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Hot & Sticky: Sunset Bay: Book 1

Page 4

by Madison Faye

  “Are you hurt?” He growls thickly.

  I slowly shake my head. “No,” I whisper, my voice feeling like it’s coming through cotton.

  Suddenly, tires squeal, and a big black van screeches to a stop about forty feet from the front of the shack. Four guys in black jump out, and my jaw drops when I realize they’re all holding machine guns.


  West roars and hurdles through the takeout window. I scream as his huge arms bear hug me, and he tackles me to the ground as thunder suddenly erupts through the air. Glass explodes and shatters around us, and I can hear people screaming out on the pier.

  But all I can do is breathe, like I’m forcing myself to do it. West has me pinned to the ground, covering and shielding me with his body as glass, wood, and frosting explodes around us. And all I can do is hold him tight, my eyes squeezed shut as I tell myself “breathe, breathe” over and over.

  The shooting stops, and suddenly, West is yanking me up into his arms and crashing through the ruined, shot-up kitchen. He kicks open the back door, and snarls as he drops me, whirls, and crashes a fist into another man in black’s face. The guy grunts, and West yanks the gun out of his hand, aims it at the guy’s foot, and squeezes the trigger.

  The man is still screaming when West grabs me again, gun in hand, and throws me over his shoulder. He runs like a beast across the pier towards a beat-up pickup truck. He yanks the driver’s side door open, tosses me in across the seat, and jumps in after me. The engine roars to life, bullets pepper the back of the truck, and this time, I start screaming as we roar off the pier onto the road in a cloud of dust.

  Chapter Six


  I’m calm and focused as I roar the truck down the coast road. My mind is whirling at a million miles an hour, but my jaw is set, my hands are firm on the wheel, and my eyes are looking in the review mirror for a tail.

  But so far, we’re away clean.

  I look over and hiss when I see Taylor shaking and curled into a ball on the seat next to me. I reach over and grip her hands tightly, squeezing them.

  “You’re okay,” I growl. “We’re okay, and they’re not behind us.”

  They. I grit my teeth, glaring at the road as we thunder alongside the beach. Something is not syncing up here, at all. Something doesn’t feel right about this in the slightest.

  I mean it’s a fucking cinnamon bun shop, and those fuckers were loaded for bear. They hit the Buns Out shack like they were taking out a fucking bank, which just doesn’t make any fucking sense at all. I mean how much money could possibly be on premises? A few grand? I doubt it’s even that much, I mean they’re selling two-dollar cinnamon buns, for fuck’s sake, not diamond necklaces.

  Taylor makes another sound, and I look over again. Fuck. She’s really shaking now, and she looks almost like she’s going catatonic. I know it’s risky with the possibility of a tail, but I have to do it.

  I yank the wheel, kicking up sand and dust as I slam on the brakes and take the truck onto the shoulder of the road. I shut off the engine, jump out, and rush around to her side. I open the door and instantly pull her into my arms, hugging her fiercely and tightly as she starts to sob and shake against me.

  “Hey, hey now,” I growl quietly. I hold her tightly, stroking her back as she clings to me.

  “I’ve got you,” I whisper softly. “I’ve got you, and I’m not gonna let a fucking thing happen to you, Taylor.”

  I curse myself for letting her get to this state. I mean, I’ve had training—I’m a fucking Marine, for God’s sake. She’s just a terrified girl who’s just been fucking shot at.

  She takes a shaky breath, her gasp ragged and rough as she pulls back. Her eyes are wild as she stares into mine, still shaking.

  “I—I can’t…” She shivers, her breath shaking. “I can’t stop shaking. How come… how come I can’t stop….”

  “Adrenaline,” I say gently. “Breathe, baby. Just breathe, in and out, in and out.”

  She nods, but another shiver attack rattles through her small frame.

  “No—I—I can’t… I can’t—”

  “Shhhh,” I whisper gently, pulling her close to me again. “It’s just the adrenaline. Believe me, it’ll wear off. Until then, you just need to breathe.”

  “I—I can’t!” she gasps.

  I close my eyes, holding her close. “You can. Just relax. Try and relax and unclench.”

  She grips my shirt tightly, panting into my chest. “I don’t know how to.”

  “You do, Taylor,” I growl. I pull away from her, and I cup her face. “Just look at me, follow my breathing.”

  I take a deep breath, and she nods, following my lead.

  “In. Out. In. Out,” I encourage. “Just like that.”

  She twists in the seat, moving so that her legs are hanging off the edge out of the open door. I move closer, still holding her face.

  “In and out, baby,” I murmur. “Just breathe with me.”

  She nods, and I don’t even realize I’ve moved closer to her until I feel her knees on either side of my hips. I almost want to pull away, but I can’t—I’m powerless to. I know she’s in shock after being traumatized, but I can’t take myself away from the feel of her bare skin on me.

  “Just breathe…”

  Her legs suddenly spread even wider, and I move between them. I keep closing to her, until I feel her legs all but wrap around my waist. She gasps quietly, and her eyes look up into mine—so blue and wide and innocent, but also blazing with a hungry energy.

  She grips my shirt, and God help me, my cock begins to throb, hard. It thickens and throbs, and when she pulls close to me, she groans.

  I grit my teeth. “Fuck, Taylor, I…”

  “West,” she breathes. She looks up at me, and her little pink tongue slides over her lips, making them glisten. Her breath catches, and I groan as my hands tighten on her jaw. I know this is wrong and fucked up. But she’s so fucking close to me, and my very willpower is crumbling quickly.

  “Taylor,” I growl. “We—”

  She leans in first, and her lips brush mine, almost tentatively, like she’s testing it. But tentative or not, she’s just thrown gas on a fucking fire.

  …And I explode.

  My mouth crashes into hers, and I kiss her with every fucking part of who I am.

  Chapter Seven


  It’s happening again, and this time, just like last time, I never want it to end. West kisses me hard enough to bruise my lips, and the harder he kisses me, the more I want it. I moan into him, and my legs wrap tight around his muscled hips. His hands splay out across my jaw, gripping me possessively as he takes my mouth.

  His hips rock against me, and I moan as I feel the huge, throbbing bulge I felt last night grind against my eager pussy through my shorts. I gasp into his lips, and my legs tighten, drawing him closer.

  ÒFuck, baby,Ó he groans. I whimper, kissing him even harder. No one’s ever called me that, and I like how it sounds coming from his lips,

  I’ve just been shot at and had what I think might’ve just been a panic attack. But when he kisses me, all of that fades away. Everything else fades away, until all I know is his lips on mine, and his hands holding me like I’m his.

  My hands slide down his back, and before I know it, I’m gripping the edge of his t-shirt. I pull, tugging it higher, eager to touch his warm, bare skin. I’m eager like I’ve never been eager for anything in my life—like he’s a present I’ve been dying to tear open.

  I tug his shirt up, and West pulls away just enough to yank it off and toss it into the truck. He crashes back into me, and I whimper at the feel of his bare, chiseled chest against me. My hands tease over his muscles, and my core tightens and melts for him.

  West drops his big hands to my thighs, and I whimper. He teases my bare skin, running his fingers up and down the inside of my thighs until I’m shivering and gasping for his touch. He’s got me so fucking wet, to the point where I want him rig
ht here and right now, on the side of the freaking road.

  I’ve never done any of this before. Not the kissing, the touching—none of it. But even with the danger looming, and the fact that we’re on the side of road, I know if he wanted it, I’d give him everything right now. I’d let him take my very virginity, right here and now.

  He grunts and slides his hands high, until fingers from both hands slide up under the frayed hem of my shorts. I whimper when he strokes the edges of my panties and growls into my mouth. His fingers start to push under my panties, like they did last night, and I whimper in pleasure.

  But then, he pulls back. I’m about to pout, when his hands instead go to the front of my shorts. He deftly plucks the button undone, and my pulse jumps. West growls deeply into my lips and yanks the zipper down, and then his hands grip my shorts and start to peel them down. I moan, and I somehow know to lift my ass to let him pull. The denim slides off of me and down my thighs. West steps back to pull them from my feet.

  I blush pink, and I go to cross my legs to shield my damp, darkened panties from his hungry gaze. But West growls and shakes his head. He moves into me again, and his firm grip pulls my thighs apart.

  He kisses me possessively, spreading my legs wide and snarling as he moves between them. His lips drop to my neck, making me gasp loudly. He moves lower, and I gasp when his hand pushes over my panties.

  ÒFuck, Taylor,Ó he groans. His mouth pulls from my skin, and he suddenly drops down between my legs. My face burns hot when I feel his breath on my thighs, his gaze centered on my soaked panties and pussy. He leans forward, and I bite my lip and reach out to stop him.

  ÒWait,Ó I gasp. ÒWait, I’mÉ I’m sweaty.Ó

  ÒGood,Ó West growls. He pushes forward, heedless of my hand on his head, and he opens his mouth. His tongue drags over my wet panties, teasing over my lips right through the material, and I cry out in pure pleasure.

  ÒOh my God!Ó

  West groans and keeps licking me, tonguing my pussy right through my panties. He soaks them even more, and his tongue dances over my clit, making me moan so eagerly.

  ÒFuck, you taste like sugar, baby girl,Ó he growls. He pulls back, and I whimper when his fingers slip under my panties. He tugs them down, pushing my legs up high to peel them down my thighs. They catch on one foot, and I almost scream when his tongue suddenly pushes between my thighs again.

  Oh. My. Fucking. God.

  Pleasure like I’ve never felt melts through me. West is on his knees, his powerful grip pushing my legs up high and wide, and his wicked tongue buried in my eager pussy. I lose myself, writhing and whimpering under him as his tongue drags up and down my lips. He sucks my clit gently between his lips and rolls his tongue around it. I scream for mercy and more, gripping his hair and feeling my whole body shiver and shatter.

  He pulls back, groaning with hunger burning in his eyes.

  ÒFuck, baby,Ó he hisses, his eyes centered on my slick pussy. I blush and go to close my legs, but he keeps them firmly where they are. He looks up at me, his eyes burning hot.

  ÒYou’ve got the prettiest little fucking pussy in the world, baby girl,Ó he groans appreciatively before he pushes back in.

  His tongue dances up and down my slit, circling my clit before pushing back down. He plunges it deep into my entrance, and I squeal in pleasure. He moves to my clit and then down again, dragging his tongue all the way to my ass. My mouth falls open in shock, but the pleasure that ignites across my skin like gasoline has me speechless.

  I fall back on the truck seat, writhing under his mouth as his tongue dances from my asshole up to my clit and back down. He goes slow, but it’s maddening and igniting. His tongue pushes me higher and higher, and his firm, possessive grip on me only makes me even hotter. He growls into me, tonguing my pussy as I start to tense and claw at the seat.

  ÒWest!Ó I gasp. ÒWestÉ ohmygod!Ó

  ÒCome,Ó he snarls right against my clit. ÒFucking come for me, baby girl.Ó

  His lips wrap around my aching clit, and his tongue swirls over it again and again. His hands grip my thighs, and his growls rumble through me until I can’t take it another second.

  I jolt like I’ve been struck by lightning, my ass bucking off the seat against his wicked mouth. The orgasm explodes through me, and I’m gasping and moaning and writhing as I come for his tongue.

  West just growls and holds me tight, licking me gently right through the entirety of my very first orgasm with a man’s tongue between my thighs.

  He gives me one last long, deep lick, before he pulls away. He stands, and his fingers thread into my long hair. He pulls me close, and I don’t even hesitate before I crush my lips to his hungrily.

  I kiss him deeply, heedless of my stickiness on his lips, or maybe even harder because of it. I moan as he holds me so close, pinning me to his body as he claims the kiss from my lips.

  Slowly, West pulls back, fire blazing in his eyes and a very, very hard throb in his shorts.

  ÒWe should get going and get off the road,Ó he growls quietly. ÒJust in case.Ó

  ÒWhereÉÓ I blush, realizing I have no idea where this man I don’t even know is bringing me. But then, this ÒstrangerÓ also just made me come like crazy on his tongue.

  ÒMy place,Ó he says gently, kissing me. ÒYou’re coming with me, Taylor.Ó

  But then, I already know I am, and I already know I’m going to do it so, so willingly.

  Chapter Eight


  We pull off the main road and rumble down my little sand-swept drive behind the dunes. When my shack comes into view, I hear Taylor gasp next to me.

  “Oh,” she whispers.

  I turn, half expecting a look of dismay. I mean, it’s not an MTV beach house or anything fancy. It’s a fucking surf shack and not much else. But when I turn, I’m startled to see her grinning from ear to ear.

  “This is where you live?” she asks, her face glowing.

  I grin. Shit, I want her. Badly. I can still taste her sweet little cunt on my lips, like candy and honey. I want her all over again, ten more times, right here and now. And her actually looking like she’s amazed by my little surf shack is actually making me want her even more.

  “It’s not much,” I grunt as I pull the truck up out front and kill the engine.

  “I love it,” Taylor breathes quietly. “I mean, I really love it. This is so perfect, West.” She beams when she turns to look at me. “I can’t believe you live here!”

  “Well, this is home,” I chuckle. We step out of the truck, and I grin at the bounce in her step. Half an hour ago, she was a shaking, shivering mess. Now, she looks calm and at ease. It could be that she’s processed the gun violence she witnessed. But it could also be that I just made her fucking scream with the wildest orgasm I’ve ever even imagined a woman having.

  I grin to myself, replaying the way she just about levitated off the seat, her thighs clamped around my ears and her pussy gushing her sticky wetness over my tongue. I groan, and my cock is instantly thick as hell and rock-hard in my shorts. I watch her saunter towards the shack, and my eyes drop to her tight little ass.

  Shit, I want her. Now.

  “It’s kind of a work in progress,” I say, clearing my throat and at least attempting to clear the filthy desires for Taylor from my head. “Someday, it’s going to be a real home.”


  “Yeah. I mean,” I shrug. “I do love it. But someday, it’d be nice to have room for more.”

  Taylor turns to, biting her lip. “More, like for two?” She blushes instantly and looks away. But I keep looking, and when she turns back, she blushes deeper catching me staring at her.

  “For two,” I growl. “Hopefully for more, though.”

  She swallows. “What, like a whole harem of girls?” She tries to say it offhand like a joke, but I can definitely catch the hint of bitterness in her voice. Also, she’s dead wrong.

  “No.” I shake my head, moving towards her slowly. “No, I mean more room f
or one woman, and one woman only.”

  She blushes, chewing on her lower lip. “And the more?”

  I grin. “A family.” I shrug, looking past her at the ocean. I grin and bring my eyes back to her. “I dunno, it’s just what I think about. I know at your age, or hell, at my age, people don’t really think about—”

  “I do.”

  I blink, startled when she whispers it.


  “All the time,” Taylor says softly. “I know it’s…” she blushes. “It’s corny, I know, and I don’t know any other girls my age who legitimately wish for kids and a family and all that. But I can’t help it.”

  “It’s not corny,” I growl. Hell, I’ve had the same damn thoughts since before I even joined the Marines. Maybe it’s because my Gramps raised me with an old-school, old-world mindset, but having a family, and kids to raise, and a wife to take care of and protect? Shit, that’s the dream.

  I growl, moving into her before I can even stop myself. My hands slide over her hips, pulling her close, and suddenly, I’m kissing her. It’s soft at first—tender, and sweet. But it grows deeper and hotter, until she’s moaning into my mouth and I’m seconds away from ripping her clothes off and making those kids with her right here in the dunes.

  But slowly, we pull back. My hands stay on her hips though, and my eyes blaze into hers.

  “You’re going to stay here,” I growl. “For as long as you want.”

  “Okay,” she whispers breathlessly.

  I take her hand, grinning as I pull her towards the stairs that lead up to the raised house. We step through the front door, and she gasps again as she looks around. Her eyes twinkle, and she’s beaming as she takes it all in. I mean, it’s pretty bachelor-looking, but I keep a clean house, even if it’s mostly all surf shit.

  “This is so homey.” She grins.


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