hierarchies of power legitimacy narratives and, 100–04, 232n33
legitimization of, 92–94
obedience to authority, 94–97, 229n8
perpetuation of, 27
power infernal trio, 97–98
powerlessness and, 98–100
stability of, 90, 91–92, 197
stereotypes and, 104–8, 169
stickiness of, xvii, 91–92, 108
Hitler, Adolf, 9
Hobbit, The (Tolkien), ix
Ho Chi Minh, 15, 16
Hollande, François, 24, 68
Holocaust, 20–21
Homer, 101
Homestead Strike, 111
Hominem te memento, 34, 214n49
L’Homme Providentiel, 16
Hossain, Mashroof, 34–35
hubris awareness of impermanence, 38
cultivating humility and, 30, 34–36, 36
Greek myths of, 23
power sharing and accountability reinforced, 39, 166, 172–73
Hughes, Debbie, 93
human needs See safety, self-esteem, valued resources
human rights, xiv, 133–34, 136, 156, 157
humility, 30, 34–36, 36, 38, 195, 215n55
Huxley, Aldous, 164
imbalance of power, 111–15, 153–54, 182, 189–90, 194
impermanence, 34, 38, 115
impermanence awareness, 38, 115
Implicit Association Test, 104
Indignados, 118
infernal trio, 97–98, 102
informal power of networks, 72–74, 72, 84
innovation, 119–20, 125–30, 147–49, 154, 195, 196
In Praise of Scribes (Trithemius), 142, 143
Institutions, 104, 233n47 institutional change, 109, 235n64, 235n65, 235–36n66
interdependence awareness, xv, 32, 38, 97, 115, 195
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 120
interpersonal liking familiarity, 63
similarity, 63, 88–90
intoxication of power, 20–22, 173
Johnson, Boris, 52
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 14, 15, 16, 76
Johnson Space Center (JSC), 167, 168
Johnson treatment, 14
jointly developed power, 8, 162–63, 178–79
Jost, John, 231n19, 231n20, 231n22
Kant, Immanuel, 55
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 168–69
Karman, Tawakkol, 186
Kegan, Robert, 214n40, 258n84
Keltner, Dacher, 211n7, 212n16, 230n12, 230n17, 237n71
Kennedy, John F., 14
Keohane, Robert O., 261n14
Khan, Lina M., 159
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 33, 92, 119, 124
Kirchner, Nestór, 131, 132
Krackhardt, David, 71, 225n7, 226n8, 226n16
Lady Gaga, 85
Lasn, Kalle, 118, 119
Legion of Honor, 47, 219–20n30
legitimizing stories, 91–92, 101–04, 123
levers of persuasion, 10, 210n15
LGBTQ+, 88, 109, 117, 131–33, 136–37
LinkedIn, 153
Livingston, Robert W., 172
Lopez, Sandra, 177, 179–80
Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien), ix–x
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, 165
Lukes, Steven, 261n5
Machiavelli, Niccolò, xvi, 19, 227n21
machine-learning algorithms, 148–49, 150
Magee, Joe C., 212n7, 230n14, 230n18, 231n24, 237n72, 262n22
Mandela, Nelson, 56, 119
Manuel’s story, 70–73
marriage equality, 131–37, 242n34
Marx, Karl, 110, 236n68
Maslow, Abraham, 217–18n15
Mayo, Tony, 171
McEvily, Bill, 86, 226n9
mechanical movable-type printing press, 142
Mencius (Mengzi), 55
meritocracy, 103, 169–70
#MeToo movement, 117, 137, 141, 147–48, 156
Meyer, John W., 233n46
Microsoft, 157
Milgram, Stanley, 95–96, 229n8
misunderstanding power fallacies of, xii–xiv
Mjumbe, Nezuma, 144–46, 161
mobile health technology, 149
monopoly, 11
Montesquieu (Charles-Louis de Secondat), 182–83
moral principles, 55, 56, 164, 192
moral purity, 25, 30, 212n21, 213n30
Morrison, Toni, 8
motivation See safety, self-esteem, valued resources
movement fatigue, 137
mutual dependence, 3, 7, 114, 181, 200
Na’Allah, Bala Ibn, 184
Naím, Moisés, 141
NASA Innovation and Inclusion Council, 170
Johnson Space Center (JSC), 167–68
Transparency and Opportunity Program (TOP), 171–73
National Domestic Workers Alliance, 177–79
National Health Service, 67
Nazi concentration camps, 21
negativity bias, 19
neoliberal capitalist system, 46, 189
Netflix, 153
networks betweenness, 79, 80, 153
informal power, 70–74, 71, 77–81, 84–89
network diversity, 84–89
organizational networks, 73–90
popularity and prominence, 73, 79, 227n25
power mapping, 74–84, 88, 128, 143–46, 191, 194
similarity and social relationships, 82–83, 89–90
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 57
Ning’s story, 61, 63–64
nonviolent civil disobedience, 123–24
Nosek, Brian A., 231n19, 231n20
#NoToSocialMediaBill, 184
Nye, Joseph S., 261n14
Obama Administration, 85
Occupy Wall Street, 118, 119
Ochoa, Ellen, 167–72
Odyssey (Homer), 101
Ogundipe, Tope, 184–85
O’Neil, Cathy, 150
online agitation, 137
Oppenheimer, Harry, 9, 10
orchestration, 119–20, 130–37, 154, 195, 196
organizational networks, 73
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 161
O’Toole, Fintan, 52
oversight and accountability, 173–77
panopticon, 151, 245n30
Pansardi, Pamela, 262n21
Paradigm, 184
Parsons, Talcott, 261n17
participative democracy initiatives, 191
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 57
perceptions of power, 25–27
personal development, 29–40, 97, 135, 163, 170–71, 195
Pettit, Philip, 43
Pfeffer, Jeffrey, 222n49, 260n7, 261n6, 261n13
Phillips, Nelson, 262n22
Pichai, Sundar, 155, 158
Piketty, Thomas, 219n28, 238n84
Pinker, Steven A., 146
Pitkin, Hanna F., 202, 262n20
Plato, ix, 198
Poo, Ai-jen, 178
positional power fallacy, xii–xiii
possession of power fallacy, xii, 16, 211n25
Powell, Walter W., 233n46
power, definition of, 1–2, 199–202
power imbalance, 3, 7, 111–15, 201
power’s psychological effects, 20–40 cultivating empathy, 30–33, 36, 38, 195
cultivating humility, 30, 34–36, 36, 38, 195, 215n55
developmental process and, 29–30
experience of power, 22–25
intoxication of power, 20–22, 173
morality and, 27–29, 164, 192, 194
perceptions of power, 25–27
selection, 36–38
structural safeguards, 38–40
power is dirty fallacy, xiii, 19–40
power mapping accuracy levels, 75–77, 194, 227n18
challenging environments, 81–84
community, 191
diversity and accuracy of, 88
endorsers, fence-sitters, and resisters, 77–78
fundamentals of power and, 195
keys to, 40
reputational power, 74–75, 226n16
technological change and, 143, 146
power from rank and role, 69–70
power sharing and accountability organizational, 166, 167–73, 191–92
societal, 182–84, 192, 256n63
power vs. authority, xii–xiii, 58–61, 66–68, 73
power-with, 8
Pratto, Felicia, 231n26
Prince, The (Machiavelli), xvi, 19, 227n21
principal-agent problem, 173
Protestant Reformation, 143
pseudoscience, 94, 101–3
psychological resources, 2, 47–51
psychological safety, 35, 39
public narrative, 122–23, 239–40n14 transportation, 135
Purpose of Power, The: How We Come Together When We Fall Apart (Garza), 139
#QuellaVoltaChe, 137
Rabelais, François, 164
Rachid, María, 131–37
racism, 82–84, 89–90, 91–92, 104–08, 117 See also stereotypes
Ramarajan, Lakshmi, 169
Ranganathan, Aruna, 47
Rawls, John, 193
Reading the Mind in the Eyes, 22
rebalancing power, 8–13 attraction, 8–11, 9, 12, 194
consolidation, 8, 11–12, 111, 112, 142, 194
digital era and, 158–62
expansion and withdrawal, 8, 12–13, 194
redistribution of power, 170, 197
Renaissance, 143
representative democracy, 183
Republic (Plato), ix, 198
resistance, 123–24, 161, 199 to change, 74, 77–78, 127, 131
violent and nonviolent, 124
Ridgeway, Cecilia L., 233n46, 251n5
Ring des Nibelungen, Der (Wagner), x
Ring of Gyges, ix, x, xiii, 198
Roberts, Laura Morgan, 171
Robinson, James A., 257n79
Rogers, Jean, 126–30, 176
Rohingya, 34
Ross, Lee, 16
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 189
Rowan, Brian, 233n46
Roy, Bunker, 144, 161
Rubin, Andy, 156
Russell, Bertrand A. W., 20
Rykles, Miriam, 20, 21–22, 24, 172–73
safety basic human motivations, 42–43
digital technology and, 148, 162
power hierarchies and, 43, 197
valued resources and, 57, 58, 194
World Wide Web and, 148
Salancik, Gerald, R., 261n6, 261n13
Salesforce, 157
Sandel, Michael J., 103
Schor, Juliet, 181
Schrems, Max, 159
Scott, MacKenzie B., 114
Scott, Richard W., 233n46
self-esteem basic human motivations, 42
digital technology and, 148, 162
existential meaning, 44, 217n14
fragile and secure, 44, 218nn17–18
self-concept and, 44, 217n13
subjective assessment and, 44–45, 217–19nn15,19
technology resistance, 161
valued resources and, 57, 58, 194
World Wide Web and, 148
self-focus empathy as antidote, 30, 36, 38
empathy of powerful, 75, 97, 230n13
experience of power, 22–23
infernal trio, 97
interdependence awareness, 32, 38
meditation and, 33
power sharing and accountability, 39, 172–73
sense of agency, 97
sense of entitlement, 98
separation of powers, 182–83
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 43, 216–17n11
Sevedan, Bagewat Nanda, 144
Shah, Palak, 177
Shakespeare, William, 25, 41
Shamash, 101
shareholder value maximization, 163, 175, 253n33
Sidanius, Jim, 231n26
Snyder, Timothy, 183
social foci, 89, 90
social movements, 108–15, 117–39 Arab Spring, 117–18
Black Lives Matter, 117, 139, 141, 147–48
framing, 133–34, 239n14
Fridays for Future, 56, 121–22, 124
French Yellow Vests, 117
Hong Kong Protests, 117
MeToo, 117, 137, 141, 147–48, 156
Occupy Wall Street, 118–19, 122, 128
political opportunity, 80–81, 132, 241n31
social relationships See networks
sociétés à mission, 176
solidarity, 85, 86, 88, 124, 134, 183–88
Solon, 182
sources of power, xvi–xviii, 65–90 betweenness and network bridges, 79–81, 79, 153
formal and informal, 70–74, 71, 72, 84
gender differential, 102, 104–8, 167–73
network diversity, 84–89
network mapping, 77–78
power vs. authority, 66–68, 73
racial differential, 104–8, 167–73
rank and role, 69–70
shared experience and relationships, 89–90
See also power mapping
Spirit of the Laws, The (Montesquieu), 182
status quo, 97–104, 108–19, 121–29, 133–37, 197 power-advantaged reproducing, 97–98
power-disadvantaged reproducing, 98–100
status quo bias, 74
steelworker’s story, 110–11, 236n71
Stephan, Maria J., 124
stereotypes, 104–8, 169
stereotype threat, 107
Stiglitz, Joseph E., 237n73, 238n79, 255n50
structural design, 20, 29, 38–39, 165, 192
surveillance, 43, 139, 151–52, 163, 190 drones, 154–55
nyob, 159
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), 128–30, 176
Sweeney, Tim, 113
System Justification Theory (SJT), 98–100
systemic racism See racism
Taylor, Breonna, 92
technology markets, 163
Teresa, Mother, 56
territorial behavior, 53
Thomson, John Arthur, 102
Thoreau, Henry David, 124
Thunberg, Greta, 56, 120
Tiananmen Square (Beijing), 57
TikTok, 153
Tilly, Charles, 238n1, 241n32
Timms, Henry, 141
tokenism, 169
Tolkien, J.R.R., ix–x
triple bottom line, 176
Trithemius, Johannes, 142, 143
trust competence, 62–63, 195, 224n76
familiarity, 63
similarity, 63
warmth, 62–63, 224n76
Tufekci, Zeynep, 138
Twitter, 153, 184
Uber, 179
unions, 11–12, 111–15, 134, 157–58, 178, 236n71 See also Alphabet Workers Union
unique control, 3
Up & Go, 179
Up With Women, 5–8
U.S. Constitution, 183
U.S. Department of Defense, 70, 154
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 80
U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, 160
U.S. House of Representatives, 80
U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, 157
Vaillant, George, 49
valued resources, 41–64 achievement, 50–51, 58, 194
affiliation, 48–50, 58, 194, 220–21n36
as fulfilling basic human needs, 57
autonomy, 52–54, 58, 73, 161, 194
material possessions, 45–47, 58
morality, 54–57, 58, 164, 192, 194
needs assessment, 61–63
observation of, 58–61, 194
social status, 46–48, 58, 194, 220n32
See also safety, self-esteem
veil of ignorance, 193
Versace, Donatella, 65–66, 68, 84, 85, 86, 88, 8
Versace, Gianni, 65, 66, 85
Vietnam War, 14, 15, 16
virtue, 54–57
Voting Rights Act, 14
vTaiwan, 191
Wagner, Richard, x
Weber, Max, 261n1
Weinstein, Harvey, 137
West, Cornel, 185
White, Micah, 118–19
Whittaker, Meredith, 154–55, 157
William, Prince (Duke of Cambridge), 30
Wilson, Edward O., 55, 56
withdrawal strategy, 8, 9, 12–13
Women & Power (Beard), 101
women’s rights, 86, 125
worker-owner cooperatives, 180–81
workers’ rights, 11–12, 110–12, 157–58, 160, 177–82, 187–88
World Economic Forum, 29
World War II, 20, 56–57, 109, 114
World Wide Web, 147–48
Wrong, Dennis H., 201, 261n7, 261n15
Wyche, Vanessa E., 172
#YoTambien, 137
Yourcenar, Marguerite, 41
Yousafzai, Malala, 56
YouTube, 152, 153
Zhang, Evelyn, 86
Zuboff, Shoshana, 152
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Copyright © 2021 by Julie Battilana and Tiziana Casciaro
Charts on pages 71 & 72 republished with permission of John Wiley & Sons, from “Social Networks and the Liability of Newness for Managers” in Trends in Organizational Behavior, David Krackhardt, 1996; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
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