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Renovation 4th Edition

Page 60

by Michael Litchfield












































































  * This table can be used to estimate the cubic content of slabs larger than those shown. To find the cubic content of a slab measuring 1,000 sq. ft. and 8 in. thick, add the figures given for thicknesses of 6 in. and 2 in. for 1,000 sq. ft.

  † Courtesy of Bon Tool Company, © 2003, from statistical Booklet: Contractors, tradesmen, apprentices (see also

  slabs consist of 4 in. of concrete poured over 4 in.

  Concrete Work

  of crushed rock, with a plastic moisture barrier

  Concrete is a mixture of portland cement, water,

  between. In addition, garage floors are often rein-

  and aggregate (sand and gravel). When water is

  forced with steel mesh or rebar to support greater

  added to cement, a chemical reaction, called

  loads and forestall cracking.

  hydration, takes place, and the mixture hardens

  To improve the building’s energy profile,

  around the aggregate, binding it fast. Water makes advises installing

  concrete workable, and cement makes it strong.

  rigid insulation under slabs. Details will vary

  The lower the water to cement ratio (w/c), the

  regionally, but extruded polystyrene (XPS)

  stronger the concrete.

  panels 2 in. thick are typically recommended.

  XPS panels are durable, waterproof, and rated

  pouring a ConCrete slaB

  R-5 per inch. But using more than 2 in. isn’t

  Pouring (or placing) a concrete slab is pretty

  recommended because too much insulation

  much the same procedure, whether for patios,

  under a slab will isolate it from the earth’s cool-

  driveways, basements, or garage floors. Most

  ing influence during summer months.

  Foundations and Concrete


  prep steps

  As with any concrete work, get plenty of help.

  Concrete weighs about 2 tons per cubic yard, so

  if your slab requires 10 cu. yd., you’ll need to

  move and smooth 40,000 lb. of concrete before it

  sets into a monolithic mass. Time is of the

  essence, so make sure all the prep work is done

  before the truck arrives: Tamp the crushed stone,

  spread the plastic barrier (minimum of 6 mil),

  and elevate the steel reinforcement (if any) on

  dobie blocks or wire high chairs so it will ride in

  the middle of the poured slab. Finally, snap level

  chalklines on the basement walls or concrete

  forms to indicate the final height of the slab—

  you’ll screed to that level.

  To pour concrete with a minimum of wasted

  energy, use a 2-in. (interior diameter) concrete-

  pump hose. A hose of that diameter is much

  lighter to move around than a 3-in. hose. Another

  This 2-in. (interior diameter)

  concrete-pump hose is easier to

  handle than a 3-in. hose. But its

  smaller diameter requires smaller

  3⁄8-in. aggregate in the mix.

  Although a 2-in. hose is much

  lighter than a 3 in., tons of

  Insulating a Shallow


  concrete pass through it—so

  you’ll need helpers to support

  zzzzzz insulating a shallow Foundation

  the hose and move it to the

  pouring points.

  Continuous insulation under

  the slab helps reduce heat

  loss through floor.

  Metal flashing

  with drip leg

  Protective cover over

  above-grade foam

  XPS or EPS rigid foam

  Minimum 12 in.

  (R-value needed depends on

  below grade

  local air-freezing index)

  Compacted layer

  6-mil plastic sheeting

  of crushed stone

  under slab

  254 Chapter 10

  advantage: It disgorges less concrete at a time,

  allowing you to control the thickness of the pour

  ordering Concrete: Be specific

  better. And a 2-in. hose gives easier access to dis-

  tant or confined locations. Important: As you

  Concrete has so many different uses (such as floors, foundations, and counter-

  place concrete around the perimeter of the slab,

  tops) and so many admixtures (water reducers, retardants, accelerants, air entrain-

  be careful not to cover up the chalklines you

  ers, and so on) that the best way to get the mix you need is to specify its use and

  snapped to mark the slab height. And as you

  desired characteristics. that is, when ordering the mix, tell the supplier the quantity

  place concrete in the slab footings, drive out the

  you need (in cubic yards), how the concrete will be used (driveway, foundation,

  air pockets by using a concrete vibrator.

  patio slab), the loads it will bear, how far it must be pumped, how it will be fin-

  establishing screed levels. If the slab is only

  ished, and other such details.

  10 ft. or 12 ft. wide, you can level the concrete by

  if you’re pouring a slab that will have a smooth finish, you might specify “a

  pulling a screed rail across the top of formboards.

  2,500-psi mix but a true five-sack mix,” which will be “creamy” enough to finish

  Otherwise, create wet screeds (leveled columns

  with a steel trowel. if you specify a 2,500-psi mix but don’t describe the finish, the

  of wet concrete) around the perimeter of the

  slab and one in the middle of the slab to guide

  supplier might use four sacks of cement and a water reducer to attain that strength.

  the screed rails. The wet screeds around the

  However, with less cement in it, the mix would be sandier and more difficult to finish.

  perimeter are the same height as the chalklines;

  Where the concrete will be placed can also
affect the mix. For example, concrete

  pump concrete near those lines and level it with

  for a second-story patio far from the street may require a smaller, 2-in. (inner diam-

  a trowel. This technique is very much like that

  eter) hose to pump it, so the supplier may specify smaller aggregate (3⁄8 in. versus

  used to level tile mortar beds, as explained in

  3⁄4 in.) to facilitate flow. aggregate size, in turn, affects load-bearing capacity, so a

  chapter 16.

  mix with 3⁄8-in. gravel is often bumped up, say, to 3,000 psi. if the patio slab will

  The wet screed(s) in the middle should be

  also be steel troweled, the mix thus becomes “a 3,000-psi, 3⁄8-in. aggregate, true

  more or less parallel to the long dimension of the

  six-sack mix.” Well, you get the point: Be specific.

  slab. There are several ways to establish its

  estimating the amount of concrete in cubic yards is straightforward: the calcula-

  height, but the quickest way is to drive 18-in.

  tion is width  length  depth (in feet) of the area you want to cover. you then

  lengths of rebar into the ground every 6 ft. or so,

  divide that result by 27 (because there are 27 cu. ft. in 1 cu. yd.). if you’re pouring

  and then use a laser level or taut strings out from

  a slab, see “Cubic yards of Concrete in slabs of various thicknesses” on p. 253 for

  perimeter chalklines to establish the height of the

  calculations of cubic yards based on the slab thickness (in inches).

  rebar. In other words, the top of the rebar becomes

  most concrete-mixer trucks can hold 9 cu. yd. to 11 cu. yd. so if your pour

  the top of the middle wet screed. When you’ve

  troweled that wet screed level, hammer the rebar

  requires more than one truck, ask the supplier to time deliveries 90 minutes apart so

  below the surface, and fill the holes later.

  you have enough time to deal with each delivery. Finally, don’t shave the estimate

  too close; far better to have too much concrete than too little.

  sCreeding and Floating

  Screeding is usually a three-person operation: two

  to move the screed rail back and forth, striking

  off the excess concrete, and a third person behind

  them, constantly in motion, using a stiff rake or a

  square-nose shovel to scrape down high spots or

  to add concrete to low ones. You can use a mag-

  nesium screed rail or a straight 2x4 to strike off,

  but the key to success is the raker’s maintaining a

  good level of concrete behind the screeders, so

  the screed rail can just skim the crest of the con-

  crete without getting hung up or bowed by trying

  to move too much material.

  Screeding levels the concrete but leaves a fairly

  rough surface, which is then smoothed out with

  a magnesium bull float, a long-handled float that

  also brings up the concrete’s cream (a watery

  cement paste) and pushes down any gravel that’s

  near the surface. This creates a smooth, stone-free

  surface that can be troweled and compacted later.

  A bull float should float lightly on the surface.

  As you push it across the concrete, lower the

  Because of the loads it will bear, this garage floor slab is reinforced with rebar 12 in. on center.

  handle, thereby raising the far edge of the float.

  The stepped forms running along the sides of the slab will create foundation walls roughly 1 ft.

  Then, as you pull the float back toward you, raise above grade.

  Foundations and Concrete


  the handle, raising the near edge. In this manner,

  the leading edge of the bull float will glide and

  not dig into the wet concrete.

  FinisHing tHe slaB

  After the bull float raises water to the surface,

  you must wait for the water to evaporate before

  finishing the concrete. The wait depends on the

  weather. On a hot, sunny day, you may need to

  Ready for concrete, this site has 4 in.

  wait less than an hour. On a cool and overcast

  of gravel over compacted soil, 6-mil

  day, you might need to wait for hours. Once the

  plastic atop that, and rebar elevated

  water’s evaporated, you have roughly one hour to

  by concrete dobie blocks so the steel

  trowel and compact the surface. When you think

  will lie in the middle of the slab.

  the surface is firm enough, put a test knee board

  atop the concrete and stand on it. If the board

  Fill slab footings first, then vibrate

  sinks 3⁄4 in. or more, wait a bit. If the board leaves

  them to drive out any air pockets.

  only a slight indent that you can easily hand float

  Because placing a concrete slab

  further and then trowel smooth, get to work.

  usually entails standing in wet

  concrete, wear rubber boots.

  As the left photo on the facing page shows,

  knee boards distribute your weight and provide a

  mobile station from which to work. You’ll need

  two knee boards to move across the surface,

  moving one board at a time. Then, kneeling on

  both boards, begin sweeping with a magnesium

  hand float or with a wood float, if you prefer a

  rougher finish. Sweep back and forth in 3-ft.

  arcs, raising the far edge of the float slightly as

  you sweep away and raising the near edge on the

  return sweep. The “mag” float levels the concrete.

  After you’ve worked the whole slab, it’s time for

  the steel trowel, which smooths and compacts

  the concrete, creating a hard, durable finish.

  As the concrete dries, it becomes harder to

  work, so it’s acceptable to sprinkle very small

  amounts of water on the surface to keep it work-

  able. Troweling is hard work, especially on the

  back. When the concrete’s no longer responding

  to the steel trowel, edge the corners and then

  Screeding is a job for three people:

  cover the concrete with damp burlap before call-

  two to level the concrete by moving

  ing it a day. If the weather’s hot and dry, hose

  the screed rail from side to side and

  down the burlap periodically—every hour, at

  a third with a shovel or rake to fill

  least—and keep the slab under cover for four or

  low spots and pull away excess.

  five days. At the end of that time, you can remove

  the forms. Concrete takes a month to cure fully.

  Damp Basement Solutions

  Bull-floating the concrete pushes

  To find the best cure for a damp basement, first

  down gravel near the surface and

  determine whether the problem is caused by

  brings the concrete’s cream to

  water outside migrating through foundation

  the surface.

  walls or by interior water vapor inside condens-

  ing on the walls. To determine which problem

  you have, duct tape a 2-ft.-long piece of alumi-

  num foil to the foundation, sealing the foil on all

  four sides. Remove the tape after two days. The

  wet side of the foil will provide your answer.

  Chapter 14 has more abou
t mitigating moisture

  and mold.

  256 Chapter 10

  Finishing the slab. Start with magnesium or wood floats,

  An edger compresses and rounds the slab’s edge, making it

  and finish with a steel trowel for a smooth, hard finish.

  stronger and less likely to chip than a square corner.

  Knee boards distribute your weight as you work.

  P R O T I P

  Curing Basement Condensation

  Waterproofing membranes

  Water vapor is everywhere and the warmer the air, the more moisture it contains. Water vapor tends to

  are relatively fragile, especially

  move from higher to lower concentrations and from warm to cool. Consequently, when warm summer air

  those that are sprayed on. after

  comes in contact with the cool concrete of basement walls and floors, its water vapor reaches a dew point

  they’re applied, they’re often

  and condenses. (Basements are cool because they abut the earth, whose ambient temperature is roughly

  covered with rigid insulation,

  55°F year-round.)

  drain board, protection board,

  and the like. these rigid panels

  to “cure” dampness resulting from condensation (flowing water is another issue altogether), you must

  protect the membranes during

  keep the warm air in living spaces from coming in direct contact with masonry masses by insulating base-

  backfilling and insulate the foun-

  ment floors and walls. three details will help you do that successfully:

  dation walls to reduce heat loss.

   Choose materials that can tolerate moisture, such as expanded polystyrene (EPS) panels, and won’t

  be degraded by it. moisture migrates through concrete year-round, so moisture-sensitive materials such

  as wood, paper-faced drywall, and fiberglass insulation should not be in direct contact with it.

   accept that a small amount of moisture will migrate, and choose materials that allow that. again,

  eps panels are a good choice because they are semipermeable, whereas polyethylene sheet plastic is not.

  unable to migrate through plastic, moisture will condense and collect, which could lead to rot and mold.

   make your insulation layer—your thermal barriers—as airtight as possible. Here, we’re not talking

  about the migration of moisture but of the loss of heat. that is, tightly sealed eps panels will contain

  conditioned air yet allow minuscule amounts of water vapor to move back and forth. thermal barriers are

  not vapor barriers.

  to see how one builder put these principles to the test in his own basement, see “installing eps

  panels to Create a dry Basement” on p. 417.

  Foundations and Concrete


  cool surfaces on which water vapor might con-


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