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Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two

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by Jennifer Louise

  There was a time that I wanted the husband, kids, dog and white picket fence. Not to mention the fairy tale, happily ever after and all that bullshit. I don’t know if that’s what I want anymore. The life that I started back in Georgia seems so far away and not something that I want to ever think about again.

  Maybe it’s time to just see what it’s like out there. I will see if I can start meeting people and having actual friends. I only have acquaintances now. I know what I deserve, and I deserve to have that level of friendship and companionship in my life. Maybe if I keep repeating those mantras in my head, they will come true.

  I picked up the business card and flipped it over in my hand. I wanted to finally start living a normal life. If that meant getting out and talking to people, making friends, meeting men… then it was time I made the call.

  Her phone rang three times and I thought for sure it was going to go to voicemail. Crystal picked up before the fourth ring and she sounded out of breath. “Hello, this is Crystal.”

  “Hey Crystal, it’s Chloe. Chloe Weston. Did I call you at a bad time?” I feel like I may have interrupted something.

  “Chloe. Hey girl. It’s nice to hear from you. No, you are not calling at a bad time. Grayson and I were just about to head to the club. What’s up?” I can hear the humor in her voice and she probably realized how she sounded.

  I took a deep breath. “Well, I have been thinking about your offer. If it still stands, I would like to stop by and check out the club.” The first step is always the hardest. That wasn’t as bad as I thought.

  The enthusiasm in her voice was refreshing. “That is great! I will put you on the VIP list. All you need to do is give the door man your name, and he will let you right in. Are you coming tonight?”

  “If that is okay with you, yeah. I think it’s time. Don’t you?” Crystal knows about the struggles that I went through before I moved here. She of all people should understand. I just needed to get this first step out of the way and see where the rest takes me.

  Her excitement was contagious. “Girl, yes… it’s about time! I can’t wait to show you around. You will love it, and who knows? Maybe you will meet someone.”

  “Whoa… pump the breaks on the meeting someone thing! Let’s just take this one step at a time.” I had a mini panic attack at that statement and started to second guess my calling her and my decision to go out tonight.

  Crystal started to sense my unease. “You called me, didn’t you? That is the first step. Next step is introducing you around. I promise you that you will not be disappointed. You know how to get here right?” Her tone of voice was soothing and calmed my fears some.

  Club Manhattan is a discreet and exclusive club. It’s so discreet that its entrance is not plainly visible from the street. Only someone who is a member would know that it’s a BDSM club behind the plain, innocuous door.

  “Yes, I actually went by there the other day after I talked to you. You know. Just to see where it was.” I hated admitting that, but I was curious.

  Crystal’s willingness to ease my fears was comforting. “I knew you would come around quickly. You know what they say about curiosity? I promise you. This will be painless. Or if you are into that sort of thing, maybe it will be painful and pleasurable. Either way, I assure you. You will have a memorable time.”

  The thought of partaking in any aspect of the BDSM world scared me. But after I looked it up online, I was intrigued enough that I was open to at least watching. Maybe this will be the therapy I need to face my fears.

  “Okay, well I will see you tonight then.” Hopefully, I can reel in my fears and make it out of the door.

  Crystal chuckles at me obvious apprehension. “Chloe. It will be fine. I promise. See you tonight.”

  With that, the plan was in motion. Now I just had to get home and figure out what to wear. What does one wear to a BDSM club? I think I will just play it safe with an LBD and a pair of sexy heels.

  One of the first things I did when I got to New York and reinvented myself was to dye my hair blonde and get a new wardrobe. Considering I left with the clothes on my back and the suitcase I had from my trip, I didn’t have much.

  When I was, young and lived with my grandmother, we were not rich by any means. I’m not proud of what I had to do to make the money we had. But that woman was a saver. She saved for the proverbial rainy day. When she died, and left me her life insurance and savings, it was a complete shock as to the amount that I received. But I had a shit storm of problems then, and I needed that money to save myself from the life I was leading with Mark.

  I took a cab to the Upper East Side of New York, where the swanky club was located, and just as Crystal said, when I gave my name to the door man, he let me right in. He told me that he would let Crystal know I was here. I headed straight for the bar and got a drink while I waited.

  The interior of Club Manhattan was like most dance clubs, except this was a sex club. There were various stages set up for scenes. Sex scenes. The club was dimly lit but not dark. The walls were dark with rich woods adorning them and there was a decent sized dance floor. The music was thumping with techno vibes, but nothing too loud that you couldn’t carry on a conversation.

  Along the perimeter of the dance floor, there are couches in rich reds and black leather. The comfortable seating areas have high and low tables for patrons to have drinks or just sit and relax to watch the scenes on stage. There are a few roped off sections on the lower level that look like they are for VIP’s complete with bottle service and personal servers.

  The upper level has a balcony with much of the same as the lower level, only there are doors marked as “Private” and the stairs are clearly marked for VIP’s only. I can only imagine what goes on up on that level.

  As I perch myself on the plush leather encased bar stool, the bartender quickly comes into view and asks for my order. “I will take a glass of Merlot please.” Easy enough. Order a drink and just relax. That’s what I was here for, right?

  The bartender brings me my glass of wine and I get settled at the bar. I’m almost afraid to look around but I can’t help it. There are men and women in various stages of dress. Some are wearing normal club clothes, and others are wearing the bare minimum to cover their private parts.

  There is a scene playing out on one of the stages. Currently, there is a man bound by leather straps, with his arms fastened behind his back. He is kneeling over a bench with his ass on full display. A woman is standing over him with a whip of some kind in her hand. The man’s ass is red as crimson, but he is moaning loudly despite the gag in his mouth.

  I must admit that this is exciting to watch. Not that it’s my ideal sexual situation but I can see the love through the scene, even as brutal as it may appear.

  After several loud thwacks of her whip, the woman who is wearing crotch-less panties, positions herself in front of the man’s face. She reaches down and removes the ball gag from his mouth and bends forward to sooth and rub his reddened ass.

  The man is still bound but is enjoying her pleasurable touches. The sounds that he is making are consuming my every thought and they vibrate through me. The woman bends over and whispers something into the man’s ear. He lifts his head up and begins licking and sucking on her exposed clit and lower lips. She keeps her strong and powerful stance above him, but her skin is flushed and is clearly enjoying the ministrations of this man’s tongue.

  I find myself squeezing my thighs together. The intimacy of the scene is erotic and sensual. My body is flushed, and I can feel the tingling of my own desires. It’s a beautiful display of trust and sensuality. I feel a sense of jealousy wash over me. Wishing I had what those two clearly have.

  Shaking myself out of my daze, my eyes scan the side of the stage and land on a man that is sitting on the opposite end of the club. He is staring at me. Not the scene unfolding before him. Me. I quickly look away not wanting him to see me staring at him, even though he is clearly watching me. My body is on high alert, buzzing and
throbbing with just having watched such an intimate scene. Yet all I want to do is see if that gorgeous man is still intently watching me.

  I casually attempt to peek back at him when Crystal walks up to me. “So, what do you think?”

  Clearing my throat, I try to decide how much I want to reveal about how I’m feeling. “That was … um… yeah well let’s just say I may need to excuse myself to the restroom to freshen up. Do you have a panty vending machine in the ladies’ room?”

  Crystal laughs at my suggestion but is shaking her head in agreement. “Chloe! That is a great idea. I should run that one by Grayson. Seriously though, are you doing okay?”

  “Surprisingly yes. I can see why this club is so exclusive. But I don’t know if I could let everyone watch me like that.” My gaze once again slides to the scene still unfolding on stage.

  Crystal clears her throat and brings my attention back to her. “Speaking of watching. Have you noticed that gorgeous man across the club staring at you?”

  “Um, yeah... I have. I’m trying not to stare back. Why is he staring at me?” There was a hint of panic in my voice.

  Crystal had a curious expression on her face. “Because you are gorgeous silly! He is one of Grayson’s good friends. Well, you know I can’t exactly tell you everything, but I can tell you his name. That’s Aidan Montgomery.”

  Shaking off my continual barrage of ingrained thoughts, I huffed in mock protest. “A name. That is all I get? Come on Crystal. Can’t you give me more than that?”

  “This is a private club and our members like their privacy. Why don’t you go over there and talk to him?” Crystal loves that she has clearly got me flustered.

  “Yeah right! You just expect me to walk over there and talk to a man that is probably the sexiest, most handsome man in this place?” I feel a serious blush creeping up my neck.

  “Well now let’s not get carried away. You do know I’m married to Grayson, right?” She gave me a flirty wink. Yes, Grayson was a very sexy man indeed.

  “Oh, yeah of course. Then he is the second sexiest man in this club. Seriously though. I haven’t talked to a man like that in a long time. I wouldn’t know what to say.” I’m almost starting to panic, and my insecure thoughts are getting louder.

  You are way out of his league, Chloe.

  “Well you better think of something because he is heading this way.” Oh, shit. What am I going to do now?

  I instantly froze, that’s what I did. I froze. I watched this beautiful, sexy as fuck man saunter across the crowded club. He was tall and well built, filling out every inch of his finely tailored suit. If I had to guess, I would say Gucci or Dolce. The club goers in his way seemed to sense he was coming and instinctively parted to let him pass. His eyes were piercing and bore into mine. He looks at me like he doesn’t take no for an answer. Like he knows my secrets but doesn’t care what they are. He stares into my soul and it burns.

  I watched in awe as he made his way up to me. He stopped when he was less than a foot in front of my barstool. He positioned himself between Crystal and me. He started speaking to Crystal, but his eyes never left mine.

  “Crystal. Care to introduce me to your beautiful friend?” Oh, fuck. That voice. That voice was as smooth as silk and fine whiskey. It was deep and manly, and it touches me all the way to my stomach as it drops and flutters furiously.

  “Aidan Montgomery, this is Chloe Weston. She is joining me as my guest this evening. Why don’t I send a bottle service over to your table? I’m sure Chloe would love to join you.”

  I instantly shot her a look that I hope wasn’t too harsh. I mean yes, I wanted to follow this man anywhere, but I didn’t want him to know that.

  I quickly recovered enough to find my voice and extended my hand. “Pleasure to meet you Aidan.”

  Aidan took ahold of my hand and instead of shaking it, he brought it up to his lips and lightly grazed the back of my knuckles with his hot breath tingling my hand. I got chills that ran over my entire body as his lips made contact. The spark of electricity that I felt pass through his lips, down my body, and between my legs, was something indescribable. I was instantly wet.

  “Chloe. I assure you. The pleasure to meet you is all mine, and yes, please join me for a drink.” I gave Crystal a side glance. Not sure if I wanted approval or what, but I just couldn’t take the intense glare that Aidan was currently giving me. He still hasn’t let go of my hand.

  “Why don’t you two get settled and I will send drinks right over. Chloe, it was great to catch up with you tonight... and Aidan, take care of my girl.” She gave me a flirty look and a knowing wink.

  “It would be an honor and a pleasure Crystal. Please give my regards to Grayson. You both have done a phenomenal job with this club.”

  With that, Crystal was gone to put in our drink orders and I was left staring into his chocolate-brown eyes. Aidan is the epitome of a sexy man. He is well over six-foot, dark brown hair, slightly mussed, like he had a long day of running his hands through it. His strong jaw line with just a hint of a thin beard and stubble, broad shoulders and a slender waist line nearly made me melt at his feet. I have always had a thing for the tall, dark, and handsome type. It has been a long time.

  I tried to gain my composure the best that I could as he led me by my hand across the crowded club. He still hasn’t let go of my hand from when he first kissed it. I feel sort of self-conscious at the stares that we’re getting. They are probably trying to figure out what the hell he is doing with a plain old girl like me. I quickly shook off my insecurities. Years of someone you thought you loved and trusted continuously telling you how unattractive you are, tends to do something to your self-esteem.

  He led us back to his private alcove in the corner of the club next to the stage. It was private, yet you still felt a part of the club. I took a seat in the corner of the massive semi-circle couch and Aidan sat down so close to me that I could feel the heat radiating off him. Or is that just me? He smells amazing. His cologne is not overpowering and yet totally intoxicating.

  Our drinks were delivered, and only then did he let go of my hand. He nodded at the server and the drinks were placed on the low table in front of the couch. He picked up my drink and handed it to me and he had his in his hand as well.

  “I’d like to propose a toast. To the start of a new adventure. Cheers.” He gave me a sexy, flirty smile that I knew made any woman swoon.

  “Cheers”. My heart was beating so fast in my chest that my response came out breathy. What is this man doing to me?

  Chapter 4


  In all the years that I have been coming here, I have never done anything more than observe and have a few drinks. I have never taken a woman up to the second level to one of the VIP rooms. I come here to be anonymous. I want to relax and not have to worry about the expectations that occur at a regular club.

  Sure, I have had my share of one-night stands and I like to dabble in this world. But when I want to hook up for the night, I don’t come here. Most importantly, I don’t take women back to my place. I never let my two worlds collide. I don’t like drama. I don’t have time for it. I’m a bit of a loner and like my privacy. But I rarely get it, unless I’m here.

  My passion is rebuilding and refurbishing old city streets and neighborhoods and making them livable again. I have been known to buy an entire city block of run down apartments, tear them down, and rebuild them with a trendy new building of my design. I guess you could say that I have built my empire, one run down building at a time.

  With that passion comes stress. When I need a stress reliever, I come to Club Manhattan. Grayson and Crystal have been wonderful hosts and friends to me over the years. I keep coming back in the hopes of someday meeting someone that can understand my passions and work ethic. But in the end, I still need to be in control. I’m in control of all aspects of my life. In and out of the bedroom.

  I want what Crystal and Grayson have. A successful business and a successful marriage. I have
been feeling the strong pull towards settling down. It doesn’t help that my parents who are getting older and are retired, would be thrilled if I got married. They say I’m too much of a workaholic and I need a good woman by my side. I’m not opposed to that. It just hasn’t happened. Yet.

  Bringing myself back to the moment, I can’t stop thinking just how mesmerized I am by this woman. When I noticed her from across to the crowded club, everything else faded away. The thumping beat of the music, and the erotic scene on stage. Everything else was blended into the background.

  She is a petite but curvy blonde with the most amazing blue eyes. Eyes that appear to have secrets behind them. I was enthralled with the way she was studying the performers on stage. She was watching them with an admiration and appreciation for their obvious arousal and the pleasures that they were giving each other. I noted that she would tilt her head to the side as if she was studying them like art. Like a painting in a gallery. I could tell this was her first time here. She has too much of that homegrown vibe to be heavily into this scene. But then again, I’m not sure if one has a certain look when it comes to the types of things that go on at this club.

  As I’m now sitting here with this gorgeous woman, I can’t help but wonder. What’s her story? I set down my drink and turned to her. “So… what did you think of Paul and Julia?”

  She gave me a quizzical look. “Who are Paul and Julia?”

  “Paul and Julia were the two players on stage earlier. It seemed like you were quite fascinated with their work.”

  She was a little nervous like I caught her doing something she shouldn’t and an immediate blush of pink tints her cheeks. I wonder where else on her body that she gets that wonderful glow. I could tell when I was watching her from across the room that, even from a distance, her breathing was fast, and she had to have been turned on, especially after watching the two players delivering such an erotic performance.


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