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Second Genesis

Page 22

by Eric Williams

  Ethan smiled. “That is a good question. As you all know, when an Alpha dies, or when an Alpha allows it is the usual time such thins transpire. But, there are other ways to increase your caste development. Thralls for example. Most immortals can control ten or so as an Omega. Deltas can control more and so on. When you create thralls, it helps bolster your own cellular structures when they sense the bonding links that form. The more thralls you can control, the more likely you will evolve on your own.”

  Ethan looked around the room. Now that we have covered evolving, we need to talk about blood pacts. There is no video on it currently. Given that each of you are a brand new immortal capable of creating your own lines, you have no true Alpha to answer too. This is both a blessing and a curse. You see, there are immortals that belong to a sect known as the Conclave, that would love to control the masses of immortals growing around the world. All it takes for one of these crafty immortals to perform, and enslave each and every member of this room, is one of the same species offering you their blood. Their blood can enter your body, and override your cells granting them control and becoming your Alpha. One of many reasons we don't feed on one another. A vampire for example, serving the conclave could, so long as they are a higher caste than you, could slip their own blood into your blood supply and attempt to make you part of their nest.”

  The prospects of that announcement terrified most in the room. For Xairin, he instantly realized it was nothing more than modern day slavery. He gasped.

  Ethan continued his lesson. “We at the Society of Night are also offering this blood pact. Part of the reason each of you are in here. You will become part of my own nest, should you wish it. Drinking my own blood for example. That way you become loyal to the Society, and these rogue immortals can’t force you all into servitude.”

  Xairin didn't like that idea either, however some in the room were way too receptive to the idea. Xairin looked around as the room was filled with eager beavers, ready and willing to accept Ethan’s blood. Others like Xairin were skeptical. Xairin voiced his concerns. “What’s to say you wouldn’t enslave us either?”

  Ethan eyed the man down, he knew it was a legitimate concern, but wasn’t budging in expressing the Society's will. “You’re right, but think about this will you? We came here of our own free will and have been working right alongside humans to achieve cohabitation. If we wanted to enslave you Mr. Thunder, we would have contaminated your drinking water with our blood to assure control. I am here today to offer it as a choice. But mark my words, immortal wars have raged over this planet for centuries. Each time, trying to usurp control and dominion. You can either join willingly with my nest which values human life like we do, and become a member of the society, or take the risk of more nefarious immortals scheming to undermine this cohabitation and attempt dominion over both mortals and immortals alike.”

  The Alpha wasn’t giving many much chance to think. He knew he had some strong-willed people in the room and quickly went to pushing the agenda. He had to carry out the orders, even if it meant attempting some mind control to pull it off. He pulled out a golden chalice, plainly decorated. He grew his claws and cut his left wrist and dripped enough in the cup until the rim was nearing. “I am going to pass this cup around the room, and we can all join in style, or you can refuse it. It is all up to you. Take a sip like you would in communion and pass it to the next vampire beside you. Pass if you want, it will not matter to me, but I will say this. The Global Alliance and The Society of Night will both not permit you leaving quarantine until you have signed on the dotted line, your agreement to join the Society of Night, or the Global Alliance’s military units.” He smiled, “There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Now you know when you will be released. Drink up or stay here. That is on you.”

  Xairin was shocked. His jaw was nearly hitting the floor. He couldn’t believe this was happening. No choice, either do, or remain confined. He watched as the chalice began making its rounds. Some took a sip eagerly, others sat there and broke into a sweat before relenting. It was going in slow motion for Xairin.

  He watched the cup coming closer and closer. I don’t want to be controlled. But I don’t want to live here forever either. I need to get home to K2. But this just feels wrong. He thought.

  The young woman sitting in front of him took a quick sip without hesitation and turned around offering Xairin his turn. His eyes widened with fear. He was afraid. He had recalled a few videos on Alphas controlling their lesser caste members. He was scared to death of losing his individuality and becoming a mindless drone if Ethan so wished. He sat there and slowly reached for the chalice. He held it in front of him for what seemed like ten minutes as his mind raced. Ethan called out. “We don’t have all day, either drink it or pass it to the person behind you Mr. Thunder.”

  Xairin looked up with a distraught glare. He knew he didn’t have an option in the matter. Right when Ethan began walking closer or take the cup and pass it on for him, Xairin closed his eyes and took a sip. He turned around and handed it to the man sitting behind him. “Good boy.” Ethan taunted.

  Vampire blood was bitter, like drinking highly acidic lemon juice. Xairin’s mouth was puckering as he held the sip in his mouth, trying his best not to swallow it. The cells in his mouth however forced their way into the glands in his mouth. He didn’t need to swallow it. Instantaneous knowledge presented itself. They were already working on his biology to link him and Ethan. Finally, Xairin just swallowed with a dry gulp. At this point Xairin wished he had evolved into an Alpha but it occurred to him that the Alphas had to be being imprinted by the grand Alphas. Either way, he was in Ethan’s nest now.

  Ethan noticed another person hesitating. He rolled his eyes. “Some of you act like I’m going to turn you into mindless automatons. I am simply making sure that none in this room fall victim to being forced into blood pacts by immortals belonging to factions against humanity.”


  The bunk bed.

  Later that night Xairin managed to fall asleep in his bunk bed. Unlike the others, he was breaking into a sweat as his own blood was resisting Ethan’s control. His cells became like army ants fighting against the Alpha’s cells attempting to link with them. Something about his own blood was resisting it.

  He got up, waking from his sheets soaking wet with sweat. His mouth was dry. He was afraid of having a nightmare or night terror but felt some odd peace instead, just annoyed at the moisture.

  He hadn’t really taken a drink of water, so he walked over to the water fountain in the room and took a sip, hoping it would help his dry mouth. The thoughts of the water being contaminated by another immortal’s blood came to mind and caused him to get a little frustrated.

  Most of the other vampires were either working out, sitting off to themselves or sleeping. Xairin decided he would take a shower and try and cool off, that and get the sticky feeling rinsed away.

  He stood there naked as the water his back. He felt his body and began lathering up. The same thought came to mind. What if the water is contaminated and I’m standing here showering in it? He then figured Ethan’s blood would at least keep him safe.

  Xairin could feel a weak link to Ethan, a very weak link. Inside his body, a war was being raged. Unbeknownst to Xairin, something in his blood resisted Ethan’s cells, but not completely. His brain cells did from a latent link, but that was about it. The next invasion however was occurring. Ninlil’s blood was in the water to cover those that refused submitting to an Alpha. She was taking no chances.

  His cells felt a familiarity with both Ethan’s blood, had Lillian contaminated the water supply, her being a grand Alpha, her blood could have overridden the pact, but she hadn’t done that yet. So far, all the immortals were complying, those that rebelled, unknown to them, some psychic influences had been performed. Without Xairin even having a clue, his blood identified the parallels to his own blood, and that of Ethan’s. Somehow there was a similarity., which allowed his cells to rebuke most of the pac
t. At the cellular level, Ethan’s blood was one step away from Xairin’s. His cells used this to their advantage, and managed to begin devouring them, aside from the link that had formed with Ethan, a link his cells were looking to overthrow in time.

  He laid back down after changing his sheets and wearing only the white scrub bottoms. He laid on top of the sheets hoping to cool off. He managed to get some rest, despite feeling a little hot and feverish. Xairin took it as the linking process.

  Inside Xairin’s body, his cells began to bolster and awaken. They developed additional spikes. He wasn’t becoming a Beta or an Alpha, but a stronger Delta without even knowing it. Something in his blood was waking up more than it had already.



  The next day Xairin walked down a long hallway that never seemed to end, escorted by another vampire in Red Kevlar. He had an insignia on his shoulder. It had a crescent moon with the letters. TSON, one letter at the top, sides and at the bottom of the moon in silvery embroidery. Xairin didn’t say much, nor did the Society guard. He escorted Xairin into a small room with a beautiful redheaded woman sitting across a white table waiting on him wearing a business suit with a knee length skirt.

  Xairin noticed she had a laptop, along with what looked a pair of binoculars attached to a retractable pole, waiting to scan his eyes. Xairin sat down on the rolling chair and looked at the woman. She kind of reminded him of his mother at first, the way she looked, and carried herself. She was far younger, early twenties possibly, model material. She could tell he was nervous. “Mr. Thunder is it?”

  Xairin nodded.

  “Hello Mr. Thunder. I’m Lillian Rutherford. I’m pleased to meet you.” She gave him a curious look. It was as if he reminded her of someone too. She smiled and brushed that off. “I was looking over your civilian file, and I’m curious. It's completely locked out before age 18, sealed. Anything you can elaborate on?” She typed away on her keyboard, preparing his data to be added to his civ file.

  “Uh, sure. Um, I was in foster care for a while, and aged out of the system. I guess since I was never adopted out, it was sealed.”

  Lillian was presumptuous. “Bad parents? Drugs?”

  Xairin was mostly over the ordeal and spoke casually. “No, my entire family died in a dronemobile accident. Since I didn’t have any living relatives, I ended up in the system.”

  Lillian looked up. “I’m so sorry. I guess I should be more empathetic when asking some of these questions.”

  “It's ok, I’m actually over it. Mostly anyways.”

  She took a deep breath. “Well, I have entered your data. And I guess you’ve already answered my next question about next of kin. I did check on your living arrangements. Your landlord did accept the government stipend for back rent, but so far, nothing for current. I can’t guarantee she will accept it or not, but the funds have been sent, so we’re just wanting on her to click the accept button. Aside from that, any friends you might be able to stay with? Addresses and such, we do have to keep your civ file up to date.”

  Xairin shook his head. “I’m not really sure about that. I do have friends, but the ones I would call good ones, probably don’t have the room to take me in if I don’t have anywhere to go.”

  She entered that into the system, as a possible housing issue. She then asked the next question on the list. “Ok. Hopefully it won't come to that. So, have you tried the pigs blood yet?”

  “Yes, a few samples in that class you all mandated.”

  She typed that in. “OK, what about which blood types you prefer so far? That way we can have your insurance, global care, pay for the nutrition therapy you will require.

  “Um, cloned human blood so far B+ and O-. I found to my linking. B+ for pigs’ blood was also my favorite…”

  She nodded. “I have to admit, B+ is my favorite, the cloned blood of course. You really should get around to trying more animal blood types though. Most butcher shops along with several grocery stores should have cloned pigs blood available in the next few days. Something we’ve been working on. Also cloned cows blood is ok too, a little bitter, but, it may be cheaper if you’re in a financial pinch and need more blood than what global care provides. Right now, it's one pint a day. You will need to consider other options.”

  Xairin tried to jest. “I guess the werewolves have it made then. All stores have cloned meat.”

  Lillian smiled. “Yes, thropes did come out ahead on this one.”

  She continued updating his profile. “Any pets? Because you do need to make sure you can control your thirst. Don’t want anyone eating their dog or cat.”

  “No, just a droid, by the way, has anyone located him? I put in a request and so far, my landlord never returned any calls.”

  Lillian looked up the information. She raised her eyebrows. “Yes. Your droid has been located. I regret to inform you, it appears he has a new handler assigned.”

  Xairin’s face grew pale and was on the verge of tears. This was one of his greatest fears currently. To Xairin K2 was family. “That droid was the last thing I had left from my family.” He tried his best not to cry in front of a stranger.

  Lillian could feel his emotions, and even got a glimpse of him remembering playing with the droid when he was younger, somewhere around eleven, playing baseball, the droid was pitching, Xairin was catching. “I’m sorry. I can put in a request to see if this new handler would be willing to relinquish.”

  He nodded, wiping a tear away.

  Trying to be more sympathetic she continued. “Have you developed assimilation glands? The files say no. I just have to make sure before you’re released. All immortals able to assimilate have to be registered under a different profile.”

  “No. no glands.”

  “Have they classified you as an Omega or Delta based on your blood cell development?”

  Xairin shrugged. “I’m not sure which.”

  She pulled up the last blood draw from Xairin’s last sample that had been drawn this morning while he was waiting to register. She smirked while looking at it. It had a few spikes along the outside of the core. “It appears you’re a Delta, rather advanced for a Delta, but yes. Delta.” She put that in his file.

  She looked up. “I see in your civ file, you’ve never been hospitalized, no surgeries, nothing broken, until… OH... lately.” She saw the details listed about what happened in the sewer before he was allowed to resurge, again she caught herself. She felt a little angry. Lillian knew what it was like to be, raped….

  “Um nope, actually never been sick a day in my life. My dad always said I had my mother’s immune system. I can’t recall her being sick a day in her life either, same for my brother and sister. Pretty healthy bunch I guess.”

  She looked up at him. “I’m sorry about what happened to you, how you were infected. That’s something you may want to see someone about. We do have trained psychiatrists among our ranks if you need someone to talk too.”

  Xairin let out a sigh that hinted at the verge of sobbing. “Uh sure… Um, I will take the info, and consider it.”

  Lillian leaned forward, she felt sorry for him. She put her hand on top of his. Again, she got this feeling of something familiar and locked eyes with him for a moment. She even stuttered. “If you need someone, I will make sure that the number is in the log attached to your civ file.” She hesitated. “As a representative from The Society of Night I do need to inform you that the moment you become a Beta or Alpha, you have to update your Immortium status at your assigned embassy. No Beta or Alpha is ever allowed to assimilate a human without verbal or signed consent. Anyone you assimilate, must be reported to The Society within seven days of the transformation. Also, you can never attempt to assimilate a dead body. That can result in quite possibly the zombie apocalypse these humans so avidly joke about. Obviously, we don’t kill humans, so please refrain from such. In the event you’re injured, and your facial structure was to change, you’re required by law, to come in to a Society of Night emb
assy and have a new photo I.D. issued. In the event you change your address, you must again come in to your assigned Embassy to change the address on file. All Society of Night members are required to meet at their assigned embassy for mandatory meetings once a month until you’re fully adjusted. Basically, it's learning how to use your abilities, and if you’re having coping issues, we’re here to help. I also need to inform you, that if you’re running low on blood, as a vampire, rat blood is a suitable source of sustenance. And I’m sure the city won't mind. We already have exterminators hiring vampires as we speak. Other animal blood will work in a pinch, if you’re flying already and venture into forested areas, deer blood is ok, and from what I gather, outside Bastion City, there are ample populations. We do ask, that if you do hunt, please find a buddy or two, to share your kills with. We don’t want to over hunt or have blood go to waste.”

  Xairin gulped. “This is so surreal. I mean, this just still seems so… I don’t know, like it's some weird dream and listening to you. It's like hearing the details in a damn loan agreement”


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