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The Wizard Book

Page 23

by Radu Aldea

  “And your family definitely wasn’t thankful enough. Where is your daughter? She hasn’t greeted us and that is insulting. She’s all grown up now. She has just turned fourteen, hasn’t she, and she should know better.” Idiot one had a creepy smile on his face.

  Cyprian’s daughter, Megan, was not all grown up. At fourteen she was still a minor and she would remain one until her next birthday. Fifteen was such an arbitrary age as any age would be. It was ridiculous in a way. One day you were a minor and the next day an adult. One should become an adult when he was ready for the responsibilities. By fifteen most senators were fully trained, but not all of them. Maya had met Megan and Cyprian’s daughter was not ready to be an adult and she didn’t have the necessary training.

  The training of senators was brutal and it was not uncommon nowadays for parents to not subject their children to it. Cyprian and Teresa didn’t teach their daughter. After all, Megan was not a battle-senator. Why would they train her when they were living in an unprecedented, unbroken period of peace? They were wrong, of course, and an historian should know better. Peace never lasts forever. Megan’s parents probably hoped she would do something with her life that didn’t involve sending humans to their deaths. Battle-senators were taught how to deal with it practically since birth. The psychological component of their training was the most difficult to master. It was hammered into them there may come a time when they had to sacrifice humans and would have to ignore the fear, panic, hate and any other emotion that would assault their minds. Maya was not taught like the rest of the battle-senators, but she thought she could do it. Although, you never really know until that moment comes. Few senators actually went to such extremes as to have their children kill humans during their training. She did know of some young, top echelon senators who had killed. Philip Castus certainly had and in the south both Kara and Julia had acted as judges, sentenced people to death, and ordered them to commit suicide. Breaking the law in their territory was a really bad idea. Maya had to admit, the southerners had a very effective way of training and getting rid of murderers, rapists or thieves at the same time.

  Megan might not be trained or an adult, but she was pretty and that’s why idiot one asked for her. They didn’t just pervert the guest law; they were going to take a hammer to it.

  “Your daughter should serve us the wine to show her appreciation.” Idiot two might’ve been drunk but that didn’t stop him from finding a way to humiliate Cyprian and asking another senator to serve you was one of the worst humiliations you could inflict.

  “We should just leave and let the southerners come back if people are not grateful we are here.” Idiot three knew they wouldn’t return. Not for a while, anyway. He wasn’t leaving.

  “That’s probably a very good idea. You should leave,” Maya answered him.


  “You heard me! The southerners will not come back. They were just a scouting party that was not supposed to be so far north, anyway. So you go back to your homes.”

  “You can’t be sure of that because you don’t know what they want.”

  She did know what they wanted, but she was not going to tell the three idiots. Right now she wanted them out of the city. Sometime during their conversation Maya decided that was a good idea. The danger she had sensed the entire day probably had something to do with that. It was still outside, but it was getting closer. Soon enough it was going to get in, she was sure of that, just as she was sure it was coming to the city.

  “The rumor is they are looking for three hundred soldiers, who presumably killed Kara and Rufus. As long as they don’t find them they will keep coming back,” idiot three said.

  “Actually they didn’t say why they wanted them. We just assumed it was because they had killed Kara and Rufus.” Cyprian was precise as always. It came with being a scholar.

  “You two are fools. They aren’t looking for three hundred soldiers. I am not sure they exist, because if they did, they would’ve been found a long time ago. Every senator in at least four provinces is looking for them. So whatever they are doing here is not what they claim.”

  Maya actually agreed with idiot one. Three hundred humans were not enough to kill Kara. Of course, she knew there had been about one thousand at that lake and three hundred had survived the battle. She also suspected they were dead now, otherwise they would’ve been found. Idiot one was right about that and about the fact the southerners were lying. They were not looking for the soldiers. Maybe the fifty scouts didn’t know that, or the senator who sent them didn’t, but someone higher up on that chain knew the truth. Or at least knew enough to form an idea. Marcia and Julia must know. There had been a lot of bodies on that field for them to find. And Aleyna Turing could’ve escaped and told them everything. If the human got to Marcia, the pursuit could’ve started within hours. And if, by some miracle, the bodies weren’t found immediately and the chase hadn’t started until the next day, they still would’ve been found. Marcia had proven her worth when very little information about the attack had gotten out. In fact, Maya was really impressed. Senators were paranoid by nature and the families spied on each other, so there were spies among everyone’s clients. Marcia must’ve told what happened to a very limited number of senators and the rest were left to wonder.

  “What do you think they are doing?” Maya asked idiot one. She had a pretty good idea, but she wanted to know what he was thinking.

  “You know three hundred soldiers couldn’t possibly harm Kara, even if she wasn’t as powerful as she claimed to be, let alone both Kara and Rufus.”

  “We actually don’t know what happened. There were all kinds of rumors floating around, but none were confirmed. We all heard the one about the sorceresses.”

  Maya knew what Cyprian was talking about. At first there were a lot of rumors that hinted at sorceress involvement in Kara’s death. She found them very interesting and then, suddenly, they all stopped as if someone wanted them killed.

  “Where are the wine and your daughter? Why isn’t she serving us?” Cyprian hesitated for a while, Maya could only guess the conflict within him, and left the room. He returned with Megan and some wine. It seemed they had found or managed to buy more.

  Idiot two grabbed Megan and started to kiss her. “You are a pretty little thing and you know how to show your appreciation, don’t you? You know we keep you safe.”

  The young girl didn’t look like she knew that. She looked scared and her father was going to do something. He may’ve been an historian, but he took part in the Great War. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have soldiers, while the three idiots had many. It was time for her to do something. She would hate herself if she didn’t. Her hand was on her short sword. It was unlikely that would help much if it came to a fight, but it sure made her feel better.

  “This is a violation of the guest law,” Maya spoke and got all their attention.

  “Who are you to decide what is and what is not a violation of the guest law?”

  “Well, it is difficult to say who decides what is and what is not a violation of our most sacred law. Right now I say that is a violation and what you did until now also constitutes as one. The punishment is death, as you know.” Now she had all their attention, even idiot two’s.

  Idiot one laughed. “Good luck finding someone to agree with you on that.”

  “That’s just it. I really don’t need anyone else to agree with me.”

  Now they all laughed. Cyprian was giving her a strange look, not sure if he should follow her lead. At least Megan was free and went to her father. None of them understood what she was doing. The guest law was a complex construct that was only useful as long as there was someone powerful enough to enforce it. The head of the family or if more than one house was involved the Senatorial Council made the decision. And just like any law, it was open to interpretation. What they didn’t understand was that she could just try to enforce her interpretation. Sure, she would have to answer for her actions later or could die, but
she was betting they were cowards. Whatever happened here today, Robert Castus would not be happy.

  “You are conceited, I’ll give you that, and also foolish.”

  Maya answered idiot one. “You’re right. I guess I must be really foolish if I decide a violation of the guest law has occurred and then punish the guilty. I must be insane to do that. I’ll tell you something, I probably am insane because that’s what I’m going to do.”

  The three laughed. Cyprian and Megan didn’t know what to do or think. They were a little frightened because they understood there was a very good chance there was going to be a confrontation that would leave all of them dead. Yes, that was a likely outcome. Maya didn’t know if she made things worse or if Cyprian and Megan supported her. They probably wished they had never met her and cursed the fact she didn’t stay out of it.

  “You can’t do it. You are alone and we have hundreds of soldiers,” idiot one said.

  “You are right. I will probably fail in my attempt and I will die, which I am ready to do, so I am going to try anyway. I am a senator and dying in battle is the greatest honor.”

  “You are brave and you are young. Don’t waste your life on a worthless cause nobody cares about. Leave this place and don’t look back. I would hate it if you got hurt.”

  “I have one question. What will you tell Robert Castus happened here? He is going to find out. You can’t hide it from him. You could kill me and everyone in this house and it won’t be enough. Even if you destroy the city he will still know I was here and you were here and he will draw his own conclusion. Maybe you can explain it and he won’t execute you immediately, but the war is coming, make no mistake about that, and I am pretty sure you will be among the first sacrificed. You will leave Orenburg immediately, do you understand.”

  Everyone believed she was Robert’s mistress and Maya didn’t correct them. It made it easier to achieve her goals. The three idiots believed the same thing and she hoped they would think it was a very bad idea to kill their patron’s lover. There was nothing they could do to explain it. They didn’t know Robert would probably be very happy if she were dead.

  “We can’t leave. Robert Castus ordered us to protect the city.”

  She suspected something like this. “You can protect it from outside the walls.”

  “You are not nice,” idiot two said a little more alert now. “But you are pretty and we can make you be nice and when we are finished send you back to Robert.”

  This was the moment she dreaded and knew it would come. Sooner or later they would see she was pretty and powerless and would try to take advantage, just like Philip. She managed him and she would manage them. They would have to be taught a lesson.

  “I guess you could try to capture me,” Maya said clenching her hand on the sword and searched for their closest soldier. “But what makes you think you will succeed? I am a senator and I will never be taken alive.” The short sword moved so fast at first they didn’t realize what happened. Then the arterial spray hit them and the soldier collapsed with his throat slashed.

  “What the hell?”

  “You are leaving, now!” Her tone left no room for discussion and something in it made them obey. Maya was not aware she had that kind of power, only leaders did.

  The three left without saying a word and she saw the relief on Cyprian’s face.

  “Thank you,” Megan said with tears in her eyes.

  “It could’ve ended badly. That was quite a chance you took,” Cyprian spoke.

  “Not really, they are cowards in their hearts. Clean up this mess! I have to go wash.”

  Chapter twenty

  Kara looked in the mirror and marveled at her new appearance. She didn’t like it that much, but she did look different, which was what she wanted. Her hair was shorter and black now and would remain so for some time. She already missed it and felt a little said. It would grow back and return to its lovely auburn color in time and that knowledge comforted her.

  Her room in the inn certainly wasn’t going to. Presumably, it was one of the best rooms in the best inn in Orenburg, and it was a dump. She was used to living in luxury, but she liked sleeping on her bedroll under the stars better and it was cheaper. Not that she had a shortage of coins. Kara had split the small fortune in gold she had brought with her and gave the smaller half to Michael. Even so, she had more than enough with her and the owner of the inn must’ve recognized that because she charged more for the room. Which was good news because the old woman wouldn’t have dared that if she took her for a senator. So she bargained a little, something none of her kind would do, and accepted the offer.

  In fact, she had encountered few problems in Orenburg, which made her more cautious, instead of calming her. She had gained entrance to the city easily. At the gate nobody gave her a second look. Luckily there weren’t any senators there and the guards decided a woman alone couldn’t be that much trouble. If they only knew. Kara thought she would be recognized for a senator so she tried to appear as non-threatening as possible. Much to her surprise it worked until now and she had a plan in case her disguise failed. Which it would, sooner rather than later. There were too many senators in the city and there was a very good chance she would meet one in the streets. And there was no way to hide the fact you are a senator from one of your brethren. Out in the streets, in the open, senators were at their most vulnerable and they tried to compensate for it. So, in order to protect themselves they connected to every suspicious human they saw. Fortunately, most of them were weak and quickly exhausted their reserves of power. In a large city, even a senator as powerful as Kara had to be selective with the queries. Kara, however, didn’t. Throughout the day she had connected to every human she saw using small tendrils of power. It didn’t only help with not attracting the attention of other senators, but she also used less power than usual. The way she was recharging she could go on like that for many hours if not days, though she would have one hell of a headache in the end.

  She had done it many times before while playing urban war-games. The purpose was to infiltrate a city, go undetected by the local senators and, if possible, eliminate them and take control of the city. She was much better at offense than defense. Kara won most of them unless she played against Julia, then some she won and some she lost. Since her blonde friend was not in Orenburg she didn’t have to worry about somebody as formidable.

  So she had spent the hours since she gained entry to map the weaknesses and strengths of the city. What she found out was that Orenburg was more vulnerable than she had previously thought. There were many senators here, as she suspected, but they were mostly weak and lacked organization. If something happened they weren’t going to be able to come up with a coherent response. So she made a plan in case things went wrong for her, then thought of a backup plan and if it all spiraled into insanity she would execute the burn-down-the-city plan. This was the last resort and she really hoped she didn’t have to use it.

  The odds were in her favor. The city was in Robert Castus' territory and its taxes were a significant part of the house’s income. Orenburg should’ve been better prepared and it wasn’t. The Casti were really foolish if they thought the war wouldn’t touch them or they knew something she didn’t. Or something she did, like where the soldiers who attacked her really came from. They did pass through Cuttland, so it was possible someone picked up on them. Robert was not that careless, he did send the senators and soldiers she had seen earlier to defend the city, and together with the garrison they should’ve been enough to thwart an attack. For some reason, thank the goddess for small favors, they left the city before she got in. Severing one of Robert’s sources of income sounded really appealing, but it was not worth the risk. The commerce would die out as soon as the war started.

  Besides, she pretended to be a merchant from Eastern Suttland named Olivia. Her kind would know that Olivia was a low-ranking Suttland senator who had the confidence of the head of the house. Luckily, they shared a passing resemblance that would
fool anyone who hadn’t met the real Olivia. As far as Kara knew, her cover wasn’t a traveler so she was safe enough. She even bought spices and hired some mercenaries to help her get the spices to Essland. Sure, no senator would believe she was actually a merchant since Olivia wasn’t and they would suspect ulterior motives. That was all right, because she was willing to bet none of them would think the stranger was Kara Arvillia. Most likely they would suspect her of being a spy.

  She was being very, very careful not to reveal herself. The mercenaries she had hired were, as advertised by the mercenary guild, free of senatorial control – a senator managed it and most of the clients were senators, so this was important – and she didn’t take over them. In fact, she hadn’t kept control of any of the free humans after she got what she wanted from their memories. She couldn’t risk another diviner like her sending tendrils of power to a human she had taken over and getting an image of her mental block. That would certainly betray her presence in the city.

  Kara decided she should walk once more on the streets of Orenburg before nightfall. Night was the most dangerous time for a senator. Sight was the conduit for their power and they could not use it in darkness. It was smart to stay inside, but, on the other hand, nobody would expect a senator outside during the night. Besides, the street-lamps gave some light and by tomorrow she’d be gone, hopefully without anyone being the wiser.

  She got dressed. The clothes she chose were those of a rich human lord or merchant, not those of a very rich senator. People here had never seen something that exquisite or extravagant and wearing them would betray her identity. They were almost as bad as the armor, which was a dead giveaway. The only women who were armor were senators or sorceresses. Some exceptions existed, so few of them, in fact, they were irrelevant.

  Kara wandered the streets aimlessly when she saw him. Not many people were out. She knew from the start he was a senator, there was almost no need to test him, but she did. The way to make sure you met a senator was to try to connect with him. If you failed because your power simply couldn’t find him although he was right in front of your eyes, you were dealing with one. If he was only a human under a senator’s control you would encounter the block, but you knew something was there. Nothing was there with a senator.


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