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Bitter Thorns (The Entwined Book 1)

Page 19

by Chrissy Jaye

  Without saying a word, I pulled myself up and threw my arms around his neck. For a minute he just laid there shocked at my sudden display but then wrapped himself around me, clutching me to him. His lips pressed against my throat, sparking a trail of electricity, making me moan softly. It so wasn’t the time to respond in such a way, but Luc didn’t seem to think so because he did it again, grazing my neck with his teeth. I shuddered and started to pull away, wanting to get some distance from the heat between my legs and his body.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, letting me go easily.

  “It’s fine,” I lied.

  “Is it?” he asked, not buying it at all.

  I swallowed hard, sitting back on the bed with at least a foot or two between us. How did he see through me so easily? “I don’t know. Everything is confusing.”

  “That’s what I figured,” he said with a soft laugh before turning serious again. “You like us, you know.”

  I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Maybe,” I admitted.

  “Oh no, I know you do,” he replied smugly as he sat up and rolled out of the bed. “It’s just you who won’t accept it.” He threw a meaningful look at me as he sauntered toward my bedroom door. The ghosts he’d just relieved were nowhere in sight. His brown eyes were bright and playful again. “I’m going to shower, Doll. I’ll see you at breakfast.” With that, he left me with my growing dilemma, which was quickly climbing the list of problems I needed to solve.

  Chapter 26

  “The council is questioning Brooke again,” Ben said, entering the kitchen with his phone in his hand. He frowned down at it; his brow furrowed.

  Flynn was at the counter, drizzling icing over sweet rolls. His shoulders tensed as he looked up at me and then at Ben. “What’s their reasoning now?” he asked in a light voice that didn’t match his body language.

  “They’re not even trying to hide their interest in Olivia anymore,” Ben replied, offering me a weak smile.

  “Why don’t we just let them get a good look at me and be done with it?” I asked. I understood why they didn’t want to do that, but if this council was pushing so hard, it seemed silly to hide. Was I terrified of them and what could happen? Yes, but I was tired of hiding.

  Mentally, I tallied my mounting issues. Evan was at the top, first because of what he did to Emma and second for his psychotic obsession with me. He felt like my biggest threat. After that was figuring out how to control my Arts and what made me so powerful. It wasn’t precognition. Of that I was certain. I didn’t have dreams like Vian and based on what I saw from the others, our powers should reflect our twin’s. There was also the bond our entire circle needed to cement. Cat made that seem like it was life or death for us. Oh, and just for fun, let’s tack on crushing after five guys, even if that was more of a personal problem. It was enough to make anyone’s head spin. Yeah, we had enough to deal with. If we could get the council off our backs for a bit, I was all for it.

  Silence stretched as Ben poured himself something to drink and rounded the counter to claim the stool next to me. Flynn resumed icing, wearing a thoughtful expression before he answered me. “Because the only basis they have is curiosity. And it isn’t the full council pushing for this, just a few. If we were extended a formal request, we’d comply. They think because we’re young, we’re malleable, and I for one am willing to let them think that.” He started plating breakfast. His dark hair fell forward over his eyes, giving him a roguish look. A flash of me pushing that hair out of his face entered my mind and I swallowed hard.

  “Why do you want them to think that?” I asked in a thick voice.

  “Because, Princess, if they don’t see us as a threat, they won’t be prepared for us to fight back. It’s strategy. One I intend to win.”

  “But they already know how strong we are, right? With all those tests and…”

  Ben leaned into me as my words failed. “They do know these things, but they have to prove that you’re dangerous to everyone else before they could cause us trouble. You’re also forgetting that Renee and Demaric didn’t tell them everything. Such as how weak our bond is or that your chakras are blown wide open.”

  I sighed heavily. “They’re already causing us trouble, though. Over me.” Guilt licked through me, making my chest tighten.

  “No,” Flynn said, setting a plate in front of me. “This isn’t your fault. It’s theirs for keeping you from us in the first place. If they’d let us bond years ago, they’d have a much easier time trying to get to you. They put our suspicions here by keeping you from us and their actions now only confirm those suspicions.” I looked down at my plate. Meeting his eyes was harder when he was being nice to me. He wouldn’t let me though. His hand reached forward and pulled my chin up. Whatever he saw in my eyes kept him from speaking. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he released my chin. “Go hang out with Ben. The others and I need to head into town to get groceries and other items for the Sending tomorrow.”

  “Why can’t we all do that?” I asked. I didn’t want them out on their own. Wasn’t it bad enough that Vian and Brooke weren’t here?

  “Because, the less chance we give them to corner you, the better. But don’t worry, the house is protected”

  I frowned at him. “That’s what Luc said about the island, yet, Evan and Payton still found a way onto it.”

  He rolled his eyes at me. “The house is different. It’s a sanctuary only we can enter. No one can get on the property without us bringing them here.”

  Ben put his hand on my shoulder before I could bite back at Flynn. “Come on Liv, bring your food, we can eat in my room.”

  I threw Flynn a dirty look, which he smirked at, his eyes twinkling. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to scream at him or throw myself at him, maybe both. I turned away, leaving my breakfast on the counter in a show of defiance.

  “He does it on purpose, you know?” Ben said as we climbed the stairs.

  “Does what?” I asked, not really paying attention. My mind was still back in the kitchen warring with myself.

  “Flynn. He likes to fight with you.”

  “What? Why?” Who the hell enjoyed arguing? It was stupid.

  We turned into his room, still a mess. I stood in the doorway while he walked around collecting books and a machine I recognized from the council’s lab. I shuddered and let out a groan. He glanced up and smirked at me.

  “Don’t worry. I just want to get some readings. Nothing insane,” he said, brandishing the electrometer at me with a wink. I grimaced at him but didn’t say anything. “Come on, we can do this outside by the pool then go for a swim afterwards.”

  “I don’t have a suit,” I replied quickly, thinking about my scars. Knowing Brooke, I probably did have one, but I didn’t like wearing bathing suits.

  “You do. It’s in the top middle drawer of your dresser,” he said.

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I helped put your clothes away,” he said brightly. My cheeks filled with heat. Had he seen the ridiculous underwear that Brooke got for me? There had been all sorts of lacy lingerie stuffed into the top three drawers of my dresser that I’d been forced to wear. Nothing she bought was practical.

  Mentally, I pushed down the urge to throttle her next time I saw her. “When will they be back?” I asked with effort.

  “Probably around lunchtime. Brooke and Vian have plans to visit other family to let them know we’re having a ceremony for Emma.”

  “Oh.” Since my private conversation with her, I hadn’t felt much from Emma. Small twinges of emotion that weren’t mine, but otherwise, nothing.

  “Go get changed. It’s a gorgeous day out. Vian said you liked the outdoors so…”

  I smiled to myself, because Ben remembered I liked it outside despite the idea of throwing on a swimsuit. The truth was that I missed the freedom of the forest. Emma and I were always outside, hiking, or swimming at a local lake when the weather was nice enough for it.

  “Okay,” I said softly b
efore padding down the hall to my room.

  As I entered my room, I wondered if the others had already left yet. The house was eerily quiet, and I was only just now noticing. Or maybe it was just the tension I felt at being alone in the house with Ben. Even when I was alone in my room, I knew there was a buffer because there was always someone else in the house.

  Closing my door, I quickly stripped out of my sleep shirt and shorts and went to inspect my options in the dresser. True to his word, there were at least four different swimsuits to choose from. Three of them were string bikinis I would never be caught in, but the fourth was a one piece. I pulled it out, inspecting the corded green material and grimaced. Despite being a one piece, it had thin straps that tied around on a low back.

  I slipped out of my underwear and pulled it on, turning slightly in the mirror that was over my dresser. The back dipped low on my spine, leaving the entirety of my scars revealed. I quickly tied it, adjusting it so it was tight across my small chest. Then I searched through another drawer, looking for a light shirt to throw on over it. I was rewarded with an off the shoulder white top that fell to my thighs. It was slightly see-through, but it made me feel less self-conscious.

  My door popped open just as I reached for the knob, revealing Liam and Lucien standing there. Liam kept his eyes on my face and smiled at me, but Luc had no issue running his eyes up my legs first with a smirk on his lips. Anyone else would find it predatory, but Luc never made me feel that way.

  “You look hot as hell,” he said, leaning into the door frame. “I almost didn’t believe Ben when he said you guys were going swimming.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to ignore the flutter of heat that passed through me after he called me hot. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  Liam smacked his brother’s arm. “Ignore him. You look pretty, Kitten.” I felt myself blush at his compliment and suddenly wished I’d picked out some shorts too. “Anyway, just wanted to say goodbye before we left.” He shuffled in the doorway, looking awkward and not meeting my eyes anymore.

  What was going on there?

  “Umm,” I said nervously. I had no idea what to say. I turned a panicked look toward Luc. He smirked for a few seconds before stepping forward and kissing me lightly on the forehead.

  “We’ll see you at lunch, Doll.” With that, he grabbed his brother and steered him down the hall. I stood for a moment letting my pulse go back to normal. Liam’s comment about how pretty I was floated through my mind as I made my way downstairs. These guys were going to be the death of me.

  I stepped out the backdoor, hiding in the shade of the porch for a moment as I watched Ben. He sat in one of the lounge chairs in a pair of blue boardshorts. His blonde hair glinted in the sun; his head bent toward the book he held in his hands. He was shirtless, revealing his slim frame, corded with lean and tanned muscles. As if he could sense me, he glanced up and smiled.

  “Are you going to stand there or are you going to come enjoy the day with me?”

  I made my way across the patio and went to take the chair next to him. Before I could put my weight on it, he scooped me up and deposited me on his lap. He’d been doing that more often lately, touching me. I had to remind myself he did it because of the bond we were supposed to be forging, but it felt far too intimate. His face was inches from mine, over my shoulder.

  “Hi,” I said in a small voice before mentally kicking myself. Who the hell says ‘hi’ like that when they’re sitting on a dude’s lap?

  “Hi yourself,” he breathed. My own breath hitched. If he noticed, he didn’t react. Instead, he lifted the book in his free hand and brought it across my lap. “I figured we could do some reading since you can’t use Arts. Lucien suggested learning about chakras and nutrition since you have trouble maintaining your levels. Plus, Flynn would really like to stop healing the grass. It makes him grumpier.”

  At the word ‘nutrition,’ I realized I hadn’t eaten breakfast. I’d left my plate at the counter and if I knew much about Luc by now, I knew he’d probably be upset about it. I’d noticed myself putting on a bit of healthy weight in the last few days. “I should have just eaten the food instead of using it to needle at Flynn. Did Luc see it?”

  Ben laughed lightly in my ear. “Don’t worry. They’re all nags. I forget to eat sometimes. It’s something we can work on together.” He lifted the book as my head settled back on his shoulder. He started reading aloud. “Chakras are natural ports in the body that allow energy to flow, starting from the base of the spine to the crown of a person’s head…”

  I listened to the cadence of his voice, letting myself get lost in the words, somewhat surprised that I was able to pay attention while my thoughts drifted a bit. His breath tickled my ear while his body heat soaked into my back. My eyes closed of their own volition and I started to nod off. When he chuckled in my ear, I snapped awake.

  “Sorry,” I muttered. “I’m paying attention.”

  “No, you’re falling asleep.”

  “I am not!” I protested, turning my head to look at him. “A healthy diet of clean organic foods helps Entwined focus their energy flow so they can pull from around them without damaging the earth. I’ve been using the energy around me to sustain myself unnaturally, which is why I get drained so quickly and have to use the energy in the ground to keep myself from burning out. Correct?”

  His eyes grew surprised for a second before he hit with me a blazing smile. “Yes. Essentially.” I smiled back, somewhat shocked myself that I’d gotten it right. His eyes dipped to my lips and back up. The pupils in his jeweled eyes contracted before he cleared his throat. “Let’s go for a swim. It’s getting a bit hot.”

  I couldn’t get out of his lap fast enough, sure that if I stayed there, he was going to do something stupid, like kiss me. After the last time I’d been kissed, I knew I wouldn’t run, but it would make things awkward. Without thinking, I tore off my cover-up, throwing it aside and jumped into the pool.

  The world quieted as I submerged myself in the water, letting myself sink to the bottom, enjoying the peace it brought me. It was only a few seconds later when I heard a muffled splash. I opened my eyes underwater to see Ben sinking down next to me. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me up toward the surface.

  He pulled me into the circle of his arms as I tread water to keep myself afloat. I swept the water and hair from my face, annoyed that I’d forgotten to braid it. Ben moved us easily until my feet touched the bottom of the pool, then guided me toward the wall until my back was against the stone edge. I thought he would back off then, but he stayed in front of me, caging me in on either side until I was forced to look up at him.

  I’d hoped that by jumping in the pool, he would forget about the moment between us, but I was wrong. If anything, he looked more determined than ever to continue it. His front pressed against me, filling my body with heat along every inch of our skin that touched. He hoisted me up onto the edge of the pool and stepped between my legs so that we were eye level. My breaths came out shallow and my hands came up to grip his shoulders to keep myself upright. When he inclined toward me, I thought he would kiss me, but he didn’t. Instead his arms wrapped around my waist and he pressed his face into my neck, breathing deeply.

  The pit of my stomach bottomed out, whether in disappointment or relief, I wasn’t sure. My arms slipped around his shoulders until I was hugging him back. Softly, his hands skimmed over my exposed back, eliciting tingles along my spine. Between my legs, I could feel his arousal, but he didn’t press into me like most guys would. He just stood there, holding me to him.

  “I thought we were swimming,” I asked, just to say something.

  “This is much better,” he mumbled against my neck. He wasn’t wrong. It was…nice. I turned my own head into his neck and nuzzled against him.

  Jesus, what was I doing? I had no idea. I didn’t want this. Or maybe I did. Just a few days ago, I’d kissed Flynn and now I wanted to kiss Ben. And Luc. With perfect honesty, I admitted it. It wasn’t just tho
se three either. I wanted Liam and Kieran too. Fuck… what was I doing?

  I clung to Ben tighter and stayed there for as long as he was willing to hold me.

  Chapter 27

  The others came back shortly after Ben and I decided to head inside. He’d noticed I was starting to turn red—thanks genetics—and suggested we find a movie to watch until the others got back. I was just heading up the stairs when the guys popped into existence in the kitchen, making me jump, clutching at my heart and dropping my glass of water. It shattered, glass covering my feet and opening a few cuts on my toes.

  I yelped, trying to get out of the way of the shards only to step on a few smaller pieces. Flynn charged around the corner and came to a stop when he saw me. He assessed me for a second in my swimsuit before he realized I was standing in glass. He reached up the few steps and plucked me from them like I weighed nothing and carried me into the kitchen, despite my protests to be put down.

  My butt landed on the cold countertop, making me flinch as he dropped down to inspect my feet. The others crowded around us.

  “What did you do?” Liam asked in concern.

  “Is that glass?” Kieran’s voice was thunderous as he stalked forward, pushing the others out of the way.

  “Don’t heal her yet, we’ve got to get the glass out,” Flynn commanded.

  My eyes met Luc’s, open wide with embarrassment. Help, I mouthed to him. He smiled at me, somewhat regretfully. “Sorry, Doll. You broke a rule.”

  “What?” I sputtered, wincing as Flynn picked a piece of glass from my foot and threw it onto the counter. “I didn’t do anything. I was just going upstairs!”

  “You hurt yourself,” Luc replied with a laugh, hoisting himself up next to me and throwing an arm over my shoulder. “The Clones hate it when we injure ourselves. It makes them cranky.”

  “What’s going on?” Ben asked from the dining room door. He’d just come in from outside. His gaze swept over the room before landing on me and the dark-haired Neanderthals prodding at my feet.


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