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Absolute Trust (Absolute Power Duet Book 2)

Page 11

by Jeana E. Mann

  Gage intercepts my arrival at the foyer. He’s wearing a tank top that shows off his bulging biceps and muscular chest.

  “Where’s Cash?” I ask. After the day I’ve had, I’m in no mood for bullshit. I breeze past Gage.

  “In the kitchen holding a meeting. He wants you to head upstairs and stay put until he’s done.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to go upstairs.”

  “Hey, I’m just the messenger.” Gage spreads his arms wide in a gesture of surrender.

  “He’s not the boss of me, and neither are you.” I know my tone is petulant, but I can’t help it. I’ve had about all I can take for one day. He steps in front of me, blocking my path to the kitchen. I groan. “Seriously?”

  “Look. He wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.” His voice lowers to a confidential tone. “We’ve got some heavy hitters here and Cash doesn’t want to jeopardize your well-being by exposing you to these kinds of people.”

  I scoff. “Well, it’s a little late for that, don’t you think?” Gage’s blond eyebrows lift. I square my shoulders in front of him. Maybe he has information about Kyle. “What do you know about my ex-boyfriend? Kyle?”

  “Why?” A shield drops over his expression, hiding his thoughts.

  “Because he’s dead.” I lift my eyebrows, refusing to leave without an answer.

  He stares back at me like he’s trying to decide whether I deserve the truth or not. “Cash takes care of his own. You’re part of our family now.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “Cash is too smart for that. He would never intentionally do anything that might lead the authorities back to you. Do you know how your ex died? He was executed by a Detroit gang for intercepting their drug shipment.” His gaze bores into me. “How do I know? Because I’ve had eyes on the little prick since the incident at the bar, making sure he didn’t bother you. And maybe I might’ve tipped someone off from the Detroit gang.” The cross arms over his chest represent his loyalty to Cash’s reputation—and me.

  “Oh.” Tears sting my eyes. I’m safe here. Protected. Cherished. Cash would go to the ends of the earth to guarantee my well-being. “Cash deserves my trust, doesn’t he?” I search Gage’s blue eyes, looking for a reason to doubt my growing feelings for his boss.

  “That and a whole lot more.” His defensive posture relaxes. “His methods might be harsh, but he comes from a ruthless background. He does what has to be done, and he succeeds where others fail.” His voice softens, becoming affectionate. “You can’t pick and choose what you get with Cash. If you love him, you’re gonna have to accept him for who he is. I can tell you, however, that he’s growing sick of the violence. You’ve changed him that way.”

  Lucy skitters into the foyer. Her tiny paws slip and slide on the shiny marble tiles. She hops around my feet, sniffs my shoes, then scratches my leg to be picked up. A tear slides down my cheek. I swipe it away before Gage notices, scoop Lucy into my arms, and turn toward the stairs. Gage has given me a lot to think about. “Since I’m banned from the kitchen, do you think someone could bring me a sandwich, or can I order takeout or something? I’m starving.”

  “Sure. I happen to be a top-notch sandwich maker.” An amiable smile brightens his face. “What do you want?”

  “I don’t care. I’m not picky.” With my foot on the first riser, I rethink my previous snippy attitude and pause. Aside from our first foot chase, he’s always nice to me. “Thanks for telling me the truth. I appreciate it.”

  “No problem. Happy to help out.” He winks before ambling toward the kitchen and the rumble of unintelligible male voices.

  Inside Cash’s bedroom, I step out of my shoes and flop on the bed with a groan. Lucy curls up on the pillows and begins to snore. Life with Cash is exhausting. Then again, maybe I’m being unfair. My life has always been a series of calamities and drama. I lower an arm over my eyes and the other across the pillow. My hand nudges a folded piece of paper next to my face. I recognize Cash’s unique handwriting. Sorry for the inconvenience. A surprise for you in the bathroom. Relax and enjoy. C.

  A surge of warmth rushes through my chest. Curiosity overrules my exhaustion. I swing open the bathroom door and gasp at a blast of steam. The bathtub is filled to the top with hot water and some kind of lavender and herb concoction. Rose petals float on the surface. Tiny tealights surround the perimeter of the tub. A hard lump forms in my throat. I swallow, blinking back another burn of tears. Damn, how does this guy manage to make me cry twice in one hour? Even during his busy day, he manages to think about me. It’s difficult to reconcile this sweet man with the ruthless gang leader who makes people disappear. He’s complicated and frustrating yet thoughtful and considerate to those he loves.

  I peel off my clothing and slide into the delicious water up to my chin. The tub faces a large window overlooking the lake. My head tips back against the pillow. The stress of the day melts away. Moments like this make me love Cash even more.

  Love. Is that what I’m feeling? Our relationship has become a tangled mess of darkness and light. If I’m honest with myself, Cash’s dark side is as alluring as the good one. He’s the most intriguing person I’ve ever met. I’ll never understand him, and I’ll never grow tired of trying.

  I’m so relieved to know Cash didn’t kill Kyle. I’m not sorry he’s dead. Knowing he’s gone is a godsend. Cash made that happen. Cash knew what I needed and took the necessary steps to make it happen. I drop my head into my hands and let the tears come. I cry for the waste of Kyle’s life, for Mr. Mercer’s predicament, and for the release of stress from the past few months. I no longer have to feel guilty over my attraction to Cash.

  “Hey, hey. What’s this?” Cash stands at the doorway. A sandwich rests in the center of the silver tray he’s carrying. He sets the tray on the vanity and rushes to my side. “Baby. What’s wrong?”

  I shake my head, too overcome with emotion to speak. He draws me into his arms. Suds slop over the edge of the tub, soaking his T-shirt. I cling to him. The strength in his embrace flows into me. My sobs slow. “He’s gone. He’s gone.” I repeat the two words over and over.

  “Shh. Who’s gone?” Cash holds me close, murmuring in my ear.

  “Kyle. He’s dead. Agent Warren. Told me.” Hiccups punctuate my words. I clench my fingers in his shirt, afraid he might release me. “I didn’t realize how scared I’ve been that he might find me.”

  “Look at me.” He draws back to place a fingertip beneath my chin and tip my face up. “No one will ever hurt you as long as I have breath in my body. Never. Do you understand me?”

  I nod. The fierce light in his eyes stirs butterflies in my belly. I believe him. A new sensation forms. One of trust. “I understand.”

  “I didn’t kill him.” Shadows pass over his expression.

  “I know.”

  “But he was following you. I couldn’t take the chance that he might hurt you again.”

  I stare at him in stunned silence. My intuition had been right about Kyle. He was lurking in my shadow, waiting for a chance to pounce. If I had stayed with Kyle for another year, he would’ve killed me—either by accident or by design. I believe he intended to kill me that night on the stairs. Only the interference of a neighbor had saved me. And I believe he wanted to kill me in the restroom of Cash’s bar.

  Cash rolls his lips together, taking his time before continuing. “Every time I looked at the scar on your forehead, I felt your pain, his betrayal, your fear.” His voice is quiet but rough. “And I knew what I felt was only a fraction of what you had experienced. I didn’t want you to spend the rest of your life wondering when he’d show up on your doorstep.” He sweeps me into his arms again. “I didn’t protect Chelle. I won’t make the same mistake again. You have no one to fear, Jagger. Your enemies are my enemies. I’ll defend you to my death.”

  “Thank you.” We hold each other close. I don’t want to let him go. Not now. Not ever.

  “Don’t thank me.” He gently eases me back ben
eath the water. “My reasons were purely selfish. Having you here and safe are my rewards.” The irises of his eyes are almost black. “Look, I need to say something.” The muscles of his throat constrict when he swallows. “You’re free to leave here anytime you want. If you’re not happy or I’m not doing something right, you have to tell me, okay?”

  “Of course.” I grab his face in both hands, sloshing more water over the front of his shirt. “Why would you say that?”

  “It’s just—” His gaze flickers toward the lake outside the window before returning back to me. The raw emotion in his eyes brings a lump to my throat. “I was unfair to your sister, and I don’t want to make the same mistake with you.”

  “You aren’t. I want to be here.” Until now, I had no idea how much I’ve grown accustomed to having him in my life.

  The back of his hand caresses my cheek, an instant before he lifts an internal barrier to hide his feelings. In an easy motion, he stands, drags his wet T-shirt over his head, and tosses it into the hamper. A few weeks ago, I would’ve been hurt by the sudden shift in his demeanor, but today, I recognize the war raging inside him. He cares; he just doesn’t know how to show it. As he Knowing he’s vulnerable makes it harder for me to not love him. “I just came up here to check on you. Gage sent up the sandwich.” He jerks his chin toward the tray. “He doesn’t make food for everyone. He must like you.”

  “Wait.” I stand, having had enough of the water, and look around for a towel. Cash grabs one off the shelf and wraps it around me, but first, his gaze travels over my naked body. The lust in his sinful eyes means everything to me. I throw my arms around his neck. “You’re so confusing, Cash.”

  An adorable blush colors his cheeks. He smiles before grabbing my bottom with both hands. “I want to know you’re with me because you want me. Not because I forced you.”

  “I’m right where I want to be, Cash Delacorte. You can count on that.”

  The expanse of his chest swells with a deep breath. Worry creates a line between his brows. “I need to tell you something.”

  “There’s more?” I roll my eyes, trying to lighten the mood, but he doesn’t smile.

  “I saw Callie today.” His grip tightens on my bottom, holding me in place. “She asked me not to tell you, but I can’t keep it a secret.”

  “Is she okay? Did something happen? Where is she?” I struggle to free myself, but he keeps me trapped against his torso until I relax.

  “She’s fine. She came here to warn me about the FBI and to ask me to leave you alone.” His brown eyes darken to the color of obsidian. “I told her no.”

  “Can I see her?”

  “She was only here for a minute.” He sweeps the hair from my face in a tender caress. “She sends her love, Jag.”

  “But you told her, right? You told her that I’m happy with you?” My mind grapples with the sudden influx of information.

  “Are you happy with me?” Butterflies flit around inside my belly at the way his gaze dips to my lips when he speaks.

  “Yes.” Despite the craziness of our lives, I’ve been happier in the past week than I’ve been my entire life.

  His head lowers to mine. I lift on tiptoe to meet him halfway. Our mouths meet in the sweetest of kisses. When his tongue eases between my lips, I melt on the inside. I deepen the kiss, letting all of my emotions pour into him. He groans and pulls back. “I really do have to get back to the men.” His worried tone sparks a note of concern.

  I hoist the towel higher beneath my armpits. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Just touching base with my men. After Callie’s warning, I want the guys to be on the lookout for the FBI. Nothing for you to worry about.” He dries my shoulders with the plush cotton cloth, then my arms, my breasts, between my legs. My nipples tighten into hard nubs. He sighs. “Damn.”

  “Don’t go.” I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest. “Stay here with me.”

  “You’re killing me.” The agony in his voice is palpable. “I have to go back downstairs.”

  I rest my chin on his sternum and blink up at him. “I guess it’s not easy being king.”

  “You got that right, darlin’.” He chucks me beneath the chin, kisses the tip of my nose, and backs toward the door.

  “We need to talk about Athena.” I follow him, slipping into a bathrobe as I walk. “We don’t exactly get along.”

  He rubs the back of his neck, a sheepish grin on his face. “Yeah? She’s the kind of person you either love or hate. Don’t let her get to you. Just remember, you’re the boss. She’s the employee. You can handle her.” He gives my rear end a gentle pat. “I’ll be up later. We can talk then.”

  When he’s gone, I climb into bed. The mattress feels like a cloud. I’m so tired. My head buzzes over thoughts of Callie. She’s worried about me. If only I had a way to contact her, to explain about my feelings for Cash. Lucy nudges my arm until I lift the covers. She crawls to my feet, licks my toes, and curls into a ball. I drift into sleep, dreaming of Cash’s arms wrapped around me, holding me close, murmuring tender words in my ears.

  The next time my eyes open, sunlight streams through the open curtains. Cash is in bed beside me, completely naked. According to the clock on the nightstand, it’s almost eight in the morning. I should’ve been up an hour ago. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. One of Cash’s arms snakes around my waist, hauling me back onto the mattress.

  “No.” His voice is rough with sleep. His eyes still closed. “Get back here.”

  “I have to go to work.”

  “Why?” He opens one eye. Dark stubble covers his cheeks. His tanned skin contrasts with the white bed linens.

  “Not everyone is a night owl like you.” His day typically begins around noon while I’m out of bed by seven a.m. “Some of us have day jobs.”

  “Call off.”

  “We’ve been over this before.” I giggle as he rolls me beneath him and slides down my body, spreading my thighs with his knees. He growls lazily. Hot kisses dot my breasts and neck. The space between my legs begins to throb. “I can’t. I need to talk with Em. I have a meeting with Loretta this afternoon. And I have to deal with Mr. Mercer’s problem.”

  The kisses stop. His head bobs up. “What’s wrong with Mr. Mercer? Is he okay?”

  “Yes. He’s fine. It’s just—” I sigh. “He’s ready to be released, but he can’t stay by himself. And he doesn’t have the money to afford a nurse.”

  “He could stay here,” Cash replies before returning his attention to my belly. His butterfly kisses send tingles of desire across my body. “I went ahead and renewed the lease here for another year. That will give him plenty of time to find an alternative.”

  “It’s nice of you to offer. Ah!” I gasp as his lips drift farther south to my pussy. His tongue dives into my slit, finding the tiny nub hidden there. I dig my fingers into his hair and shudder.

  He peers at me over the small swell of my pubic bone. “I’m serious. Why not? There’s always someone around. He could stay in the mother-in-law suite. No stairs. It has a kitchenette and separate entrance. We can hire a nurse to come in and check on him throughout the week.”

  “I don’t know. I suppose I can ask him.” One of his fingers slides into me. My hips jerk upward involuntarily.

  He smirks. “Like that, do you?”

  “Yes. More, please.” I push his head down. The bed shakes with the force of his laughter. I’m going to be super late for work, but I decide to make an exception.



  I’m an hour late to work. Em avoids my gaze when I walk through the back door. The computer keyboard clicks beneath her fingertips as she keys a stack of invoices into the accounting program. I shove my purse into the bottom drawer of the file cabinet and close it with an accidental bang. She doesn’t flinch.

  “Sorry I’m late,” I say. Her fingers continue to clack on the keys. “How did everything go yesterday?”

�� Her voice sounds thick and strange.

  “Did we have any customers?”

  “A few.”

  I catch a glimpse of her face as she reaches for a file. Her eyes are red-rimmed and swollen. “Have you been crying?”

  “No. My allergies are flaring up.”

  I’m not convinced. “Em. Look at me.” I cover her hand with mine. “What happened?”

  She draws in a shaky breath. “Nothing. I said I’m fine.” The point of her chin juts out stubbornly.

  “Well, okay. If you need to talk, I’m here for you.” From past experience, I’ve learned that she’ll eventually tell me everything if I’m patient. While she bangs on the keyboard, I file invoices and dust the shelves.

  The office phone rings. Em answers it. A few seconds later, she shouts at me from the back office. “Jag, it’s for you.”

  I grab the extension near the wall of pottery. “Jagger Jones speaking. May I help you?”

  “Jag, it’s me. Callie.”

  My heart skips a beat at the sound of my sister’s voice. “Cal? Oh, my gosh. Where are you?”

  “I’d rather not say. Are you okay?” The warmth and concern in her voice brings tears to my eyes.

  “Yes. I’m great. Is something wrong?”

  “You need to get away from Cash. Pack your shit and leave now, Jagger.” The sense of urgency in her tone escalates my fear.

  “You’re kidding, right?” My initial excitement at reconnecting with my sister turns into irritation. “I don’t want to leave. I’ve got a life here, Callie.”

  “Bad shit is about to go down, and Cash is in the middle of it. You need to get out while you can. Do you need money? I can wire you whatever you need.” Her patronizing tone strikes a spark of indignation inside me. Where was she when Kyle beat me to a pulp? Where was she when I was crying myself to sleep out of loneliness and fear? She abandoned me. If she really cared, she would never have left me.

  “You haven’t been a part of my life for years, Callie, and now you show up and expect me to drop everything because you don’t like the choices I’ve made? Well, I hate to tell you this, but you gave up the right to order me around when you left me at Heathrow Airport.” My pulse pounds in my ears. “Cash has been here for me. He’s taken care of me. He cares about me.”


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