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The Four Tales

Page 87

by Rebecca Reddell

  “You imprisoned me to have me threaten those who disagree with you. You locked Brandalfr in a cell. You allowed my mother to stay on Gorgóna and refused to help. Our bonding isn’t really going too well so far.”

  Grasping her sword tighter, she prepared to strike. Keeping her eyes on her father, she evaluated the positions and stance of all the guards. Although several stood in a line in front of her father and just behind other warriors who had their swords drawn, Maezy spotted their relaxed postures.

  “You take things way too seriously. I’m going to change each realm for the better. I have the key to easy living. I just want to share it with the world.”

  “Define ‘easy living’ because from what I understood, you wanted me to persuade people to see things your way.” Maezy brought her left hand slowly to her belt and rested it there. The second sword was ready to go, but she planned on grabbing her knife first.

  “Exactly. My way is a much better way than the universe is living now. I’m going to make a positive impact. You just need to look on the bright side.” He shrugged.

  “So, what if they disagree with you? What if they don’t think your ideas will work for them. What then?”

  “Then, you’ll help make sure they see things my way,” he countered.

  “No. I won’t,” Maezy refused.

  “Then you can say goodbye to your friend. Archer,” he nodded at Brandalfr, “kill the boy.”

  “You know, if you kill him, I’ll die too.”

  The words hung in the air. Her father’s hand raised to stop the archer. He didn’t ask any questions. Closing his eyes a second longer than a blink and taking a deep breath, he seemed to have expected it.

  “I suspected as much. I thought it might have been a fluke. In fact, it occurred to me he’d just entwined your lives with one of the spells he was casting when you both first arrived. I see it goes deeper than that. Am I wrong?”

  “No, you’re not wrong.”

  “True Love’s Kiss?”

  “Yep,” she verified. Shrugging her shoulders, she said, “Who knew mother was such a great planner?”

  “It’s a good thing that witch is going to die at lagoon, or I’d be forced to throw everything I have into exterminating her. She’s proved to be a thorn in my side.”

  Gritting her teeth at his words, Maezy told him, “When your Seekers took him down earlier, his powers had already been fatigued. His collapse created my own.”

  “I see. I suppose I’ll have to rethink killing him then. Which isn’t a pity, when I think about it as a long-term investment. He’ll provide a reason for you to follow my directions.”

  Maezy smiled, before slamming the elf on her right against the wall.

  “Grab her, but be careful!” her father shouted.

  Mayhem erupted. The elves were so busy trying not to stab her with their arrows and swords, she was able to slip around several and kick a few on her way. Another grabbed her sword arm, and she smashed her fist into his face before stomping on his foot and twisting his hand off her arm.

  Glancing over at Brandalfr, she caught him slamming two heads together and fighting off a sword with one he’d picked up off a previous fallen guard. The exertion didn’t seem to be wearing him out any faster than he’d already shown, so Maezy continued her own fight and tried to stay in close proximity to him.

  “Don’t hurt him!” her father called out, and it made her smile even wider.

  With each kick, smashed nose, and right-hook, she’d taken out several of the guards. More came running around the side of the castle. She knew reinforcements were going to trickle in, but she kept fighting.

  Maezy had no qualms using her sword either. Slashing right and left, bashing some in the head with the hilt, she used every weapon to her advantage. Catching Brandalfr’s eye, they smiled.

  This was actually getting fun.

  Minion Number Fifty, she assumed, came crashing at her with backup. Sidestepping his lunge, she tripped another elf, swung her leg out to catch two more, and bashed a couple more with the hilt of her sword.

  “Enough!” her father shouted.

  Neither Maezy or Brandalfr slowed down or stopped. Unable to use his magic, Brandalfr brandished the sword with a strong arm. The Seekers’ magic was still in effect, and Brandalfr refused to even attempt a spell while he was still weak from the last time. Magic was not something he treated lightly.

  Sweat glistened on Brandalfr’s face, and Maezy felt it roll down her own. One drop fell into her right eye and stung. Blinking, she tried to maintain her vision of what was occurring around her. She also noticed how red his face was getting, and how often he grabbed his side and gasped for air. Neither of them would be able to go on much longer, but she noticed he didn’t give up or backdown.

  Arms wrapped around from behind her, and Maezy rammed her head backward. A voice howled, but he didn’t let go. Smiling, Number Fifty-Six wrenched her sword from her hand. This wasn’t looking good. Others were approaching, and she could see Brandalfr swinging, dodging, and fighting too many on his own.

  She bashed her head backward again and brought her foot up to kick his knee. Biting his arm, she didn’t let go until he released her. Feet slamming into the ground, she recovered her balance and took a breath. Number Fifty-Six pounced on her and grabbed for her arms. Swinging with her right in a perfect hook, her left hand grabbed her knife and stuck him in the arm.

  Screaming, he fell back. Gasping for a breath, she slashed at his other arm, spun and slashed out at the one who’d imprisoned her with his arms moments before, and threw a kick out to collapse the knee of another.

  Winning, Maezy found she and Brandalfr had taken out over half the elves. Despite their energy turning sluggish, both fought hard and swift. With orders to be careful and not harm them, the elves had a distinct disadvantage. Which Maezy and Brandalfr used to their own advantage until the last second.

  King Ingvar had witnessed enough. At first, he’d wavered in acting because he felt his elves could do the job. As he watched, his daughter took out another one of his loyal servants, he shook his head. Brandalfr was just as capable as she was in hand-to-hand combat, and the king couldn’t take the risk that one of them would get killed.

  Most of his own strength and magic could kill. At least, every spell he’d thought of in those first few moments were ways to have nature slaughter his daughter and her friend. He didn’t want to do that, so he had to think of another idea.

  His newest scheme wrapped around their arms and legs. Both attempted to hack at the plants twisting around them. Cutting vine after vine and slashing at the guards, they began to see it was a losing battle. The effort had been admirable, and they almost would have made it, but her father commanded nature to work in his favor.

  This was another battle they were going to lose. Neither stopped. Panting and sweating, they chopped and sliced and pulled at the green creepers. Sidestepping hands, they strived to make it out of the circle they found themselves being shoved back into.

  “If you can get out, go!” Brandalfr called to her.

  “Same to you!”

  Each knew the other wouldn’t leave. Not unless they left together. The chances of that outcome were growing slim.

  “No!” she cried as another strong plant slithered up her left leg.

  The vine was tight. Hopping back and forth, Maezy tried to keep out of it. It wasn’t working. Snaking up her legs, the green rope enfolded her right leg completely. Hacking it off on the ground, the piece dropped. Again and again, it happened.

  Her arms burned, her heart raced, and she couldn’t seem to make it all go away. The elves stepped back. They didn’t even try to reach for her or Brandalfr anymore. Their eyes showed their hatred and satisfaction that the plant was winning.

  “I’m sorry,” she called to Brandalfr.

  “I know,” his voice heaved.

  Maezy didn’t dare look at him but tried to jump to the right and closer to his side. Being nearer to him created a sma
ll feeling of safety. Imagined, to be sure, but she allowed herself to be fooled. Cutting and dancing in the air, hopping from one foot to the next, she tried to make it as hard on her father’s natural marauders as possible. She could now classify plants as predators.

  A branch came out of the air and grabbed her right hand. Sword suspended in the air, she dropped her small knife on the ground as the plant below was able to wind itself much easier around her legs and creep up her body.

  The guards cheered. Her father sneered. Grabbing the second sword out, she swung and hacked. Her left hand whacked at the limb holding onto her right wrist as the suspended arm released its sword. She’d almost cut through when another branch enclosed her left arm.

  Both swords lay at her feet now, and Brandalfr was all but caught. His free hand continued doing as much damage as it could. However, it wasn’t long before he was ensnared. Once caught, he couldn’t do anything.

  Watching, she yanked at the branches and pulled down. There was no way to get out of this. The tree tugged her backward against its hard trunk. Brandalfr flailed, and as the vines slithered around both of his legs, she could see him contemplating using his powers.

  “No, Brandalfr!” she called out.

  His wet, red face tipped up toward hers. He gasped and nodded. The sword crashed to the ground as the rest of his body was caught and held.

  His powers were still exhausted, and if he’d tried even the smallest of spells, he wouldn’t have made it. Shaking her head at him, she tried to tell him not to even think about it. The Seekers weren’t going to let any of his charms through and wasting the opportunity wouldn’t help them now.

  Their glances shared defeat. Brandalfr returned her shake of the head before he dropped it to his chest and sucked in a few breaths. The opportunity to escape had passed. Caught, Maezy was worried about what her father would do.

  At least Brandalfr was safe. He wasn’t dying from overuse of his enchantments. However, she knew why he hadn’t attempted it at all in the end. It was because of her. If he’d made any struggle to breathe an invocation, he would have chanced killing her as well as himself.

  Feeling guilty and spent, Maezy sighed. She relaxed against the tree and made no labor to extricate herself from its clutches. It would be of no use at this point, and she needed to rest for a moment.

  “You have both fought well. I applaud you for your exertions. It’s nice to see you’re so loyal to each other. As I was saying earlier, I knew that True Love’s Kiss spell was going to come back to haunt me. Leave it to your mother to be a witch.”

  He started chuckling. He was laughing so hard, he bent at the waist and put a hand out to hold onto the shoulder of one of his minions. Straightening, he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

  Maezy and Brandalfr gazed at each other and rolled their eyes. She couldn’t believe her father was laughing over the worst joke she’d ever heard. He really liked to hear himself talk, didn’t he?

  “So, I can’t kill him without killing you,” he continued. “Pity. I wonder if I can hurt him without you feeling it?”

  The smile lighting his face shone with an evil glint. He gave a devilish chuckle and waved an elf forward. Her father wouldn’t look at her but stared at Brandalfr as his lackey approached.

  “No! I’ll do whatever you want. Leave him alone!” Maezy cried out in fear.

  They didn’t listen to her. The elf smiled as he stopped in front of Brandalfr and pulled a tiny knife from his belt. He held it steady, waiting for the command.

  “Cut his forearm, but not too deep.”

  Her father’s words were put into action. Brandalfr’s jaw tightened and his eyes twitched, but he didn’t cry out as the knife crawled across his skin. The smooth flesh pulled apart and blood gathered at the top of the wound and bubbled out.

  Maezy started to pull and push against the tree limbs. She beat her fists against the trunk and jerked back and forth. It did no good.

  “Stop it! Stop it!” she screamed.

  Nothing happened to her. Her heart could feel his pain, and it was an excruciating burn. However, she didn’t feel anything across her arm. The physical pain didn’t come.

  “Check her arm,” her father ordered.

  One of the tree limbs rescinded when an elf grabbed her wrist and pulled it forward. No red bubbles covered her skin. No mark appeared.

  “Ahh,” her father droned. “It seems we’ve found our leverage. We should make sure, though. Cut his arm again.”

  “No!” Maezy struck out with her arm and clipped the elf’s chin.

  He fell backward and landed on his backside. She attempted to reach a hidden knife on her leg, but the branch jerked her back. Wiggling her body back and forth, she attempted to loosen the limb’s hold on her, but it was of no use.

  Snarling, the elf stood and took a step toward her, but he remembered her father in time. Rubbing his jaw, he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. Maezy watched as he stood glaring up at her, and she knew what he was thinking. If he could kill her right now, he would.

  Maezy watched as a second cut was sliced parallel to the first by the archer. His leer when he shot her a glance afterward made her wish for her sword like never before. She’d remember his face, and she would make him pay. From the top of his blond head to the bottom of his soft-soled feet. She made every effort to communicate her thoughts to him and ignored the brown-haired elf still at her feet.

  No matter how hard she fought against her bonds, they wouldn’t release her. Tightening, instead, she felt her ribs squeeze. Whimpering, she quit moving.

  Brandalfr held his head high. He stared above the elf’s head and straight at her father. Not giving any indication of the pain he was enduring except for his gritted teeth and twitching eye.

  Her nose started to itch. Blinking, she became aware of the tears rolling down her face. Sniffing, Maezy tried to direct every positive thought and feeling within her body toward Brandalfr. Willing him to be okay, she wished for her father to stop.

  “I told you I’d help you. Leave him alone!” she yelled, when the elf made a third cut.

  Her father held up a hand toward her. After the last cut was made, he smirked and called off his torturer. His eyes found hers.

  “We’re done here. I think we’ve proven beyond words that I have something to hold over you, my dear. Make me angry again, and I won’t stop at three.”

  Maezy glared at her father through blurry eyes. If she had a chance, she would destroy him. There would be no hesitation or second thoughts.

  “Do that again, and I’ll take an infinite amount of pleasure out of annihilating you at my very first opportunity. Do you understand me?”

  “Tsk, tsk. We’re partners now, daughter. Do as I say, and he’ll live pain free. I won’t harm him. However, if you decide to take the attitude you have now, I won’t be so lenient.”

  She hissed at him. Unsure where the sound had come from, Maezy startled herself. Instead of backing down, she wanted to leap across the distance and wrap her hands around his throat.

  Her murderous intentions must have shown on her face because her father started shaking his head. He looked toward the elf still standing next to Brandalfr.

  With his nod, Maezy shouted, “No!”

  The follower turned and lifted his knife.

  “Father, stop! I concede. I concede!”

  “Rincavornon,” her father called his name.

  Now she knew what to call the elf she planned to kill. Rincavornon paused the descent of his knife but didn’t put it away. He hovered over Brandalfr’s bare arm, slick with blood, awaiting further instruction.

  “I promise, father,” Maezy told him.

  “Enough,” he said.

  Hesitating for a fraction of a second, Rincavornon lingered. He held the knife even closer to Brandalfr’s arm for a split second before encasing it in its sheath once more. Growling, he shoved Brandalfr against his shoulders before taking a step back.

  “We are in agreement
,” Ingvar stated.

  Holding up his arms, he waved them outward before making fists. The Seekers stepped out of the shadows. Their chants filled the air.

  Brandalfr was hauled into chains and taken up by the trees again. Blood dripped down his arm. It rubbed against his left, slid down both, and coated the chains. His fingers shook as the splashes dropped onto the ground.

  Maezy watched each one as it fell. She counted every drip. Memorizing them, she knew she’d make her father and Rincavornon pay for every single one.

  “Our partnership begins now, daughter. I want you to realm walk to your first destination. I believe you’ve been there before, but this time, you’re going to visit much more lucrative men and women. Although, I may have need for you to collect our mutual acquaintances later.”

  Eyes wide, she had no choice but to nod. This time, Brandalfr’s eyes were on her. She felt them drilling into her but refused to look at him. They both knew who her father was referring to, but she didn’t want to indicate her acknowledgement through fear.

  Her father’s smile spread wider.

  In the next instant, Maezy fell straight to the ground. Her knees and hands took the brunt of the fall. Brandalfr went down close to her, the chains clanking against his back.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered.

  “Yes. You?” he asked.

  His voice was weak, and Maezy glanced at him just as a scream filled the air.


  “What?” her father cried. “No!”

  The last was a scream Maezy had never heard come from a male being. Yanking her head up, heart in her throat, Maezy saw her father being held by what looked to be a ring of incandescent light. The rest of the guards began to fall to their knees. Lightning and thunder filled the air.

  “Mother?” Maezy whispered.

  Looking around, she tried to spot Maleficent. Brandalfr grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. His fingers were slick, and the chains wore them down. Hands entwined, Maezy held fast while trying to see through the rock wall and trees surrounding their hiding place.

  “Mother?” she called.


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