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Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two

Page 11

by Jennifer Louise

  “Mmmmm, baby… I can’t take any more… please…” Now his fingers were inside of me, twisting and curling until he found the spot. The spot that made me see stars. When the second and third orgasm tore through my body like a train, I was breathing and panting so hard that I thought I would pass out.

  He placed a final kiss to my overly sensitive bud and crawled up my body with an expression of a starved animal. His tongue circled the edge of my belly button before he spoke, “Shirt. Off. Now.”

  I loved when he gave me commands in his deep, masculine voice. It was the sexiest sound that made me tingle from head to toe.

  I made quick work of getting my shirt and bra off so that I was completely naked and bared to him. Completely open and vulnerable. Completely his.

  The buckle of his pants grazed my sensitive lower lips as he grinded his bulging member against me, still contained within his pants. He growled into my ear, “Take my cock out of my pants and show me what you’ve got baby.”

  As I grinded my hand against his bulge, he let out a hiss. “Fuck baby… you make me want to lose control with you. Be a good girl now and do what you’re told.”

  I loved when he got like this. It was his control and tone that made me want to please him. I quickly got his pants and boxer briefs down his muscular thighs and he yanked them the rest of the way down and off. Flinging them somewhere across the room.

  He scooted even further up the bed until his knees were on either side of my head and it was a perfect view of his thick, hard length. He was already dripping for me and my tongue couldn’t wait to taste him, as I licked the drops of dew from his engorged cock.

  “Fuck baby, I can’t hold back when you tease me like that.”

  “Then don’t.” I tilted my head forward and took as much of his hard length in my mouth as possible. I peered up at him to see him staring down at me with hooded eyes. I know he was battling with taking control and going easy on me. I made the decision for him. I grabbed his amazingly tight ass pulling him toward me, pushing him further into my mouth.

  I swallowed as much as I could, but he pulled back just as I fought the urge to gag. My eyes started to water, and he knew it was too much for me. I was in awe of this beast of a man still trying to take care of me while I was pleasing him.

  “Chloe.” He warned me with his raspy voice. I smiled up at him and sucked even more of him in my mouth. More than I thought possible. He tried to reign in his control of his thrusts as he slowly pumped in and out of my mouth. Oh, how I love the power this man has. But he knows he is long, thick length is too much for me and he warned me.

  “I think my baby girl needs to be punished for that.”

  Before I knew it, he pulled himself from my mouth with a popping sound and I was flipped onto my front and my ass was now in the air.

  I didn’t expect what was coming and feeling the sting of his hand as it collided with my ass sent a wave of pain and pleasure tingling up my spine.

  It was an alternating of pain and pleasure as his hand continued to connect with my skin, with soothing strokes in between. The muffled sounds of my moans and screams of pleasure echoed in the room.

  He voice was low and barely a raspy whisper in my ear as he leaned against my back. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say you did that on purpose.” I did want to please him as much as I loved the way he reacted to my defiance.

  I could feel his hard length rubbing me in my most sensitive places. My aching clit and the tingling of pleasure that was building in my wet, hot core.

  He reached around the front of me and roughly cupped my throbbing lower lips. I was a hair trigger away from coming undone, and he knew it. Yet he wasn't done teasing me. Just as I had teased him. His middle finger dragged back and forth along the ridge of my clit and my legs started to tremble and he dipped his finger into my soaking, wet core.

  His finger was coated in my juices and he made his descent to the puckering bud of my most sensitive area. I gasped with shock and then pleasure as his finger circled the bud of my ass and ever so slowly pushing his finger inside.

  My mind was at war with my head. I wasn’t sure if I wanted this, but I couldn’t stop him either. He sensed my thoughts immediately. “Chloe, I need you to trust me baby girl. I promise you, this will feel amazing. Relax. I’ve got you.”

  He continued pumping his finger in and out of my tight bud and I could feel myself relaxing and giving into the pleasure, rather than the pain. My moans were getting louder, and I wanted to climax just from this feeling.

  “Not yet Chloe. I’m just getting you ready for me.” And with that, he inserted another finger, essentially stretching me. I knew this would be a pivotal moment. I had never let anyone touch me there and I wanted to experience every first with him.

  As I rocked back and forth on his hand, I could feel my arousal dripping down my leg and he was placing soft kisses on my ass to soothe the sting of earlier.

  “Aidan… please.” I’m not sure what I was asking for but there were so many nerves of pleasure all firing at once that I didn’t know what to concentrate on.

  He reached around with his other hand again and pinched my bundle of nerves and I came instantly. As I was mid orgasm, I felt him slide his cock into my ass and it tripped off another even stronger orgasm in succession with the first. I didn’t have time to catch my breath. I just kept coming, over… and over…. again.

  His body was completely cocooning me from behind and I felt warm and safe in his arms. I felt the fears leave my body and I was reborn. Only after my body continued to shake with aftershocks of the most intense orgasm did I feel Aidan find his release. Always taking care of me and making sure my needs were met first.

  Chapter 21


  My eyes slowly came into focus as the first morning light streamed through the floor to ceiling windows of my bedroom. The events of yesterday feel like so far away, yet Chloe and I have yet to deal with them all. We made love off and on throughout the night and we passed out somewhere after midnight.

  I knew we needed to get up soon so that I could get her to the police station as I promised. But I wasn’t ready to let her out of my arms and let this euphoria end. I never thought my life would be so consumed with one person, but it was. I would have given anything to ensure Chloe’s safety and would have given my life to save her. Thankfully, that part of the nightmare is behind us. Now we just need to get through the tedious tasks of formerly pressing charges against that son of a bitch that tried to hurt her.

  My Chloe.

  My life.

  My world.

  Chloe started to stir in my arms and I kissed her ever so gently on the lips. “Good morning beautiful. How do you feel?” Seeing her here, in my bed, in my arms, was like something so normal and like we had been together forever.

  Without opening her eyes, she smiled up at me. “I’m a little sore and sleepy but you make me feel safe. Oh… and I love you.” We had only officially professed our love for each other out loud yesterday, but I will never get tired of hearing this amazingly strong, sexy, and beautiful woman telling me what I have always longed to hear.

  “I love you too baby. You know we need to get going soon. I promised I would take you to the police station this morning.” I hated to remind her but the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get on with our lives…together.

  “Ugh! Don’t remind me. Can’t we just stay in our little bubble for a while longer?” She pulled the sheets over her head, like she could ever hide from me. I was so in tune with her body and emotions now that it was like second nature.

  “As much as I would love nothing more, the sooner we go and get this over with the better.” It was a real struggle to get out of that bed, given the drama that we still had to face. And it was a “we”. We were in this together from here on out. No more secrets.

  We agreed it would be best to take separate showers even though it was killing me to be away from her. I was officially and totally a goner an
d I loved every feeling that went with it.

  We walked hand in hand up the steps of the police station and Chloe came to an abrupt stop. “Aidan, I don’t have to see Mark again, right?” You could see the fear in her eyes. I wanted to scoop her up in my arms and take her away from all of this.

  “Chloe. This is just a formality. They have him on enough charges to put him away for years, but they just need you to press charges for stalking and blackmailing you. The rest the police and prosecutors will handle.”

  As an attorney, I know she knew all of this but when it’s your own situation that you are dealing with, it’s hard to separate the two and think from this perspective.

  “I know Aidan. I’m sorry. My mind is still reeling from all that has happened, and I just can’t think straight. I’m so glad that you are here with me though. I wouldn’t be able to handle any of this without you.”

  “You are the strongest woman I know Chloe and I wouldn’t be anywhere else right now. I have a few things to add to this investigation too. The police are just lucky that he is already locked up or I would have hunted down that sick mother fucker!” I was mad at myself for not charging in her apartment and saving her myself. But, if the police would have taken any longer to get to her, I would have done whatever necessary to save her. I’m almost sorry that I didn’t get a crack at him.

  “Aidan just promise me that after all of this is over, we never mention his name again and that you tell me everything that you found out. I’m ready to get all of the secrets out of the way and put that part of my life away for good.”

  “I promise. I promise to never leave your side again or doubt your feelings for me. I promise to make you orgasm as many times as I can, for the rest of our lives.”

  That put a smile on her face. “Now, let’s go get this over with.”

  What started out as a brief morning meeting with the police, turned into an all-day ordeal. We thought it best to get our statements done and get the charges in motion so that there was no question as to if Mark was going to be released. There was enough evidence to hold him until trial that there was no chance in that happening.

  Chloe was a well-liked attorney and while the judge didn’t come right out and say it, she was afforded a professional courtesy. The judge ensured that Mark was denied any type of bail until his trial that would no doubt send him to prison.

  Over the course of giving her statement to the police, Chloe told them everything. Everything about her past relationship with Mark and the mental anguish and abuse that she endured when she was with him. She also told her tale of how she earned money to support her and her grandmother. She didn’t realize though that her grandmother saved that money to put her through college and that she ended up inheriting it all when she died.

  Chloe recapped the tale to the police that Mark told her about getting fired and was about to lose his house. That was motive for his stalking, blackmailing her, and false imprisonment. He needed money and would possibly have even stabbed her for it. Attempted murder was added to his long list of crimes.

  Chloe had such a hard upbringing that led to an even more sadistic relationship that my heart broke for her as she had to relive and tell her story. I see where she draws her strength from though and I love her that much more.

  Chapter 22


  Having Aidan hear about my past and getting it all out in the open was like a cleansing of sorts. It felt good to finally get it all out on the table but at the same time, I was exhausted. In the car ride home, I just wanted to curl up in his lap and have him tell me it was all going to be alright.

  So, that is what I did.

  When we got back to his condo, it was all I could do to keep my eyes open. We had been at the police station all day and I just couldn’t mentally function anymore.

  Aidan pulled me down on the couch so that I was seated in his lap and he was holding me tight. It was comforting for him to just hold me and gently rub my back. It was like he knew exactly what I needed at that moment.

  “Do you want to order some food, maybe have a glass of wine and chill in bed?” All of that sounded heavenly to me. “Aidan, all of that sounds great, but I’m not sure that I’m going to be great company tonight. Maybe I should just head home.”

  He stared at me with his soulful eyes. “Chloe I just want you to feel comfortable here and quite honestly, I don’t want you to leave. Ever.”

  I was searching his eyes and facial expression to decipher just what he meant by that. My heart was beating fast and thrilled at the thought of what I was hoping he meant… but I played it off.

  “Aidan, I have to leave eventually. I need to get back to work. My clients still need me.” My heart was beating wildly in anticipation of what he would say next.

  “Chloe. I think you should take some time off given everything that has happened. While I selfishly want you to stay here with me, you can’t exactly go home yet. Your apartment is still a crime scene.”

  How did I forget that? My mind has been so consumed with my ordeal, that I forgot my apartment was trashed by Mark.

  “So, I have taken the liberty of having your clothes packed up and brought over here. They are already in my closet. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Mind. My heart is soaring right now. I can’t believe he would be so thoughtful nor do I want to break the spell of this moment and my inner insecure self wants to ask what this means.

  As if reading my insecurities, he continues, “And if you don’t get tired of my snoring or the way I sing in the shower, how about you stay. Forever?”

  “Forever, huh?” I teasingly said back to him even though I wanted to jump up and down and scream like a little school girl. “I think I can do that!”

  Chapter 23


  Two months later….

  I didn’t get tired of his snoring. It was cute really. Not so much a snore but more like a deep breathing sound that I only heard if he fell asleep on his back. Most of the time, his body was curled around mine when we finally slept. Usually after hours of love making.

  And his singing in the shower, well that is another thing. The man is extremely handsome, well built, and sexy as fuck… but he cannot carry a tune to save his life. That is okay though. He’s mine and I don’t care about singing.

  I ended up giving up my apartment after the police cleared it. There wasn’t anything left to salvage after Mark trashed the place and it just held too many bad memories.

  The trial wouldn’t get scheduled for another several months, but Mark was awaiting trial behind bars and that is perfectly fine with me.

  I eventually got back to work and threw my energy into my cases. Now more than ever, I wanted to be an advocate for women whose husbands were divorcing them or vice versa. I typically only accepted women as clients, just because that was my preference, and I was wildly successful at winning for them.

  Aidan and I fell into a groove of cohabitating bliss. We each made a point of keeping our schedules within a decent time frame and were home around the same time at night to share dinner and snuggle time on the couch.

  Tonight, we were going to Club Manhattan. Where it all started for us. Where we could have a little play time in our favorite VIP room.

  When we got to the club and walked inside, I was surprised that nobody was there. It was as if the club was closed, and I said as much to Aidan. “Um…Aidan? Are you sure they are open tonight? It doesn’t look like anyone is here.”

  Aidan had a sheepish grin on his face. As tough and hard ass as he tried to be, he was terrible at keeping secrets. “Well my perceptive, inquisitive, beautiful lawyer… you are right. They are closed but Grayson and Crystal were kind enough to let us sneak in for a private party.”

  “A private party huh? What are we celebrating?” I realized as I was walking through the dimly lit room that I was stepping on something as I walked. Paper maybe? Had there been a party here already and there was trash on the floor?

  Slowly the hous
e lights came up and I glanced around in amazement. What I was walking on was…. Rose petals? I was trying to take it in all at once. Rose petals on the floor, roses in vases, everywhere, and there in the middle of the floor was a table set for two.

  As I was turning around to see where Aidan had gone off to, I was stunned into silence. He was behind me on bended knee with the sexiest smirk that I had ever seen. He had a long stem rose in one hand and a ring box in the other.

  “Chloe. You take my breath away. Your strength and determination to overcome all that you have, amazes me. A better person would have given up on love, but you radiate it. I want… no I need you in my life. I promise to tell you every waking moment that I love you… but first… will you marry me?”

  The glean of tears and love in his eyes and the sincerity in his voice was my undoing. I burst into tears as he scooped me into his arms and held me tight with promises of never letting me go. I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded my answer to him. I was grinning like a fool and didn’t care!

  He set me down on shaky legs but still holding me tight. He leaned back to gaze deeply into my eyes. “I swear to you Chloe. You will never again doubt how amazing you are, how beautiful you are, or how sexy you are! I will love you today, tomorrow, and always.”

  “I love you too Aidan. You have given me the greatest gift. You gave me my life back and for that I will be forever thankful. I would love nothing more than to be your wife.”

  We were drawn into the most amazing kiss. The passion and love that we found for each other was evident in every brush of our lips, every moan on our breath, and every touch of our hands.

  In my love-induced haze, I heard applause coming from behind us and realized that we were not alone. Crystal and Grayson were coming towards us with a bottle of champagne and glasses, with the brightest smiles on their faces.

  Grayson was the first to speak. “Hey you two. Congratulations! I must say that I never thought my boy Aidan here would ever settle down.” That comment won him an elbow to the ribs from his wife, Crystal.


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