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A Phoenix Is Forever

Page 13

by Ashlyn Chase

  “Don’t you worry about me. I’m going to make some popcorn, watch an old movie on TV, and enjoy my roses.” Annette beamed at them.

  Luca thought she was a sweet woman. He changed his vow. He would do everything he could to get them both out of this neighborhood.

  As he helped Dawn into his car, he noticed she looked at him with a special glow in her eyes. He’d never had a woman look at him that way.

  He got into the driver’s side, started the engine, and reached for her hand. “They’re going to adore you. Don’t worry.”

  “Now who’s psychic?”

  “I’m just imagining someone brand-new walking into not one but two families who all know each other now—and one of those families with seven sons and various daughters-in-law. Please don’t worry. Many of them have been in your shoes, and they’ll welcome you with open arms.”

  She gave him a tremulous smile. “I hope so.”

  “Try to relax. We’re going to meet up with some of them at my home first, and you’ve already been there. Besides, you’ve met my parents, and they really like you.”

  “What about Gabe?”

  “Gabe doesn’t count, but he thinks you’re great too.”

  “Everyone counts. I don’t want to make a bad impression on anyone.”

  “Well, you’re the psychic. How do you think they’re gonna react to you?”

  “I’m too nervous to feel anything. Besides, it’s harder to sense things when it relates to myself.”

  “Speaking of sensing things, I have something for you that I was hoping you could have a look at.”

  She raised a fine brow. “Is this about Mandy?”

  “Yes. I ran into Mandy’s father, Jack, and he asked for my help. He gave me Mandy’s pink unicorn, the one you saw in your vision.”

  “Do you have it with you?” Her eyes were alight with excitement. “Maybe if I held the unicorn, I could figure out where she is.”

  “It’s in my trunk. When we get to a place and time where you can concentrate, I’ll get it for you.”

  “Do you think Jack would allow me into his home?”

  “I don’t know. He’s pretty raw.” Luca appreciated her desire to help, but he remembered the warning Joe had given him. It was the firm, no-nonsense, forbidding type. “And I need to tell you something. You need to leave me out of it. I could get fired for interfering.”

  “Seriously? Even if you save the child’s life?”

  “Yes. I’d probably get a commendation one day and a pink slip the next.”


  All he could do was advise and look out for her. What if she wasn’t able to get anything from the unicorn? He didn’t want her to be inside Jack’s house if that happened. Jack might react badly, and he didn’t want Dawn to get hurt. He cared about her too much.

  The revelation surprised him and made him nervous at the same time. He’d only known Dawn a short time, and given his recent breakup with Lisa, he wasn’t ready to jump into another relationship. Was he?

  “Okay. Maybe you’re right. Now is probably not the right time anyway. I’m feeling too nervous about meeting your family.”

  She gave him a wobbly smile that made his heart melt. Shit. So much for jumping in too soon.

  “Maybe we could go somewhere quiet after dinner, and I can hold the unicorn then. I should be able to concentrate as long as nothing terrible happens during the party.”

  “I have an idea.” He told her his fellow new recruit cop friend, Delvin, and his wife were out of town for the weekend and asked him to house-sit. Taking a few minutes there before he brought her home might give them a clue. He hated to wait any longer than she did.

  “You don’t think they would mind?”

  “I’m doing him a favor, watering their plants and taking care of their cat, Bubbles. So, nah, they won’t mind.”

  She grinned. “Bubbles? What a cute name.”

  “He’s a white Persian, with big round blue eyes. I guess they must have looked like bubbles to someone. Or they just liked the name. He’s really…strange around me, but pretty. Maybe you can feed him, and he’ll like you better.”

  She chuckled. “Okay, that sounds like a plan.”

  “Good, we’ll do that later after dinner. And it will be a good excuse to leave early if my brothers start razzing me.”

  “Do you get along with all your brothers?”

  “When they aren’t being stupid, I do.”

  She giggled at that, and he had the sudden urge to kiss her. Man, I’ve got it bad. He had to keep a handle on his attraction to Dawn. He didn’t want to mess anything up if he moved too soon.

  He knew his entire family would love her. His gut instinct told him he could trust Dawn with who he really was, a shape-shifting phoenix. But what he didn’t know was how she’d react when she first found out. Would she accept him for who and what he truly was? Or would it be too much for her?

  * * *

  In the Fierro living room, Sandra asked, “So how did you and Luca meet?”

  Dawn had found herself whisked into a warm, welcoming group of young women who introduced themselves to her as the Fierro wives and girlfriends. And they’d wasted no time peppering her with questions.

  “We met by the fountain outside the Christian Science Center.”

  “So he saw you sitting there, came up to you, and laid on the Fierro charm?” Kristine asked.

  The other women giggled. Dawn smiled. It sounded like each one had a story she’d enjoy hearing at some point.

  “No, it wasn’t exactly like that…” She hesitated, unsure how to proceed. She didn’t know if Luca’s parents had told anyone else in the family about her psychic abilities. Not everyone responded well to that sort of information. She was rescued by Luca’s mom, Gabriella, who smoothly stepped into the conversation and wrapped a comforting arm around Dawn’s shoulders.

  “Luca of course noticed how pretty Dawn was, and when they started talking, he knew he couldn’t let this girl get away. Give her a chance to breathe, girls.”

  Dawn gave Gabriella a grateful smile, although she felt as red as her dress. The daughters-in-law all gave her knowing smiles, their eyes twinkling.

  “There’ll be a quiz on our names later,” the one they called Chloe said in a lilting Irish accent.

  Dawn was trying to remember them all, but she couldn’t guarantee she wouldn’t make a mistake or two.

  Gabriella gave her shoulders a little squeeze and whispered that she wanted to show her something. Dawn’s eyes met Luca’s across the room. Luca seemed to be on the receiving end of some good-natured ribbing from his father and older brothers.

  Dawn’s mouth practically fell when he’d introduced her to everyone. Luca had told her the Fierro family gatherings were a challenge to pull off, since everyone was so busy and some were scattered in other countries, but since Mallory and Dante hadn’t had a formal engagement party and now Noah and Kizzy had announced their engagement, Antonio and Gabriella had insisted on celebrating the special occasions with a huge family dinner, which would require a restaurant’s function room. They’d all be going there shortly.

  Dawn followed Gabriella upstairs to the sprawling master bedroom. A seating area consisting of a red love seat and two matching plush chairs sat facing a cozy fireplace.

  “Have a seat,” Gabriella told her. “I’ll be right back.” Dawn sat on the comfortable love seat and gazed into the fire. Relaxing back into the sofa, she closed her eyes and allowed the warmth of the fireplace to envelop her.

  Feeling the familiar pull of a vision, she allowed her mind to follow and saw herself walking down a hallway into a bright, sunny kitchen with a patio door leading onto a back deck and beyond that, a big backyard with a swing set. Luca was pushing a little girl on a swing. The only trees in the yard were palm trees. “Push me higher, Papa,” th
e little girl squealed with delight. He grinned and complied. Then he looked up, and his eyes met hers. He winked at her, and she melted with a feeling of love so strong, it almost took her breath away.

  “Here we go.” Gabriella sat down beside Dawn, and the vision floated away. “Are you all right?”

  Dawn read the look of concern on Gabriella’s face and sought to reassure her. “I’m fine. I just had a vision.”

  “Was it about the missing child?” Gabriella reached for Dawn’s hand. “Luca told me not to tell anyone you were helping, and I haven’t, but naturally, I can tell you…you already know.”

  Dawn shook her head. “No, it was about Luca.”

  Gabriella’s eyes widened in alarm. “What did you see? Is it his job? Can we stop something awful from happening?”

  “No, he was happy. He was pushing a little girl on a swing. His daughter.”

  Tears sprang to Gabriella’s eyes. And she gasped. “No female child has been born into this family in generations. You can’t imagine how much I’ve craved a little girl to spoil.”

  Dawn didn’t want to tell her that she was in the vision as well. She didn’t want Gabriella to think she was trying to angle her way into this amazing family.

  Gabriella placed a hand on her chest and breathed deeply. “Thank you for sharing your vision with me. We’ll keep it to ourselves for now. But it makes me so happy to know you saw Luca with a little girl.”

  “You’re welcome,” Dawn replied, smiling.

  “I hope you were in that vision too,” Gabriella added.

  Dawn’s gaze dropped to her lap. She had little experience dealing with so many members of a big, extended family, and all the emotions pinging around were a little overwhelming. Now, to have Gabriella say something so wonderful to her almost made her break down in tears.

  Gabriella must have realized what Dawn was going through, because she wrapped her arms around her in a fierce hug.

  “I know you have been through some difficult times in your life, but now, you’re part of us. No matter what, we all have each other’s backs. And I want you to know I’m very happy Luca brought you with him tonight.”

  “Th-thank you,” Dawn stuttered in a whisper. She didn’t know what else to say. She was touched.

  Dawn’s own mother had tried, she really had, but the pull of heroin had been too much for her, and Annette had had to fill the role of both mother and father for Dawn. Being welcomed into this loud, loving, boisterous family was more than Dawn could have ever imagined. She’d never even realized how badly she needed this.

  “I noticed your lovely bracelet, and I think I have something that goes perfectly with it.” Gabriella opened a small velvet sack and pulled out a beautiful silver necklace with the same matching charms on it. A few links were studded with garnets as well. It matched the bracelet Luca had given her perfectly.

  “I bought this necklace on a whim,” Gabriella said. “I was shopping and stopped by this new little shop called Goddess Fashions, and the saleswoman was so kind. I ended up buying something for each of my daughters-in-law, and then I saw this necklace and just knew I had to have it, even though I didn’t know why at the time. Isn’t that a remarkable coincidence?”

  Dawn nodded in agreement. “I have something to tell you, Mrs. Fierro.”

  “Uh-uh, I’m Gabriella.” The older woman wagged her finger at Dawn.

  “Okay, Gabriella. Luca gave me this bracelet earlier tonight. He bought it at the same store. Did you know about that?”

  “No, I didn’t. I swear.” She crossed her heart.

  And it’s the same store where I bought my dress. Dawn wondered if Lynda and company had something to do with this coincidence. It certainly seemed a little too odd to be a complete accident. She would ask her at their next meeting before jumping to conclusions.

  “Imagine that!” Gabriella’s eyes widened. “I knew my son had good taste. Let me put this on you.” She draped the necklace around Dawn’s neck and fastened the clasp, then she sat back. “It suits you perfectly. Maybe it’s a sign.” Gabriella’s eyes glittered, and Dawn wondered if the older woman was going to start crying.

  “I’m just so happy you’re here.” Gabriella sighed. “You are a very special young woman, and Luca is a very special young man. I can tell you care about my son, and I can see that he cares about you. That is a very good place to build from.” Gabriella squeezed Dawn’s hand. “I’m very worried about Luca’s job. I know it’s dangerous. I’m counting on you to keep him from trying to be a hero. He can be very stubborn and doesn’t tell us even a fraction of what he goes through. And while I’m not psychic like you are, a mother has certain intuitions about her children.”

  “Mrs.—Gabriella. I’ll…do what I can. I promise.” Dawn put her other hand over Gabriella’s. “Luca means a lot to me.”

  “I know he does. I can see it in your eyes when you look at him.”

  “But you should know, I don’t have the perfect background,” Dawn said sadly.

  “Hush.” Gabriella shook her head. “I don’t want you to disparage yourself. We don’t have any power over where we come from. But we do have power over where we’re going. And you, my dear girl, seem to have a great future.”

  Dawn was so moved by Gabriella’s faith in her. She would do everything she could to make sure Luca was safe. The image of Luca covered in blood was a memory she wished she could shake. She wouldn’t tell Gabriella about that. Instead, she vowed she would do whatever she could to keep Luca from getting hurt.

  “Hey! It’s time to get going.” Antonio was leaning around the doorjamb, smiling.

  “Coming, darling,” Gabriella said as she rose.

  Dawn wondered if he’d overheard any part of their conversation. They rejoined the others, and Luca met her at the bottom of the stairs with her trench coat over his arm.

  * * *

  The restaurant efficiently brought out each course and whisked away the remains of the last one. Not an easy feat considering the number of people involved. The head table consisted of Dante and Mallory—the soon-to-be married couple—Noah Fierro and Dr. Kizzy Samuels, plus her sister, Ruth. One would assume that the couple who’d been engaged were probably part of the wedding party to come. Luca had told her that Dante and Noah had been roommates, best friends, and firefighters in adjacent houses, not to mention brothers.

  When all the dishes had been cleared from the dinner but before dessert, Dante stood and tapped his champagne flute to get everyone’s attention.

  “Excuse the interruption, but I have an important announcement to make. As most of you probably know, Mallory and I are planning our wedding on Thanksgiving Day, which is coming right up. And in a surprise turn of events, I’m happy to announce that our other engaged couple have caved to the pressure my lovely fiancée and I applied repeatedly and will share our wedding day as theirs too. In other words, it’s a double wedding!”

  There was much cheering and clapping. Luca leaned over to Dawn and asked, “Will you be my plus one to the wedding?”

  Dawn wanted to, more than anything, but what if their relationship imploded before then? It was still new. Then she decided she was being silly. Luca was perfect.

  “Of course I’ll come. Thank you for inviting me.”

  Luca couldn’t help touching her. “You’re beautiful and surprisingly sweet.” He cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her. He hesitated just a second before his lips touched hers. She closed her eyes, and her lips puckered. Yep. That’s the go-ahead signal.

  He kissed her, gently but intentionally. This wasn’t the place to make a passionate overture, but at least they’d had their first kiss, and it seemed like the right time.

  As soon as he leaned back, they smiled at each other.

  Luca jumped when he got an elbow in his ribs. Glancing over his shoulder, he caught Gabe’s expression.

��Don’t even say it,” Luca growled.

  Gabe laughed. Fortunately, he didn’t say a word. He just turned back to Misty, picked up her hand, and kissed her knuckles like an old-fashioned knight.

  All Luca’s brothers had found true love. He was the last one, and with any luck, Dawn was it.

  * * *

  “They all love you, but then again, I knew they would.”

  Dawn and Luca were sitting in Delvin’s kitchen, sharing a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks.” She blushed again. She was doing that a lot lately. He thought it was adorable.

  With her spiky hair and tough girl attitude, he’d never realized how beautiful she was, but sitting across from him was a girl who made him think of one of those old-time movie stars. He wanted to lean in and kiss her so bad and then do other things…

  “Do you want to do this here or in the living room?”

  Luca blinked.

  “The unicorn.”

  “Oh!” Now it was his turn to feel the heat rush to his face. “Maybe in the living room. I left the bag there on the couch.”

  A few moments later, they were sitting on the sofa side by side. He took the unicorn out of the bag and handed it to her.

  Dawn blew out a breath and closed her eyes. She sat quietly for so long, he was wondering if she was even having a vision. But he didn’t want to interrupt her in case she was getting something.

  It was the strangest thing, like she was there with him, but she wasn’t. Kind of like she was asleep but awake at the same time.

  He gazed at the fluttering of her eyelids, and she suddenly gasped. Her eyes opened wide as she turned to him. All he could see was fear.

  Chapter 10

  “I saw her. I saw Mandy. I-I mean, I looked down and saw little legs in purple tights, and a piece of clothing with a purple polka-dot hem. Then she must have lifted a blindfold, because I could see a little more.”

  Dawn clutched the unicorn close to her chest. She could feel the little girl’s fear and confusion.

  “Tell me exactly what you saw,” Luca urged.


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