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Taken by the Renegade (Rise of the Sadecs Book 2)

Page 19

by Sadie Marks

  She liked that spark of fear that anger raised in her, but rarely did the Sadecs let their emotions get away with them. They tended to be patient and slow to react, watching her bad behavior with curiosity more than anger. Even Trev, who had never been in the military, held himself with that cool composure that was almost scary.

  So, it had been a shock, the first time Nikon grabbed her without a word, tossed her over his lap and began to spank her like he was trying to beat a swarm of gnats off her ass. It was hard, fast, and left her gaping in shock when she was suddenly righted and set back on her feet. Era'D took one look at her face, and his amusement rang through their quarters.

  She couldn't tell if he was more amused by his brother's loss of composure or by her shock, but he was still laughing when Nikon growled, "Behave!" in her ear and stalked out the door to go cool off on the fighting sands.

  Perversely, she found that kind of sudden angry punishment to be just about the hottest thing she'd ever experienced. Era'D noticed she was going out of her way to get in trouble with his brother, and he found it hilarious. The fact that she knew better than to try it with him made it all the more amusing, but she'd tested the waters there and found his reaction to outright disobedience and attitude to be a lot different—and much less pleasant.

  But those differences in personalities seemed to vanish when it came to playing with her together. Era'D set the tone, and when Nikon joined in, it was like being in the middle of a well-oiled machine. Each reacted instinctively to the other in ways that made her melt into a puddle of desire and wanton behavior.

  They never touched each other in any way that could be considered sexual, and that was a relief because she wasn't sure she could handle that.

  It was more like, as the general had said, they were one person. Both of them focused solely on her, working as a team to bring her the most delightful mix of pain and pleasure from the very first night.

  It had been a night she'd never forget. Blindfolded, tied firmly to the bed, with one on each side of her. "Mine," Era'd whispered, with Nikon echoing the word in her other ear just a second later.

  Sadec claws were drawn down the center of her chest all the way to the vee between her legs. While, from the other side, another set worked their way up from her ankles, the sharp points scratching delightfully along her inner thighs until she was panting, and her hips were rising off the bed in a clear invitation.

  They laughed and traded off; now the claws were coming down on the left and up on the right side of her body. This time, they pressed into her harder, and she could feel the red lines trailing the claws across her bare flesh with some slight sting, but nothing unpleasant, nothing that would break the skin.

  It did things to her body, wonderful things. Inside, there was a delicious fluttery feeling that reminded her of going down a hill at top speed.

  The darkness added an exciting element of anxiousness to things, but she just found being tied down frustrating. They seemed to be exploring every inch of her and she wanted to explore them as well. She wanted to touch them back, wanted to drag her tongue over that beautiful skin, but all she could do was writhe while they played with their new toy.

  It was a subtle kind of pain and never quite enough to quench her thirst or make her climax. It left her breathless and needy instead, but when she demanded more, a hand lightly settled over her mouth. "Quiet, slave, or we'll have to punish you." It was Nikon who said it, she thought, but with the blindfold on, she couldn't be sure.

  She didn't know what the punishment would consist of, but she'd learned that no matter how much of a masochist she was, Sadecs would always find ways when they wanted to make a point. Her days of saying, "Go ahead!" with a laugh were in the past now. Or at least it was something she only did on purpose when she really wanted to push, and she wasn't ready to do that with her new Masters quite yet.

  She made an effort to behave, and luckily, they didn't hold the moaning against her because she couldn't have silenced that if she wanted to. By the time they untied her and rolled her over onto her stomach, she was a shaking mess. Every inch of her skin prickled and itched from scratching, biting, and the occasional spank, and the demanding pulse in her core had finally sent her over the edge at least twice.

  She found herself being pulled up onto her hands and knees. With the blindfold on, it was disorienting, but she felt the heat of a muscular Sadec body settling in front of her and she leaned into it instinctively, brushing her lips across the warm flesh. Before she could investigate further, she heard a whooshing sound and then the painful sting of something landing across the fullest part of her ass.

  She jumped, yelping in surprise at the sudden pain. Behind her, a hand caressed the burning line, and then the one in front of her caught her hair in his hand and tugged her head up. "Girl, Er is going to whip you, and if you're a good girl, when he's done, he'll give you what you've been begging for. But you're going to have to work very hard at being good. Can you do that?"

  So, it was Era'D behind her and Nikon in front then. She bobbed her head in a quick nod. "Yes, I can. I will!" The words came out in an eager rush because the unspoken threat was that she'd be left like this otherwise.

  "You'll please me with your mouth while my brother makes your ass nice and red. And you'll be careful not to jump or bite when his whip comes down, won't you, pet?" There was menace in his tone and she reacted to it with a little whimper of frustrated arousal.

  He pulled her hair tight with his fist, "Answer, pet!"

  "Yes! I'll be careful. I'll please you…let me please you." It was half-plea, half-demand. She was overwhelmed with needing to taste him and he was just inches from her.

  The whip came down again, landing just below the first, and she struggled to control her reaction and stay still this time. She assumed he approved because he relaxed his hold on her hair, and a second later, she felt his erection pressing against her lips. She opened and he pushed into the warmth of her mouth with ease.

  Silla was an experienced masochist who had played with many people, but this, this was new to her. It was a combination of never being in an intimate situation with two men at once, and Earth's current strict laws regarding sex in clubs. The few times she'd played with more than one Dom at once, it had always been in public, and this kind of thing would never have been allowed.

  To have one Sadec whipping her while she went down on another was almost more than she could handle. Her heart fluttered rapidly in her chest and her whole body felt enflamed with something that was more than lust; it was outright hunger. Each time the whip slapped down across her ass, she would rock forward slightly, but then she'd push back to accept the next one eagerly.

  It was probably one of the most intense things she'd ever experienced. It took serious effort to focus on Nikon while his brother was being so distracting with his leather, and it was even harder when he would occasionally stop to see how wet she was and comment on it.

  "I think our pet is enjoying herself, Nik. She's dripping, and look how she writhes when I touch her."

  And as his fingers slid through her folds, she cried out around the thick shaft filling her mouth. Nikon growled, and she felt his fist tighten in her hair as he struggled to keep from exploding too soon.

  "Stop playing with her pussy. I want to make this last," Nikon said, but the tone was mild, and he seemed perfectly content with what she was doing, even when she occasionally forgot to suck because Era'D was driving her insane. The flat tail of the whip landed with meaty slaps that sizzled across her skin, but none were too sudden or sharp— after all, he was aware of the danger his brother was in should she be startled.

  It was a nice steady beating that covered every inch of her ass and then slowly worked down the back of each thigh until everything was throbbing with a pleasant ache. The heat seemed to spread through her body, from her pulsing clit to her nipples, which had been painfully tight for a while. She wanted to come again so badly, but even though they'd been generous earlier, it
seemed like it was currently forbidden.

  She'd tried to move her knees closer together so she could get some friction by squeezing, but Nikon pulled out of her mouth so that his brother could punish her with a dozen slaps to each inner thigh.

  "Uh-uh, none of that, bad girl," he said, laughing as she whined and twisted to try to evade the burning slaps to that tender flesh. After that, she no longer wanted to rub them together and didn't fight it when Era'd spread her legs wide again so he could 'enjoy the view'.

  Trying to reach one hand underneath had likewise earned a scolding, but she'd immediately realized that with everything else happening at once, she probably wouldn't be able to keep up the pace if she was playing with herself anyway. There were ways to work her inner-muscles that could bring her to orgasm, but it would be noticeable to the twin behind her, since he was watching that part of her body so closely, so she was left with the frustration of needing but knowing she wouldn't get it until they gave it to her.

  Another thing to love and hate about her life. She'd learned, from being a slave to the Sadecs, that sometimes the denial was better than instant gratification. When Nikon collapsed back on the bed panting and spent from her efforts, Era'd had finally tossed the whip aside and plunged into her.

  She didn't need any more foreplay. She was slick with arousal and he filled her deep in one hard thrust. She cried out as the pleasure spilled over her. For a second, she thought she might actually pass out; her hearing seemed to go distant and black spots danced in front of her eyes.

  He stayed seated to the hilt, not moving for about a minute, maybe giving her a chance to pull herself together. She caught her breath and the wobbly feeling went away. As she came back, she realized the mewling sound she'd been hearing faintly was coming from her. She would have been embarrassed about it if she had the ability to think.

  He patted her flank. "That's a good girl, but don't fall apart, we're just getting started." And then he began to ride her, pulling almost all the way out and then slamming home again as each thrust rocked the bed violently. She loved it—that almost savage taking was exactly what she needed. It was rough, bordering on painful, but it hit every button she had.

  She looked up in a daze and caught Nikon staring at her with black eyes that were filled with…something. Lust? Hunger? She couldn't tell, but he was definitely enjoying her reactions. He focused on her expression like he was drinking in every bit of emotion.

  Having had his turn, he seemed content to simply watch as his brother took her from behind, but it wasn't long before the deep thrusts became shallower and the pace sped up as Era'D began to chase his own orgasm. She helped, tightening and relaxing her muscles around his shaft to bring him closer, while increasing her own pleasure at the same time.

  He made it just before she did, and as she felt him stiffen and shout as he came, she was disappointed to be cut off so close to the finish line. But after a few erratic off-tempo thrusts, he slid out of her and that was enough to bring on one last burst of fireworks.

  Not just the last for the night, but the last for several days. Her new Masters decided that they'd been more than generous in her welcome, and she needed to see the flipside. For three days, they touched and teased, forced her to play with herself for their entertainment, and kept her from climaxing no matter how much she begged.

  It was humiliating in a sexy way, and when the restriction was finally off, they made up for it in a night that was nearly as memorable as the first. But that's how it was with them. They were unpredictable, and just when she thought she had them figured out, they'd get together and come up with some devious new plan to drive her crazy.

  It kept her engaged and entertained even after other humans began to arrive. She was glad for the double duties as pampered pet when Dez got busy with the new recruits, and she learned to enjoy spending time with them together but also separately. Each brother had his own charms and she had fun with them.

  Nikon, with his more exuberant personality, often came up with games of chance that had penalties and rewards which were a simple relaxed kind of fun. Era'D loved to devise intense sessions where she felt pushed to the very edge of her limits. Both were rewarding in their own way, but like with Kri't, she never developed more than affection for them.

  As time passed and she began to see more human faces around the ship, her feelings became unsettled. It wasn't because of them, per se, but because they reminded her of home, and home invariably reminded her of Trev. Without emotional attachment to anyone on the ship, the endless hours of BDSM and sex started to bore her.

  All the pleasure was still there. The endorphins crashing over her during a scene or during sex swept her away from her thoughts for a while, and that was a relief, but she didn't look forward to it with the same anticipation. Nikon, of the two, seemed to understand her a little better, at least enough to notice something was off, and he tried various things to bring her out of it.

  At some point, he must have discussed it with Era'D, because they both started to make more of an effort at keeping her happy. They surprised her with small treats sometimes. Other times, they brought home new implements to play with. When those didn't work, they thought maybe she needed more variety, and they began to share her more often.

  And it was all…nice.

  It just wasn't what she needed. The problem was that she didn't know exactly what would fill the empty places inside of her. She just felt sad, and she couldn't seem to shake it off. She retreated to the hydroponics area and the park and sat for hours just thinking about how her life had changed.

  She'd managed to keep Trev out of her mind for most of the two years she'd been on the ship. An occasional flash of hurt or sadness, but then she'd force herself to think of other things. Now it seemed like she didn't go for an hour without remembering him. It was ridiculous to still be pining over him when they had been apart longer than they'd been together—but she couldn't help it.

  She'd never loved anyone but him, and the fact that they couldn't be together ate away at her. It got worse as the excitement of her life began to dim. Playing with so many different Sadecs, so often, left few surprises to give her that nervous anticipation that pushed everything else out.

  "Silla, pet, Nik and I enjoy you and we've never regretted taking you as ours, but you seem unhappy. Is it us? Is it too much for you to belong to two of us?" he asked one morning as she lay there in bed staring into space.

  She turned her head to look at him, frowning. "No, Er, of course not. You're both wonderful. I just…" She sighed.

  "Is it the one who took you from Earth?"

  It was something they'd never discussed, and she blinked, surprised. She hadn't realized they even knew about that, but then, of course, there were few secrets on a ship—even one as large as a city.

  "Yes. I mean, kind of. I loved—still love—him, but I also miss my home. I don't even know why. I mean traveling in space is amazing, but it's different looking up at the stars with solid ground under your feet. Every time we go back to pick up more human volunteers, I'm reminded that it's right there—but I can't leave the ship. "

  "I miss my planet too. We don't return often, maybe every three or four years. I think about the moons sometimes. Nik and I used to sleep outside at night and stare up at them." There was a wistful tone to the words, but she didn't think he felt the same way she did.

  But then, why would he? He could go back whenever he wanted. Almost all of them did terms of service, but they didn't all make a career of it, and many of them chose to be stationed planet-side if they did. He couldn't understand what it was like to orbit her planet and not be allowed to go down, and she didn't know how to tell him that it just wasn't the same, so she sighed again.

  And then he surprised her. "I thought maybe we'd ship out for a couple of years and then return home to settle down, but Nik loves the ship-life too much. I keep hoping he'll get tired of it, but he seems suited to this, while I prefer ground under my feet. Like you." The words were
said quietly, so that Nikon, sleeping on the other side of her, wouldn't hear them if he woke.

  "Is…does being twins mean you have to stay in the same place?" she asked in an equally soft voice.

  "It's rare for twins to separate. It almost never happens. We're bound too closely."

  "Oh, but…" and then she trailed off. She'd seen how close their bond was and she couldn't actually picture either of them without the other. They were like bookends.

  After a few minutes of silence, he stretched and sat up. He hesitated, glancing over at her. "I wish I could help you get home. I would, if I could," he said, and then he got up and went into the bathroom to clean up.

  It was kind of him to say, and she wasn't used to seeing that kind of depth or emotion from him. His brother was the one who let everything show while Era'D was more reserved. It gave her something to think about.

  She made an effort to, at least, seem happier. It wasn't their fault she wasn't content, after all. She liked them, and she enjoyed facets of her life. She'd even come to realize that her place as Pain Receiver made her part of the crew. She wasn't just a novelty or a toy to entertain them—she actually made a difference.

  When it was just the four of them, it hadn't been enough to really be obvious, but now, as more humans signed up, she could see the whole shift in attitude. Even just the few new ones who had arrived so far had changed things. The atmosphere felt more relaxed; the crew seemed to let go of the tight self-control they maintained so that they no longer reminded her of cloned animals in the menageries on Earth—beasts who paced from one end of their exhibit to the other with a restless coiled energy longing to be free.

  Humans gave the Sadecs that freedom, and she felt a strange sense of pride in that. The first time in her life she'd ever been proud of being a pain slut, but there it was. It just wasn't enough to make her happy. She snatched moments with Dez when he had time, but that was rare now, between his new job and also keeping his own Master from feeling neglected.


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