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The Four Tales

Page 81

by Rebecca Reddell

  “Brandalfr, he didn’t know this would happen,” she tried.

  “He knew it was a possibility,” he responded, with clenched teeth and a fist slapped to his palm.

  “It will be okay. I’ll find him,” she reassured.

  “What if you find him? How will you free him?” he asked.

  Maezy shrugged. No one had worked that part out yet. “I don’t know.”

  “See! How will we save him?”

  They both turned to look at Maleficent. Her head was tucked into an old tome. She didn’t answer, and Maezy put her hand on Brandalfr’s arm when it looked as if he were about to interrupt.

  “Oh no,” her mother breathed as they stood watching.

  “Oh no? Mother, what do you mean?” Maezy kept her hand on Brandalfr’s arm but took a step forward. “What’s wrong?”

  Head raising, eyes burning, Maleficent glanced at them both and shook her head. “We may not be able to save Osvaldr at all.”

  “What do you mean?” Maezy kept her voice steady.

  “What!” Brandalfr escaped her fingers and marched to the desk. “Tell me!”

  Pointing to the book, Maleficent shook her head.

  “It appears Atropos took a liking to Calypso and her stand against Zeus. It is written,

  * * *

  ‘Atropos often visits Calypso in order to show her support of the nymph’s stand against Zeus, who claims to control the fates. Atropos enjoys her adventures with the mermaids, whose siren tendencies make her job more alluring. She enjoys playing with the fates of men who are a disappointment to her newfound friends and who give pleasure to the mermaids. They sing in tandem at every death she and her sisters enact.’”

  * * *

  Maleficent stopped reading and shook her head. “Osvaldr, you stupid warlock!”

  “I don’t understand.” Brandalfr was shocked by her revelation.

  Maezy didn’t say a word but watched as her mother’s head lurched upward. Taking a deep breath, she waited for her mother’s rant.

  It never came.

  “Brandalfr,” Maleficent’s voice was smooth and low, “Atropos is the goddess of death. She is one of the three fates who decides the destiny of any living creature and decides when and how to terminate their life. She is Zeus’s daughter. Their love-hate relationship has caused her to enjoy the task she’s been given a bit too much. She has father issues.”

  Shaking his head, Brandalfr stepped back from the desk. “No, he can’t be there with them both.”

  “I’m afraid it’s recorded in the witch’s Tome of Knowledge. They keep it updated constantly. In fact, watch.” Turning the book toward him, Maezy watched as he stepped over to the desk and looked at the ancient book.

  Stepping closer herself, she watched as what her mother said came true. In the blink of an eye, the book changed and rearranged words right before their eyes. The new paragraph mentioned Calypso’s ability to have others fall effortlessly in love with her. Maezy read over Brandalfr’s shoulder.

  * * *

  ‘Even now, Atropos delights in Calypso’s varied romances. She is intrigued by those who come in search of her new friend and finds the nymph to enjoy the company of many male species, including the elven culture. Calypso makes conquests of every race she encounters, and the one who holds her current attention is none other than a warlock of powers untold, Osvaldr Wranhana. His powers are so great it might be Calypso who has fallen under his spell this time.’

  * * *

  The book’s entry ended there, and all three stared at the page wondering when it would update again. When nothing happened, they each inhaled large breaths.

  “What does this mean? If he’s been there this whole time, why is this book just now speaking of his presence?” Brandalfr inquired.

  “The realms are constantly changing, boy. It can’t keep up with every second’s demand. Some news takes precedence over others. However, there was another message of your father before this updated one appeared.”

  “What did it say?” he demanded.

  “It isn’t important. What is important is for us to know where he is and how to rescue him.” Maleficent closed the tome and sat it on the desk.

  “How can we rescue him when we can’t do more than realm walk there? He needs a flesh and blood escape plan!” Brandalfr argued.

  “I can locate him and assess the situation,” Maezy began.

  “We already have him located!” Brandalfr interrupted. “We need to get him out of there!”

  “We don’t know what is going on, Brandalfr. I need to find him and talk to him. He could have his own plan in action, and I don’t want to put him in a dilemma. I can do that best by making contact with him in a realm walk,” Maezy tried to reassure him.

  Silence filled the room after she finished talking. Uncertain if he agreed or disagreed with her, Maezy glanced at her mother and shrugged before resting her eyes back on his face. The pale skin appeared ashen, and his eyes were darkening. Their swirling colors merged from honey to cinnamon to chocolate, standing out large in his face.

  Why do the changing colors of his eyes remind me of food? That has to be creepy. Maybe I’m hungry?

  Frowning, she listened to the gurgles of her stomach and realized it had been several hours since she’d last eaten real food in her awake state. Even her last meal during her realm walk was forever ago. Perhaps that’s why she kept thinking his eyes looked like her favorite food and spices?

  The changes were fascinating to watch. They were gorgeous eyes, and she liked it when he looked at her in a certain way. Mesmerized, Maezy saw his eyes begin to burn. He turned to glance at her now. When he took a deep breath, she waited for what he had to say and stood still under his eye’s glow.

  “Do you think it will help, Maezy? Do you believe you can find him a way out?” He implored her to answer positively.

  “Yes. Yes, I can,” her answer was confident.

  “Then let’s get started,” Brandalfr agreed.

  Gorgóna Limnothalássa was gorgeous. Maezy’s first look at the lagoon resulted in a gasp and an effort to close her mouth before she drooled. The majority of the realm was water. An island full of trees and sand stood in the middle where she’d touched down. Masking herself with invisibility, she walked toward the water’s edge and looked out over the view.

  A sound to her right startled her, and she followed the noise of laughter and squealing. Rounding a clump of trees closest to the water’s edge, Maezy paused and beheld the sight in front of her. Mermaids jumped and splashed in the water. It took her a moment to count fifteen of them. One sat on the beach, legs instead of a tail stretched out in front of her, singing. Her voice was pure sunshine. Bright, intoxicating, and full of mourning joy.

  Beyond this scene was another group. Pulling her gaze from the beautiful singer and recognizing the second group in an instant, Maezy identified Osvaldr, Calypso, and Atropos. For seconds, she held her breath and blinked at the incredible beauty in front of her.

  Osvaldr was an older version of Brandalfr. His allure was magnetic. Despite being a warlock and having no elf blood, the older sorcerer had held his age well. He didn’t appear to be a day over thirty. His hair was worn long, dark, and straight. Even at the distance she stood, Maezy could feel the charm dripping off of him.

  His laughter had her straightening and beginning her slow approach. She had a feeling they would sense her presence even if she didn’t reveal herself. Uncertain and a bit afraid, she gripped the hilt of her sword and kept an eye on them all.

  To her, none of them looked as she had imagined. No one seemed to be unhappy. They weren’t feasting on Osvaldr, for which she was grateful, and if he was being held against his will, she couldn’t tell. He gave the impression that he was among friends and enjoying his time.

  Maezy was halfway to the singing, beached mermaid, when the girl stopped singing and turned in Maezy’s direction.

  “We have an intruder,” she shouted.

  Standing, the
mermaid’s long, golden hair covered her to her thighs, and noticing it was the only thing covering her, Maezy jerked her gaze away and refocused on Osvaldr.

  The splashing and laughter had ended. Before she could blink, all of the mermaids disappeared beneath the surface of the water, and Maezy was left to stare across the wide expanse of rock grains toward three pairs of eyes. They looked directly at her. It was as though they could see her through her cloak.

  “Daughter of the Realms and Maleficent’s young, what are you doing here?” Atropos called out. The goddess was black haired and dark skinned. Her gaze was midnight, and it held steady on Maezy.

  It seemed they could see her. Maezy dropped her invisibility, which hadn’t helped in the least, and stepped forward. “I am here to talk to the king of the warlocks. I have need of his assistance, Goddess Atropos,” she boldly called out.

  “Then, step forward and say your piece. You are interrupting our afternoon rest,” Atropos commanded.

  Nodding, Maezy sauntered over to their gathering. Closer, she saw how young and captivating Atropos was. The smoothness of her dark skin and the shine of her hair entranced Maezy.

  Yanking her gaze from the goddess to look at the other two, she saw how breathtaking Osvaldr was. His tall, strong body leaned back against a rock. His eyes were bright and seemed to wink at her. He maintained his position and didn’t rise to greet her.

  Turning her gaze from the warlock, Maezy’s eyes clashed with Calypso. The nymph was a young maiden who at first glance, was unequal to her companions. On closer scrutiny, Maezy saw her mistake. Calypso was the only one she could see.

  Fire in her eyes, twin flames of red, Calypso held Maezy’s gaze and beckoned her forward without saying a word. Stepping one foot in front of the other, Maezy had no idea what was drawing her. Yet, she couldn’t look away. Not stopping until she reached Osvaldr’s extended legs, there was a feeling of thirst and hunger in the pit of her stomach.

  The sensation was hard to place, and she couldn’t understand the confusing emotions surging through her. The effort to blink reminded her of the faint she’d sustained when being too long in the realm walk. Laughter finally broke her gaze.

  “Looks like you have another admirer, Calypso,” Osvaldr spoke, and it was enough to fracture the contact Maezy had been unable to fight.

  She regarded Osvaldr with a frown. Did he not need saving then? He looked content. Until she inspected him closer. The twitch at the corner of his left eye, the slight warning flashing within the familiar amber pupils, had her acknowledging the danger he didn’t voice.

  “She is beautiful. Who is this delightful girl, Osvaldr?” Calypso’s voice wasn’t so much words as music.

  Lyrical, soft, and melting off of her tongue like sugar-filled syllables. Maezy refused to glance up again but kept her head bowed in respect. And fear.

  The tone Calypso used was candy sweet but concealed a viper’s hiss. Maezy heard what she did not say. Her words professed beauty, but the timbre held jealousy.

  “I don’t know who this young lady is, but I’m sure she will tell us if given a chance,” Osvaldr responded and indicated she should speak.

  “My name is Maezy. I’m Maleficent’s daughter, and your son’s friend. I come on Brandalfr’s behalf.” Her words had Osvaldr’s shoulders tightening, and a small intake of breath was heard.

  “Brandalfr? Your son, Osvaldr,” Calypso hummed.

  “Yes,” the only word Osvaldr spoke.

  “Hmm,” Calypso drawled.

  Atropos tilted her head to the right and smiled at Maezy. “Calypso, let us walk to the water’s edge and call back our friends. I think they would love to meet our guest.”

  A growl was the only response, but both goddesses walked away without another word, and Maezy inhaled deeply at their departure.

  “You shouldn’t have come,” Osvaldr hissed. “Find the realm door and walk away. Tell Brandalfr to forget me.”

  Frozen, a shiver passing through her, Maezy shook her head. “I can’t do that. He’ll try to come himself if I do. Tell me how to get you out.”

  “You can’t. Now leave,” his whisper was urgent, letters tripping over his lips. “Go! Now!”

  The warning came too late. Maezy was caught before she could blink or turn or run.


  Nails bit into her flesh. Her neck had a sharp stinging pain. Her sword was taken from her. Her eyes filled with tears at the pinpricks covering her flesh, and she began to worry she would die in her sleep.

  “Calypso, call off your army. Let the girl go,” Osvaldr petitioned.

  “They’re hungry,” Calypso’s musical voice simpered.

  Maezy heard the dulcet voice muse. Feeling more stabbing pains on her shoulders, arms, and thighs, she realized what had just been said. Glancing down, she caught sight of multi-shades of hair as they leaned over her and sliced into her skin.

  “Get off!” she screamed. Heart in her throat, Maezy shoved and pushed the bodies away.

  Hisses sprung from the bloody mouths turned her way. Encountering faces with ichor drenched fangs and squinted, black eyes, Maezy kicked into fight mode. Bashing her head back as hard as she could, the crunch and cry she received told her she’d made excellent contact. Jamming a palm in the face of one of her offenders, the fight instinct had her tearing into the sharp-toothed mermaids with everything she had.

  Twisting, Maezy managed to escape their grasping claws. Kicking and slamming her fist into every gore-drenched face she encountered, Maezy turned. Backing toward Osvaldr, not trusting him to help her, she faced the onslaught.

  More than fifteen mermaids stood snarling at her with clawed fingers and glinting fangs. It was a sight to behold. One she hoped to elude.

  Calypso held her sword. Bony and clawed, red finger-tipped nails choked her weapon. Cursing in her head, she realized this would be the second sword she’d lost in a day. Knowing this made her even more angry.

  Gritting her teeth together and sending the nastiest glare, Maezy put her hands on her hips and tensed. “I believe you have something of mine.”

  “This?” Calypso held it up, and Maezy could hear the smirk in the word.

  “Yes. That.”

  “Atropos felt it was only fair. We aren’t armed, you see.”

  Holding her breath, Maezy took a moment to locate the goddess. She’d almost forgotten about her. A sick feeling coursed through her stomach and tightened her chest, which made it hard to breathe when she spotted what Atropos held in her hand.

  A thread. Bright, blinding white, the thread seemed to appear from nowhere, with no beginning and no end. Maezy knew what it meant though.

  “Calypso, enough!” Osvaldr shouted. “She’s leaving.”

  “She shouldn’t have come at all,” the goddess retorted.

  “The girl wanted my blessing to marry Brandalfr. She has it. Now, let her go!” The command was in his voice, but Calypso didn’t seem to hear it.

  “Atropos, don’t you think she has overstayed her welcome?”

  “Yes, my dear, I do.”

  “We will take care of her!” one of the mermaids jeered. The others cheered and crept forward. “Let us eat the flesh from her bones. What flesh there is!”

  “Yes!” they all called.

  Maezy knew it was now or never. She had to leave. Closing her eyes, she focused on her mother’s realm. Brandalfr’s eyes flashed in front of her. They were filled with unhappiness, and she felt immediate guilt at not accomplishing what she’d set out to do.

  In a millisecond, her eyes blinked open, regretting her retreat. The second left her half in mermaid lagoon and half in black space. The second gave her a terrifying view of Atropos smiling directly at her and cutting the thread.

  Eyelids fluttering, darkness filled her, and she saw the glaring thread fade as both pieces parted and fell to the ground. Closing her eyes, Maezy felt nothing as her breath left her.


  Pacing didn’t help him. The room glowed with the warm
th and light of a fire even though the windows were thrown open. Maleficent stood over Maezy reciting under her breath words he couldn’t understand. Which was a first for him. He normally understood everything related to spells, chants, and languages.

  When she stopped without warning, Brandalfr rushed back to the couch where Maezy stretched out. Hand on her sword hilt, brilliant red hair rested on her shoulders and draped over the front of her, she looked more like sleeping beauty than a warrior who walked in her sleep.

  Glancing from Maezy to Maleficent, his heart stopped at the witch’s expression. “What’s wrong?”

  “No,” Maleficent breathed, still looking down.

  Brandalfr’s eyes fell back on Maezy and watched as her hand fell off her sword and swung off the side of the sofa. He leaned forward to catch the last breath she expelled. His gaze focused on her chest waiting for it to rise with a new intake of breath.

  Stumbling back, he tripped over the rug and fell to his backside. His throat was closing, and blinking kept the moisture in his eyes at bay. For now. Brandalfr hyperventilated as he watched all of his hopes die.

  Just as Maezy had.


  Being dead wasn’t so bad. It wasn’t what she pictured, however. Of course, she had visualized it being bright and filled with light and warmth and happiness. She had always hoped there would be a God. Someone she could learn from, especially since she didn’t understand life at all.

  Instead, it was kind of like being stuck in an elf passage or the beginning of a realm walk. Dark, no sense of direction, and alone. In fact, Maezy felt an intense wave of disappointment. Her shoulders drooped, and she sighed.

  Somehow, being dead, she could still feel the sticky ooze of her blood. It was awkward and creepy because she couldn’t wipe it off with enough accuracy to stem the flow. There was also the fact that it was coming from several different punctures all over her body, some of which she couldn’t reach, and matters just felt even worse.


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