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Unexpected Super Spy

Page 1

by Zanib Mian

  Look for Omar’s other adventures!

  PLANET OMAR: Accidental Trouble Magnet


  An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, New York

  Text copyright © 2020 by Zanib Mian

  Illustrations copyright © 2020 by Nasaya Mafaridik

  Published by arrangement with Hodder and Stoughton Limited

  First published in the United Kingdom in 2020

  First American edition, 2020

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Mian, Zanib, author. | Mafaridik, Nasaya, illustrator.

  Title: Unexpected super spy / Zanib Mian; illustrated by Nasaya Mafaridik.

  Description: First American edition. | New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2020. |

  Series: Planet Omar; 2 | Summary: “Omar and his friends team up to raise money to save his family’s favorite mosque, and when the money goes missing, they find the most unlikely culprit”—Provided by publisher.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2020002520 (print) | LCCN 2020002521 (ebook) | ISBN 9780593109243 | ISBN 9780593109250 (ebook)

  Subjects: CYAC: Muslims—Fiction. | Fund raising—Fiction. | Humorous stories.

  Classification: LCC PZ7.1.M514 Un 2020 (print) |

  LCC PZ7.1.M514 (ebook) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

  LC record available at

  LC ebook record available at

  Ebook ISBN 9780593109250

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to all the children who do something for someone else just to put a smile on their face.



  Look for Omar's Other Adventures!

  Title Page






  Mrs. Rogers


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  About the Authors


  That was the sound of my ceramic Stormtrooper bank breaking into 100 pieces. I had turned it upside down and tapped it against the metal leg of my desk, because I thought that was a good idea for getting the money out. It wasn’t. But at least my money was there, and it looked like

  I needed to get it out to buy this really cool Nerf laser blaster I saw on TV. I had accidentally broken my last one the time we had a Nerf battle at my cousin Reza’s house. I’d been imagining that everyone was turning into and got a bit carried away. That’s the best part—pretending you’re running from something way scarier than your cousins and friends.

  While I was counting my riches, Maryam came in and said, You know there is a little rubbery piece at the bottom you can just open the thing with.”

  “I know,” I said. I actually didn’t know, so I felt kind of stupid. I tried really hard to think of something smart to say, but, in the meantime, Maryam tried to sit on my wheelie chair, which wheeled itself away from her with a mind of its own. She completely missed the seat and hit the floor, and we both almost wet our pants laughing.

  She disappeared back to her room after that, leaving me to add up all my coins and bills. In total, I had $42.53. Super cool—that had to be enough to buy the Nerf blaster! I borrowed Mom’s phone and called my best friend, Charlie. After I told him, he said,

  “I put all the money I got for Eid and all the money I got for my birthday in there. Dad said it would be worth the wait for something awesome if I saved up.”

  “Aw, man, that’s cool. I spend my money the minute I get it.”

  I told Charlie that I used to do that, too, but then I imagined that if I saved enough money, one day I could pay people to let me drive even though I’m only a kid. And maybe I would end up with enough money to buy a Ferrari, because they’re only like $150,000, which surely couldn’t take that long to save.

  Mom shouted up the stairs that it was time to get off the phone and put my shoes on to go to the mosque. But she said it really nicely and she even called me “sweetie,” so I didn’t think it was that urgent and I kept talking to Charlie and daydreaming about my Ferrari. Charlie was daydreaming, too, because I said I’d pay people to let him drive as well.

  Then Mom came in and blew my ears off.


  “Bye, Charlie.”

  Our mosque trips had become even more fun since Dad started coming with us. He changed things around so that he doesn’t have to go to the lab on Saturdays anymore, which means more cool things can happen on weekends now. He even took me go-karting recently, which was the

  I couldn’t find my left shoe, and Mom was going to lose it if I didn’t get this done in fifteen milliseconds . . . Yes! I saw it on top of the sofa and grabbed it while Dad stood over me with a face like that emoji whose lips are just a very straight line. But when I went to put it on, I saw that it had been treated to a dose of my little brother’s

  I didn’t dare complain or look for other shoes, so I shoved my foot in. It was DISGUSTING. Like I was stepping on a

  I and my way to the Peanut (that’s our car) and jumped in.

  At the mosque, when we were all praying, Esa sat on my head and made me laugh. I had to control myself before it turned into a full-on giggle fit, so I imagined that there was a holding me in a headlock and if I laughed out loud, he would blow up the whole entire universe. But if I kept quiet as a mouse, he would release me and the universe would be safe . . .

  I managed it. I was pretty pleased with myself, especially when Dad turned and winked at me when the prayer was finished. I know why he did it. To show me that he saw Esa on my head and that he was proud of how I’d handled it. Also because he was in a good mood. He’s always in a good mood at the mosque, and he has a different sort of smile on his face while we’re there. Maybe it’s a that’s only for Allah or something. I think he’s really glad we found such a great mosque close to our new house. All the others Mom made us try out when we first moved are miles away. Dad says he’s happy that it has the kind of vibes that make him feel closer to Allah. Mom and Dad like those kinds of vibes, and they say you don’t get them in every m
osque. Everyone is really nice to each other, and it’s quiet, and light comes streaming in through the windows on sunshiny days.


  On Monday at school, I rolled in with an imaginary Nerf blaster in my arms and targeted my best friend, Charlie.

  He gave me the very same toothy grin that made me like him when I moved to this school recently. Then he pulled out his own blaster from under the table (imaginary, too, of course) and pretended to blast me right back.

  I think his imagination has been getting stronger since we became friends, like a muscle does when you lift weights all day long.

  When Daniel saw us, he giggled and punched me on the arm. it was one of those punches that don’t hurt at all. Daniel is our friend now. He doesn’t actually bully anyone anymore, not even Charlie, who used to be his favorite target for all things horrible. There’s we’d be friends with a bully, but it turns out Daniel had reasons for being so naughty at school, and now that he has us as friends to hang out with, he’s

  “It’s a Nerf laser blaster,” I announced. “Imaginary for now, but I’m going to get a real one with the money I’ve saved.”

  “Oh, cool!” said Daniel. “I want one.”

  “Me too!” chipped in Charlie.

  “Let’s all get them and have an

  “We can all pretend to be spies, like James Bond chasing down an evil villain,” Daniel said excitedly.

  Charlie and I said at the same time. We often say things at the same time, which is super funny and sometimes super freaky.

  “Do you have enough money?” I asked.

  “No, but my mom said she was going to buy me something for, ummmm . . .” Daniel sheepishly scratched the back of his head instead of finishing his sentence.

  “For what?”

  Charlie and I did it AGAIN. Same words, same time. Same wanting to know what Daniel was getting a treat for.

  “Umm . . .”

  “For washing your dad’s car?” I guessed.

  “For cleaning your room?” Charlie guessed.

  Daniel did some more sheepish head-scratching.

  I tried another guess. “For getting ten out of ten on your spelling test?”

  “No . . . no . . . um . . . actually for Daniel said,

  using air quotes as he blushed bright red.

  Charlie and I both jumped onto Daniel to give him a . I think he was blushing because he’s not always 100% sure that we like him as our friend, but we super definitely do. We keep finding so many things that we like to do together—like the Nerf blasters!

  We couldn’t help but talk about it all during math, because it was way more exciting than learning about what a denominator was and how we could think about a pizza in fractions. The only thing I think when I see a pizza is how quick I can get it into my mouth. Mrs. Hutchinson was very excited about fractions. I could tell because her curly hair was all big and springy. That’s one thing I like about Mrs. Hutchinson—she thinks everything is entertaining.

  “I CANNOT WAIT for the Nerf battle. It’s going to be crazy fun!” I whispered.

  Charlie whispered back, “I knooowww. I just have to think of a way to convince my parents to buy me a blaster, too.”

  “You do know that both of you whisper as loud as you talk,” Daniel pointed out.

  He must have been right, because Mrs. Hutchinson came over, attempting to put her cross face on, and said, “Stop chatting and tell me how much pizza is on the board, boys.”

  “Not enough for me,” said Daniel.

  We had to clap our hands over our mouths quickly before Mrs. Hutchinson got upset.

  Then Charlie said, “One-sixth,” with his toothy grin.

  Mrs. Hutchinson was pleased enough, even with all our giggling.

  I couldn’t wait to get home and ask Mom and Dad if they were OK with us having a big Nerf showdown at home and would they please order pizza that day. Maybe I could promise to talk about the pizza as fractions, like Mrs. Hutchinson was doing—then they’d be up for it for sure.

  They love brainy stuff like that. They say it’s because they’re scientists, but I think they’re scientists because they like brainy stuff. It’s like the


  Mom picked me up on foot. did you just imagine her with a lifting me off the ground? I did. But that’s not what I meant. I meant that she didn’t bring her car. She walked. This is her new thing. Walking as much as we can to help the environment and be in good shape, like Batman. It takes 13 minutes or 467 steps to get home. I counted it the first time Mom made us walk, and that number is almost correct. It would be more correct if Esa hadn’t interrupted my counting by singing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” at the top of his voice.

  Today, instead of counting steps or imagining that if I stepped on a crack in the sidewalk it would cause an earthquake, like I sometimes do, I asked Mom about the Nerf battle.

  I grinned.

  “Funny!” said Mom. “You only tell me that when you want something . . .”

  I laughed and switched on my

  “OK, fine,” she said. “As long you don’t use tomato paste as monster guts like you did with Reza.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it!” I said. But my brain was bursting at the memory of how FUN that had been.

  “And when did you say you wanted to do it?” She looked a bit sad now. “I don’t think it can be this weekend, because we have to go to a meeting at the mosque on Sunday. They need to talk to us about raising enough money to keep it from closing down . . . It was just announced today on the WhatsApp group.”

  I said. “The mosque? Our mosque—

  “Secret-smile mosque?” Mom said.

  “Yeah! You and Dad have secret smiles in that mosque,” I told her.

  “Yes, then—the secret-smile mosque.”

  I couldn’t believe it. My chest felt the way it did when our parakeet, Dodo, died when we lived in the old house.

  “Wait. You said they have to raise money, right? So it might not have to close down?”

  “That’s right. Hopefully, it won’t.”

  the rest of the way home.

  As soon as I got inside,

  to get my cash from its new hiding place. The best hiding place ever. It was rolled up in a green pair of underwear and placed carefully between my old shoes at the back of the closet. My underwear was something Maryam would never, EVER touch, no matter how desperate she was.

  I took the $42.53 downstairs and put it on the table.

  I declared.

  Mom got all melty-eyed. “But you were going to buy your Nerf blasty thingy with that money, sweetie.”

  “Nerf laser blaster, Mom. But it’s OK. I want the mosque to have it. Now it won’t have to shut down.”

  “Ummmmm, I think they need a bit more than that, stupid,” said Maryam.

  “Maryam!” Mom scolded. Then she came and took my chin in her hand and said, “That is so very wonderfully kind of you, Omar.

  I think the mosque does need a whole lot more, but we will find out on Sunday just how much.”

  Maryam scoffed, I guess because Mom wasn’t proud of her.

  “However much they need, I will get it!” I said.


  That night, when I closed my eyes to go to sleep, I kept seeing a the size of an apartment building, destroying the secret-smile mosque with one flick of his tail and then picking up the little pieces and putting them on his ice cream, like they were sprinkles.

  I didn’t want to imagine that happening to the mosque. I shook my head and jumped out of bed. I had the fantastic idea of playing my Xbox to distract myself.

  I made it! But just when I was about to buy a wicked new car in my game, Mom walked in and went wild.

  “Omar! It’s a school night! And what do I see? You’re up at ten thirty. Ten thirty?!

/>   On your Playbox!”

  I knew I was in but I couldn’t help giggling. “It’s an Xbox, Mom. There’s also such a thing as a PlayStation, which I wish I had as well . . . but, um, no Playbox.”

  Dad poked his head around the door and said, “You have two seconds to shut that off and get into bed, smarty-pants.”

  “But it will take me at least seven seconds to walk upstairs to my bed.”

  said Dad, and he came and picked me up and held me under his arm like you would hold a soccer ball. Just like that. That’s because he’s big and really strong.

  We both giggled as he plunked me down onto my bed. Dad put his finger to his lips and nodded toward little snoring Esa. “Shh now, and get some sleep,” he whispered.

  This time when I closed my eyes, I saw

  I couldn’t bear the thought of him losing it. I had to dream up a clever way to raise more money . . .


  The next day at school, I waited till lunchtime to tell Daniel and Charlie that I was really sorry but I wouldn’t be able to buy a Nerf blaster for myself after all, which meant we couldn’t have an epic Nerf battle.

  I didn’t want to tell them in the morning, because Mrs. Hutchinson had started the day with an awesome cookie-decorating session for us. She had brought in all sorts of toppers and sprinkles and bits of fudge and M&M’s. And, as you know, that isn’t something that teachers do very often. She said it was a lesson about “how to prepare food,” but I’m pretty sure it was mostly because she likes chocolate chips and she likes us— that’s another reason why she’s


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