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The Rancher’s Devout Bride

Page 10

by Maya Stirling

  Matilda broke the spell with firmly uttered compliments aimed at the two children and at Emma. Then it was time to go. Emma came and sat next to Jake, with Bethany in the middle. On the other carriage, Grace and Matilda sat with Clara between them.

  Then the carriages were trundling down the trail, headed toward town. Jake was acutely aware that Emma's gaze was fixed intently on the trail. She didn't even turn her head once in his direction. He figured she was trying to make a good impression because Bethany was sitting right between them.

  Up ahead, the other carriage started to pick up speed. Jake flicked the reins and did his best to keep up with Matilda, Grace and Clara. Out of the side of his eye, he saw that the sudden increase in speed had caused Emma to wrap an arm around Bethany's shoulders, while with the other hand she gripped onto the side of the carriage seat.

  Instantly, Jake slowed the carriage and Emma finally turned and looked at him. He met her gaze, seeing the concern on her features.

  Now that they were moving slower, Jake saw Matilda's carriage pulling ahead of them. He turned and looked at Emma. "No sense in going too fast. This isn't a race," he offered.

  Bethany gazed up at Jake. "Can't we race them into town?" she asked excitedly. Her eyes were bright with anticipation and Jake hated to disappoint her. He glanced at Emma, saw her brows furrow and her head shake imperceptibly. "I think we'll mosey on down into town, Bethany," Jake replied.

  Emma nodded and faced ahead again, seemingly satisfied that Jake had made a sensible choice. Jake held the reins tightly in his hands and wondered how he could engage Emma in some kind of conversation. But it seemed she was determined to be frosty with him.

  Finally they made it into town. The social was being held in the newly built public hall which had been constructed in the center of Main Street immediately opposite the hotel. A large saloon had been knocked down to make way for the town hall. That was a fine exchange as far as Jake was concerned. One less saloon made Inspiration a better place, he figured. Although it still left two others, none of which Jake ever frequented. The fact that the demolished saloon had belonged to Brett Calhoun, the town's wealthy, chief troublemaker, made the whole thing even more satisfying. It was always good to see Calhoun taken down a notch or two, even if that didn't happen as often as Jake would like.

  As he drove the carriage up the street, Jake could see that already plenty of folks had arrived, judging by the large number of carriages parked near to the town hall. He saw Matilda, Grace and Clara waiting for them on the boardwalk near the entrance to the hall. He drew his carriage to a halt, jumped down onto the dusty street, and raced around to offer assistance to Emma.

  She glanced at his extended hand and then placed her own hand in his as she carefully stepped down. It felt good to hold her gloved hand. He curled his fingers around hers, holding them more tightly than she might have expected. In the soft evening breeze, Jake caught a hint of her scent, a delicate mixture of lemon and spices. It evoked a flicker of emotion which needed every ounce of his self-control to contain.

  Emma glanced at Jake, a steady, even look that contained unspoken words, perhaps a hint of annoyance, he told himself. And then, abruptly, she tugged her hand loose. She dropped her hands to her waist, clasping them primly while she drew in a deep breath and glanced hesitantly toward the hall.

  Once again, the shutters had gone up, he told himself. He wondered what was on her mind. Was she nervous about attending the social? Uncertain about how she would be regarded by the townsfolk? Was she worried about being the center of attention?

  He could understand all of that. He recalled what it had been like being a newcomer in town only a few years ago. It had taken him a while to fit in. To be accepted. And there were still times when he wasn't sure he'd been fully welcomed in the town.

  Bethany raced to Clara, and both girls exchanged excited words, while gazing at the people streaming into the hall entrance just a short distance away. Jake saw Matilda and Grace lean down and talk quietly with the two girls.

  Sensing that he had a brief moment in which he could say something to Emma, Jake leaned closer. "Is everything okay?" he asked quietly.

  Almost as if she was offended by the question, a line appeared between Emma's brows. "Of course," she snapped quietly. "Why wouldn't it be?"

  Jake tilted his head and shrugged. "You seemed a little distracted on the way down here," he suggested.

  She squinted at Jake. "I wasn't aware you were keeping an eye on me."

  Jake stiffened and took a step back. Seemed like Emma wasn't interested in him showing any kind of concern. He felt his own barrier go up, and he dragged in a deep breath. "Only asking." He glanced in the direction of the others and saw Grace watching him and Emma.

  Determined not to back down, Jake offered his arm to Emma. Her eyes widened and she glanced down at the gap between his elbow and his side. Then, one brief glance at Grace seemed to make up her mind. She slid her arm through his. Although the gesture was stiff and formal, Jake still savored the warm sensation as he enclosed her arm, drawing her nearer to him. Then they stepped up onto the boardwalk.

  The eyes of the girls widened when they saw Jake and Emma arm in arm. As did the eyes of his mother and sister. "Looks busy tonight," Jake observed, trying to shift everyone's attention to the crowded hall entrance.

  As they all walked along the boardwalk, the sound of music from inside the hall became louder. The cacophony of voices mingled with sound of the fiddlers and banjos. Jake heard laughter and all the sounds of high spirits. Social nights were usually memorable. The rhythmic pounding of feet hinted at dancing currently in progress.

  They made their way in through the high, open doorway. There was a high-ceilinged reception area. Space being restricted, there was some bumping of shoulders. Up close like this, Jake saw some inquiring looks coming in their direction. He nodded and acknowledged one or two faces, trying to keep a friendly smile on his face. As if walking into a social with a beautiful young woman on his arm was something he did on a regular basis, he told himself.

  As he and Emma were jostled on the way to the doors which opened out onto the main hall, Jake felt a secret delight at sensing Emma's perfectly-attired, petite figure pressing up against his side. He glanced down at her and saw that, once again, she was determined not to look at him. Jake felt his nostrils flare as he dragged in a calming breath. He wondered what he'd have to do to break through Emma's icy demeanor.

  Finally, the crowd within which they were trapped, emerged into the hall. Suddenly there was space, and Emma took a step away from Jake, removing her arm from his. Bethany and Clara came running to Emma. Jake watched as she leaned down and shared their excitement as they gazed at the spectacle of the busy hall.

  Jake had to admit it was impressive. The interior of the hall was spacious and filled to capacity. It seemed as if everyone in Inspiration had turned out tonight. The main floor in front of the high stage at the end was full of dancing townsfolk, every one of whom was immaculately outfitted. Down the length of both sides of the hall, Jake could see that every one of the round tables had been taken up by revelers. A balcony stretched around each wall apart from the stage, about ten feet above the main level. Jake could see faces leaning against the wooden sides of the balcony, watching what was going on below. He'd been up there before and knew there were tables from which a fine view of proceedings was offered to those who wanted to keep away from the crowds.

  Now that they were inside, the music seemed even louder and the hubbub of voices like a steady roar, punctuated occasionally by hysterical laughter and cries of delight. Jake smiled. The folks of Inspiration were letting their hair down. And that was no mistake. Jake felt a sense of belonging as he gazed out across the sea of happy faces, many of whom he knew personally. Every year that passed, he felt more and more a part of this community, closer to these fine people. Inspiration, and its people, had gotten underneath Jake's skin. In a good way.

  Glancing at Emma chatting with the ch
ildren, he wondered how she would be feeling about this whole event. Maybe it would bring home the enormity of the change to which she'd exposed herself and the children. He wondered if they had ever experienced anything like this. Whether Emma felt intimidated by the warmth and good-natured spirit of this godly community.

  Grace came up to Jake. "Our cousins are all here," she announced.

  Jake followed her gaze and saw four familiar, smiling faces making their way toward him. Zane, Gideon, Reese and Micah Buchanan eased their way through crowd. The four ranchers circled Jake. He was treated to some thunderous, and slightly painful, beating on his back and shoulder by each of the four men who were, as usual, happy to see their cousins.

  "Where are your wives?" Jake asked, rubbing his tender shoulder and grinning at Zane.

  Zane twisted his neck and pointed to a table up by the side of the stage. "They're giving their feet a rest from dancing," he explained.

  Jake squinted at the side of the stage and saw four beautiful women waving to him. He waved back at them. "And the children?" he asked Gideon.

  "Ma and pa are looking after them all back at the ranch," Gideon replied.

  That made sense to Jake. This would have been too much for each of the tiny Buchanan children. This last few years had seen new additions for each member of the Buchanan clan.

  A sudden flush of envy surged inside Jake as he looked at his four cousins, seeing the satisfaction on their faces. Four families had been forged out of desperate circumstances a few years ago. Almost losing the ranch had been the spur that had driven all four of his cousins to take wives. And now each of them was enjoying blissful family life, complete with wonderful children. Everything had worked out perfectly for them. Jake wondered if he would ever enjoy that kind of domestic bliss.

  He saw Reese peering past Jake's shoulder. Jake turned and saw that Emma was gazing at the four Buchanan brothers. She had an expectant look on her face, as if she was awaiting an introduction.

  In short order, he introduced her and the children to them. Looks betraying barely disguised curiosity were sent Jake's way. He realized this was exactly the kind of awkward moment Emma might be dreading. "Emma and the children are staying up at the ranch," he explained. "They're visiting Inspiration for a while."

  Emma nodded. "It's a wonderful little town you have here," she said brightly.

  Micah smiled. "We like it," he said turning to his brothers. "Don't we?" he added.

  Zane, Gideon and Reese murmured their agreement in perfect unison. "We couldn't imagine living anywhere else," Gideon added. He peered intently at Bethany and Clara. "It's the perfect place for little girls, too," he added giving them both benefit of his most charming grin.

  Bethany and Clara squealed and glanced up at Emma. As if sensing they were about to make an awkward request, Emma rested a hand on the shoulder of each of the girls. "We like what we've seen. And the Buchanan ranch is lovely, too."

  "You mean, the smaller Buchanan ranch," Zane teased, quirking a brow at Jake and grinning at him.

  Jake tilted his head and groaned. "Let's not start that argument again," he complained.

  Reese's brows furrowed. "There's nothing to argue about," he said good-naturedly. "Our ranch is way bigger than yours." He shrugged and rolled his eyes. "It's just a statement of fact."

  Jake sighed, waved a dismissive hand at his cousins, and saw that Emma was watching him carefully. Maybe it was time to encourage her to join in with the fun of the social.


  Emma had been at the social for just over two hours before Jake finally asked her to dance. The entire time she and the girls had been seated at the table with all of the Buchanan clan, chatting animatedly, she'd wondered when Jake was going to summon up the courage and ask her onto the crowded dance floor.

  Of course, it had been delightful, even if a little overwhelming, to meet his cousins and their lovely wives. And it had taken every ounce of Emma's strength to keep on smiling throughout the long conversations, but she'd managed to maintain an air of polite interest, while, at the same time, hoping there were no uncomfortable questions she'd be compelled to answer.

  She'd been aware that Jake had, at times, gently guided the conversation away from personal matters which may have caused Emma embarrassment. And Grace had been a great help, too, in that regard. Maybe the Buchanan brothers and their wives had been forewarned not to get too personal with the newcomers. It was exactly the kind of generous attitude she'd come to expect from this family, Emma reflected.

  Bethany and Clara had danced with each of the Buchanan brothers, one after the other. That had been a sight which had warmed Emma's heart. The girls had been thrilled to skip merrily in front of the stage, jostling the other dancers with good-natured abandon, laughing gaily, having the time of their lives. Emma was so happy to see the joy on the faces of the girls.

  The last two hours had been so intense for Emma, she was beginning to feel tired. She'd done her best to ignore the glances cast her way. There had been judgment on some of those faces, she'd told herself. Maybe there were rumors floating around town. The newcomers at the Buchanan ranch seemed to have captured the attention of the townsfolk. And, maybe, not in a good way, she told herself.

  Finally, she gave in to his insistent requests, and allowed Jake to lead her to the middle of the floor. The tune played by the group of musicians up on the stage had a lilting, easy tempo. And that meant Jake gave into the temptation to hold onto Emma's hands more than he would have if they'd been dancing a jaunty jig.

  As she danced with him, Jake gazed intently at her, almost demanding that she respond by looking back at him. Every time he moved toward her, spun her around him, gazing at her with those mischievous eyes, he looked like he was trying to draw a response from her. Anything that would break down the barrier she had erected.

  All evening, he'd been trying to get a reaction out of her. At the table, occasional glances and leading comments had tempted her. But, she had done everything she could to resist and hold him at bay. Even when he'd held her hand as she'd descended from the seat of the carriage. Even when she'd scooped her arm inside his and jostled against him when they'd entered the hall. Every contact with the handsome rancher had triggered uncontrollable sensations in her. Feelings she had been determined to hide. To control as best she could.

  The battle had been raging inside her all evening. She knew she had to win the fight. It wouldn't do either of them any good if she revealed how she was beginning to feel about Jake. Things would get complicated. And they were already difficult enough.

  Tonight, she was resolved she wouldn't fall for Jake's charming ways. She'd seen the way he'd looked at her when she'd emerged from inside the ranch house. There had been appreciation in his gaze. More than that. There had been a look in his eyes which told her that Jake Buchanan wanted something from her. A connection she knew she couldn't offer. Because she didn't know how long she could remain in Inspiration; didn't know how this whole sorry tale was going to end.

  The music stopped and some of the crowd dispersed from the dance floor. She assumed her dance with Jake was over, but he had other ideas. He moved toward Emma and slid a hand around her waist, while holding onto her hand.

  She lifted her head back and peered at him. "The dance is over," she declared.

  Jake shook his head and smiled. "There's another one about to start," he replied defiantly.

  Right on cue, the music started up. This time, it was a slow, gentle tune with a dangerously hypnotic rhythm. Instantly, Emma tried to pull away from Jake, but he held onto her. Gently and insistently, giving her a mischievous look that immediately melted her resistance.

  She gazed into his eyes and felt him draw her closer to him. "What are you doing?" she asked gently.

  He leaned closer and whispered into her ear. "What I should have done a while ago." She felt his warm breath against her cheek. His manly scent filled her nostrils. "Keeping you to myself," he added with a gentle murmur.
  Sensation rippled through her and she gasped. Glancing at him, she saw he was gazing right at her, gauging her response, measuring her reaction. She asked herself what she should do. He'd stepped over a line, taking a risk. Judging by the look in his eyes, he knew things could go either way.


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