Book Read Free

The Four Tales

Page 74

by Rebecca Reddell

  “He’s too powerful. Like his father,” Maleficent said it more to herself than to Maezy.

  “You knew his father?” She wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to get some kind of answers.

  “Yes. We haven’t seen each other in years,” was all her mother said.

  “Why did Ingvar say he left this realm for you?”

  “I’d rather not discuss it right now. We need to deal with the problem at hand. If we’re dealing with the son and not Osvaldr then something bigger is going on, and we need to get out of it. Obviously, Osvaldr taught his son well.” Maleficent paused and focused on the stone wall in thought.

  “According to Brandalfr, Osvaldr is very powerful but has a different strength of magic. What does that mean?” Maezy tried to learn something, anything from her mother.

  Maleficent shrugged. “I’m surprised he wasn’t the one here.”

  “I don’t know where he is. Brandalfr didn’t tell me.”

  “Then it might be for the best if we leave this exhausted topic and concentrate on how to defeat your father and the boy.”

  “His name is Brandalfr,” Maezy corrected her. “We were working on a plan, but your revelation about me not waking up with a spell might speed up things significantly.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Brandalfr said he’d stall as long as he could so I'd have time to release you from in here. If there’s no spell, who knows what father will tell him to do. We need a plan to defeat father. And while we’re on the subject, how am I going to wake up?”

  “It will be taken care of, Maezy. You don’t have to worry. If you can get me out of these chains, I could do enough damage to distract—” Maleficent indicated the cuffs around her wrists, even as Maezy interrupted her.

  “No, that isn’t going to work, Mother. We need to get everyone out of here, including Brandalfr. He helped me, and we have to help him, too. I wouldn’t be here now if he hadn’t kept my secret.”

  “When did I ever teach you to trust anyone? You never trust an elf. Isn’t that what I’m always saying? Do you ever listen to me? I swear, you’re just like your father.”

  Eyes wide, Maezy clamped her jaw closed and crossed her arms. “Seriously?”

  Maleficent shrugged and waved a hand in the air as if dismissing her daughter’s anger.

  “Well, when I turn psycho and kidnap my only daughter and lock her mother up, then will be the time to liken me unto my father. Until then, please keep rude musings to yourself.”

  “I just meant you’re stubborn and don’t listen, Maezy. Calm yourself down.”

  Maezy huffed and rolled her eyes. “Mother, making any reference to how I’m like my father at a time like this isn’t really the best commendation. You can see that, right?”

  Maleficent shrugged, although her lips contained a slight smirk about them.

  “You’re just as stubborn, and you don’t listen well either,” Maezy rushed out. “Anyway, we need to get you out of here, hide you in another realm, and then I can get back to Brandalfr. Which, if I may, how did he subdue you?”

  Growling, Maleficent turned to the bars and looked up and out through them. “He’s like his father.”

  “You keep saying that, but I still have no evidence of how that makes any difference.”

  “Osvaldr is considered the most powerful warlock of our time. He has powers beyond anyone’s understanding. Rumor has it he obtained a relic which enhances his powers, and he might have passed that on to his son before he disappeared.”

  “Oh. Well, that wasn’t so hard, was it? So, basically, he could take you out too? I always assumed you were the most powerful.”

  “Assumptions aren’t healthy,” Maleficent sneered. “Besides, I used to be the most powerful. However, if the relic story is true, Osvaldr has surpassed even me. Now, how are we getting out of here?”

  She held up her arms, encased in the same cuffs as Agathon. Maezy stepped closer and inspected the wraps of cloth. She knew she’d never be able to get them off, but she could get her mother out of here, and that was a start.

  “If you tell me how I’m going to wake up from this spell, then Brandalfr can help me, and we can escape.”

  “You shouldn’t trust him, Maezy.”

  “Why? He’s helped us this far.”

  “He also helped get us captured. I don’t think you can forget his part in all of this. Our people died. We lost several men and women. You can’t forget,” Maleficent countered.

  “I’m not forgetting, Mother,” Maezy let her know. “I’m just trying to be fair. He did what he had to do because his mother and sister were captured. I’d do the same for you. You know I would.”

  Sighing, Maleficent reached out and brushed the back of her fingers down Maezy’s cheek. “I wish I still had faith in people, as you do.”

  For a second, Maezy soaked in the kind gesture. Her mother didn’t often show her affection, and it helped calm her rapid heartbeat. She hadn’t even known until that moment how scared she felt. Her insides relaxed.

  “Mother, it isn’t hard. He’s doing this against his will. Just as we are here against our will. Please. How do I wake up?”

  Looking down, her red hair fell forward, and her fingers rubbed together. The incandescent glare of green raised to pen Maezy with another sorrowful stare.

  “Mother?” the word rushed out on a breath.

  Heart speeding up again, she had a feeling she wasn’t going to like her mother’s answer. So much for helping her to feel safe.

  “Maezy, you won’t ever wake up.”


  She’d been sucker punched. Her breath trickled out. This new revelation couldn’t be true. Her mother had some kind of plan and wasn’t sharing all the details.


  “You won’t wake up from this spell. At least, not right away or how you usually do.”

  “Why? I thought it was a sleep ‘like death’, not an actual ‘you’re-going-to-be-dead-for-a-while’ kind of sleep,” Maezy wailed.

  “It was the only thing I could think of to keep you safe. I can’t have you become your father’s puppet.” Her mother shrugged and pushed her hair back.

  “So you made me your own?!” Maezy shrieked.

  “That’s not fair. I didn’t say you’d stay this way permanently.”

  “So telling me I won’t wake up from this any time soon isn’t basically saying, ‘hey, you’re screwed’? Mother! Tell me what needs to happen for me to wake up? Is there a spell?”

  “No, I told you there isn’t. You won’t wake up until you-- until you have True Love’s Kiss.”

  “What?!” Maezy sucked in a deep breath and stalked from one end of the cell to the next.

  “Maybe we should discuss this later. It might be best for you to get me out of here first.”

  “Best? Best?! Maybe it would have been best if you’d told me all of this before I stupidly allowed myself to be put to sleep! Why didn’t you mention this sooner?!” Maezy felt herself freaking out, her voice raised on each word.

  “We are in the middle of a war. I hate to say it, but there it is. Your father is going to stop at nothing until he’s created the perfect army. You know he won’t.”

  “I only know what you’ve told me since I was little. Apparently, you can’t be trusted!”

  “Maezy, we need to get out of here now. Fight later.” Maleficent frowned at her. Something Maezy would feel fearful of, but at the moment she was beyond caring.

  “This is not fair. What did you think? I would find my true love while I’m in a dead sleep?!”

  “Maezy!” Thunder cracked outside.

  Maezy looked from the window to her mother. “Is all of your power really gone?” It seemed as if her mother had a little extra magic up her sleeve, so to speak.

  “Yes! That wasn’t me! Maezy, we need to escape. Now!” Maleficent threw a startled glance to the barred window before shouting the last word at Maezy.

  Nodding, Maezy swallowed her anger.
She had a feeling her father just found out about Brandalfr’s mother and sister. Closing her eyes, she focused on being outside the cell. Once there, she looked around and stood on tiptoe to see her mother peeking out. “Where are the keys?”

  “Your father had them.”

  “Great! Why didn’t you tell me that before now? How am I going to get them from him?”

  “You can do it, Maezy. If anyone can, you will be able to do this. Now hurry!”

  Deep breath, Maezy closed her eyes and pictured Brandalfr. She had to know if her father knew about the escape and if he had the keys. She assumed he’d be with the warlock.

  The world shifted once more, and she was inside the library again. Brandalfr was standing by the table looking at her father’s back, who was just going out the door. Purple robes swishing, Maezy watched him leave before turning to face Brandalfr.

  Pausing, she took in the look on his face. It wasn’t like anything she had ever seen before, and it scared her for a moment. His narrowed eyes held such an anger in them, they seared her when his gaze refocused on her.

  Anger dissipating, he shook his head at her. “I thought you’d be back. He knows.”

  Maezy nodded. Sighing, she rubbed the back of her neck. “What do we do?”

  “What we planned. Here’s the key.”

  “How’d you get it?” Maezy rushed forward, hand out, palm up, and grabbed the metal object as he gave it to her.

  “I swiped it from his belt before he stormed out. I’m a warlock. Give me some credit. Did your mother tell you how to break the spell?” Chocolate returned to honey.

  She couldn’t help staring into his eyes. They were the most beautiful colors she’d ever seen. Everything about him was beautiful. If she wasn’t careful, she could fall under his spell. Just as her mother has fallen under her father’s. “She told me she would tell me the secret when she escapes.”

  “Then you better go now! Your father is headed to the dungeon. I don’t think I need to tell you what he wants me to do if your mother doesn’t reveal the truth.”

  “No, I don’t think I need to know. Thank you, Brandalfr.”

  He nodded, as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The next instant, she was back outside her mother’s cell. “Mother, we have to get out now. He’s on his way.”

  “It took you long enough. Did you get the key?”

  “Yes, right here.” Unlocking the door, Maezy closed it after her mother exited. “Which way should we go?”

  “This way,” Maleficent told her, leading her down the hallway instead of back up it. Maezy followed along behind her, looking over her shoulder as they went.

  “Through here,” her mother motioned her through another door at the end of the hall. It led down a set of stairs.

  “Where will this lead us?”

  “Out. We’ll be able to get to the path we need once we’re outside. I know which realm we should go to. Your father won’t find us there.”

  “Good,” Maezy breathed.

  Slap, pat, slap, pat, their feet echoed through the tunnel.

  They hurried down the steps as their shoes smacked stone. Maezy was out of breath by the time they reached the end. Maleficent held up a hand as they marched off the last stone. In the darkness ahead was another door. No one blocked the way. They ran to the door and opened it with care before diving through.

  Hand on her mother’s robes, Maezy followed behind as close as she could. The inky black of the new walkway began to lighten as they neared the end. She could see a dim light expanding the closer they got.

  No one followed them yet. They were in the clear so far. Maezy couldn’t hear any shouts. She wondered when they would catch on to where she and her mother had fled. Thinking about the elves’ own powers, Maezy knew her father would catch on to their exit plan soon.

  “Here,” Maleficent whispered. “We can escape through here.”

  “It’s a gate,” Maezy whispered back. She couldn’t believe there was a barred door standing in front of them, letting in fresh air and sunshine.

  “The prisoner’s reward,” her mother joked.

  “Will anyone be guarding the outside?”

  “I suppose we'll find out.”

  Taking another deep breath, Maezy watched as Maleficent walked to the door and opened it manually. Something her mother didn’t do often. The cuffs on her wrists were the same as those that’d been around Brandalfr’s mother’s and sister’s wrists.

  Maleficent was waving her forward. Maezy looked at the cuffs again and thought about how it affected her mother’s ability to use her powers. She couldn’t help but think her mother was doing a really great job of staying calm and collected, especially since Maezy figured she probably wanted to tear King Ingvar’s head from his body right about now.

  “It’s clear,” Maleficent’s voice sounded suspicious.

  “Is that bad?” Maezy didn’t like the tone.

  “Not bad, Maezy. Unusual. Your father isn’t the type to not cover all his bases.”

  Maezy nodded as she thought of all the guards who’d blocked Agathon and Arna’s exit. “Maybe they’re not on guard here but patrol the area.”

  “Possibly. Keep your eyes open and stay behind me,” Maleficent whispered, taking a step through the door and the bushes beyond.

  Pushing the limbs out of the way, Maezy squeezed through the shrubbery and made sure to close the door behind her. Hearing it clang shut, she froze and listened for the approach of feet. Heart pounding, stomach lurching, she only heard her mother’s soft step and rustle of the leaves.

  “Through here. We’ll be at the wood’s edge. The door can be found just beyond.” Maleficent waved in the general direction.

  Maezy nodded and swallowed as she crept forward behind her mother. Stolen glances over her shoulder, they paused to hear any other footsteps. A sweaty century later, they reached the edge of trees as her mother predicted.

  “Is this it?” Maezy wanted verified.

  Maleficent nodded, her head cocked to the side, ears twitched.

  “Do you hear anything?” Maezy caught her mother’s action and asked.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Why do you sound bothered by that? Isn’t it a good thing?”

  “Yes, yes, it is. I’m just a bit paranoid. Let’s go.” Maleficent pointed her chin onward.

  Inching through the forest, they finally heard the sound they’d been dreading. Footsteps echoed behind them. “Here! Just ahead! Run, Maezy!”

  She didn’t need to be told twice. Legs extending, reaching, pounding the ground, Maezy ran behind her mother. The veered down a small hill to the left.

  An arrow hit the tree just beyond her head and very close to her mother’s.

  “Halt!” a voice called behind them.

  Arrows flew close. So close, Maezy felt one whistle past her ear and send hairs into the air. “They’re shooting at us! How much further?”

  “They won’t shoot you, Maezy. They’re aiming for me! Fifteen more steps, to the right!” They veered at the same time.

  An arrow struck the ground in front of her toes.


  “Run, Maezy!”

  Breath catching, pain jabbed her side, and Maezy leapt forward and sped to her mother’s side. For an older woman, centuries-- if truth be told, Maleficent out-paced her.

  “Here!” A few words spoken by Maleficent, and the door appeared in the tree trunk to their left. It was just like before, and Maezy held her breath and sprinted the last few feet.

  The arrow almost pinned her mother, but missed her by a less than a foot, and stuck into a tree to the right. Maezy screeched, and slid down the tiny hill right before the doorway.

  “Jump!” Maleficent shouted.

  The arrow hit her mother’s shoulder right before she disappeared inside the doorway. Legs stretching as far as they could, Maezy leapt the last few feet into the swirling door. Tumbling through and somersaulting a few feet, Maezy was on her feet and looked thr
ough the foggy blackness.


  Silence echoed back at her.

  “Mother?! Where are you?!”

  No answer.

  Afraid she’d lost her through the drop, Maezy concentrated on finding her mother. “Maleficent, Maleficent, Maleficent…” she whispered over and over again, as she looked around the path.

  Still, she heard and saw nothing.


  Closing her eyes, Maezy centered on her mother’s face. Repeating her name over again, she pictured her mother. Taking hesitant steps forward, Maezy tried to see her mother ahead. “Maleficent, Maleficent, Maleficent…” she spoke out loud, as she walked along the path.

  She screamed as the passageway dropped off and threw her into nothing.


  Maezy hit the ground before her screams cut off, air sucked from her lungs, and the world spun around her.

  “Maezy! Stop screaming! Are you all right?” Her mother’s face and voice swam before her eyes.

  Blinking, Maezy tried to breathe. The air was trapped in her lungs and didn’t seem to want to make an appearance again.

  “Breathe, girl, breathe!”

  She coughed. Her nose pulled air in as her mouth forced it back out. Maleficent helped her sit up and hit her on the back a few times. “Are you going to live?”

  It sounded as if she was going to cough up a hairball. “I—I’m f-f-fine,” she gasped.

  “We’re here.”

  “Where?” she croaked.

  “In my inner sanctum,” Maleficent sounded pleased.

  “What?” she coughed.

  “Will you stop that! It’s getting annoying. Try swallowing.”

  Mother had never been known for her patience, she thought and swallowed. Another cough escaped, but she managed to hold it in for the most part. After a sigh, her mother looked around and started to march forward.

  Thanks. I’ll stand up by myself.

  Climbing to her feet, Maezy rubbed her chest and sniffed. Her heart hurt as well as her rear end. The pounding in her head was a new development. For a second, she had to stop and take in a few deep breaths. The whisper of silk alerted her of Maleficent’s return.


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