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Second Genesis

Page 13

by Eric Williams

  Before she could finish her words, Trevor moved in the blink of an eye, to putting his right hand over her mouth. “Just shut it. It is my place to wake her, not yours.”

  She took his hand off her mouth and shoved him back a few feet. “She should have been woken days ago Trevor… DAYS AGO! The Olympian Tribunal is already considering approaching this human order when it should be us! You’ve dilly dallied too long brother, now open this goddamn door before I bring this fucking house down!”

  No one told Trevor what to do, except a select few, and certainly not Camilla. He walked up to her and placed his left hand around her throat. He lifted her off the ground before she could stop him. His own eyes darkened. Every tooth in his mouth became like razors. “You are out of line!” He said.

  Trevor looked around his wine cellar. He saw the glass encasements of his wine busted. He noticed the numerous dents in the titanium reinforced walls. This furthered his rage that he kept tucked away. He flung her against the far wall. When she hit, she came up quickly, in an instant. She growled, sounding like a ferocious lion and charged at him.

  The two engaged in a brief combat resembling martial arts, only with their hands attacking, no kicking was involved. They simply dodged each blow, and swipe, until Trevor caught her right arm, and twisted it to the breaking point. She yelled out when he tossed her again. “The next time, it's your head, now back off!” He growled.

  He was stronger than her, faster. She knew she couldn’t beat him in a fair fight, so she relented to making lion like growls.

  Trevor walked over to a door in the room. He noticed the claw marks in the metal. He rolled his eyes right as they turned back.

  There was a small thumb indention that was hard to see. You’d have to had paid close attention to find it in the first place. He pressed his thumb into the metal indent, a pressure sensor behind it, caused an unseen panel to open, sliding to the side. He looked over his shoulder at his hissing sister. “Had you broken this panel, we really would have had to tear my home to the ground to reach the cavern, now if I were you, i would work on that anger of yours.”

  Listening from above, the entire house staff paid attention. Their own dark eye lenses had dropped, and their fangs had exposed. Trevor was the Alpha here, and this was his nest of vampires to govern.

  The panel that opened up, had an ocular scanner. He pressed a hand print module, and the green laser activated, scanning his human looking eyes. With his identity confirmed, the wall began to raise upwards. It made a few cranking noises as the mechanism tried to compensate for the dents his sister had installed.

  The entrance to a cave revealed itself. Trevor’s eyes grew black again, so he could see in the dark. He walked down a stalagmite infested tunnel for more than half a mile underground, meanwhile his sister slowly followed behind. He knew she was there, but that didn’t matter now. At the end of the tunnel was what mattered most now.

  The further he walked, he began to notice a blue glow. A strange moss was giving off a faint blue light the deeper he got. It was everywhere.

  The main chamber was massive. Stalagmites were everywhere, and the cavern chamber itself, a mile long, and hundred yards wide. There was a small underground lake present. The moss was also aquatic and lit up the subterranean pool.

  He looked up. Beside the cavern’s rocky growths, were human sized embryonic sacs, hanging, seven of them. The creatures inside were hanging upside down as bats did. He took a moment to look at the white slimy sacs and made sure the purple veins growing along their outer membranes were slowly moving. His eyes zoomed in on the furthest one. Inside the translucent shell, he could see the batlike face of a beast inside it, female in form, and savage in appearance.

  Trevor kept focusing on that one. He chattered his teeth to the point it looked like they vibrated together. He sent out a sonar wave, penetrating the embryonic membrane at the far end. A few moments later the nosferatu inside began to stir. He could see her open up her black eyes. Then he watched as her clawed wings, burst out of the back. The single finger on the wing used its claws to rip open the front, till finally the white skinned creature was free.

  Her wings caught the cavern air and glided across the lake. She was bald, nosferatu in form, aside from having wings which most legends argued. Her batlike face came closer into view as her long-pointed ears adjusted themselves. Her clawed feet touched the earth and grasped it, meanwhile her wings folded and drew inside her back, through the same scar looking slits that Trevor had. These weren't scars, they were coverings, that allowed their wings to remain concealed.

  She was naked, bestial. Not a single hair was seen. She tilted her monstrous head and opened her mouth, revealing curved sharp teeth, from her incisors, canines, to her molars, all were sharpened. “Thanatos?” She hissed.

  “I go by Trevor now my queen.” He said while taking a bow. Camilla honored her as well. “Why, is Camilla here?” The Grand Alpha’s voice hissed with a lion like undertone.

  Camilla tried to speak but felt halted. “Ninlil, she means well.” Trevor said.

  “You call me by my first name.” The creature said.

  Her body began to change. A healthy skin pigmentation flourished as her batish face became that of a beautiful young woman. She had long red hair, that curled perfectly once it morphed from her white skin as it changed. She had a crescent moon shaped birthmark on her right shoulder, that hid itself with her radiant hair. Her claws molded into perfectly manicured nails. Seconds later, a model stood before him, stunning, perfect.

  Her voice became soft, sweet even. “Trevor, has it been three hundred years already? I don't feel as if it has.”

  “No, my queen. Something has happened.” He said while kneeling.

  Her green eyes became black with that response. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN? WHY HAVE I BEEN AWOKEN?”

  Trevor stood up and walked over to her. She grasped his face, while causing his lips to pucker. She looked into his eyes. A telepathic glimpse of events flowed from his eyes into hers. She released him. “A comet was our source?” She said gasping. All this time, she as so many others of the different immortal races had assumed other, more supernatural means to their origins. She also glimpsed the new world order, and their plea. The woman seemed overwhelmed.

  “You should have woken me sooner Trevor.” She said kindly. Which prompted Camilla to stand up.

  “I told my brother he should have. The Olympian Tribunal is planning as we speak to go to the humans. My queen, Lilith, this is the chance you’ve always spoke of. You can beat the Aeonians of the Olympian Tribunal by reaching out to the mortals first and finally allow the races of the night their chance to come out of the shadows. You wished revenge upon them, beating them at their own game can give us the edge we have all so longed for.”

  Trevor looked over his shoulder as Ninlil walked around him. “Humans and our kind, coexisting. And the Aeonians, no longer the apex in man’s eyes... Tell me Trevor, do you trust this new world order and its leaders?”

  He didn’t hesitate. “The Madam Supreme is reasonable, she’s native American in origin my queen, and carries her people’s views of nature and peace. I trust her, and some of the others. But... Camilla is right. You’ve looked for centuries to redeem your name. This hiding in the shadows, forced upon us by our enemy’s actions. The defamation of your very name must end, and now it can. You have a chance to rewrite what the other immortals have written into legend about you. Ninlil, Lilit, Sud, this is your chance. Either way, our kind has been exposed. As we speak, thousands of new vampires are emerging thanks to this comet, along with countless other immortal beings. We can’t allow the other houses to usurp you once again. Or the so called self-proclaimed gods their chance to sway humans to their line of thinking again.”

  Ninlil nodded. “I agree. We have been the monsters long enough. Their laws have oppressed us for far too long.” She looked around. Her own self-righteous expressions emerged “So many names, I’ve almost forgotten most of them.” She smile
d. That smile didn't’ last. A thought came to her, something she longed for, aside from ascending the races of the night. “Tell me, have you found my child? My sweet Aaliyah. And the bastard Jaxalon who took her from me?”

  Camilla had no idea why Trevor waited as long as he did while collecting other truths. His tone deepened, but it wasn’t a happy one. “My queen. The infant you bore that was taken by the immortal conclave’s leader, I regret to inform you...She has died.”

  The woman stood there cold as stone, no emotion flushed across her face, but a single teardrop fell. “She’s dead then?”

  Camilla grew silent as her jaw dropped.

  “Ninlil, I have evidence to prove, that she grew up along with her name being changed to Sara. For a time, she apparently was ignorant of her origins. Jaxalon manipulated his human puppets of the Order, The Hand to brainwash your daughter. She thought herself to be the child of an angel, their twisted dogmatic imprinting, manipulated her I regret to say. Jaxalon used her against the enemies you both shared.”

  Ninlil looked up at the cavern ceiling. Her breathing staggered. She tried her best to contain her rage. “What of Fentice and Jaxalon?”

  Trevor sighed. “Jaxalon used her to slay the fiend Fentice, and when the truth exposed itself, your daughter destroyed the very one that stole her from you. Jaxalon is dead, as is his brother.”

  Ninil exhaled as a second teardrop fell. “Every child, I have ever bore from my womb, has been either taken or killed. And for that, I shall again take their own from them.”

  Camilla blurted, “My queen, that's why they twisted your past from stealing the children of your immortal enemies into the children of men, please, let that past die.” Camilla looked at Trevor. “Why didn’t you tell me you found out about the Heir?”

  Trevor scoffed, “Why do you think I was taking my time to wake her? I needed to find proof.” Trevor then returned his gaze to his queen.

  Ninlil had a red glow behind her pitch-black eyes. It looked like someone was shining a laser pointer through her skull, lighting up the black center. “How did my daughter end?”

  Trevor looked away as he spoke. “Sara tried to out the immortal world once she discovered the truth of Jaxalon’s lies. They killed her for attempting to break the covenant of keeping our world secret. Along with a half breed daughter, and the half breed’s own children.”

  The naked woman sat down on a rock suddenly. She lost her composure. “I had grandchildren?”

  Trevor nodded. “A Dhampir named Cecilia, and her three dhampling grandchildren.”

  Ninlil sat there naked and sobbing. She curled up, holding her knees tightly against her breasts. “I’ve never had grandchildren before.”

  She looked up. “WHO KILLED THEM?”

  Trevor shook his head. “Your daughter was killed by the Immortal Conclave, or at least that's what it appears. Your grandchildren, i can only assume the same.”

  He gave her a few moments to cry. Ninlil had lost so many over the years. Each child slain before they could truly enter their prime, despite her best efforts to protect them. After she stopped sobbing, Trevor continued. “My queen, I am heartily sorry to bring you this news. But I must request that you take out your revenge, by forging your alliances with the human world now. It's the best way to end five millennia of oaths that our oppressors enforced upon us. Forge a new covenant with the mortals, force the others into submission for a change. They’re are already packs, nests and prides that will ally with you, along with Poseidon, he’s broken away from the Tribunal. Please, we have little time to act. There are thousands of newly created original vampires coming into their own, as are countless other immortal beings created from this Aeon Strain, the source of us all. If we break the covenant laws the old so-called gods enforced upon all immortals by allying with the humans before they can, we can begin to rewrite history and have the upper hand over the other immortals. If we recruit now, we can beat the other immortals at their own games. We need to act, and we must act now…”

  Ninlil stood up and tilted her head back. She thought for a moment, taking a few seconds of silence before replying. “I take it you have a plan?”

  Trevor smiled. “I call it, The Society of Night…”

  She smirked. “It will do. I'll also need a new name for this new world.”

  She growled, “Contact Anubis as well, make him an offer. I need a strong lycanthrope Grand Alpha at my side, If he won’t agree, you know which of the other Grand Alpha’s I wish to side with. We also need to make plans, form a new council for this Society of Night, and also… Another task…”

  Trevor shrugged prompting the naked vampire to announce something else. “I want all information in regard to this Aeon Strain, as well as the quarantine facilities they are being housed in. Once the other Grand Alpha’s we know I can trust side with us. We must make large scale blood pacts with these newly emerging immortals before another faction can perform it. We can’t afford additional Grand Alpha’s emerging Trevor. Get to it.” She then looked at Camellia, “You too!”

  Ninlil turned around and faced the cavern. Her eyes looked upward. There was no sense in the other elders sleeping now that their world had been exposed. She opened her mouth, and screamed a high-pitched cry infused with a lion’s roar. Moments later, each sac fastened to the cavern’s ceiling began to stir....

  Chapter 7


  Two solid months had passed since Trevor entered the cavern of the elders that he had guarded. After that, a redheaded beauty approached the World Parliament by the name of Lillian Rutherford, claiming to be a Grand Alpha. A mutual accord began.

  Site 8 was an underground quarantine facility that originally was created to house terrestrial life in the event a comet or meteor hit earth, that or nuclear fallout. Instead it had been upgraded to house thousands of humans infected by the deadly Mellitus-32 virus. It was one of 309 worldwide, now Aeonians and Immortium alike joined the quarantined ranks.

  Site 8 was the closest facility to Bastion City, and the largest. It was shaped like an underground box. It rested two miles underground beneath a hospital recently erected in a new settlement area called Horizon Pines. It was a forest secluded township, in what was once known as upstate New York, close to where Rochester used to be before World War III. The town was well laid out, triangular in shape, having a wall built to its exteriors like Bastion City had. The thriving community here had some idea that a quarantine facility laid just beneath their feet. Many visitors would come year-round to visit with family members surviving the Mellitus-32 infection. Sadly, never again could they hold their loved ones ever again, but visit them from behind thick glass walls, much like a prison in some respects.

  The facility was the chosen research base for Aaron Battle. The massive brick styled complex above had the World Health Organization’s banner across its doors. Most vaccines were developed in the east wing, while cutting edge medical procedures were performed throughout the rest of the complex. The real miracles however, were occurring beneath the surface.

  Aaron was sitting in what could only be described as the helm of a space ship, though it wasn't. It was the command center of the complex beneath the research facility above. He was waiting on members of Parliament to arrive, along with the newly appointed liaison for at least the Immortium community, Lillian Rutherford. They were due in tomorrow, and Aaron had to prepare reports on the first to regenerate before others would be permitted to be revived.

  Today was called Resurgence Day. Thousands of humans bitten and mauled to death by infected animals were finally permitted to regenerate, that was of course, depending on how the first twelve did. Only those that had their hearts intact could possibly resurrect if they had been infected. The first twelve subjects were chosen to go first and pioneer the way. Of the twelve to have approval was Xairin Thunder. Aaron had seen to that. He had a soft spot for what the man had endured and wished to honor his agreement with detective Huxley.


  Room seven.

  Aaron watched twelve monitors diligently. Each one, showcased a victim being thawed out. Each body had been mauled and dismembered to the point of death, now, their bodies were heating up. Aaron sat curiously, spectating.

  In room seven, Xairin’s body had been covered with a hospital gown like the others, a blue one. His body had been thawing out for almost an hour just like the other twelve. No one was in the white sterile room with him aside from monitoring equipment attached to his body.

  Aaron was watching everything from a viewing screen. Each of the victims laid there, perfectly still in their blue gowns. Lifeless. He was slowly raising the temperature in each room, hoping to see if their cells began to speed up. Finally, after two hours of waiting, Aaron noticed cellular activity beginning to increase on one of the scanners revealing the details going on inside Xairin’s body first.

  Doctor Battle was curious. The cells in Xairin’s heart were flourishing faster than he had anticipated compared to the others. Aeonians and Immortium both didn’t have bone marrow. All blood cells were produced in the heart now. Their bones had become a hardened form of alien cartilage, mimicking bone, but it wasn't. It was gray in color, and more than a hundred times the density it formerly had. This new hardened tissue was flexible, like rubber, accounting for their unparalleled agility, not to mention the ability to expand and change shape which aided in the physical transformations that the different Immortium species were capable of.


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