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The Rancher’s Devout Bride

Page 17

by Maya Stirling

  But, one thought had troubled Emma all night long. Did Jake's delight mean he still didn't want marriage to anyone at all? Or was his joy caused by the fact that he was now free to court Emma? Because, last night, she'd felt like he'd taken a decisive step in doing just that.

  His kiss had awakened joy in Emma's heart. But the delight had also triggered familiar doubts. Unwanted fears. Could she possibly give in to the temptation to encourage Jake to court her? Having seen the emotion in his eyes, the sheer sincerity of his words, she had no doubt that the slightest prompting on her part would mean that Jake might try to court her with even more seriousness.

  That thought filled Emma with a hidden delight. Not only was Jake a man possessed of a virtuous, devout character, he was also a man who had awakened passion in Emma. Something she'd never felt before. Whenever she was with him, she felt a longing she had never experienced in her life. A warmth in her heart that filled her with joy. No-one had come close to affecting her the way Jake Buchanan had since that day at the staging station.

  Even though she'd tried to resist the truth of her attraction to him, it seemed that each day that passed the feelings became stronger. Impossible to ignore. And last night had only confirmed that unavoidable truth.

  And there was one other aspect of Jake which she could not deny. The children loved him. She'd witnessed the warmth and decency with which he'd provided a safe place for her and the children. She'd seen how comfortable and happy those children were around Jake.

  She'd even seen evidence of that happiness this morning over the breakfast table. The girls had risen earlier than usual this morning. Before Jake had headed off to his work with the ranch hands, he'd promised Bethany and Clara more instruction on how to ride a horse. The girls hadn't been able to contain their excitement at that prospect. Emma's cautionary comments had had no effect on the girls. It seemed like Jake knew exactly how to make the girls happy.

  The only sign that Jake had been thinking about what had happened between him and Emma last night, had been a warm smile, a quiet farewell and a brief touch on his Stetson this morning as he'd left to go and work. That simple gesture had made Emma's heart sing.

  The rest of the journey into town passed quietly. Emma and Grace chatted about other things. For now, she was glad that Jake was no longer the subject of conversation. She needed a clear head this morning, and the last thing she had when thinking about Jake was a clear head.

  In town, Grace drove to the telegraph office. Agreeing to meet Grace at the mercantile, Emma went inside the office where she greeted Mr Tyler who handed her a newly-arrived telegram. Having come to the office most days this past week, Emma was always pleased not to receive a telegram. No news was normally good news, as far as she was concerned.

  So, realizing that one had actually come for her this morning, she felt immediately worried. It might not be good tidings, she told herself as she left the office after thanking Mr Tyler.

  Stepping out onto the boardwalk, Emma opened the envelope and read the telegram. It was from the head of the Foundling Society.





  Emma's legs weakened beneath her. Emma felt shock ripple through her body. A complaint? How did the Whitneys have the audacity to complain to the Foundling Society? For what possible reason would they do such a thing? Did they really think they would get custody of the children by involving the Society's attorney in some kind of investigation? Emma could only imagine what kind of accusations the couple had made against her. Were her worst fears about to come true?

  Emma lifted her head and gazed up the length of Main Street. She could feel the blood draining from her face. A chill ran down her spine. She was glad Grace wasn't around to witness Emma's reaction.

  For a moment, she leaned against one of the wooden posts supporting the roof over the boardwalk. Gazing up the length of the boardwalk, Emma was glad there was no-one near her. She needed a moment of solitude to understand what this could mean. Further up the street, the boardwalk was busy with townsfolk going about their business. Right now, everything seemed unreal.

  She'd bought three tickets to leave Inspiration on the weekend train. Now, that plan would have to be abandoned. She'd have to spend at least a week more in Inspiration. After the events of last night, perhaps that might not be the worst thing imaginable, she told herself.

  But, she could not deny the fact that she faced the possibility of losing the children. Clearly, the couple in Billings had challenged her account of why the children could not be placed with them. Emma wondered what had persuaded the Foundling Society to agree to a further inquiry into the matter. As far as she knew, sending out an attorney to sort things out wasn't standard practice for the Society.

  However, she knew she would have to abide by the decision. Doubt was being cast over her account. That could mean trouble for her, Emma confessed to herself. The idea of being accused of breaking the law had seemed fanciful a week ago. Now, it appeared to be a real possibility.

  She considered what she could do. Taking the children and leaving Inspiration wasn't an option. It would be unkind to the children. And it would open Emma up to even worse accusations.

  She'd just have to remain here. And stay at the ranch. Once the attorney arrived, perhaps everything could be resolved amicably. Then, Emma could return east with the children. Or perhaps, the attorney might even arrive with alternate arrangements in place if he found in favor of Emma.

  Still, the possibility remained that the worst might happen. The children might be handed over to the couple in Billings. Emma's heart pounded as she considered that possibility. It could not happen, she told herself firmly. Gritting her teeth, she sighed. She would not allow any unhappiness into the lives of those two children. Not while she had breath in her body.

  Emma was certain that it was God's will that she find the sanctuary of a decent family for the children. That had been the purpose which He had appointed to her. She was determined to see it through. Seized with a sudden impulse, she lowered her head and began to pray.

  Almighty Father. Grant me the wisdom to know what I must do. Guide my steps so that I may do Your will. Grant me the fortitude and understanding to find what is just and good.

  Lifting her head, Emma drew in a deep breath. Prayer always filled her with renewed hope. It never failed to refresh her, strengthen her resolve to do what was right.

  Placing the telegram inside her reticule, Emma strode forward, uncertain about what she would face, but sure that God would help her find a way.


  When Jake returned to the ranch house at lunchtime from working with the herd, he was disappointed to find that Emma had gone into town with Grace. He'd spent the entire morning thinking of ways to discuss with her what had happened the night before. He'd racked his brains trying to come up with a sensible way of dealing with the turmoil that had twisted inside him all through the night, and for most of the morning.

  He just couldn't figure out why it was that, despite having kissed Emma, and telling her he had no intention of marrying Miss Alexander, Emma still seemed determined to keep her distance from him. The walk back to the house had been excruciatingly tense and very quiet. She'd seemed lost in her own thoughts. She'd said she wanted to tell him something, but Jake's revelations and the kiss had obviously given her second thoughts. When they'd finally reached the ranch house, Emma had abruptly wished Jake goodnight and dashed upstairs. Watching her race away from him like that had made Jake's heart sink.

  Jake had taken plenty of friendly teasing from the ranch hands, this morning. Seemed they could tell when a man was bothered by romantic concerns. Was it that obvious? Jake had asked himself over and over if he really was falling for Emma Dunbar.
It certainly felt like it. He'd never had feelings like these about anyone before. She'd walked into his life and turned it upside down. It was that simple.

  But, even though he felt like he was being tossed around on a bucking bronco, he wasn't complaining. Joy had taken hold of his heart. Every time he looked at Emma, every moment he spent in her company, he felt delight warm his soul. The thought had impressed itself upon Jake that he had fallen for Emma. Big time.

  Jake found Bethany and Clara with Matilda in the sitting room. His mother gave Jake a knowing look. Was his disappointment at not finding Emma that obvious? Jake spent some time in the sitting room joining in some of the fun with his mother and the two girls.

  Watching his mother engaging with the children, teaching them knitting, Jake could see that Matilda had discovered a new lease of life. One that built upon the joy she'd found when Abigail and Noah had married the year before. Jake was beginning to believe that, finally, Matilda might be getting over the sudden passing of her husband, Malachi, a few years back. The whole family were gradually moving on from Jake's father's tragic death.

  Glancing out the window, Jake saw a rider pulling to a halt in the yard. Recognizing Sheriff Nathan Cameron, Jake excused himself and went outside to greet Nathan.

  The sheriff had dismounted by the time Jake made it outside. "What can I do for you, Nathan?" Jake asked.

  Nathan stretched his tall, muscular physique, drew in a deep breath and sighed. "Sometimes that's a long ride up from town," he complained, hitching the reins of his horse to the rail alongside the porch. "Or maybe I've been spending too much time behind a desk at the jailhouse." Nathan's friendly features usually radiated good-natured feeling. But, Jake could see a hint of worry in Nathan's steady gaze.

  Jake and Nathan shook hands. "Don't see you up here too often," Jake stated. "Is there a problem?"

  Nathan nodded and glanced at the sitting room window. "Can we talk confidentially somewhere?"

  Concern flared inside Jake. "Sure." Jake pointed to a pathway which led away from the house and back in the direction of the main gate. "Lets go over there."

  Once they were well away from the house, and presumably out of earshot of any eavesdroppers, Nathan drew to a halt and peered grimly at Jake. "It's about your guests."

  "Emma and the children?" Jake asked. "What about them?"

  Nathan jammed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and narrowed his eyes. "Where is Emma?"

  Jake frowned. "She's in town with Grace." He jerked a thumb in the direction of the ranch house. "The girls are inside with my mother." Jake peered at Nathan. Worry was tugging at his insides. "What's this about, sheriff?"

  Nathan's features hardened. "I've been contacted by the law down in Billings." He sighed heavily, almost as if he didn't want to say the next words. "It's about Emma."

  "What about her?" Jake exclaimed.

  Nathan rolled his eyes. Jake had never seen Nathan look so uncomfortable. "The sheriff in Billings is looking for her."

  "What!" Jake gasped and stared incredulously at Nathan.

  Nathan lifted both hands trying to maintain calm. "Before you get on your high horse, let me speak."

  Jake's heart was pounding. He could guess what was coming. In fact, ever since bringing Emma to Inspiration, he'd expected a moment like this might come. "What do they want?"

  Nathan frowned. "Right now, they're not even sure she's here. They're making inquiries around the territory. But, I think someone might have given them a lead that she's most likely in Inspiration. They're not completely sure."

  "That's all very well, Nathan," Jake stated. "But, why are they even interested in her?"

  Nathan sighed even more heavily. He glanced back in the direction of the ranch house. He peered directly at Jake, and cleared his throat. "It's all about the girls. Someone in Billings is claiming the girls were abducted."

  Alarm quivered through Jake's entire body. His legs felt suddenly heavy. That last word Nathan had uttered struck Jake like a physical blow. "That's just plain foolishness, Nathan. And you know it."

  Nathan shook his head. "That's the problem, Jake. I don't know it for sure. And neither do you."

  "You're wrong, sheriff. If there's one thing I do know, it's that Emma isn't capable of even thinking about carrying out such a crime, let alone doing it for real."

  "That may be the case, Jake," Nathan replied. "But, I still have to find out for myself."

  "What are you planning on doing? Arresting her?" Jake demanded. He felt bad for confronting Nathan like this. Most times, he and Nathan got along fine. Nathan had helped the Buchanan family plenty of times over the past few years. He'd helped them through difficult times. This was no ordinary time, Jake reminded himself.

  "I won't be arresting anyone," Nathan replied. "Not yet, at least."

  Emotion swept through Jake. "Not yet! What are you talking about? She hasn't done anything that justifies taking her and locking her up." Jake realized his voice was echoing across the yard. Worried his comments could be overheard, he lowered his voice. "Nathan, you have to see sense. You can't arrest a woman who saved the lives of those two girls. Do you know what she went through to bring them here?"

  Nathan smiled weakly, shook his head and waved his hands in a placatory manner. "Now, hold on, Jake. Calm yourself. You know me. I won't be resorting to such tactics." Nathan peered at Jake. "You can trust me on that."

  His breath quickening, Jake tried to swallow. Any moment now, he was going to say something he might regret. A confession was hovering on the tip of his tongue. One that, if he was to utter it, might change everything. For Jake and for Emma. This wasn't the moment to make his feelings for her a public matter.

  Reason prevailed over emotion and he kept silent about his feelings for Emma. A revelation like that might just complicate things, he scolded himself.

  Nathan took a step closer to Jake. "You and I have known one another long enough, Jake," Nathan said carefully. "I've come to trust your judgment in many things. I know you're a decent man. A godly man, much like myself."

  Jake straightened, wondering where Nathan was going with all this. "Buchanan men can always be trusted, Nathan. You know that."

  Nathan nodded. "I surely do." He frowned. "But on this, I have to ask you, one single time. Do you believe what Emma says about her and the children? Tell me straight, now."

  Jake met Nathan's steady gaze. "I know she's telling the truth, Nathan. She's a devout woman. She wouldn't lie about something like that." Jake drew in a sharp breath and added: "Never." His voice cracked and he gazed intently at Nathan.

  Nathan examined Jake, as if searching for the slightest hint of doubt. Jake knew Nathan wouldn't finds any. Jake believed every word Emma had told him. Maybe Nathan could also see something more in his expression, Jake told himself. Perhaps Jake's true feelings for Emma were written clear as day on Jake's face. Being a sheriff, Nathan was used to seeing the truth in a man's eyes. Did he see that truth in Jake's steady gaze? Jake didn't care. Now wasn't the time to hide anything. There was too much at stake.

  Nathan's eyes narrowed, clearly considering things for a moment. "Okay, Jake," he said finally. "Here's what I'm going to do. I can hold them off for a few days. I'll ask Billings for more information. Delay things while we work this out."

  Hope surged in Jake's chest. "Thanks, Nathan."

  Nathan shook his head. "Don't go thanking me just yet." He tilted his head. "Emma doesn't have any plans for leaving town, does she?"

  "Not that I know of," Jake replied. "She's talked about going back east. But, as far as I know, nothing definite has been decided."

  "Try and make sure she doesn't go anywhere," Nathan said. "You can do that for me, can't you?"

  Jake nodded. "I'll try my best to keep her real close," he replied, feeling grateful for Nathan's wisdom and familiar sense of decency.


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