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Page 27

by Sandra R Neeley

  “Yeah,” Lethal yelled back without turning around.

  “Was he an asshole?” Roscoe shouted with irritation.

  “Not that I’m aware of,” Lethal answered, turning around to face Roscoe. “You coming or what? I don’t have time for this.”

  “Yeah, I’m coming,” Roscoe grumbled. He turned around and spoke to Brutal who stood at his side. “Don’t let anybody kill him. Seems like this one is on the up and up. Take him to one of the high security medical rooms we use for the males when they are uncontrollable. Don’t tell anyone who he is or what he used to do. Just that he’s waiting for me,” Roscoe said. “I have to go take care of the other asshole at the moment.”

  Brutal’s gaze swung over toward Lethal and Two as they walked away and he grinned. “He is kind of an asshole, but then again, he was first. He and his squad were the first successes. Who knows what the hell they were drugged with? By the time we came along, Waller had it down to a science.”

  “Yeah, but you’re not an asshole. Two’s not an asshole. Most of you aren’t,” Roscoe objected.

  “Sure I am. So are the rest of us. You just haven’t pushed the right buttons yet. You think any of us isn’t just as dangerous as Lethal on a good day, fuck with one of us. Most of us just want to forget and move on. But fuck with us and all the shit they programmed into us will come roaring to the forefront.”

  “You telling me not one of you is stable?” Roscoe teased with a smirk.

  “Stable is something that I’m not sure any of us ever were,” Brutal answered with a grin.

  “I have got to be insane to think this could ever be an organized operation,” Roscoe mumbled while he headed off in the direction Lethal and Two were going in the distance, with Lethal’s squad following them closely. “Just keep the man alive until I get there. He might be able to help us find more squads to free,” Roscoe said.


  When Roscoe opened the door and walked into the single family home that Lethal and his squad had claimed as their headquarters and living quarters, he found Valor already on the computer that was sitting on the kitchen table with Lethal beside him. Meanwhile Scorn and Steel went to the kitchen to fix some lunch. Scorn stood at the counter making ham sandwiches and slapping them quite literally on paper plates before handing them to Steel who’d pour corn chips from a bag onto the plate then hand it to whoever didn’t have a plate yet before returning to his place beside Scorn to wait for the next sandwich.

  “Ah, so lunch, too,” Roscoe snarked.

  “Gotta eat,” Scorn announced without looking up from slathering mayonnaise onto some bread.

  “Got you a chair right there,” Lethal said, indicating Valor’s other side.

  Roscoe went over and sat beside Valor, watching with interest as he watched Valor moving rapidly about a website he shouldn’t even be in, much less know about. “I’m impressed,” Roscoe said, nodding his head in approval.

  “Thanks,” Valor answered.

  “But, I think there’s a database that could give us better options,” Roscoe said.

  “Oh yeah? Like what?” Valor asked.

  “Like the CIA’s listing of international organized crime figures. It has everyone listed on it from the Presidents of certain countries down to the lowest street fighter in their organizations and everyone in between.”

  Valor stopped typing and looked at Roscoe. “You got a password for that?” he asked skeptically.

  Roscoe smiled. “And a user name that’ll get us undetected through the back door.”

  Valor’s mouth dropped open. “Well, damn, man! Where the hell you been? Could have used your help numerous times in the last forty-eight hours!” Valor shoved the keyboard over in front of Roscoe and sat back, taking a bite of his sandwich as he watched Roscoe type in a series of characters that put them in what was basically a stealth mode, completely undetectable as they searched the web for the website and database he’d spoken of.

  “Here, eat,” Steel said, placing a paper plate on the table near Roscoe.

  “Thanks,” he answered absent mindedly as he finally found what he was looking for. “We’re in,” he announced. “Geneva, right?”

  “Yeah, that’s what Hal said he thought he heard,” Lethal answered.

  Roscoe typed for a while before sitting back. “There you go. An entire list of the underworld big shots in Geneva. There are some ruthless bastards on this list, Lethal. I only hope they don’t have your woman. If they do, she may not even know who she is anymore,” Roscoe said.

  “Doesn’t matter. Still have to bring her home so I can at least be sure she won’t be hurt anymore,” Lethal answered.

  Roscoe looked over at Lethal as he watched the list as it scrolled up the screen while Valor looked through it. This was the first time he’d seen Lethal drop the bravado, and it almost seemed like he really cared about this woman. He didn’t insist she was his, he didn’t exert any type of ownership or claim, just said he needed to be sure the woman wouldn’t be hurt any more.

  “You know, we rescued a team from Geneva already. You might want to speak to them. Maybe they came into contact with other teams while they were there. They may be able to help you search for your woman,” Roscoe suggested.

  “I’ll look them up before we go,” Lethal answered.

  “When are you planning on leaving?” Roscoe asked.

  “Tonight, or tomorrow morning at the latest. Soon as you debrief Hal and determine if he knows anything else. Then I’m planning on heading out,” Lethal said.

  “You should couple with one of our experienced rescue teams. Go out together. I know you’re more highly trained than they are, but, they’ve been on numerous rescues already, your own included. It could be a good idea to have them there if you become overwhelmed,” Roscoe said.

  Lethal swung his gaze to Roscoe with an impatient look. “I’m not waiting for you to assemble a team. As soon as you’ve debriefed Hal, we’re out. If you can have a team ready to go, then by all means, they’re welcome to tag along and handle the males after we free them, but I’m not waiting any longer than necessary to free Nina. She’s suffered enough,” Lethal almost growled with each word.

  Roscoe’s eyebrows raised. “Rescue who?” he asked, alarm beginning to set in.

  “My female. Nina,” Lethal answered.

  Roscoe shook his head. Surely it wasn’t the same Nina. “What does your Nina look like?” he asked hesitantly.

  “Small. Black hair, almond-shaped dark eyes. Oriental descent, I think.”

  “Definitely some Japanese in her,” Scorn added from the kitchen where he leaned against the counter munching on his own sandwich.

  “Pretty little thing,” Steel added.

  Lethal snapped his eyes to Steel’s.

  “Just complimenting your woman. You know I’d never touch her. None of us would,” Steel said defensively.

  Roscoe scrubbed his hand down his face. It was becoming a telling habit of his.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Feral said, noticing the behavior.

  “Nothing,” Roscoe answered, his mind whirling trying to figure what the hell was best to do in this situation. If Lethal found out Nina was now with Acker, and Acker found out that Lethal was looking for Nina, all hell was going to break loose. And nobody needed that. They were just beginning to come together, to show promise for a functioning community that could offer sanctuary to these people that so badly needed a place to be that offered no threat and no stress, but would never fit into normal society again.

  “Bullshit. You do that rubbing your hand thing down your face each time you get stressed. What are you not telling us?” Feral asked.

  Roscoe thought about it. If Lethal found out he’d lied to him, none of the other males would trust him ever again. They all looked up to Lethal even if they feared him. They all saw each other as comrades. Lie to one, lie to them all. “Fuck!” Roscoe exclaimed. He heaved a huge sigh and sat back in his chair before pinning Lethal with a pointe
d look. “You have to control yourself.”

  “The fuck are you talking about? I’ve been controlling myself,” Lethal said defensively.

  “I know where she is,” Roscoe said.

  Lethal jumped to his feet. His heart was pounding and he was suddenly sweating as his incisors protruded from between his lips just enough to be seen.

  “She’s safe. She’s happy. She’s been here for sometime now. She’s been under the protection of the man that freed your team. Just a coincidence that he freed your team and on another mission freed her and the squad she was with. I told you we freed another squad in Geneva already. She was with them.”

  “The fuck didn’t you tell me?” Lethal growled, a loud rumble flowing from his chest as he stalked to the door. “Where is she?” he demanded.

  “Lethal, she deserves to be happy. She’s happy. If you push her, you could trigger all the trauma she lived through. She could go back to being the quiet, non-communicative female she was when they found her. And if you and Acker start a fucking war over her, all we’ve built can come down around our heads!”

  “Where is my female?” Lethal bellowed.

  “She didn’t even want to tell me her name when she agreed to work for me! She was afraid that ‘he’d come after her!’. Are you the ‘he’ she’s hiding from? Just take it slow!” Roscoe yelled.

  Lethal picked up on the fact that Nina was working for Roscoe now. And he knew exactly where Roscoe’s office was. He rushed out of the door and toward the admin building faster than Roscoe could ever possibly run to keep up. Two ran after Lethal and Feral followed with Roscoe bringing up the rear.

  Lethal tore open the door to the admin center and stormed inside, coming to an immediate halt when he realized the place was crowded. His eyes darted to the office that was Roscoe's and found it empty, then to the office that was General Ferriday’s. General Ferriday offered him a wave, but Lethal ignored it.

  Lethal began to scan the faces of everyone sitting having lunch, everyone milling about while they waited in the serving line for their meals, and everyone walking between the tables just visiting with friends. His breath caught as he found her. Nina was walking over to a table with the same male that had freed him and his males. The male carried their tray with food for both of them on it, smiling and talking to Nina as they walked. The male, Acker, Roscoe had said his name was, set the tray down on the table, then pulled out a chair for Nina and scooted it in after she’d taken her seat. Acker leaned over and pressed a kiss to her lips when she looked up at him with a perfect smile on her face.

  Lethal stood there with Two, Feral, and finally Roscoe once he caught up to them, watching his female, his Nina, as she smiled and laughed at whatever it was Acker said to her. It was apparent to Lethal that the male was completely attuned to Nina. Acker even scowled at other males if they looked at her too long as they walked by. Acker took his seat next to Nina and she leaned her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes with a smile on her face. She looked so peaceful, so at ease with the male at her side. Lethal had never seen that look on her face.

  Lethal’s chest heaved as he realized he couldn’t have her. He’d have to let her go. His wrists and hands tingled and his heart pounded as he longed to release the fury that lived inside him and claim the female that was once and would always be his. But he just couldn’t do it to her. She was happy. And it wasn’t him that made her happy, it was another male.

  “She’s happy, Lethal. You see? She’s not being hurt anymore. She’s not suffering. She’s found happiness here. She’s safe here. They just applied for private housing together. One of the new homes going up behind the rec center and the clinic has been assigned to them. You can’t take that away from her,” Roscoe said, looking from Lethal to Nina who had no idea her future was being determined without her own input.

  “She’s your assistant?” Lethal asked, his voice hoarse from trying to control himself and his instincts.

  “Yes. She is,” Roscoe said. “She’s recovering. Don’t take that away from her,” Roscoe said.

  Lethal didn’t respond at first, then he started to shake his head. “I had to make sure she wasn’t hurting anymore. If I take her from the new life she’s building, I’d be hurting her,” he said with his eyes still glued to her, his voice still hoarse. “You watch over her. You watch!” Lethal insisted, turning to look into Roscoe’s eyes. “If anything, anything at all changes and she’s the least bit unhappy, you call for me.”

  “I will. I give you my word, if she looks unhappy at all, I’ll let you know,” Roscoe agreed.

  “And if you allow her to be harmed by any of these other males, I’ll come for you,” Lethal threatened.

  “I have no doubt,” Roscoe admitted. “But she’ll be safe. She’s with Acker. She’s been promised protection by Brutal. She’s made friends of several of the other males. She’s with me or the General while she’s working. No one would be crazy enough to threaten her in any way. She’s perfectly safe here, Lethal. And she’s loved. Look at the way Acker interacts with her. He’s a hard man, Lethal, and he completely melts for her,” Roscoe said.

  Lethal allowed his eyes to wander over to Nina again and the man who sat at her side.

  “She no longer suffers,” Lethal said quietly.

  “No, she does not,” Roscoe aired.

  Lethal nodded. “Then get me the fuck out of here. Send me somewhere, anywhere,” he growled, turning his attention to Roscoe. “Someone somewhere needs saving.”

  Roscoe nodded. “We have Intel on a few more teams that may possibly pan out. You want in, I can arrange it.”

  “Arrange it,” Lethal said, turning on his heel and stalking past Feral and Two on his way out of the building.

  Chapter 32

  Nina waited her turn in the serving line, yawning sleepily as she kept pace with the slow moving line ahead of her.

  “Nina! Nina! Over here, love. I have your coffee and pastry all ready for you!” a slightly overweight male called to her.

  Nina looked up and smiled at Chef. He was a very handsome male who just happened to love to cook. He’d taken the job of helping out in the kitchens, and ended up excelling at it. It wasn’t long before the kitchen was his and he was creating his own recipes. He’d developed a slightly thick center from indulging in all his own food creations, but it didn’t take away from his attractiveness. The male was still beautiful with his naturally golden streaked, light-brown hair and matching eyes. He’d taken the name Chef, because he said that’s what he was.

  “Good morning, Chef!”

  “Come on, get out of that line,” he said, waving her toward him.

  Nina giggled at his animated waving and hurried over to him. “You don’t have to do that. I don’t mind waiting my turn.”

  “I like taking care of you. Let me take care of you,” he said, draping his arm around her shoulders as he walked her to the pastry counter. He’d spoken to her about having a pastry counter added at the end of the serving line for his sweets and not even a week later, it had been delivered. Ever since then, he’d been behaving as though she was his best friend.

  Chef handed her a small white bag and an extra large to go cup of coffee. “Cherry turnover, and hot caramel macchiato.”

  “You’re spoiling me,” Nina said, smiling up at him before sipping her coffee. “Ow, wow! This is so good. Please don’t stop spoiling me.”

  Chef laughed. “Never going to happen. Where’s that man of yours? I made one for him, too, when you two missed breakfast. Can’t make him leave that new house, huh?”

  Nina laughed. “No, he’s already out and about. He’s on mission planning this morning. They’re talking strategy in the war room,” Nina explained, referring to one of the no longer needed barracks that had been turned into a meeting facility they all dubbed, ‘The War Room’.

  “He better pay more attention to you, or I’ll steal you away,” Chef teased.

  “You do know if anyone steals her away from Acker, it’s
me, don’t you?” a voice said.

  Nina turned around at the sound of the deep voice and smiled. This male always set her a little on edge, though he’d never been anything but respectful and thoughtful toward her. There was something about him in general that made her nervous. And because she did like him, she didn’t like to think about it too much. But he could never quite look her in the eye, and to her, that said a lot in itself. Not about the kind of male he was, but about the reasons he couldn’t bring himself to allow her to see him for who he really was. She was pretty sure he was carrying around quite a bit of guilt. “Good morning, Brutal.”

  “Hello, Nina. How are you today?”

  “I’m good. Just stopped for my morning sugar and caffeine fix.”

  “Same. Need me to carry your things to your office for you?” Brutal asked her.

  “Nah, I have it. Thanks, though. Have a good day, Brutal,” Nina said, then looked over at Chef who’d already moved to the serving line and was greeting everyone that made eye contact with him. “Thank you, Chef!” she called out.

  “You’re welcome, love! Enjoy!” he called after her as she wove between the tables to get to her office. She smiled and waved at a few of the women as she moved toward her office. She locked eyes on a few people who still preferred to be alone, no matter how many times they’d been encouraged to join the rest of the community. They simply weren’t ready to, or didn’t care to. And that was fine, but Nina still liked to let them know she saw them, and she tried to offer them a smile each time she did happen to catch their eye.

  Once inside her office she set her breakfast on her desk, then fired up her computer before logging into the message center and reaching over to press the button on the voice mail option of her phone. Each morning she typed in the messages that were left for the office overnight, and when Roscoe and General Ferriday came in, all they had to do was log in and see their messages.

  She took a bite of her cherry turnover and waited for the first message to start. When it did, she started typing when the familiar voice began speaking.


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