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Absolute Trust (Absolute Power Duet Book 2)

Page 8

by Jeana E. Mann

  My ears begin to ring as embarrassment heightens my blood pressure. I cast a questioning sideways glance to Cash. His lips twitch in amusement. “Jagger, this is Antoinette Gastineau.”

  “Nice to meet you.” I force a smile, feeling threatened by this petite, busty bombshell. She squeezes my hands.

  “Oh, the pleasure is all mine. I've been dying to meet you.” She releases my fingers to pat her pale blonde hair.

  “Antoinette Gastineau.” I repeat the name aloud. “That sounds familiar. Where have I heard of you?”

  “Most people know me from the White House Hooker Scandal.” She rolls her expressive eyes. “The media blew the entire thing out of proportion, if you ask me.”

  Of course. The story topped the headlines for months. Antoinette had been accused of arranging high-priced escorts for politicians. Although a few people had come forward with testimony, Antoinette and her girls had remained tight-lipped throughout the investigation. In the end, nothing was proven, and the story dwindled from popularity.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—” I bite my lower lip to stop more words from rushing out. I scowl at Cash. “A little warning might’ve been nice.”

  “Oh, please. Not to worry.” The twinkle in her eyes dismisses my discomfort. “In my line of work, if you aren’t inviting scandal, you’re doing something wrong.” She gives Cash a playful shove. “You should’ve prepped her for tonight, you dope.”

  “That would’ve taken the fun out of the surprise,” he replies.

  I shrug. “It’s nothing new. I should be used to his surprises by now. But thanks for the support.”

  “He’s always been a dick like that. Good to see nothing has changed.” Her laughter tinkles like a bell. Even though we’ve just met, I really like her. I enjoy the way she talks back to him. It’s good to know that not everyone tiptoes in his presence.

  A slight blush colors the tips of Cash’s ears. He clears his throat and tugs down his shirtsleeves. “And, on that note, I think I’ll leave the two of you to get acquainted. Take care of her, will you, Annie? I need to talk business.” Cash takes my hand in his, dips his head, and kisses my fingertips. “I’ll come find you in a minute.”

  The instant he’s gone, I miss him. My gaze follows him to a far corner where Matthew, Arnaud, and a few others have gathered for whiskey and cigars. Cash stands out from his companions. He’s taller, broader through the shoulders, and less civilized. An air of suspense shrouds his presence, made all the more intriguing by his expensive tuxedo and the hint of tattoos.

  Annie loops her arm through mine. “Don’t worry. He’ll be fine. He’s been playing with the big boys for a long time. So, tell me about you. I want to know everything. How did you meet Cash?”

  “Um, well—” I have no idea how much she knows or if she can be trusted. I decide to err on the side of caution. “We met at my jewelry store. He came in looking for something for his grandma.”

  Annie’s face brightens with her laughter. “His grandma died twenty years ago. And he’s still using that excuse.” She leads me toward the French doors. Through the paned glass, antique lanterns illuminate a small courtyard.

  If Annie is as open and honest as she seems, I’d be a fool to miss this opportunity to learn more about Cash. “Have you known each other long? He doesn’t say much about his past.”

  “Most of my life. When we were kids, it was the four of us—Gage, Cash, Matthew, and I. We were thick as thieves. No pun intended.”

  “You mean, the Matthew who’s here tonight?” My attention snaps to the senate hopeful in his sharp black tux standing next to Cash.

  “The very same. We all grew up in the same project. Matthew and Gage were my neighbors. I met Cash at the playground on his first day of middle school. Some of the kids were picking on me. Cash gave them a beat down I’m sure they remember to this day.” Her eyes grow soft with remembrance. “We’ve been friends ever since.”

  The more I know about Cash, the more layers are added to his complicated story. “It’s hard to get to know him.”

  “Honey, if you had a life like his, you wouldn’t talk about it either.” I can tell by the way her lips purse that she’s deciding whether or not to divulge a secret. “The man’s been through hell. Did you know that his father committed suicide in front of him?”

  The walls of my throat close. “No. That’s terrible.”

  “Cash was about eight, I think. His family was mega wealthy. Lived here on the Gold Coast, a few houses down. His dad got mixed up in an elaborate Ponzi scheme and bilked dozens of people of their money. Rather than go to prison, he shot himself. His mom was killed in a car crash a few weeks later. Cash and his sister got shuffled from one foster home to the next. It’s a wonder he survived.”

  I place a hand over my heart to ease the ache. No wonder he can be unreachable. “My parents abandoned me and my sister when we were young. They were both terrible alcoholics.”

  She nods, a sympathetic softness to her features. “Then you understand where he’s coming from. He doesn’t like to talk about it. Not that I blame him. But I thought you should know. And then all the mess with Chelle.” Tears form in the corners of her eyes. “That nearly killed him.”

  “I’ve heard her name mentioned, but he wouldn’t say anything about her. I thought maybe she was an ex-girlfriend or something.”

  “She’s his little sister. Two years younger.”

  “Can I ask what happened to her?”

  “She disappeared a few weeks after Cash and Gage left the Disciples of Rage. You know, once you pledge a gang like that, you’re in it for life. The price of leaving requires a sacrifice. Cash thought he had a deal worked out with Reaper—one that would eliminate bloodshed while allowing him to walk away. The cops found her body in a garbage dump a year later. The DOR denies any part in her death, but we all know it was Reaper who did it.” Her voice breaks as she dabs at the dampness on her cheeks. “I’m sorry. It just breaks my heart. She was such a sweet girl. Her murder broke Cash. He hasn’t been the same since.”

  The pain must’ve been unbearable for him. If something happened to Callie, I wouldn’t be able to go on living. I squeeze Annie’s hand.

  “He’ll be angry that I told you.” She straightens and summons a smile. “But you deserve to know. He kept it from Callie, and I can’t help thinking that his stubbornness drove a wedge between them.”

  “You knew my sister?”

  “We danced in the same strip club. I introduced them.” Her fair brow furrows. “She never told you?”

  “No. She never talked about that part of her life at all. Not to me anyway.” I wave a hand to disguise my uncertainty. Now that I know Cash, I have so many questions for Callie. Questions which will probably never be answered. “I think she was trying to shelter me.”

  “Cash really cared for your sister, but they were never in love. Not really. Callie always had a yearning for a different kind of life. One that Cash could never give her at the time.” The light from the overhead chandeliers shimmers on her hair as she shakes her head. “Those two never got along. Like oil and water. Always at odds with each other.”

  “He acts like he’s still angry with her.”

  “It’s just male pride. No one carries a grudge like Cash.” Her eyes meet mine. “You on the other hand. You’re a different story. You have him wrapped around your little finger, and you don’t even know it.”

  He’s still in the corner, deep in conversation with his colleagues. As if he can sense my stare, his eyes lift to mine. The connection between us comes alive, stretching across the room. Before I can overthink the impulse, I walk over to Cash, take his face between my palms, and kiss him on the mouth. An inhaled breath of surprise hisses through his teeth. He pulls back a little to meet my eyes. “What was that for?”

  “You should have told me about Chelle and your dad,” I reply.

  The size of his pupils increases until his eyes are the color of obsidian. “I couldn’t.”

>   The stubble on his cheeks tickles my fingers. “So you had Annie do it.”

  “That woman can’t keep a secret to save her soul.” His voice is low and soft and meant only for my ears. “You asked about my past. It’s ugly, Jag. Reliving it is just too painful.” He lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. “I didn’t tell you because I can’t. Not because I didn’t want to.”

  The other guests fade from existence. In this moment, it’s me and Cash and no one else. He pulls me to an alcove, away from prying eyes. His hands slide up and down my back, pressing me to his torso. My breasts flatten against his hard chest. I clasp my fingers behind his neck. “I know you have secrets in your life. Things you can’t share with me. I get that. I just wish you’d trust me a little more.”

  His forehead rests against mine. “I’m trying.”

  “That’s all I’m asking.” I’m beginning to understand how difficult this has been for him. The smallest secrets sometimes cause the deepest wounds. Cash is no different. I tilt my face to find his lips. His tongue dips into my mouth. A tide of comfort and excitement rushes to the tips of my toes. I moan. The buttons of his shirt bite into my flesh. A small growl vibrates through his chest. By the time we’re finished devouring each other, my lipstick is smeared across his mouth. I try to rub away the evidence with the pad of my thumb.

  “Don’t worry about it.” He drags a handkerchief over his lips. I turn my attention to his hair, running my fingers through the ebony locks to straighten them. He catches my fingers. “Let them talk. At least, they’ll know you’re mine.”

  “Am I?” I ask, feeling breathless at the idea.

  “You’ve been mine since the day I walked into your gallery.” His cocky smirk returns. “You just didn’t know it.”



  The evening has provided more excitement than I’m used to. I curl my fingers into the lapels of Cash’s tux. He smiles down at me. Life has taken an unexpected turn for the better. At least, I hope so. Nothing is a given where this man is concerned.

  “Let’s get out of here.” In the company of strangers is the last place I care to be right now. “I’ve never been so turned on in my life.” The space between my legs aches with need—need for Cash, his heavy body on top of mine, his thick cock inside me. I rub against him like a cat. “Take me home. Now.”

  “With pleasure.” He grabs a handful of my bottom and squeezes. “But I’m gonna need you to do something for me first.”


  “When we get back to the others, I’ll make our goodbyes. You announce that you’re going to the ladies’ room.” A cunning glimmer shines in his eyes. “Instead of entering the bathroom, head down the hall to the servants’ staircase. Go up to the next floor. Third door on the left is the master suite.”

  “Wait.” I try to push away from him as realization dawns. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  “Just listen. I need you to do this. Trust me.” He holds me close. “It’ll be fun.”

  Once again, he’s ensnared me in one of his schemes. I could walk away, call a halt to this nonsense. I search his face for clues. As usual, I find nothing. “Is this another one of your tests?”

  “No. It’s not a test. I know you can do this. It’s very, very important, Jagger. Do you understand?”

  “Is that why you brought me here?” The sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach grows into a cramp of disappointment. I thought this was a special treat, a reward, a step forward in our relationship. Instead, he wants me to do another job. Is this another example of his dual personality? The sharpness of his expression suggests his dark side is about to be unleashed.

  “It’s more than that. This is about loyalty and paybacks and business. Do this for me, Jagger. I promise to explain everything on the way home.” The sincerity in his voice strikes a chord within my heart. One corner of his sexy mouth curls into a lopsided grin. “I dare you.”

  “Crap. You know I can’t resist a dare.”

  “I know.” He rewards me with another toe-curling kiss. “Up the stairs. Third door on the left. Find the portrait of a medieval dude next to the bed. There’s a safe in the wall behind it. The combination is thirty-three left, twenty-two right, eighteen left. Repeat it.”

  “Thirty-three, twenty-two, eighteen. Left, right, left.”

  “Yes. Perfect. You’ll find the jewelry in there. Empty the contents into something. Use a pillowcase or a trash can liner. Tie it up tight.”

  “Okay. Got it.”

  “Leave the boxes in the safe. Put everything back the way you found it. Go down the hall to your left. The second door will be a guest room undergoing renovation. Open the window. Drop the jewels into the construction chute outside the window. Then meet me back here. Any questions?”

  “What if I get caught?” My heart races, more from excitement than fear. I’ve left my mundane suburban life and been dropped headfirst into an action thriller movie with Cash as my handsome co-star.

  “You won’t. Annie and Matthew have seen to the details.” He presses one last kiss to my mouth, and it tastes sweeter than the most expensive wine. “Ready?”

  “I guess.” I blow out a cleansing breath. On the outside, I’m calm, but inside, my blood pressure rises.

  “Great. You’ve got ten minutes.”

  “What? No way.” I try to balk, but he propels me forward.

  “Any longer than that and you run the risk of getting caught.” He pats my bottom before we walk out of the shadows. “You’ve got this.”

  “I’m glad one of us has confidence,” I mutter. Still, the idea excites me. I’m in a multi-million-dollar mansion about to commit a blatant crime in the presence of skilled criminals. Adrenaline crackles through my body. My senses sharpen. An eerie sense of calm steadies my thoughts.

  By now, champagne and whiskey are flowing freely in the library. The guests’ laughter is louder, more strident. No one cares when I excuse myself to freshen up. I follow Cash’s directions to the letter—down the hall, employee stairs, third door on the left. The climb up the steps in high heels and a tight dress leaves me breathless. Or maybe it’s the thrill of danger that makes my head spin.

  Inside the master bedroom, I lean back on the closed door and blink to let my eyes accustom to the darkness. A fringed canopy hangs above a beaded velvet bedspread. I trail my fingers over the sumptuous fabric on the way to the portrait. An austere man in a ruffled Elizabethan collar and colorful tights stares disapprovingly at me.

  “Judge not,” I whisper to him, repeating the phrase my grandma had drilled into my head as a child. A platitude she never bothered to follow as she spent the last years of her life belittling me and Calliope.

  The picture swings away from the wall on silent hinges. I spin the safe dial then hold my breath as the tumblers click into place and the door opens. A dozen stacks of money rest on the bottom shelf. On the top are several small velvet boxes. I open the first one. It contains a Patek Philippe watch—eighteen karat white gold with thirty-four flawless diamonds around the face. I know because I saw one at the trade show in Las Vegas. This particular style is worth at least a million dollars, maybe more.

  A noise disrupts my focus. Someone is at the bedroom door. I close the safe but don’t lock it, return the painting to its original position, and dive behind the heavy drapes. The bedroom door opens. My heart bangs against my ribs, so hard I’m certain the visitor will hear it. I hold my breath. Light footsteps enter the room, pause, then return to the door. I don’t exhale until I hear it click shut.

  Without hesitation, I snatch a pillowcase from the bed, reopen the safe, and drop the watch, a ring, and two diamond bracelets into it. I return the empty boxes to the shelf. Using the hem of the pillowcase, I wipe my fingerprints from the surfaces I touched. Before entering the hallway, I check carefully to make sure no one is in sight then dart toward the guest bedroom. The room is empty except for sheets of drywall, a sawhorse, and various tools. I o
pen the window and drop the pillowcase into the chute. Cash’s directions were perfect.

  On the way back to the library, I focus on calming my breath so I won’t appear frazzled. On the inside, I’m intoxicated with the thrill of committing such a wicked crime under the noses of so many people. I have to admit that I’ve loved every minute of the challenge.

  The second I cross the threshold to the library, Cash’s eyes meet mine.

  He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me into his side, and drops his lips to my ear. “Eight minutes on the nose. You’re amazing.”

  My insides glow with his praise. “Thanks.”

  “Is everything taken care of?” Antoinette glides up to my side, her voice low and confidential. She smiles. I envy her calm appearance.

  “Mission accomplished. Thank you for your assistance.” Cash addresses his friend, but his gaze belongs to me and only me. I’m swept away on a tide of endorphins and desire. He squeezes me closer. “Jagger’s a natural.”

  “You two make a great team.” Annie nods approvingly. “Jagger, it was a pleasure to meet you. I hope I’ll see a lot more of you in the future.”

  “Yes, you too.” I’m breathless from the exhilaration of the heist.

  “I’m going to say goodnight to Matthew before we go. Do you want to join me or do you want to wait here?” Cash asks.

  “I’ll stay here.” I need a minute to process the excitement of tonight. Cash squeezes my hand then accompanies Annie into the library. He’s tall and handsome next to her petite frame. His words of praise continue to echo in my head. You’re amazing. I blow out a cleansing breath, but the act doesn’t calm the excitement fizzing in my blood. If only Em was around to share my euphoria. On impulse, I withdraw my phone and tap out a text to her. “I miss you.”


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