The Rancher’s Devout Bride

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The Rancher’s Devout Bride Page 20

by Maya Stirling


  "That was a fine lunch, ma," Jake said to Matilda. He glanced down the length of table and saw plenty of satisfied Buchanan family faces. Seemed like everyone had enjoyed the many courses which Hettie had served up during the last hour and a half. The sun was still shining on the yard. It had been a good decision to have the lunch outdoors, Jake told himself.

  Matilda, seated in the place of honor at the head of the table, grinned back at Jake. "It sure was, son." She lifted a brow and peered at him. "Of course, you and the rest just did the eating." She glanced past Jake at Emma, Grace and the children who were seated next to him. "There were a few others involved in the making of that lunch you just enjoyed." He knew his mother was trying to get him to be polite and not leave out anyone else in his praise.

  Jake turned and saw Emma, Grace, Bethany and Clara all looking at him, waiting for his response. "You all did a fine job," he admitted.

  "Thank you, Jake," Clara said, looking visibly pleased.

  Emma smiled at Jake. "We all pitched in." She leaned toward Clara and Bethany. "It was fun girls, wasn't it?"

  Bethany and Clara nodded. Jake squinted at them. "So, you'll be doing all the cooking from now on then, will you?" Jake said.

  He saw Emma's brows furrow slightly and he realized his joke would easily be misunderstood. He hadn't meant it to suggest that the girls would definitely be staying for a long time at the ranch. But that was the way it had come out. He thought about trying to say something to correct himself but one stern look from Emma changed his mind.

  A roar of laughter, followed by loud thumping on the table, from the other end drew everyone's attention away from Jake. Caleb, his uncle, was rising to his feet. His gruff features were covered in a warm-hearted smile. Caleb peered at Matilda. "Got a speech I need to make, Matilda," Caleb announced. "You know how it is every year," he joked.

  "Do you have to, Caleb?" Matilda objected, and gave him a good-natured smile. "Don't you go embarrassing me." That drew a roar of laughter from everyone at the table.

  Jake grinned at his mother. He could see that she was secretly delighted that Caleb was about to extol her virtues. Caleb speaking gracious words about her had become a regular occurrence at Matilda's birthday celebrations every since her, Jake, Grace and Abigail had moved to Inspiration four years ago.

  Caleb leaned on the table and peered along its length. "Matilda. This is your special day." Caleb glanced around at all the smiling faces. "And we just want you to know just how much we love you. How much we want this day to be perfect for you. Because, there is no-one else in this territory who deserves as much as you, Matilda."

  Matilda groaned. "I told you he was going to make me blush." Everyone laughed.

  Jake reached across and took Matilda's hand. His mother's gaze shifted to Jake. He could see the emotion hiding behind those eyes. Behind her tough facade lay a soft and generous heart. She was doing her best to hide it, but Jake knew how she was feeling. He felt his mother's fingers tighten around his hand.

  Jake turned to Emma and saw she was watching how he was holding Matilda's hand. There was a gentle curiosity on Emma's face. He wondered what she was thinking. Then she turned and faced Caleb.

  "We're sure glad everything is turning out fine, now," Caleb continued. He turned and looked at Abigail and Noah who were sitting across from Jake. "There's another little Buchanan on the way. And we're all mighty glad of that, aren't we?" Caleb asked running his gaze around everyone at the table. Heads nodded and palms were rapped noisily on the table's surface. Jake saw Abigail's features flush. Noah wrapped his arms around his wife and drew her closer to him.

  "Won't be long now," Matilda declared proudly, smiling at Abigail and Noah.

  Abigail patted her full stomach. "It sure won't," she admitted and turned to Noah. Jake saw his sister's look of absolute love as she gazed at Noah. He knew Abigail adored her husband, the easterner who had come to Inspiration a year ago and had fallen for Abigail while struggling to become a rancher. Jake couldn't help wondering what it would feel like if Emma looked at him like that. Glancing at Emma, he saw that her attention was fixed on Abigail. Was Emma wondering the same thing as him?

  "I think I speak for everyone of my family when I say we are mighty happy that so many good things are coming into your life, this year," Caleb said.

  Jake saw Caleb glance straight at him. Then, Caleb's glance shifted to Emma. And it was at that point that Jake knew that everyone in the Buchanan family wanted him and Emma to be together.

  Jake felt Matilda squeezing his hand gently. "Things sure are looking up," Matilda agreed.

  Jake felt his eyes widen as Matilda peered knowingly at him.

  "Of course, we have these dear, sweet girls here, too," Matilda said shifting her gaze to Bethany and Clara. "They've brightened up every day since they got here. I can't tell you the happiness they've brought into my life, just by being here."

  "I'm sure they have," Caleb said. Caleb ran his gaze around the gathered family members. "And, I'm certain I speak for everyone here when I say that we hope that, in the days to come, you'll have many more days like those." Caleb lifted a querying brow in the direction of Emma. "If you follow my drift, Miss Dunbar. From what I've been hearing, that is a distinct possibility." He tilted his head and grinned. "Am I right?"

  Jake saw Emma's mouth open wide. Shock was written on her face. By contrast, Bethany and Clara exchanged excited looks.

  All eyes were on Emma. A silence had descended upon the table. Jake felt instant panic seize him. Someone had been talking. And, whoever it had been, they'd misunderstood what was happening between himself and Emma. He knew that. And so did Emma, judging by the expression on her face.

  Clara turned abruptly to Emma. "Is that right, Emma?" Clara exclaimed. The little girl's eyes were bright with anticipation.

  "Is it?" added Bethany. "Are we going to stay?" Bethany's voice cracked with emotion.

  Emma's features were pale. Her eyes moved quickly, her gaze shifting from Jake to Matilda and back to the children. Jake could see the consternation in her face.

  Jake leaned forward, intending to say anything he could to change the subject. Anything to give them all a chance to bring the good feelings back to the table.

  But, before he had a chance to say anything, Emma stood, dropped her napkin onto the table and faced Matilda. Forcing a smile on her face, Emma spoke, her voice cracking slightly. "Excuse me, Matilda. I'll be back in a moment."

  Jake heard a couple of gasps from around the table as Emma turned and strode away from the table. Jake released his mother's hand, stood and faced all the expectant faces. He smiled. "Everything's fine," he stated, knowing that it was anything but fine.

  Then, Jake left the table and went after Emma.


  Emma raced around the side of the house until she came to the back garden. A path led through some waist-high bushes and up a slope to a small grove of trees. She'd been here many times since arriving. It was a kind of sanctuary. And, right now, she needed a place of protection. Anywhere which could provide a quietness so she could deal with the tumult of her thoughts.

  She gripped her skirts, making sure they didn't catch on the hedgerows. Finally, she reached the coolness beneath the overhanging branches. She sat down on the wooden bench on which she'd played with Bethany and Clara so many times.

  Dropping her hands into her lap, she moaned quietly to herself. What had just happened back there? What had Caleb said? Was it common knowledge amongst the Buchanan family that she and Jake would marry? Was that what everyone was thinking?

  But, that couldn't be, Emma told herself. Not while the threat of losing the children hung over her head. Not while she faced potential charges of abduction with all the legal consequences of such accusations.

  Everything God had granted her since coming to Inspiration could be taken away from her. She might lose the children. She could lose Jake. And she stood to lose a future life
on the ranch.

  Emotion swept through Emma. The breath eased out of her and, for a moment, she was sure she was about to begin sobbing. But, something inside her strengthened. At times like this, she always prayed.

  Closing her eyes, she let her thoughts move to her Almighty Father. Oh, my blessed God. Grant me the strength to face this trial. Grant me the wisdom to do the right thing, even if it means I must suffer so that those children will be safe. My Heavenly Father, I am so grateful to you for bringing Bethany and Clara and Jake into my life. But, it looks as if the forces of the enemy are about to win.

  Just thinking about that brought tears to Emma's eyes. Her throat tightened. She continued praying: Grant me hope. Show me the way, my God, so that good shall prevail.

  Emma heard movements and opened her eyes. Jake was coming toward her. His brows were furrowed, his gaze urgent. Emma straightened, composing herself. For a moment, she thought about standing and walking away from him. But, Jake moved quickly and sat down alongside her.

  Emma averted her gaze from Jake. She knew her eyes must be red, and she didn't want him to see that.

  After a long pause, Jake spoke: "About what Caleb just said," Jake murmured. "I think he might have spoken prematurely."

  Emma turned and faced Jake. "You think so?" she replied sharply.

  Now that he could see her eyes, Jake's face filled with obvious concern. "I can see you're upset, Emma. And I understand why."

  "Do you, Jake? Do you really know how hard this has been for me and the children?"

  "I've seen how hard it has been, Emma," he replied. Jake nodded slowly. "I've been with you every step of the way. With you and the children. I've done my best to do what I thought was right."

  "Does that include telling everyone we're going to get married?" Emma snapped.

  Jake's mouth opened, forming an O shape of pure shock. He hadn't expected her to say that. She could see the surprise written all across his features. Jake sighed and his eyes narrowed. "I haven't said any such thing to a single member of my family, Emma. You have to believe me."

  Emma peered at him, seeing a familiar look on Jake's face. That look he had whenever he was being straight with someone. That expression that had assured her so many times before that he was speaking the truth.

  "Don't get me wrong," Jake continued. "I've thought about talking with my cousins about this plenty of times."

  Emma recalled how she'd seen Jake and Zane talking out in the yard earlier. She'd assumed they might be discussing her. But, she'd been wrong. "What stopped you?"

  Jake tilted his head. "I respect you too much to do that. What's passed between us since we met is too important, too special, for me to do anything that would jeopardize our friendship," he said. Then he leaned closer, lowered his voice and added: "I won't do anything to damage our relationship. You're too precious to me, Emma."

  His words triggered a wave of feeling in her. Emma's heart quickened. She lowered her head, feeling her lashes moisten. Then she felt his fingers ease her chin upwards. Gazing into his eyes, she saw the sudden distress on his face, now that his suspicions had been confirmed. Now he knew how much this meant to her. How much it was affecting her. There was no sense in trying to hide it anymore.

  His fingertips rested gently beneath her chin. His touch awakened an aching sensation in her heart. He was so close now, she caught his scent on the cool air. His full lips were so tempting. His warm gaze was melting her resistance, little by little.

  She leaned away. His fingers dropped to his lap and he looked suddenly disappointed. "You know this can't happen, Jake," Emma said sharply. "I'm in so much trouble. And the girls are relying on me."

  "I know that, Emma." He shifted closer. "I'm aware that things are hard for you, right now. But, I also have faith that God will find a way to heal all of this."

  Emma gasped. "I'm trying to find hope, Jake," she moaned. "But, it's proving to be real difficult."

  Then Jake reached across and took Emma's hands in his. Once again, the sensation of his touch ignited longing in her. "Trust in God, Emma. You know you can do that. You've told me about all those times when your faith pulled you through." Jake's gaze became earnest. "This is one of those times."

  Emma gasped and gazed into Jake's eyes. She could see how much he believed what he was saying to her. There was a firmness of conviction in his eyes.

  When she nodded, Jake moved closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He drew her closer. All her resistance had faded, now. She allowed herself to settle into his arms. She could feel the heat of his body; sense the gentle strength of his embrace. It felt good to be in his arms. This was a delight she'd denied herself too often, she reflected.

  In the distance, from the other side of the ranch house, she heard quiet laughter. Happy voices. She was glad her sudden departure from the table hadn't affected the good feelings too much. The last thing she wanted to do was spoil the birthday party.

  She wondered what the children would be thinking. They'd looked so excited when Caleb had hinted that Emma and the children might be able to stay at the ranch for good. But that depended so much on what would happen to her and whether or not she and Jake could overcome the barriers facing them.

  Emma lifted her face upward, gazing at Jake's rugged features. She could tell he was trying to remain composed. His mouth was set in a firm, thin line. His gaze was steady and unmoving. She sensed the tension in his body. He'd said kind words to her. Sentiments that he probably hoped would persuade her to consider matrimony.

  But, every time that thought came to mind, she saw the words of the telegram. Just thinking about Mr Curtis, the attorney, and the legal problems which might come from his arrival, triggered a familiar anxiety in Emma.

  As if sensing her unease, Jake looked down at Emma. He shifted and leaned forward. Then his lips settled upon hers. The kiss was sudden, but also wonderfully tender. She gasped quietly, sensation flooding her being, as he cradled her gently in his arms. His fingers cupped her chin softly. For a long moment, she gave herself over to Jake's tender attentions. Being with him like this made her feel alive. Settled in his embrace, she felt a wondrous joy. She couldn't imagine this joy being absent from her life.

  Then, as suddenly as the kiss had begun, Jake lifted his head away. He gazed deeply into her eyes. She could see his own joy there. There was no hiding the fact that his feelings for her were real and powerful.

  "Emma," he murmured. "You know how I feel about you," he declared softly. His voice was a low, fervent growl, filled to the brim with emotion.

  Emma nodded. "I think I do, Jake," she admitted.

  She saw the muscles at the corner of his jaw twitching. He was still holding her, unwilling to release her. In this moment, she was more than happy to be in his arms. There was nowhere else in the world she'd rather be, she realized.

  Jake's eyes betrayed the battle being fought in his mind. "I've got so much I want to say to you. You've turned my world upside down," he said. The corner of his mouth creased with a smile. "But, I'm not complaining."

  "I'm glad to hear it," she replied teasingly.

  His gaze darkened suddenly. "But, really, Emma." He shook his head slowly. "When I first saw you, I knew there was something special about you. I felt it right away. I was drawn to you." His voice dropped lower. "I couldn't help myself."

  Emma smiled up at him. "I thought you were just about the most handsome cowboy I'd ever seen."

  His brows shot up. "Who says I'm a cowboy?" he scoffed good-naturedly. "A rancher is a special kind of man."

  Emma laid a hand gently on his chest. She felt his quick heartbeat against the palm of her hand. "Oh, I think I know that, now," she admitted.

  He looked pleased upon hearing her admission. All the hurt of moments ago had faded. They'd returned to teasing each other, a sure sign that everything had returned to normal. For the moment, at least.


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