’re so hot like this. So special. I want to touch you all over for the rest of your life.” Dave took his hand, holding it, then bringing it down and pressing it behind his balls. “Feel yourself, boy. Feel the ring inside your skin.”

  “Oh God.” His hand shook, part of him wanting to explore, part wanting him to jerk away.

  “Breathe, Kenn. Just breathe. This is part of you now—you should touch it, explore it, feel it.”

  “I—It’s overwhelming, you know? Seriously overwhelming.”

  “You can handle it. I believe in you, in your strength.”

  “You’re the only one.”

  “The only person you need to believe in you is you. I’m just a bonus.”

  He knew that. He’d managed fine on his own.

  “Now touch yourself.”

  “What?” The command surprised him, and his cock jerked.

  “Touch yourself, boy. I want you to feel the ring behind your balls, the ones in your nipples and finally, the one in your cock. Do it.”

  He shook his head, but he did it, the damn thing seeming so fucking big in his fingertips. Dave’s hand was right there with his.

  “It’s going to be amazing when we can play with it. Turn it in your skin and twist it.” Dave moaned softly. “Attach your PA to it with a chain. Lead you by a leash.”

  Kenn was going to die.

  “Baby, we’re going to have so much fun. I promise you that.”

  Even Dave’s breath across his skin was turning him on.

  Dave arched underneath him and made him moan. He shivered at the hot slide of Dave’s hard cock against his spine. It was echoed by Dave’s free hand moving up his torso.

  “I want you to submit to the pleasure and the need and come for me.”

  “I’m aching for you.” His cock was aching, throbbing, but it was the soft voice in his ear that made him dizzy.

  “Then give it up to me. Shoot for me.” Dave continued stroking his cock, moving a little faster now, pushing him toward an orgasm.

  He thought the ring inside would hold it back, hold him back. He could feel it building, though, feel his balls get fuller. If anything could make him come, it was Dave.

  “I want to feel your come splashing against my skin. I want to smell it. It’s so hot. You’re so hot.”

  “I need you.” He arched, his toes curling with his need.

  “You want to ride me?” Dave asked. “All we have to do is turn you in my lap and slick you up. Then you can ride, rubbing your cock between us. That ring will catch, make you burn.”

  “Oh fuck….” He tensed, his entire body shuddering. “Please. Please, yes. Love. I need you.”

  “You’ve got me, boy. I am your Master and your lover and your Dave, and I will always be here for you.” Dave grabbed his waist and lifted him, helped him get himself turned around so they were facing each other. Once he was settled, Dave smiled, the look slow and easy and steaming. “Hey.”

  “H-hey.” He leaned forward and took a kiss, slow and easy and perfect.

  “Love you.” The words were spoken against his lips, Dave’s hands on his ass, fingers digging in as Dave squeezed.

  Then Dave let go and leaned slightly, grabbing the lube off the side table. Kenn nodded and stared, needing Dave more than he needed his next breath.

  “Want you to fill me up.”

  “I will. You fit so perfectly around me.” Dave pressed kisses over his face, and then came the sweet pressure of Dave’s fingers, breaching his hole and pushing into him.

  He rolled his hips, begging silently for more, harder, deeper.

  “Such an eager little bottom, aren’t you? I am the luckiest man in the world.” Dave pushed another finger into him, stretching him wider.

  “Eager. Yes.” He couldn’t argue with that at all. “Goodness yes.”

  “And it’s a good thing, hmm? For both of us.” Dave pushed those fingers into him over and over, filling him and making his body sing.

  He could feel the piercings throbbing every time Dave thrust those two fingers into his body.

  “Yes. More, please. Please, I need to fly.”

  “I’m gonna send you far into the sky. Send you so high.” Dave pushed another finger in, spreading him so good. The stretch burned, and when Dave hit his gland, his entire body lit up.

  He arched, his aching cock sliding on Dave’s belly, making him want to scream. The ring caught and tugged, not a lot, but enough to feel.

  Dave pegged his gland again and again, giving him no quarter, no time to recover, to calm himself, between the dings.

  He didn’t want it to be over. He wanted to fly and fly, not crash back to the ground.

  Eventually, Dave pulled his fingers away, leaving Kenn empty. He whimpered, but Dave patted his hip. “Easy, boy. Easy. I’m getting my cock slick so I can be inside you.” Dave smiled, the look naughty as hell. “Imagine that after that I’m going to plug my seed inside of you.”

  Kenn grabbed the base of his prick and squeezed.

  “No touching,” Dave reminded him. Then he leaned over and searched through his bag, coming up with a plug in a plastic baggie. “It’s clean. Ready to use.”

  “Oh God. Love. Master, please. Please, I need you.” He was going to lose his mind.

  “I’m right here, boy.” Dave met his eyes, the look in them hot and full of love. Dave cared for him, adored him. He could read it in Dave’s face.

  He rose up to his knees, Dave helping him, guiding him down until the thick cock pressed against his hole. Then Dave pushed up, cock breaching him.

  Kenn whimpered, shooting as soon as Dave brushed his gland, his orgasm rocking him.

  “Oh fuck. So tight.” Dave groaned and rested their foreheads together. He didn’t move, only breathed with Kenn.

  Kenn arched a little, rocking gently on Dave’s cock. His prick was still achingly hot. And hard. He wondered if he was ever going to go soft with that ring embedded in his flesh.

  Dave began to move, carefully circling his hips, then pushing up, moving the cock inside him so he could feel it all over.

  “Can you feel the ring down there?” Kenn whispered.

  “Uh-huh. Against my pubic bone. So fucking good. You are amazing.” Dave kept moving, pushing into him over and over.

  He closed his eyes, and that made his world spin faster. Dave’s hum filled his ears, filled him. It was like Dave had pushed into all his spaces and made them his.

  “Let go, boy. Let me in everywhere.”

  “How do you know?”

  “This is what it means to be connected as Dom and sub. Your sub space is wonderful.”

  “Yes.” This was wonderful.

  Dave kept the pace fairly deliberate, giving him time to feel everything as they stared into each other’s eyes. “You are amazing. Tight and hot and so good.”

  Kenn nodded. He did. He did feel amazing. He was soaring.

  Dave wrapped his hands around Kenn’s hips, digging his fingers into Kenn’s flesh. It made everything even better. Like that little spark of ache increased the pleasure. He tensed, his entire body clenching, gripping around Dave’s prick.

  Dave’s nostrils flared. “Kenn!” His eyes rolled back, and his fingers dug in harder, bringing Kenn down with more force.

  The little sting burned his ass, and he clenched over and over. Dave made wonderful noises for him, pleasure clear.

  He needed more. Wanted more. He wanted it all. Dave seemed determined to give it to him, thrusting up harder and harder. Kenn ached, his entire body on fire as they ground together.

  Then Dave touched the ring in his prick.

  The world went white-hot, and he screamed, his balls emptying. Dave thrust one more time, filling him with heat. He hung there, leaning hard, his universe broken.

  Dave was right there with him, though, holding on and keeping him from falling apart.

  Chapter Sixteen

  DAVE SAT across from Kenn, smiling at his lover. God, happy was a good look on Kenn. Dave could easily sit across from him and simply be for ages. That they had mimosas and plates full of delicious brunch items was a bonus. The waffles were especially good, and he’d slathered his with butter and a dulce de leche caramel that had him honestly moaning it was so good.

  Kenn’s gaze flew to his. “Dave!”

  He shook his head—he was not taking flack for this. “Have you tasted this sauce? It’s the kind of thing you want to slather all over your lover and lick off.”

  Kenn’s cheeks heated, but he didn’t look upset; in fact he laughed softly. “The way your brain works….”

  “You love it,” Dave suggested.
r />   “I can’t deny that.”

  Dave beamed. He was glad Kenn was beginning to sink into these things, accept them and, he thought, revel in them.

  Kenn ate the last bite of his omelet and smiled. “I swore I wouldn’t come back here, but I’m glad I did. I do love this routine.”

  “Sunday mornings are a lot more fun with mimosas.” He tilted his in Kenn’s direction, then drank the last mouthful. He loved how the champagne made the orange juice fizz in his mouth.

  “This is true. Sunday mornings are fun with you,” Kenn offered, gaze holding his, eyes sparkling.

  “Not just Sunday mornings either.” He waggled his eyebrows. They had had a wonderful weekend. Wonderful.

  “Shh….” Kenn laughed, though, didn’t he? A huge, happy sound that filled the air.

  Dave fell in love all over again. This man did it for him. “Did you try your waffles yet?” Kenn had a huge appetite this morning, taking not only the omelet, but waffles, bacon, and fruit. Dave knew it came from spending the weekend making love and playing. Sex built up an appetite.

  “I did. They are crispy and sweet. Perfect.” Kenn nudged his leg.

  Oh, Kenn was playing with him. Out in public. His boy was so brave. Or maybe he was simply growing the confidence he needed to be himself. Either way, Dave loved it.

  “Sexy boy.” He dragged his eyes up and down Kenn’s fine body—as much of it as he could, anyway—making sure that Kenn could feel his admiration.

  Kenn’s cheeks went a darker pink, and he ducked his head. He looked pleased, though, and Dave rubbed Kenn’s leg beneath the table, running his foot from ankle to almost knee.

  “Be nice, now. I don’t need to get hard here.”

  Dave didn’t point out that Kenn had started the game of footsie they were playing. “I am being nice. And it wouldn’t be the worst thing if you got hard, would it?” He thought Kenn looked hot when he was turned on and squirming in public. And it wasn’t something that Kenn hated anymore either.

  “Not the worst thing,” Kenn allowed.

  Dave had to laugh softly at the bare concession.

  He could see Kenn trying hard not to match his laughter. “Maybe even not a bad bad thing.”

  “Dare we go for not a bad thing at all?” Dave rubbed Kenn’s leg again, demonstrating how not bad the touches were.


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