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China (Tails Book Six)

Page 9

by R. E. Butler

  “Carry on, mate,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling his throat. He smelled so good to her, like love and home. She was thrilled for the future. Tonight was all about them celebrating being in Kedrick. Tomorrow was all business, meeting with the alphas and getting his workshop going.

  Focusing on her sexy mate, she purred in happiness as he tossed her to the bed with a soft growl and then pounced on her. Her laughter changed to a moan as their lips and bodies met, over and over, and over again, until dawn chased the darkness from the sky.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The following Saturday night, Oz stood in the home he now shared with China and looked at his reflection as he finished shaving. It was their mating night when the two of them would be joined officially by Alpha Duke. Teresa and Angel had come for the ceremony, arriving the day before. Teresa had gone with China to spend the night at her mother’s house with Demi as well. She’d texted Oz at one point during the night that she felt like a teenager at a slumber party again and was having a ball.

  It pleased him to no end that his mate and his second-mom got along so well. China’s mom, Vikki, was really sweet and had asked Oz if he’d like to call her Mom, too. It had made his eyes sting to be welcomed so easily into China’s family. Her cousin, Zeke, had invited Oz and Angel out to the bar for a night with the unmated males in the pride, and they’d had a blast.

  The Kedrick Pride was unique and amazing, he was thankful to be part of them.

  After one last swipe of the razor, he rinsed his face and the razor, then set it in the decorative cup on the counter. There was a knock at the bathroom door.

  “Yeah?” he asked, turning to open the door.

  Angel smiled at him. “You ’bout ready, man?”

  “Yep, just finishing up. How do I look?”

  “Like you’re ready to mate your heart-match.”

  “I so fucking am.”

  Oz turned off the light and walked into the bedroom. His dress shirt and tie were hanging on the closet door. He pulled the shirt off the hanger and slipped it on.

  “You know, Mom told me in the old days that males used to get mated in just dress pants, like there was something very macho about a bare upper chest.”

  “That’s weird,” Oz said. “Maybe they just wanted to show off their muscles so their females would know how well they could take care of them.”

  “That’s possible,” Angel said. He flexed his arms. “I don’t need to be shirtless to show off these guns.”

  Oz rolled his eyes as he finished buttoning up the shirt. He grabbed the tie. “Can you believe how crazy these last two weeks have been?”

  Angel nodded. “I still can’t fathom how things worked out the way they did. And with Craig taking over, the pride is happier than I’ve ever seen them. I think no one realized how oppressive our pride was because it’s always been that way. Craig is a lot like Duke, from what I can tell.”

  “That’s true. Duke is fair and he doesn’t lead through fear like Benecio and our previous alphas. I’m glad things have turned around for the pride. I was going to ask you to join this pride, but I don’t think you want to leave Elk Hills.”

  “Nah, Mom and Craig are hanging out a lot and I’m pretty sure they’re going to get mated.”

  “Yeah?” Oz tightened the tie and looked at himself in the mirror over the dresser to make sure it was straight. “Are they heart-matches or do they just like each other?”

  “They just care for each other. I asked Mom why they never got together and she said she really didn’t know. It seems like them working together to make the pride a better place has maybe opened up some things for them. I get the feeling that they both didn’t really look at each other as anything other than friends or—gross—fuck buddies. Did you know that Craig and my dad were best friends?”


  “Yeah, I think that’s part of it too. My parents got together to have me, and it was before Craig came to the pride. Mom said she always liked him, but he was pretty closed-off emotionally because his mate had died and left him and their two young boys. So Mom never thought of him in a romantic way. They spend a ton of time together now and they’re so sweet. It’s sickening.”

  Oz grinned. “I’m happy for her. What’s on the horizon for you?”

  “I don’t know,” Angel said. He leaned around Oz to look at himself in the mirror. “I’d like to get mated. The world needs more Angel so I should have lots of kids.”

  “Uh, I don’t know about that. One of you is plenty.”

  “Nah, I’m awesome. I like the idea of a heart-match, but maybe I’ll go see the match-maker. I haven’t really decided yet.”

  “Well, whatever you decide, I’m there for you.”

  “Thanks, man,” he said.

  In the kitchen, Oz picked up the box that held China’s ring. The mating ceremony was doubling as a wedding ceremony. Duke was an ordained minister. He said it was something he’d decided was a good idea to do, because many lion couples enjoyed the dual ceremonies. The ring was white gold and laid with sparkling channel set diamonds. The ring she’d picked for him was a simple band of white gold etched with a swirled design.

  He and Angel left the house and drove to the alpha’s home. The ceremony was going to be held on the back deck. The day before, they’d all worked on turning the backyard into a floral and ribbon paradise. China had said it was always a dream of hers to get married under an archway covered with white roses, so that’s what they’d done.

  A tent had been set up for the meal and reception. Sometimes the lions went out for a hunt after a mating, but he and China had wanted to lean more toward the human tradition of a big party. The pride was going hunting the following weekend anyway, and he was looking forward to seeing his sweetheart in her shift.

  He parked in front of the alpha’s house, where Duke and Ree lived. It had belonged to Duke’s parents when they’d been the alpha couple. Oz didn’t think that there were too many alpha lion couples where one of them was a human, but Kedrick was a great pride, so they were obviously doing something right.

  China was inside the house waiting for the ceremony to start. He stared up at the windows, wondering which one was hers.

  “She’ll kill you if you accidentally see her before the wedding,” Angel chided. “Let’s get to the back and get this show on the road.”

  Oz nodded. They walked to the back where the chairs were starting to fill. The wedding was a half hour from starting, but he knew the time would fly.

  “Nice to see you,” Titus said, shaking his hand. “How are the nerves?”

  “I didn’t think I’d be nervous, but I do feel a little bit antsy. I’ll be glad when we’re married.”

  Duke joined them. “I was nervous when I married Ree too. I think all males are.”

  Angel went to find Teresa, and Oz made the rounds, greeting the pride members and accepting congratulations on his mating day. Ten minutes before the ceremony was to start, Rhaider played the piano. The house band had been happy to be hired to play for the wedding, especially since Demi was mated to two of the members.

  Oz joined Duke on the deck under the archway.

  He couldn’t wait to see his mate.

  * * *

  China’s mom took her hands and smiled at her. “I’m so proud of you, honey. Oz is amazing and you two are going to have a wonderful life together.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “I want you to have this,” Vikki said, letting go of China’s hands to remove a sapphire tennis bracelet from her wrist.

  “Oh! But you got this for your sweet sixteen from Grandma and Grandpa.”

  “It’s going to be your borrowed item. I want it back.” Vikki narrowed her eyes at China which made her laugh.

  “Aw, thank you! I was going to ask to borrow your earrings, but this bracelet is even better.”

  The colors she’d chosen for the wedding were navy and peach, her two favorites. Oz and the guys were all wearing navy
suits and ties, and the ribbons on her bouquet and the ones for the bridesmaids were navy too.

  “My parents would’ve loved to be here for this.”

  China’s grandparents had passed away when she was in high school. Her grandma was the reason she loved to cook, and her grandpa was why she loved painting and art. They were the sweetest people she’d ever known.

  “I wish they were here.”

  “They’re here in spirit.”

  “You guys are going to make me cry,” Demi said, sniffling and fanning her face. “I’m getting all blotchy from being emotional.”

  Demi was getting her hair done by the pride’s resident stylist, Mercy, who twirled a lock of Demi’s hair around a fat-barreled curling iron.

  Mercy said, “I can fix your blotchy face if I need to, but you look great.”

  There was a knock on the door and a male voice said, “It’s me.”

  “Oh, Barron!” Mercy finished the last curl and set the iron on the table. She hurried to the door and opened it. “Hi babe.”

  He gave her a quick peck. “We’re at eight minutes until the start time.”

  China’s mom finished fastening the bracelet onto her wrist and patted it. “Perfect timing,” Vikki said. “I should go and take my place in the front row.”

  Vikki kissed China’s cheek. “See you out there, Mom,” China said.

  “I’ll be the one in front crying.”

  Vikki took Barron’s arm and they left.

  “The guys are lining up,” Mercy said as she peeked out into the hall.

  “I guess it’s time for us to get moving,” China said.

  China looked at herself in the full-length mirror. The dress was so pretty. It was exactly what she’d always wanted—an off the shoulder floral patterned dress with a little train in the back. It was soft satin and highlighted her curves without looking too revealing.

  “Got everything?” Demi asked as she held China’s bouquet and her own. “Borrowed, blue, new, and old?”

  “New is the dress,” China said, taking the bouquet of white roses. “Borrowed is the bracelet, and blue is for the ribbon on the flowers.”


  She touched the delicate peal drop earrings. “These were Aunt Claire’s. She was my favorite.”

  “It’s so sweet. I can’t believe you’re getting married before me.”

  “You’re the one who insisted on a spring wedding. Oz and I didn’t care what the weather was like. We just wanted to get married.”

  “I’m so happy for you, bestie,” Demi said. “You deserve all the happiness in the world.”

  “Thanks for standing with me.”

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

  Demi and the others left the room, and China’s dad appeared in the doorway.

  “You look lovely,” he said, his eyes shining with emotion.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Your mom and I never did this. We went to the courthouse because lions didn’t do big weddings back in our day. But I kind of wish we did. I would’ve loved to see your mom in a beautiful dress.”

  China smiled up at her dad. “I’m so happy you’re here for this.”

  “Me too, honey.”

  “The guys are waiting. I guess it really is time,” China said.


  “A little. I guess all brides have butterflies.”

  “And grooms.” He offered her his arm and she took it.

  They left the spare bedroom and headed to the front door where Zeke was waiting to escort Demi.

  “You look great, cuz,” Zeke said. “I’m honored to be able to walk with you.”

  “Thanks for doing this. You’re like the brother I never had.”

  “You’re the sister I never had.” Zeke offered Demi his arm and they left the house, taking a right to where a white fabric runner had been laid from the side of the house to the deck, where her sexy mate was waiting to marry her.

  She felt like she’d been waiting her whole life for this moment and she couldn’t believe it was finally here.

  Chapter Fourteen

  After Vikki was seated, the wedding party made their way to the front. Oz kept his gaze glued to the corner of the house, where China would soon appear with her father. One by one the bridesmaids and groomsmen parted ways to move to either side, and then Demi and Zeke walked down the aisle and took their places.

  Then the music changed, and everyone stood and turned to watch China.

  Oz tilted a little to the side to catch the first glimpse of her. The night apart had felt like an eternity, and he’d hated every second away.

  And then he saw her—his gorgeous female in a beautiful dress, with flowers in her hair and a big smile on her face. Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears, and he could see flashes of her lioness in her eyes.

  No female on the planet was lovelier than her, he was sure. And no male was luckier than him.

  He held his breath as she made her way to him, their gazes locked on each other. His lion wanted to burst out of his skin and go to her, and the human part of him wanted to vow to never spend a night apart again. It was a hell he didn’t want to revisit.

  China and her father stopped at the top step and the music faded away.

  “Who gives this female to this male?” Duke asked.

  “Her mother and I do,” Lee said.

  China kissed her father’s cheek and then took Oz’s hand as she joined him. They faced each other, with Duke just to the side and facing the crowd.

  The pride sat and all went quiet.

  “You look amazing,” he mouthed to China.

  She grinned. “Love you,” she mouthed.

  “Me too,” he replied.

  Duke cleared his throat and they looked at him. “We’ve gathered together today for three reasons: to join Ozzen and China officially as mates, in marriage, and also to add Oz as an official member of our pride. It’s a blessing when an alpha gets the opportunity to join heart-matches together. I’ve known China for a long time, and nothing makes me happier then to see her marrying her heart-match and knowing that they’re perfect for each other.

  “Oz, do you take China to be your wife and your mate? Do you swear to love and protect her as a human and a lion, to honor and cherish her, for as long as you live?”

  Oz couldn’t have loved China more in that moment. “I do.”

  Duke repeated the words to China. Tears slipped over her cheeks as she said, “I do.”

  “Oz, you come before the pride today to ask for membership to join our ranks. Do you promise to hold our laws as your own and to protect and care for the pride members as if they were your own family?”

  “I do,” Oz said.

  “Is there anyone who knows a reason why Oz and China should not be mates and husband and wife, or why Oz shouldn’t join to our pride?”

  Oz snuck a peek toward the group, then breathed out a sigh of relief when no one raised their hands or spoke up.

  Not that he thought anyone would, of course.

  “Then it’s my pleasure as alpha of the Kedrick Pride to welcome you to our ranks, Oz, and to declare you mates in truth. With the power vested in me by the Southern Universal Internet Church, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Oz wasted no time in kissing China, tasting her tears and shedding some of his own.

  She was his. She was really, truly his.

  * * *

  China grinned as the pride erupted into cheers, clapping and whistling loudly.

  She and Oz turned to face the pride and the cheers grew louder. They stepped off the deck and hurried to the side of the house and away from everyone. In the semi-privacy of the side yard, they hugged and kissed, and Oz tenderly brushed the tears from her cheeks.

  “We’re mated and married, sweetheart,” he said, his voice rough.

  “I missed you so much last night. I don’t think I slept an hour.”

  “Me too. Let’s not do that aga

  “For sure.”

  They hugged and kissed a little more, and then Oz leaned around the corner of the house and saw that the pride was mostly gone, retreating to the tent. The wedding party, Duke and Ree, and China’s parents, plus Teresa, were waiting on the deck for them along with the pride photographer.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “No, I’m not done kissing on you,” she said, leaning in for another which he willingly gave. “We have twelve hours to make up for.”

  He chuckled in a low way that made her stomach clench. “We will definitely make up for it, love.”

  “I can’t wait. Let’s skip the reception and go right to bed.”

  “You should eat. You’ll need your strength.”

  “I think you will too.”

  He gave her one more kiss that made her toes curl, and then they walked to the deck and accepted hugs and congratulations from everyone.

  The photographer arranged them for pictures, from them as a couple to the bridal party to the parents and all variations in between. She was so ready to get to the reception and get the party going that she was bouncing on the balls of her feet, her lioness letting out little excited purrs.

  “I think we should get to the party,” Oz said with a chuckle. “My sweetheart is ready.”

  “You know it,” China said.

  The group headed toward the tent, where Rhaider announced them, starting with Teresa, and China’s parents, and ending with her and Oz. The pride roared its approval once more as they entered the tent. She and Oz moved from table to table, greeting and thanking everyone for sharing their day with them.

  When they finally got to the head table, China was ready to eat, but first there were toasts to be had.

  A young lion brought champagne glasses for the head table, and she and Oz sat in the center of the table.

  Demi rose first. “China’s my best friend. I’ve known her for so long that it’s like we’re sisters. We call each other’s moms ‘Mom,’ and have been attached at the hip since we were little. China was always the one who held me back from doing stupid things, like the time I wanted to jump from the water tower into the lake and she reminded me that cats only land on their feet on land and not in water.”


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