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Help Wanted: Mafe

Page 3

by Cooper McKenzie

  Once they were inside with the door closed, she suddenly felt awkward. Should she ignore the fact that she’d just offered him a job and just lead him to her bedroom? Or should she put some ice down her pants to cool down enough to remain professional? Or just apologize for her insanity and send him on his way, forgetting about Brenna’s crazy idea of hiring a mafe?

  “Umm,” she said, looking everywhere but at the man standing just in front of her.

  She jolted when he stepped closer, but she didn’t retreat. In the next instant, she was pressed against the big, solid body that rippled with muscles once more. He was so tall that the top of her head fit perfectly under his chin.

  “Nothing will happen if you’re not comfortable. If you want, I can go now and come back tomorrow morning. Or I can stay and you can show me around the house and tell me what my duties would be and then I’ll leave. Or you can retract the job offer until the morning and we can finish what we started on the porch.”

  Foster’s voice was soft and low, offering her several options, if she wanted to take it. Problem was, she didn’t know what she wanted anymore. Foster in her bed tonight, taking care of her needs, versus him showing up tomorrow to take care of the house, and, God willing, give her daughter a positive male role model.

  Then Brenna’s voice sounded in her head, asking, “Why not have it all?”

  Taking a deep breath, Harper looped her arms around his waist and she snuggled into his chest. “Yes, please,” she whispered.

  She smiled when she felt him brush a kiss on the top of her head while slowly tightening his arms around her. “Yes, what?”

  Mentally shushing her boring, sensible side, she tilted her head back to look up at him and smile. “Stay. Finish what we started. Wait to accept the job until morning. Promise you won’t sue me later for sexual harassment if tonight happens again at some point in the future.”

  His chest rumbled with a dark chuckle that had her giggling in response. “Sounds like a solution to me, though I have to admit, I might be the one sexually harassing you once I take the job.”

  “I think I might like that,” she admitted softly, smiling up at the tall, tall man. “I think I might like that a lot.”

  The smile he gave her sent a shiver through her entire body to pool at her pussy. “Oh, I have no doubt you will,” he assured her before bending his head and picking up right where they’d left off just moments before.


  Kisses were fine, but Harper needed more. So much more. Grabbing Foster’s shirt, she worked it out of his jeans then slid her hand under the knit fabric to his skin. Smooth, warm skin that felt so good against her fingertips. With her pussy clenching and begging to be filled, and her breasts aching to be touched and loved on, she turned her head and broke their latest kiss.

  Looking up into the man’s pale-blue eyes that reminded her of worn denim, she took his hand. “Come upstairs to my room?”

  He froze for a second and blinked before nodding. “I’d like that,” he said with a smile in return.

  Though her heart was pounding like a bass drum in a Sousa march, she turned and led him to the stairs. At the top of the stairs, she hesitated before turning toward her bedroom.

  Foster stopped just outside her bedroom doorway, forcing her to stop in the opening. Thanks to three nightlights, she made out his concerned expression when she looked over her shoulder. Turning, she faced him fully and remained silent.

  While there had been times in her life when she hadn’t been above begging for what she wanted, at this moment, she didn’t want to beg. She wanted to be wanted. She wanted to be needed. She wanted to be desired so strongly that nothing would stop them from coming together.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, once again offering her a way out.

  But she didn’t want a way out. She wanted this man in her bed, in her arms, in her body. She wanted to experience everything she could with him before she allowed either of them to sleep. With a nod, she stepped back and through the door, grateful that he allowed her to pull him along with her.

  Once he was inside her bedroom, she released his hand then crossed to the bedside table to switch on the small lamp on it. It provided more than enough light to see by, and she wondered if maybe, for tonight, there was too much light. But she had started this, and she would see it through. She just hoped he didn’t run screaming from the room when she revealed her less-than-perfect mom-bod.

  Before nerves could get the best of her, thick, strong, warm arms wrapped around her from behind and pulled her back to lean into his big, strong body.

  “You okay?” he asked, his voice soothing every stressed nerve in her like thick hot chocolate on a bitterly cold day.

  “Uh-huh,” she answered before stepping away again. She had to sit on the bed get her boots off, then stood again. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in this situation, and I’m not exactly sure what I’m supposed to do now.”

  She watched as Foster took off his boots then pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the dresser. He then moved to the bed, sat down and shifted until he was leaning against the stack of pillows by the wall.

  “Why don’t you take off those leggings and come here so we can canoodle some more?” he suggested with a playfully leering grin.

  His expression, as well his wording, had her giggling as she slid her leggings down and off. She tossed them on top of the overflowing clothes hamper then crawled across the bed to sit next to him. She left a somewhat respectable six inches between their bodies.

  “So,” she finally broke the silence, not sure what to do next.

  “So,” Foster repeated, even as he slid his arm around her back and lifted her to sit across his lap before giving a hearty Santa ho-ho-ho laugh. “And what would you like for Christmas, Harper?”

  And just like that, her sudden case of nerves slid away like soapsuds down a drain. The happy, bubbly feeling she’d felt several times during the evening returned once more. All she could say in response was, “I want you,” in a soft, solemn voice.

  At her response, Foster stilled then slid fingers from both hands through her hair to cup the back of her head. “You’ve got me,” he said before kissing her again.

  And with that, words were no longer needed.

  While her hands traced across his shoulders and down the front of his chest, his stroked up her outer thighs and around to cup her full ass. Her pussy was spread wide, the muscles clenching at the cool air that wafted across the opening.

  Her need grew until the only thought was to get Foster naked. Her fingertips traced furrows through the fur that covered his chest, stopping to tweak his beaded nipples before tracing their way to his jeans. Slipping the button on his jeans, she then eased the zipper down, over the sizeable bulge of his erection.

  “Need you,” she whispered against his lips as her hands tried to pull his jeans down far enough to release his cock. But they were pressed too close together. Knee-walking backward, she pulled his jeans down to midthigh.

  Foster watched, one eyebrow raised in disbelief when she didn’t take them all the way off before she worked her way back up to press their bodies together, trapping his long, hard cock between them.

  A random thought had her freezing. “Do you have a condom?”

  He paused and then nodded. “Yes, Uncle Sam taught me never to go anywhere without at least two.”

  “Two? Why two?”

  “One to cover my cock, and one to cover my weapon,” he said with a wink and a grin that had Harper’s pussy clenching air once again.

  Reaching for the hem of her shirt, he stripped it over her head and threw it over his shoulder. He groaned deeply as he unhooked her bra and tossed that after the shirt. Harper had to fight the urge to hide her body from his view.

  She squealed when he lifted her and tossed her onto her back on the bed before following her down. He kissed her lips, then worked his way down her body, leaving her panting with need. She writhed and moaned, needing his
body pressed to hers, his cock sliding into her pussy. She gave a whine of denial when he pulled away.

  “Shhhh, I’ll be right back,” he said rolling to his back and shoving his jeans off. Before throwing them across the room, he retrieved a trio of condoms from his wallet.

  “Three?” she asked as he tore one off and tossed the others on the bed beside her.

  “Always be prepared for anything,” he said as he quickly opened the packet in his hand and rolled the condom down his length.

  His impressive length.

  Harper swallowed hard as she saw his cock for the first time. It was the biggest thing she’d ever seen, outside one of the porn movies Brenna convinced her to watch one night. Reaching out, she wrapped her hand around the root, not surprised her fingers didn’t reach all the way around.

  With what she hoped was an inviting smile, but thought was more likely a crazed expression, she spread her legs wide and pulled Foster between them. “Need you,” she said as she fit the flared head to her pussy.

  “You got me.” He flexed his hips and pushed deep.

  She couldn’t help the loud moan she gave when he filled her completely, reaching deeper than any man had before.

  Bending her legs, she wrapped them around his hips. Foster shifted his body, resting his upper body on his elbows as his pale-blue gaze held hers.

  “God, woman, you feel like heaven,” he said as he began to pull out until only the head of his cock remained within her.

  “You, too,” she moaned back as she lifted her hips into him.

  It only took a couple of strokes before she was panting and thrashing, so close to the edge she could feel it. Then Foster shifted and changed the angle of his strokes to press against her clit on each filling stroke.

  A half-dozen strokes and she screamed as she went flying higher than she had ever before. Foster’s deep roar and cock fully embedded in her pussy with his hips locked proved that he followed her into orgasmic bliss.

  It took several minutes before her mind and body began to function again. By that time, Foster had left her. He returned to the bed a few minutes later. After cleaning her up, he settled her under the covers and then joined her.

  She sighed as he pulled her back to match up with his front and held her like a child would his favorite stuffed animal.

  “Thank you,” he whispered before brushing a kiss on her cheek.

  “Thank you,” she returned just before sleep rolled over her like a dark tsunami.

  Chapter Five

  Foster had slept so deeply for the first time in longer than he could remember that he barely felt something sharp poking at his back. It stopped when he shifted. At least for a few seconds.

  When it began again, a small voice asked, “Who are you?”

  Foster opened his eyes and looked at the woman in his arms. They had fallen asleep cuddled together and he remembered a couple of times during the night pulling her back into his arms when she tried to move away. It had been the best night’s sleep of his life. But apparently, the night was now over, and there a small person in the room demanding attention. Closing his eyes, Foster took a deep breath and reminded himself he could not grab whatever was poking him and break it off. He carefully rolled over, making sure the covers remained in place so their early-morning visitor did not get a peek of things she shouldn’t see.

  Once his back was to Harper, Foster pried his eyes opened and found himself nose-to-nose with a fairy. A cute, wing-wearing fairy. Blinking, he looked again, but the view didn’t change.

  The fairy was tiny with wild white-blonde curls that seemed to fly out in every direction. She was dressed in a long, neon-blue t-shirt with a puppy on the front, purple and turquoise camouflage leggings, orange rain boots, and pink and purple wings. A silver and gold tiara sat crookedly on her head and she had a fuzzy purple and green something or other in her arms. She stood beside the bed, looking at him as if he were the odd one.

  When he didn’t answer her, she began gently patting his face. “Hello, wake up. Who are you? Why are you in bed with Mommy?”

  Since Foster had never faced this situation before, he decided to turn it around on her. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Fairy Princess Randa,” the little girl said, grabbing the sides of her long t-shirt and pulling them out as she gave him a curtsy. “Who are you?”

  “Miranda? What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be next door with Brenna,” Harper mumbled behind him.

  In the next moment, she shifted behind him, resting her chin on the top of his arm, no doubt to keep her own lack of clothing a secret from her daughter.

  The little fairy huffed a sigh before explaining as if her mother was the child and she the adult. “I forgot my wings and I can’t be a fairy princess without them. Who’s he?”

  Before either of them could respond, the bedroom door opened wider and Brenna stepped into the room. “Oh, damn. Miranda Lynn Ellis, what did I tell you about coming over here this early in the morning?”

  Foster had to fight back a grin when the little girl turned to face off with Brenna, her hands planted on her hips like a three-and-a-half-foot tall gunslinger. “You said I shouldn’t come over. But, Aunt Brenna, I forgot my wings and I can’t be a fairy princess without them. When I came in to say good morning to Mommy, and give her a fairy kiss, I found him. Who is he?”

  His brain still a little sleep-fuzzed, Foster could tell that he would have to get up early and have caffeine before this one woke in the mornings. The little girl was obviously a morning person, which he hadn’t been since leaving the Air Force.

  Brenna coughed to cover up what Foster knew had to be giggles at the little girl’s answer. After all, he was having to fight down his own laughter. He couldn’t wait to spend some time, after getting dressed and having a cup or three of coffee, with Miranda Ellis. He only hoped Harper hadn’t changed her mind about offering him the job as their mafe.

  Brenna finally got herself under control and said, “Come on, fairy princess. Let’s go get breakfast at my house before Henry turns into a real monster and eats you for being such a naughty little girl.”

  The fairy princess looked at the stuffie she held then started tiptoeing across the room. “Henry would never eat me. He’s my bestest friend. But I am hungry. Can we make orange waffles? I think today is a good day for orange foods.”

  “I think that sounds like a very good idea,” Brenna said as the little girl passed her and headed down the hall toward the stairs.

  Foster was surprised when Brenna didn’t comment on their compromised position. Instead, the woman followed Miranda into the hall, pulling the door closed behind her.

  “So, that was Miranda,” Foster said as rolled to his back and looked up at Harper.

  “That was Miranda, the fairy princess,” Harper said as she wiggled away from him before rolling toward the other side of the bed. “And we need to get up and dressed because I’m not sure how long Brenna will be able to keep her occupied now that she knows you’re here. Especially since we didn’t answer her questions.”

  With that, Harper slipped out of bed and into the bathroom with a quick flash of nakedness. Foster had hoped for some morning snuggles, or more, but obviously that wasn’t going to happen. Climbing out of bed, he dressed and headed out of the bedroom. After a stop in the bathroom that opened into the central hall, he headed downstairs.

  He needed coffee and was certain Harper did as well. He would also see if she had anything he could fix for breakfast. Once the woman was fed and caffeinated, he would assure her that he still wanted the position of the Ellis family mafe. That was, if she was still interested in having him be their mafe.

  Harper didn’t appear in the kitchen until he had the coffee brewing, bread toasting, and a large omelet well underway. She stopped just inside the doorway and crossed her arms over her chest, as if to protect herself.

  “Umm,” she started, but then fell silent.

  Glancing over his shoulder, he smiled. She wo
uldn’t meet his gaze, but he couldn’t tell if her cheeks were pink from the previous night’s activities, or embarrassment at being caught by her daughter and friend this morning. He decided not to add to her discomfort.

  “If you’d get the silverware, I’ll finish this and bring you coffee,” he said as he turned his attention back to their breakfast.

  After adding cheese and bacon bits he’d found in the refrigerator, he used an extra-large spatula to flip half of the cooked eggs up and over the other half. Then cutting the omelet in half, he plated it before adding toast to both plates. He carried them to the table, surprised to see that not only had Harper set the table with silverware, but had added butter, honey, and two kinds of jam.

  Returning to the counter, he took a second mug from the cupboard over the coffeemaker and filled it with coffee before topping off his own. Carrying both mugs across the room, he joined her at the small kitchen table. She took her mug from his hands with a smile that sent a tingle through his body. After taking a deep breath of the steam, which she released on a moan, she drank deeply. The sigh she gave when she lowered the mug had Foster smiling. It was obvious he wasn’t the only non-morning person in the room.

  How did she manage to keep up with Miranda, who seemed so cheery first thing in the morning?

  “Umm,” she said after eating several bites of her omelet.

  Foster shook his head as he buttered his toast. “Eat now. Drink your coffee. Let our brains wake up fully and then we’ll talk. I am still interested in the mafe position, whether we ever repeat last night or not.”

  He chuckled when she stared at him, still looking sleepy and slightly out of it. She blinked before lifting her coffee mug and taking another large sip. “Yeah, okay.”


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