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Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two

Page 18

by Jennifer Louise

  “What’s that?”

  “He’s going to turn him in. As much as John has been like a brother to my dad, this is the ultimate betrayal. And when this is all said and done, Karen will get her divorce. Just not on the grounds she originally thought.”

  “Well, damn.” How am I going to break this to Karen?

  Chapter 14


  My father is standing in his office, staring out at the harsh concrete that sits below his office window. Even though he let me do basic updates to his office, like installing a floor to ceiling, picturesque double paned glass window that he’s probably wishing he could leap out of. I’ve been trying to convince him for years to let me redesign his office building into something more modern or to move into mine, but he was always too sentimental about the current space. Saying that it was the first corporate purchase that he and John made when they became partners.

  Sadly, for my father and his company, the offshore account that John was funneling money to was, in fact, a front. He was moving money to this account for years, building up a balance in upwards of a billion dollars. When my father confronted him, he said he was just putting a few dollars away for retirement, and that it was his money anyway. The FBI didn’t see it that way, which is now why we are on our way to court so that my father can testify against his best friend and business partner.

  I cleared my throat as I entered my father’s office. “Hey, dad. We need to leave soon for the courthouse. Are you ready?”

  His face, that looks as though it has aged ten years since this whole shit storm started, is stoic and without emotion as he stands motionless in front of his window. His hands are set deep in the pockets of his neatly pressed suit as he contemplates his response. He doesn’t turn around to face me, but I can see the profoundly etched lines of worry reflecting at me through the mirrored effect of the large window.

  “How can anyone be ready for what I’m about to do. I’m testifying against someone who was like my brother, like a second father to you, and most importantly…. someone I trusted. How do you get ready for what comes next?”

  It pains me to see my father looking so distraught and worried. “Dad. First and foremost, John did this all on his own. You didn’t force him to do it. He was a greedy bastard for fucking up his life like this. And for what, for money that he didn’t need to steal. I’m sure if he had been smart over the years, he would have invested his earnings, instead of pissing and gambling it away. This is not your fault.”

  “I hear what you’re saying, Aidan. Really, I do. But I feel like I should have seen the signs and I would have gladly helped him with whatever he needed. But you don’t betray your family like this. This. This is something that you can never come back from.”

  I walk over to my father, who is still looking for answers through the glass and I clap him gently on the back. “Dad. We really need to get going. Chloe, Mom, and Karen are all meeting us at the courthouse.”

  With a firm nod, we exit the building that housed my father’s legacy, with him vowing to take some time off and put life into perspective.

  Arriving at the courthouse was mayhem as a storm of reporters and bystanders rushed our car trying to get a glimpse of the nefarious case that would take New York by the pockets and turn them inside out. I have never been one to shy away from the cameras, except today. Today, my main concern was to get my father into the courthouse as unscathed as possible.

  Exiting the car, there were reporters shouting questions at us.

  “How does one of New York’s most prestigious real estate development firm, get swindled by one of its own?”

  “What do you think this is going to do to your reputation?”

  “Mr. Montgomery, do you have anything to say to Mr. Williams?”

  That last question gave my father pause and I saw the hopeful look on the reporters face that he might get a comment. If it wasn’t for my urging, my father may have let him know exactly what he felt about the situation and what he wanted to say to John.

  We found our way to the courtroom and settled in behind the firm’s team of lawyers representing us as the victims in the case. Losing a billion dollars to John’s embezzlement wasn’t going to cripple the company monetarily, but it was going to take a while to build back the trust that was stolen.

  Chloe and my mother joined my father and me in the courtroom as we sat and waited for the judge to arrive and begin. Not surprising, Karen, John’s soon to be ex-wife, also joined us to show her solidarity and to prove where her loyalties stood. Our friends Grayson and Crystal Morrison from Club Manhattan were also there to show their support.

  When all was said and done, and after hours of testimony and exhibits, the judge convicted John Williams, of intent to defraud and embezzlement. He sentenced him to ten years in prison, given the amount of money that was stolen over the years. John sat, eyes facing forward, listening to the somber words of the judge, and realizing that the life that he had been accustomed to, would cease to exist.

  When John was being led out of the courtroom, he stopped, and his eyes traced briefly over our subdued faces. I thought he would want one last word with his wife. Instead, he said, “Hey Roxie! Maybe next time. Huh, kid!” And with that, he was led away.

  Her gasp was heard around the room, as Chloe stood next to me trembling, with her hand pressed to her lips, trying to hold back her tears. I was ready to leap out from behind the railing and smash the man’s face, regardless of where I was. My father had the foresight to grab my arm, just in case. I protectively put my arms around her and pulled her into my chest, to shield her from the cameras that were all trained on her for her reaction. That bastard just had to deflect this horrible ordeal back on her. He knew of her involvement with this case as much as he had known who she was the entire time. My sweet, vulnerable girl has been through so much. And he just couldn’t let it go. But she is strong, and she will get through this too.

  We made our way outside and through the hordes of vultures waiting for us to emerge and needing to pepper us with myriads of questions and comments.

  “Who’s Roxie?”

  “How do you feel about the verdict?”

  “When’s the wedding?”

  That last question had us looking at each other as we rushed past the mob and into our waiting cars. We have been so busy with our careers and life in general that we haven’t talked about it.

  When we were safely tucked into the car and driver that I had waiting for us, and with my parents and Karen in the car behind us, my only thought was to get Chloe home and put this cluster fuck of a day behind us.

  I heard a deep inhale and exhale of breath beside me. Chloe looked up at me with a pleading look. “We should sit down soon and talk about wedding plans. But first, I need to get out of my head. Aidan. Take me to the club.”

  I gave her a warm smile and tucked a stray hair behind her ear, and my finger slowly traced down the side of her neck. “Are you sure you don’t want to just head home and relax? It’s been a long day.”

  “I’m sure. I want to forget everything, and I need you to make me forget.”

  I cleared my throat to get the driver's attention and quickly gave him our change in plans and texted my father to let him know we were going somewhere, other than home. When we pulled up to the club, I hadn’t thought about if they were open or not. We were just with Grayson and Crystal at the courthouse and they weren’t here yet. It was late in the afternoon, but they usually didn’t open this early. I quickly sent off a text to Grayson asking if we could go in, and he happily gave me the code to the private entrance.

  It was a bit eerie being inside the club when it was closed. The usual lights and music that thumped like a heartbeat weren’t present, but it still felt like a second home to me. This club has been a sanctuary of escapes and pleasures. And since Chloe, it holds fond memories for the both of us.

  We made our way up to our favorite VIP room so that I could pamper and soothe away the stress that we have
been under. But since it was Chloe’s suggestion to come here, I suspected that she needed this more.

  Entering the dark room, I opted for soft lighting using the remote on the wall, along with her favorite piano music. She once told me that the twinkling sound of the keys soothed her, with Mozart and Beethoven as her go-to composers. Whatever she needed at this moment, I was going to give her.

  Her tentative movements in the room, with her hand skittering along the unadorned furniture, still amazed me. As many times as we have been here, she was still nervous. But the one thing that she never wavered on, was my commands.

  “Clothes off Chloe.” She froze in the middle of the room, with her back to me. One breath in, and out as if letting the sensations of the room wash over her and calm her back to her center. She compiled quickly, letting her dress fall and pool at her feet, kicking off her shoes in the process, and waited for her next task.

  “All of it.” Her nimble fingers reached around to her back and unhooked her lacy black bra, casting that quickly to the side. Her red polished nails glinted in the dim light as her thumbs hooked in the waistband of her lace thong, to slide down her amazingly toned legs.

  She stood still, with her back to me, her head slightly bent down, and eyes cast towards her feet, in a submissive position. I didn’t treat her as one, but when we are in this room, it feels like a natural stance to take.

  I walked up behind her without touching her, but enough for her to feel the warmth of my body enveloping around her. Her hair was up, exposing her neck, as I softly blew warm air across her back, eliciting a shiver and prickles along her skin. Her hands were at her sides, fidgeting as she tapped her thigh to an imaginary piano, in tune with the music around her. Her eyes closed, and her head lolled back as I continued to blow softly and every so often, lightly brush my lips across the smooth planes of her back. She was slowly starting to relax, blow by blow and kiss by kiss.


  “I’ve got you. I’m right here… always.” I softly whispered to her as my left arm encircled her waist, steadying her, and pulling her tight to my body. My right hand grasped hers at her side, and I lifted our joined hands to find her lower lips already dripping for me. She gasped as I placed her fingers underneath mine and pressed them down to circle her clit, adding pressure to her bundle of nerves.

  “You like that… don’t you baby?” She nods but doesn’t break her stride.

  “I’m going to get you there. I promise.” She lets out a soft cry.

  Without prompting, we both started to sway softly to the sound of the classic piano songs that enveloped us in the room. Her left hand reached behind her to trace my already hard cock, straining through the dress pants of my suit. My hand was still guiding hers along her pussy, as we worked together, worshiping her folds, and building the pace to where she wanted our hands to go.

  “Aidan, I – I need…” Her eyes were squeezed shut, her head was resting on my shoulder, and our hands were working at a feverish tandem. Her soft mewls and groans, were my own personal mediating music.

  “You don’t need my permission baby girl. Just let go.” And with that, she let herself experience an explosive orgasm, as I caught her weight with my arm, still firmly planted around her waist. Her heaving chest and short pants of breaths were added to the sweet melodies wafting around us in our private room.

  When her eyes came back into focus, she turned around in my arms, grabbing the hand of mine that was stroking her reverently, and placed it into her mouth. Her eyes fluttered briefly as she tasted herself on my fingers.

  A wicked smile splits across her beautiful face. “My turn.”

  Chapter 15


  This. This is exactly why I wanted to come to the club today. I needed this. Him. My beautiful, caring, worshiping man. He peered down at me with his caramel colored eyes, almost black from desire. Uttering those two words, is the most empowering feeling, considering the look that I am getting right now.

  “My turn,” I say again. Just in case he didn’t hear me the first time. I drop to my knees in the soft carpeted room in our favorite club. The place that we met, the place that we got engaged, the place that holds so many first for us.

  He watches me from his full height, towering above me, and looking at me like I am his forever. I make quick work of undoing his pants and freeing his hard cock, marveling each time at how sexy he looks and how he looks at me when I’m on my knees.

  There are drops of pre-cum at his tip that I’m all too eager to lick and swirl it around the head of his cock with my mouth. I see his hands at his sides, clenching and unclenching as if he is trying to control himself. I know he wants to take control, and I want to let him.

  I peer up at him through my lashes as I make my first pass with my mouth down his hard length, flattening my tongue and sucking as I go. As I slowly pull back and chase my mouth with my hand, I look at him and give him what he wants.

  “Go ahead. Grab my hair and take it. Take control of my mouth.”

  His eyes close for the briefest of moments, as he removes the clip from my hair, letting it fall around us. He uses his dominant hand to gather my blonde locks, twisting them to the brink of pain. He knows my cues and he knows how hard to grab. I look at him again and give him a nod, and that nod is all it takes for my powerful, authoritative man to take control.

  He guides my mouth back into place. My hands rest lightly on his strong, muscular thighs as he finds the rhythm that he’s satisfied with. He makes love to my face with my name as a whisper and chant, mingling with the melody of the piano keys.

  He speeds up when he finds his stride and I gently massage his sensitive spot between his legs, knowing his own shuddering orgasm is imminent. His head falls back, and a growl vibrates from his chest. His body shakes as I hold onto his powerful thighs, riding him through as he empties himself into my mouth.

  He reaches down to help me to my feet and instantly crashes his mouth to mine, tasting himself as I did before. We are both lost in this moment. Our tongues searching for dominance, as he pulls back and gently bites, then sucks my lower lip.

  “I need to be inside you.” Breathless, grabbing, and touching me everywhere, all at once.

  He walks us backward towards the bed, stripping his clothes off as we go. His shirt tossed, pants drop, shoes get thrown at a feverish pace. I am vibrating with what is to come. My body is humming, waiting for the pleasures that we are about to feel, together.

  No pretenses, no hindrances, no bondage of any kind. Just him and I, taking in each other as we find purchase on the bed. The weight of his body, from my chest to my toes is grounding and centering, as we continue to kiss. But I need more. Aidan senses my next move as he gathers my legs below my knees, hooking them over his shoulders and opening me up for him.

  The first thrust is always the most shuddering experience. The body and mind know what’s coming next. The pleasures that are primal and the sensations that are indescribable.

  Aidan loves to talk to me during sex, and I must admit, I crave it. Even though I don’t talk back, his words rev me up as much as the feel of his cock and the way he moves inside me. My legs fall off his shoulders, and the wrap around his trim waist, locking us together.

  Aidan’s breath tickles my ear as he finds his pace with the rhythm of my body. “Can you feel that baby? It’s just me and you. I love you so fucking much.”

  “I love you too.” The only breathy words I can utter as my mind goes blank. This is exactly what I wanted. To forget. To relax. I needed this time alone with Aidan. Our entire relationship has been a crazy, topsy-turvy, merry go round. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I continue to draw from his strength and I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life.

  Aidan has his entire body wrapped around mine as he rolls to flip us over so that I’m now on top. The view from my perch is amazing and I know he can see the passion that is evident on my face. This position is more intimate and personal to me. It is his way of sho
wing me that I’m important to him and that I can have control when I need it. He can look intimately into my eyes and I can see the love from his eyes.

  “Chloe. You’re so beautiful. I’m so lucky to have you in my life.” I blush, hard. My entire body is lit red. But the way I respond to that is to grind down on his crotch and flex my channel so that everything tightens, and it feels like a vice around his hard cock.

  “Baby. You are so tight when you do that.” I want to move, but he has me by the hips and locks me in place.

  “Just give me a minute to enjoy this.” Even though I’m on top, he needs a monochrome of control with his emotions too. His head turns to the side and his back arches, trying to settle as deep inside me as he can. The movement throws me off balance and I brace myself on his chest. My fingernails lightly scratch his chest and he winces.

  Only when he is satisfied with my position does he let me move. I rock and bounce so that my breasts are dancing in front of his face and he is mesmerized by the sight. Men. It doesn’t take much to distract them.

  He pulls me down so that we are completely touching again. He needs to kiss me. He needs my contact as much as I need his. We continue our pace, but we still need more, as he flips us back over again, so that he is once again staring into my eyes.

  He grinds down on me to hit the spot that makes me see stars. The spot that makes me whimper and cry. The spot that makes me explode. His fast and feverish pace makes my orgasm double, if not triple in intensity, and I lose all my breath.

  “Yes, baby, yes. Give me everything.” His words sound distant in my ear as I float off into another dimension. I vaguely hear him grunt his own release.

  “Breathe Chloe.” He reminds me to breathe because I no longer have control over my body. I’m spent, boneless, and thoroughly fucked.


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