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Attack Of The Seawolf

Page 28

by Michael Dimercurio

“That would better protect this vessel in case of an ambitious, suicidal American escape plan.”

  “Yes, yes, I believe you are right about that. Perhaps a few more destroyers and frigates.”

  “And this zone to the west of the northern task force—it should be patrolled by helicopters continuously.

  Similarly for the sea to the east, between the task force and us.”

  “No,” Tien said quickly.

  “The area to the west is a free-fire zone for Silex rocket-launched depth bombs.

  If there are friendly aircraft there the Udaloy destroyers cannot launch the rocket units. And we will need to keep our aircraft in a state of readiness onboard Shaoguan, so that they will have sufficient fuel when the Americans disclose their position, which will be when they fire on the southwest gate-guard task force.”

  Chu sighed, realizing Tien was using the aircraft to protect the carrier, and thereby his own hide. But then, Chu thought, what benefit would come from exposing his own son to the murderous weapons of the rescue submarine, the one that could reach up into the sky and shoot down helicopters? Again he remembered a promise to the boy’s mother that he would never allow his own son to come to needless harm.

  “Very well. Leader Tien. I will deploy the fleet as you have ordered.”

  “No need, Fleet Commander. I have already given the orders, the fleet is already deployed.”

  Chu stared at Tien, who only smiled pleasantly.

  USS seawolf

  “Well, men, what’s it look like?” Pacino asked the four senior officers bent over the stateroom’s conference table.

  Keebes stood up and pointed to the chart. Instead of being covered with grease-pencil marks it was crowded with pieces from a Monopoly game. Rows of red houses and green hotels were arranged in lines, and the tin battleship and dog and iron board pieces were put in places deemed significant.

  “Sir, I took the liberty of raiding Captain Duckett’s game cabinet. He used to like Monopoly. Anyway, the dog game piece is us, you know, dog for Seawolf. The battleship is the Chinese aircraft carrier, the iron is the Tampa, since it has no weapons it’s dead iron. The hotels are major combatants, the Udaloys, the Luhus.

  The houses are the other destroyers and frigates.

  Thumbtacks are choppers, paper clips are VTOL jets, and the Han and Ming subs are dice. We ran out of stuff, so where we wanted to indicate mines we just spit on the table.”

  Pacino smiled.

  “Go on, XO.”

  “Well, sir, we put a force of destroyers and frigates out here, in the approaches to the bay, sort of a mobile search-and-destroy outfit. Then we put a bunch of choppers out there to search in open water, some over the channels. We’re assuming the northern passage is the exit point, and we put sentry task forces at the entrance and exit, including the carrier at the exit. Just a token force here in the southern passage at Miaodao, couple PT boats, a few choppers. Jets patrolling here, rotating back to the carrier in sections to get refueled. It’s leakproof, sir. You’ll never get out of this.”

  Keebes must have listened to his last sentence, because his light tone vanished.

  Pacino examined the chart for a long time, nodding.

  “That’s pretty much how I saw it,” he said.

  “So how do we get out, Skipper? And what did we tell Tampa?” “You guys won’t believe this,” Pacino said, glancing at the intelligence message on the clipboard. He began pulling off hotels, game pieces, thumbtacks and paper clips.

  “The main entrance to the northern passage at Bohai Haixia is wide open. Nothing there for twenty five miles. Then a small surface force patrolling at the throat of the channel. Two Udaloys, four Ludas, a few fast frigates. Then nothing all the way to the carrier, which is here, only five miles from international waters.

  All the emphasis is on the southern channel at Miaodao. Two main surface task forces, including submarines, at the entrance and exit. The channel’s being mined here in the middle. PT boats orbiting on either side of the minefield.”

  “What the hell?” Keebes said, looking at Pacino’s positions of the game pieces.

  “Why would they guard the tiny channel to the south and leave the north damn near wide open?”

  “Maybe they’re trying to sucker us north,” Morris said.

  “Defense in depth. Lure us in deep, then flank around the west task force from the entrance to the southern channel here, closing in on us from the west, squeezing us from either side.”

  “Goddamn,” Keebes said.

  “Those guys are sneaky.

  That beats hell out of the Chinese plan we had.”

  “I don’t think that’s it,” Pacino said.

  “The task force to the south is too far away to come in and act like a cork in the bottle of the northern passage. Those guys are two hours away from the entrance to the northern channel. They may be filling the holes in the north coverage with aircraft but I don’t think so.”

  “So what do you think they are doing?”

  “I think they’re convinced we’re going to the southern channel, and are setting up to catch us there. The forces to the north are tokens, just to keep us from thinking we’ve got a clean shot going through the northern channel.”

  “Why in hell would they think we’d try to escort Tampa out through that little channel on the south end?” Linden asked.

  “That channel is so tight we’d all get hard-ons going through it.”

  “They think we’ll go through the south channel because they know we know it’s too tight,” Pacino said.

  “I can’t handle it,” Keebes said.

  “So what do you want to do, then, sir?”

  “We start here at the entrance to the northern channel.

  We launch the Javelin cruise missiles. Each one will have the time delay set for a future launch, when we’re far into the channel. Then we launch half of the decoys, the Mark 38s designed to imitate the

  sounds of a 688-class sub. Most go east in the Bohai Haixia Strait, but we send a few south to the Miaodao Strait.

  Meanwhile, Tampa begins the transit through the strait in front of us, her passage screened by the decoys.

  It’ll sound like half a dozen subs coming down the channel. But before the Chinese hear them we launch torpedoes down the channel, and a few down to the south to confuse the task forces.”

  “Sir, torpedoes will hit the Tampa,” Keebes put in.

  “No. They’ll be in transit mode, on the run-to enable They won’t enable and go active till they’re right on the central task force in the midpoint of the Haixia channel. Then all hell breaks loose. The decoys are spotted by the Chinese, then the torpedoes go active and hit some, maybe all, of the ships in the task force. The Javelins liftoff, and two minutes later we have ten Javelin cruise missiles and eleven Mark 50 torpedoes hitting the thirteen ships of the task force.

  Meanwhile, the decoys and the Tampa and Seawolf go under the trouble zone.”

  Feyley asked: “Then what? They know you’re there, and the southern task forces come north to get you while the carrier launches all its ASW aircraft to put you on the bottom.”

  “We increase speed to twenty knots and get the hell out. We’ll launch the remaining Mark 80s at the aircraft and we launch the standoff weapon, the Ow-sow, at the aircraft carrier.”

  “Captain,” Keebes said, “it’ll take us an hour to get from the point where we dive under the sinking task force to where we get to international waters. That’s an hour since you launched a bunch of Mark 80s and an Ow-sow, an hour since the surface group got pounded by a bunch of torpedoes and cruise missiles.

  In that hour the decoys will have shut down. The Chinese will scramble their aircraft and their surface ships from the south and they’ll pound us. The surface forces don’t need to get close to be lethal—they have the SS-N-14 rocket-launched depth charges and the fourteen-variant rocket-launched torpedoes. We’ll be dead meat five minutes after our Javelins impact.”

  There was si
lence in the room while Keebes’s analysis sank in. Finally Pacino spoke:

  “If we were alone we would be in big trouble. But we’re not.”

  “Who else is here?” Keebes said.

  “Did I miss someone?”

  Pacino went to the desk and took up a paperweight, a chunk of heavy steel left over from the ship’s construction, with an etched inscription dedicated to Captain Duckett. Pacino slammed the steel chunk on the table, at the far corner to the east of the gap.

  “The cavalry is here. Surface Action Group 57, with Admiral Donchez in charge aboard the USS Ronald Reagan, the biggest, hairiest aircraft carrier in the goddamned world. About the time our missiles start flying, Donchez will cover the bay with an umbrella of aircraft. It’ll be a ‘no-fly’ zone for the Chinese.”

  “You know for a fact he’ll cover our ass here?”

  Morris said.

  “He told you this?”

  “Nope. But I know Dick Donchez. When he sees the flames coming from the bay, and a bunch of angry bees buzzing over our position in the channel, he’ll know what to do.”

  “You better hope you’re right, Captain,” Morris said, “or it’ll be your last mistake.”

  Pacino nodded. Morris, of course, was right.

  korea bay, 130 miles east of lush un surface action group 57 aircraft carrier USS ronald reagan

  Admiral Richard Donchez shouted into the red handset of the UHF satellite secure-voice connection.

  “What the hell do you mean, no air cover? Did anyone mention to the President that without air cover these subs will be sunk? They’re fish

  in a goddamned barrel! What the hell have we done all this for to come here and have no air cover?”

  The speaker in the overhead blasted out the distorted voice of the Secretary of Defense, Napoleon Ferguson.











  “No, Napoleon, you’ve done enough talking. Donchez out.”

  The Admiral slammed the handset into its cradle and looked at Fred Rummel.

  “Well, Fred, you still think the SAG won’t launch aircraft on my orders without authorization from Washington?”

  Rummel shook his head: “Sir, we’re grounded.”

  Donchez looked out the bulkhead windows, toward the west, out at the rain falling on the water of the bay.

  Mikey Pacino was on his own. Donchez threw his cigar butt to the deck and mashed it in disgust.




  Go had bay, lushun/penglai gap entrance TO THE bohai haixia strait USS seawolf 1720 beijing time

  Pacino hunched over the chart table in the control room, checking the plotting of the Chinese task forces and Seawolf’s position at the entrance to the northern passage at the Bohai Haixia Strait. The Tampa had already entered the channel and was on the way east, the dot on the chart marked with the time of her position. Pacino stood and looked at Lieutenant Tim Turner.

  “Tim, you ready?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Off’sa’deck, man silent battle stations

  “Man silent battle stations aye, sir. Chief of the Watch! Man silent battle stations

  The COW acknowledged and spoke into his headset:

  “All spaces. Control, man battle stations

  The control room filled with men, each taking his watch station and putting on cordless headsets with boom microphones. Usually manning silent battle stations took ten minutes before the space’s phone talkers could get everyone out of bed with the verbal announcement that the ship was manning battle stations then it would take the men two minutes to dress and get to their watch stations another two minutes to relieve the watch, a minute for a relieved watch stander

  to go to his own battle station and relieve that watch stander By the time the daisy chain of watch reliefs ended it could be fifteen minutes later. But when Turner reported battle stations manned it was less than sixty seconds later—the on-edge crew had been waiting for the order.

  Pacino leaned over Bill Feyley’s weapon-control console, checking the tube-loading status indication on the CRT display.

  “Weps, I want tube eight to be loaded at all times with a Mark 50 torpedo for a quick reaction firing—our insurance. Tube eight is mine-one through seven are yours.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  “I want a thirty-second firing interval, no more.

  When I shoot a tube I expect the crew to be reloading immediately, and I want that operation to be quiet. You pass the word to your people below. What have you got in one through seven?”

  “Tube-loaded Block III Javelin encapsulated cruise missiles with time-delay systems. All weapons powered up and self-checks nominal.”

  “Very well.” Pacino checked the time. He was ahead of schedule. He moved up on the elevated periscope stand and looked out over the faces in the crowded control room, one of them belonging to Commander Jack Morris, who covered his nerves with a war face.

  “Attention in the firecontrol team.” The room became instantly quiet, the only sound the whine of the spinning ESGN ball and the booming of the ventilation system.

  “Operation Jailbreak is now into its second minute. Here’s the deal.

  “In a few minutes we’ll be launching Javelins set for delayed launch. When they’re all gone we’ll be putting out a salvo of Mark 38 decoys down the channel and a few to the south. Then a salvo of Mark 50 torpedoes, most down the channel. Then another round of decoys. The Tampa will be beginning her run down the strait any minute now. At approximately 1900, everything happens at once. The surface force will

  detect the initial wave of decoys, the torpedoes will go active and seek out targets, the Javelins launched between 1730 and 1830 will liftoff, the torpedoes will acquire and detonate, the Javelins will impact, and Seawolf and Tampa will transit beneath the distracted surface force.

  “The only thing between us and freedom will be the Chinese aircraft carrier guarding the exit of the channel. I expect an aircraft attack, which we’ll answer with our remaining Mark 80 SLAAMs. When we get close to the carrier we’ll launch the Ow-sow, and with luck the ship will be damaged enough or too distracted to attack us on the way out. I hope you’re all ready for a tough watch tonight. It’s now 1732 Beijing time.

  Our ETA at the channel exit in international waters is 2115. We’ve got some shooting to do between now and then.”

  Morris went up to the conn and looked out at the activity in the room. Pacino nudged him, noticing he had his holstered Beretta pistol with him. What the hell, Pacino thought, it was probably his security blanket.

  Ready’ Jack

  “Just get us the hell out of here, Cap’n.”

  “Helm, right fifteen degrees rudder, steady course south, all ahead two thirds. Weps, pressurize all tubes and open all outer doors. Confirm targeting vectors to all Javelins and report status.”

  “Aye, sir,” Feyley said.

  “All tubes pressurized and equalized to sea pressure. All outer doors coming open now. Target vectors tubes one through seven confirmed, targets bearing one zero five to one one three, range fifty-two thousand yards. All time delays set for liftoff at time 1900 local, an hour-and-a-half from now. All outer doors now open. Ready to fire, Captain.”

  “Very well,” Pacino said, glancing at the chronometer.

  When it clicked over to 1735:00, he gave the next order: “Weps, shoot tube one.”

bsp; “Fire,” Feyley called. Down below the tube barked, the noise loud in the room.

  “Tube one fired electrically, Captain.”

  “Shoot tube two.”

  The firing sequence continued. When Feyley launched a tube, the torpedo room crew shut the outer door, drained the tube, opened the inner door and rammed another Javelin in, connected the power and signal leads and shut the door so that when the tube’s turn came up three or four minutes later the weapon was spun up and warm and ready to fire. By 1750 the room’s Javelin missiles were gone, all of them floating silently in their watertight capsules below the surface of the bay, waiting for their timers to reach zero hour, 1900, when they would broach, open their nose cones and unleash the rocket-powered cruise missiles. By that time, Seawolf would be far down the channel, within a few hundred yards of the northern channel’s task force. Pacino ordered the ship to enter the channel and proceed east at twenty-five knots while the crew began to load Mark 38 decoys, the torpedo-sized noisemakers programmed to radiate the same noises as a Los Angelesclass submarine, able to be programmed to maneuver in set patterns or follow a channel. By 1812 the initial volley of Mark 38s had been fired and the torpedo room was set up to launch Mark 50 Hullcrusher torpedoes. When they were all gone, except the one earmarked for tube eight, the final volley of Mark 38 decoys was launched.

  By 1830, less than an hour after he had started, Pacino’s torpedo room was empty, all weapons gone except tube eight’s Mark 50 and the ASW Standoff Weapon. Pacino took a deep breath and leaned against a railing of the periscope stand, his ears aching from the forty-three tube launches. He checked the chart. Seawolf was twelve miles into the channel, the boundaries of the restricted water narrowing on either side. The throat of the channel was another thirteen miles ahead. Somewhere further down the channel, eleven Mark 50 torpedoes, twelve Mark 38 decoys and the Tampa were making their way east. To the south,

  there were eight decoys and two torpedoes heading for the entrance to the southern passage at Miaodao, designed to confuse the southwest surface task force.

  Pacino couldn’t help wondering what was going on inside the Tampa. At least he had, more or less, control of his destiny. Those guys were passengers, along for the ride. Pacino looked at Jeff Joseph’s Pos Two display at the circle marking Friendly One, now ahead of them by six miles to the east. Pacino plotted a dot on the chart, the position of the Tampa, then stared at the dot, as if by looking at a mark of pencil on the paper on the chart table he could project his mind into the hull of Murphy’s submarine.


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