Book Read Free

Educating the Professor

Page 20

by Sean Michael

“In the shower. We’ll clean you up, and then we’ll play.”

  He loved the happy note in Dave’s voice. “What about supper, Dave?” Love.

  “I’ll feed you. Once you’re boneless and entirely relaxed.” The look on Dave’s face was wicked.

  Kenn was so ready for this. He’d been ready for Friday since Monday morning. He felt like a bit of an addict, but he couldn’t see that it was wrong. He and Dave weren’t hurting anyone. And he’d never been so happy.

  Dave pointed to the shower, and he went, stepping into the spray that was the perfect temperature for him. Dave always paid attention to the little details. It made him feel special. Loved. Like he was important.

  Dave stripped quickly, Kenn watching every movement, every bit of flesh as it was revealed, and stepped in behind him, warm and solid. Slow touches moved along his arms, Dave sliding his fingers on Kenn’s skin.

  Kenn snuggled back in, a happy sigh escaping him.

  “God, I love that,” Dave murmured.

  “What?” Kenn asked.

  “Your relaxation. Your happiness. They’re the best things.” Dave traced his abs.

  “You make me happy.” It was that simple, really.

  “And you make me happy.” Dave laughed softly. “We’re sappy, boy.”

  “Is that so bad? Really?”

  “No, it isn’t bad at all.” Dave kissed the top of Kenn’s head, then turned him and covered his face with little touches of Dave’s lips.

  “Good. I want to….” He took his courage in his hands and said it like it was. “I want to be yours, you know?”

  “Ditto. I have you, and you have me. Which is corny as hell, but wonderful and amazing.”

  “Um-hum.” He licked a line around Dave’s ear. He wanted to make Dave as crazy as he was.

  “Oh, that’s nice.” Dave tilted his head, giving Kenn more room, offering him more skin.

  Good. He licked and nuzzled, daring to nibble a little, gently scraping his teeth along Dave’s skin.

  “You’re hungry,” Dave noted.

  “All day.” He’d admitted the same.

  “I love being the object of your hunger.”

  “Can we… play this weekend?” he asked, going for broke.

  A wonderful smile bloomed across Dave’s face. “I would love that. And I love that you asked. That makes me happy.”

  Oh. Oh thank goodness. He had to beam, because he was so pleased, so honored.

  Dave soaped up his hands and ran them over Kenn’s body, slick and easy. “You have any requests or desires? Anything specific you want to do?”

  “I want to know what it’s like to let you have your way, Dave.” That was the point, right? To give up control?

  Dave licked his lips and hummed softly. “I have so many ideas, boy. So very many.”

  “We have two nights, two days.” Weekends had always been good, now they were going to be bright jewels in his week.

  “I know. I’ll pick one or two things and save the rest for another time. And the time after that, and the time after that. Ad infinitum.”

  “That sounds amazing…. Sir.” He leaned in for another kiss.

  Dave moaned into his mouth, filling him with that sound of pleasure. He whimpered deep in his chest, allowing himself to lean into Dave, trust in him.

  Dave slid his hands over Kenn, helping to rinse the soap from his skin. Every touch was electric.

  “What happens next, love?” He wanted to learn everything.

  “When we’re finished in the shower, I’m going to bind your hands to the headboard and your feet to the baseboard. And I’m going to have my wicked way with you.”

  That sounded erotic as hell. “Are you?” he asked, looking up at Dave through his eyelashes, flirting.

  “I am. I’m going to make us both fly, make you feel amazing. We’re both going to feel amazing.”

  He thought he could manage amazing. “Yes, please. I’m all in.”

  “Yeah? You like the idea of amazing, huh?” Dave hugged him tight.

  “I do. I like the idea of… letting go.” It was suiting him so far.

  “You know, the first day I saw you, I thought that might be exactly what you needed.”

  “Why? Did I look odd?” Had he been projecting? He’d thought he was sick, that there was something wrong with him.

  “No, not at all. You looked like you needed, though. And I remember thinking I could turn you upside down and inside out.” Dave cupped his ass, squeezed hard.

  That made him ache, and he liked it.

  “Bed, boy. Let’s go.” Dave swatted his ass gently.

  “Pushy, pushy,” he teased. He loved it, though, the need that showed through Dave’s words and his actions.

  “Yeah, it’s kind of in the job description.”

  “Good to know.” He cupped Dave’s jaw. “I like it.”

  Dave turned his head, lips sliding along Kenn’s palm. Dave licked him, tickling and turning him on all at the same time. There was a look in Dave’s eyes, hot and masterful. Like Dave was going to give him exactly what he needed. Kenn could admit that he more than liked it. He was pretty sure he craved it.

  He turned off the water, and Dave grabbed the towels, wrapping them close together.

  “You know what I’ve always thought would be neat?” Dave asked as he began patting Kenn’s back with the towel. “To have an air dryer in the bathroom. Something where you just stand there and it blows hot air on you. Gently, you know.”

  “Oh, wouldn’t that be wonderful? I’m thinking about buying a towel warmer.” Because that would make this even better.

  “That would be the second-best thing. We should put it on a list. Our dream house and the things we’d like in it. Full-body air dryer.”

  He chuckled softly, but nodded, willing to play along. The idea of them having a house together felt intoxicating. “A puppy.”

  “You’re a dog person—I can see that. What kind?” Dave rubbed his front gently with the softest of the towels he had.

  “One that needs a home, hmm?” He groaned when Dave stroked his nipples.

  “I like your style. We’ll go to the pound together and find our dog.” Dave ran the towel back across his nipples again.

  “Don’t. They ache.” It was so good. He’d never felt anything like it.

  “I imagine it’ll take a while before you need a good hard tug to make them ache. For now, just the rings being there is enough, isn’t it? That’s why you were touching earlier—you couldn’t resist.” Dave was reading his mind again.

  “They itched.” And he wanted. So badly. He couldn’t wait for Dave to touch them, skin on skin.

  “Uh-huh. I’ll put some antibiotic cream on them once I’ve played for a while.” Dave leaned down and blew against his ringed flesh.

  “A-after?” He arched up, his hips trying to drive his ringed cock against Dave’s body.

  “Yeah, after I drive you crazy.” Dave held him away, fingers wrapped tight around his waist. “I’m driving this bus, boy.”

  Oh sweet fuck. “Yes, Sir.”

  Dave hummed and nodded, rubbing circles with his thumbs along Kenn’s hips. “I do love the way that sounds. I’m the luckiest man in the world to have you be mine.”

  There didn’t seem to be any reason to pretend he didn’t know what they were doing. Especially as he not only wanted it, he’d admitted as much. To Dave, to himself.

  Dave continued to dry him, touching his PA and the guiche, but with the towel, so they were simply gentle brushes with the terrycloth. Enough to stimulate, but not to really give him what he needed, which was Dave’s actual touch. The sensation of the terrycloth against his skin was almost too rough, too intense. Like Dave’s gaze, which never left him. It made him feel like the center of the universe.

  It made him feel like he could ask for what he needed. “Bed? Please, Sir? Now?”

  “My eager boy.” Dave put the towels over the rack, then turned and picked him up, hands beneath his ass as his feet
left the ground. Dave carried him out to the bed.

  “Dave!” He cracked up, the world spinning around them.

  “God, I love that sound.” Dave spun around in place a time or two, then put him down on the bed and moved his arms and legs so that they were spread out. Kenn felt exposed, vulnerable, and his cock was hard as nails.

  Dave stared down at him for a long time, his cock pointing at Kenn as Dave took him all in. All of him. There wasn’t a part of him that didn’t feel that virtual touch. His nipples throbbed like they were trying to get Dave’s attention. It seemed to take forever, though, Dave watching him, looking at him, but not putting hands on him. At the same time, it seemed like Dave was fucking him with his eyes.

  “What do you want me to do?” He felt weird lying there, spread open, exposed.

  “I’ve brought some rope, and I’m going to tie you to the bed, spread eagle like that. You’ll be able to squirm and pull and fight the ropes as much as you want. As much as you need to.”

  “You keep bringing pieces over, you’ll be living here soon.”

  “I like the way that sounds.” Dave went over to his bag and pulled out some lengths of rope. They were red. Dave put them on Kenn’s belly, and they were softer than he’d expected and so dark against his skin.

  “I do too.” Maybe they could join forces, get the larger apartment here. They’d fit nicely in the bigger place, and the current tenants were moving out at the end of the month.

  Dave picked up one of the ropes and wrapped it around Kenn’s right wrist, then tied the other end of the rope to the headboard. “The beginning of a new semester seems like a good time to move.”

  “Does… does it?” He watched Dave’s hands, excitement building from what Dave was doing, and from what they were talking about. “There’s a bigger apartment here, you know? It’ll be vacant soon. We could rent it.”

  Dave stilled, then grabbed another rope and began to tie his other wrist up. “A place that’s ours. I really like the sound of that.”

  “I do too. Our home. Together.” It felt so right.

  “Let’s do it. I want to come home to you every day.”

  “Okay. I’ll call the landlord. Later.” Much later. Possibly Monday.

  “Put it on your mental to-do list because at the moment you’re otherwise occupied.” Dave finished tying his other wrist to the headboard, then grabbed the remaining two ropes from his belly and headed to the foot of the bed.

  “Mental to-do list….” His belly rippled as he tugged his hands, more focused on that now than their conversation.

  “Uh-huh. And now you forget all about to-do lists. The only thing you need to be focused on is us.” Dave slapped the ropes against his right foot.

  Kenn pulled his foot away, knee drawing up. Dave reached up and grabbed his foot, tugged it back down. After wrapping the rope around his ankle, Dave bound his left foot to the corresponding bedpost.

  “Oh.” Oh, that was nothing like he’d ever felt before. Then his right foot was tied in the same manner.

  “How does it feel, boy?”

  “Strange. Exciting.”

  “Those are good words for an exploration.” Dave ran his fingers along Kenn’s sole.

  Kenn’s toes curled tight-tight, and he tried to pull away, but he couldn’t.

  Dave’s grin was wicked as hell and slightly smug. “See? You can squirm and pull as much as you want. You’re stuck right where you are.”

  “It’s a little unnerving, huh?” A little scary.

  “That’s part of the appeal, isn’t it? Having your boundaries pushed and feeling a little uncomfortable, but trusting me to see you through it.”

  “I don’t know. I guess so. I do trust you.” He wanted to trust Dave.

  “And you have your safeword. It’s going to be wonderful, I promise.” Dave took his big toe between two fingers and pinched. It wasn’t a hard pinch, but it was unexpected, making him gasp. Dave smiled and bent to kiss it before running his cheek along the curve of his arch. He groaned softly, the sensation so different, so interesting.

  Dave continued to kiss his foot. Soft and light, occasionally kneading harder with his fingers. It was erotic as hell, and all Dave had done was play with his feet!

  Kenn melted, moaning softly as Dave touched him.

  “Has anyone ever loved on your feet?” Dave asked, him, fingers continuing to slide along his feet.

  “No. I told you, things before were strictly blow jobs and missionary. Once a week.”

  “Thank God we found each other—you were meant to be loved on, to be pushed and made to feel like the center of the universe. I am going to love on every inch of your body before I untie you.”

  “Every inch?” Kenn laughed softly. “And it’s only Friday.”

  “Every inch. Because I have something else planned for tomorrow.” Dave looked happy and wicked and full of love.

  “Oh….” His head spun from the rush.

  “Look at you.” Dave reached up and ran a single finger along the length of his cock, tapping his slit and nudging the ring at the end of the motion.

  Kenn’s lips dropped open, and he bucked hard. That was wild, bright. “Fuck!”

  “I love that. I love your filthy mouth.”

  No one had ever said that to him before. In fact, Bram had given him the silent treatment more than once for swearing. There was freedom in Dave’s words.

  “Fuck me,” he tried.

  Dave grinned. “Still love that filthy mouth, but that doesn’t mean you’re setting the agenda here. Touching you everywhere, remember?”

  “Everywhere.” His hole was somewhere, surely.

  “Yep. I’m starting at your extremities.” Dave tickled the soles of his feet, stretching his arms wide to reach them both at the same time. “And working my way inward.”

  “No tickling!” He laughed, head tossing.

  “There should absolutely be tickling! Your laughter is joy made sound, and I’m not going to deprive either of us of it.” Dave tickled once more.

  “So mean to me!” He rolled, then gasped as Dave covered him with that sweet, strong body. Dave pressed into him and rolled, sliding their hard cocks together.

  “I should always be this mean, shouldn’t I?”

  “Yes, love. Oh, you feel so good.”

  “So do you.” Dave continued to roll them together. “You want to know what one of the best things about being your Dom is?”

  “Yes.” He wanted to know everything. Always.

  “I can change my mind halfway through.” Dave pressed a kiss on him. “Because I am totally making love to you right now.”

  “You can touch me everywhere after.” He grabbed the ropes and began to rock.

  “I totally can. After I feed you. You ever been fed while you were tied up?” Dave asked, meeting his motions, their bodies gliding and bumping.

  “Never been tied up, Sir.”

  “That’s what I figured. I wanted to put the idea in your head, though.” Dave kissed each side of his mouth, then the middle. “And to make sure you know that I am going to take care of you. That I will make sure you get what you need.”

  A long caress against his side made him shiver.

  “You make me dizzy.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you’re lying down.” Dave reached over to the side table, and the next thing Kenn knew, two slippery fingers pushed into his body.

  He tried to move, but there was only so far he could go.

  “You have to let me have control.” Dave rubbed a cheek against his left nipple, pressing and moving the ring inside his flesh. “All you can do is lie back and take it.”

  “I’m trying.” He hadn’t thought it would be hard, but it was, even though he trusted Dave.

  “I know. The fight is a part of it, you know? Which is why it’s nice for you to be able to pull and tug and try to move without getting anywhere.” Dave rubbed his cheek along Kenn’s other nipple.

  He cried out, bucking as best he could
. Dave hummed and pushed his fingers deeper, hitting Kenn’s gland. He bucked again, twisting and trying to get more sensation. Dave kept working him at his own pace, though, and Kenn had to take it. He did.

  Dave continued to work him, opening him up before sliding the thick cock into him, joining them at the root. All the while Dave held his gaze, keeping them connected there too.

  He kept trying to reach for Dave, to wrap his lover in his arms, but the ropes stopped him, holding him spread wide and open for Dave. Finally, he relaxed back into the ropes, letting them hold him as Dave fucked him.

  Kissing him deeply, Dave filled him with breath, with heat, with the essence of Dave. Whimpering, he kissed Dave back, their tongues sliding together. Dave sucked on the tip of his tongue, then bit gently, and he arched, his entire body going stiff as he came. Dave filled him with heat and collapsed on top of him.

  They lay there, the ropes supporting him, his body cradling Dave’s. He couldn’t ask for anything more.

  “Love you,” Dave whispered.

  “I love you too.” He did. And he couldn’t wait for what Dave taught him next about his desires.


  “KENNETH? KENN? Dr. Brannigan!”

  Kenn stopped and turned, grinning at his best friend, Tim. His mind had been on Dave and the puppy, who were waiting for him to get home to go for a nice long wander.

  “Your head is always in the clouds. At least you weren’t texting this time.”

  “I don’t text and walk—I read and walk. It’s much safer.”

  Tim laughed, and they fell into step together.

  “Are you and Dave coming to the Rainbow Mixer tonight?”

  “Of course.” It was where he and Dave had met, after all. He couldn’t believe it had been a year already. A year filled with wonders and new things. A year filled with love.

  “Did you tell Dave he has to bring a bunch of his kinky friends so I can have someone to go home with?”

  “I didn’t.” Kenn knew that Tim would find someone. He was a good guy.

  “Damn. I guess I’m going to have to do it the old-fashioned way, huh?”

  “Yep.” He laughed as he saw Dave and Rope, their huge mutt of a puppy, coming toward them, Rope’s ears flopping as he loped along. God, he loved them.


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