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Navigating the Stars

Page 32

by Maria V. Snyder

  It’s another couple nights before Niall and I have some more alone time. Once again on the couch, since I can’t be seen by the scientists, he pulls me against him. As I snuggle in, I realize I’m finally curious as to what happened after I rescued the team from detention. I ask Niall.

  “Morgan yelled at me for letting you escape, but her heart wasn’t in it. We released everyone and waited for the cameras to go dark. Then we ambushed the guards.” He pauses. “It was Morgan’s idea to disguise ourselves as the looters. The four guards escorting my dad and your parents were quite surprised when they showed up at detention. I know how they felt. Probably as shocked as I was when I realized I was choking you instead of one of the looters. I’m glad the bruises are gone.”

  Niall’s fingers brush along my neck, sending a tingle down my spine. Since I haven’t been able to look at myself in a mirror, I didn’t even know I had bruises. “Was your dad surprised?”

  “Not that we were free. In fact, he grumped at us for taking so long. He took the news about you in stride. Almost as if he expected you to go and do something like that. Of course, he reprimanded me for letting you go as well. But when I think back, there was no way we could have gotten enough looters without you surrendering.”

  That’s new. “What do you mean?”

  “Once Jarren had you, they prepped for departure. The small groups in the halls made it easier for us to neutralize them and to get to the port before them. And there wasn’t a lot of chatter between them so they didn’t realize some of their men were missing. If you didn’t show up, they would have searched the base for you. That would have been more organized and it would have resulted in us being discovered. Plus if they went out into the base that would have put more people in danger. Of course, my father disagrees. He thinks that despite being outnumbered four to one, we would have won in the end.”

  Of course. “Did he assign you to hide in the shuttle?”

  “Yeah. We had orders not to shoot you and Jarren, hoping he’d take you into the shuttle and leave his men behind.” The disgust in Niall’s voice is clear. “Too bad he spotted me right away. I was hoping he’d be too preoccupied with the controls.” Niall rubs a hand over his face. “Good thing he didn’t shoot me in the head or I’d have been stunned for sure.”

  And we’d have been Jarren’s guests. But Menz would be alive. Would Jarren have killed Niall? I doubt it as he seemed reluctant to kill until the very end when he thought he had no choice. However, he didn’t appear to care that the shadow-blobs might wipe everyone out. The bright lights at the entrance to the pits are keeping them from accessing the base. But for how long? I shake my head. Not my problem. Not anymore.

  A few days later (in the morning… afternoon… evening? Hard to tell since I keep my room dark), Radcliff comes in without knocking. He flips on the lights. The brightness hurts my eyes so I pull the blanket over my head. Radcliff yanks it off the bed. I squawk in protest.

  “All right, Lyra. You’ve had enough time to recover. No more moping. Time to get up.” He is unaffected by my supernova glare. “Here.” Tossing clothes onto the bed, he says, “Get dressed. You have five minutes.”

  “And if I’m not ready?”

  “Then you’ll go in your pajamas.”

  I know it’s not an empty threat. Ugh. “Go where?”

  “To your funeral.”



  My what? Did he just say my funeral? Radcliff leaves my room before I can ask him for more details. He shuts the door behind him. I stare at my blanket on the floor, not really seeing it. Am I leaving Yulin? Has the Protector ship arrived? It isn’t due for another year at least. Have I really been moping that long? A scary thought. And how did he find out about those funerals?

  Guess I’d better get up and get dressed so I can find out. I freeze in shock when I recognize the clothes Radcliff threw onto my bed. It’s a security uniform. Gray shirt, black tactical pants with a weapon belt. There’s no name on the shirt and no pulse gun. Is this a joke?

  I doubt Radcliff has that sick of a sense of humor—or a sense of humor at all. So I change into the uniform—it fits. I pull on my boots and comb my hair. Feeling like a fraud, I go out into the main area.

  Radcliff’s waiting for me. He nods at my appearance then yanks open the door. “After you.”

  “Where?” I ask.

  “I told you.”


  “Come on. You don’t want to be late.” He hurries me through the hallways until we reach the officers’ rec room.

  It’s the same place they held Menz’s funeral. I hesitate outside the door, but Radcliff puts a hand on my shoulder and propels me inside. Just like last time, the pool table, game system, couches, and ping-pong table are pushed to the sides and there are four rows of chairs lined up in the middle facing a podium. All the security officers are there—Beau’s hair is once again spiked— along with my parents, Gavin, Dr. Gage, and Dr. Jeffries. Niall sits in the front row next to my parents. He’s trying to look sad, but I recognize the spark of humor in his blue-green eyes. Everyone is staring at me. The desire to duck behind Radcliff and hide flushes through me, leaving me hot and sweaty and if I’m truthful a little queasy as well.

  Radcliff directs me to the armchair next to the podium. He hovers over me until I sit down. There’s a picture of me on an easel. I’m smiling, but there’s a bit of a snark to my smile and a mischievous glint in my eyes. It’s hand drawn in pencil. It’s lovely. I glance at Niall. He winks at me.

  Radcliff stands at the podium and the slight buzz of conversation ceases. “We are gathered here today to remember Lyra Tian Daniels. She was a good friend, a loving daughter and a colleague. Although in the beginning, she was a very reluctant colleague.”

  A smattering of chuckles erupt over that comment.

  I’m not amused.

  “When I first met her, I pegged her for a troublemaker and thought she’d be in the brig by the time we reached Yulin. And I know many of you shared my assessment even when she made it to Yulin. Those who bet she wouldn’t make it through probation need to pay Niall.”

  My father hands something to Niall and there’s another round of laughter. Still not amused.

  “But Lyra never once hesitated to help even when she was pissed off. And let me tell you, she was angry at me quite a bit over the short time we’ve known each other.”

  More laughter.

  “I will admit, I did deserve her ire the time I accused her of illegally worming when she was on probation and I never had a chance to apologize for that.”

  I shoot a glare at Radcliff. Is that an apology? Ignoring me, he continues on with my eulogy and lists all the stuff I did to assist the security team. I’m surprised by how much I did. And when he chronicles my rescue of the team from detention, I sink down into the cushions in embarrassment. I thought he didn’t like me and here he is thanking me for my efforts.

  I’m relieved when he finishes, but then he says, “Would anyone else like to speak?”

  My father hops up and takes Radcliff’s place. “Lyra’s mother and I are very proud of her. Although she insisted she wasn’t interested in archaeology, she has made a number of crucial discoveries.”

  Dad continues to detail my achievements. Then he switches to a few of my not-so-stellar moments throughout my life. And no matter how hard I try, I’m unable to turn invisible.

  He pauses for a moment. “A part of us has died with her. Our bright beautiful daughter is gone and I’d give anything to have her back.” Dad swipes his tears.

  And they’re not fake ones. Mom’s face is wet as well. My stomach churns. Guess I haven’t been much of a daughter lately. Plus I still might leave and they’d lose me for real—like with Phoenix, they’ll never see him again, yet they supported his decision. My parents are the best.

  My dad rejoins my mom. They hold hands. Next up is Beau.

  “I had the privilege of working with Lyra on a number of occasions.
For all intents and purposes, she was my partner. We plugged security holes, tracked a super worm, and outsmarted the looters together. Menz died trying to save her. If only she lived and Menz’s sacrifice wasn’t in vain. His parents’ grief might be just a little less knowing their brave son saved a life in his final moments.”

  Suddenly very uncomfortable, I squirm in my seat.

  “But Jarren killed them both. He knew her mad worming skills were a threat to his plans and he neutralized her. He won this round. Without Lyra, it might be a long time before we can discover what he’s up to and by then it might be too late to stop him.”

  I wrap my arms around my waist. Beau and the others are smart. I’m sure they’ll figure it out without me. Right? Plus I can’t worm or Jarren will come back and kill more people.

  “Lyra and Niall saved my life in the pits,” Beau continues. “Her ability to see the HoLFs and his trust in her are the only reasons I’m standing here today. I’m not going to waste my second chance. I’ve learned a few worming tricks from Lyra so I’m going after Jarren with all the skill and cunning I have. Too bad I won’t have a partner to be there with me.” He sits down.

  The desire to melt into the cushions presses on my shoulders. I’m not wasting my second chance. I’m playing dead like I’m supposed to. Big difference. Although I did have fun working with Beau. Maybe I could teach him a few more tricks.

  “Anyone else?” Radcliff asks.

  Dr. Gage rises to her feet. “We are posthumously expunging her probation from her permanent record and giving her a commendation for her brave actions that led to her untimely death.” She sits down.

  That’s cool. If I’m ever listed as living, that would help for my future career. Huh. That’s the first time I’ve thought past my next nap. And just what would be my future career? Based on what I’ve enjoyed, it would be an interstellar navigator slash crime fighter slash archaeologist. I doubt that’s listed under occupations. And Lan still needs her recognition. Perhaps I could add cryptologist to that job description.

  No one else volunteers to speak. Radcliff ends the service. “Lyra Tian Daniels, may you rest in peace.”

  There’s a moment of silence. I don’t have a will. I’ve nothing to give them. Is this like the kids’ funerals? Am I supposed to leave without saying good-bye? Cut all ties. I find the thought very alarming. I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to say good-bye. I blink back tears. I want my family back. All of them.

  Radcliff clears his throat. “While I have all of you, I’d like to introduce our newest member of our security team.”

  Grateful for the distraction, I scan the faces again, looking for the unfamiliar one I must have missed. Nope. He/she must not be here.

  Radcliff continues. “Since she’s not yet eighteen A-years old, she’ll be a junior member. If she accepts this commission, she’ll be assigned to work with Officer Dorey to track down Jarren, and she’ll be part of the team dealing with the HoLFs—she has a theory that the Warriors are protecting us from them that needs to be explored. Of course, once she turns eighteen, she’ll have the option to continue working with us or go into another field.”

  Is he talking about me? Radcliff meets my startled gaze. Yup. I swallow.

  He says, “It’s a dangerous job and everyone will understand if she declines the commission. I will be sad, though, as she’s like a daughter to me and I consider her a part of my team.”

  Oh my stars!

  “Will you accept the position?” Radcliff asks me.

  Will I? This is my second chance. Hell yeah. I stand and shake his offered hand.

  He turns back to the now grinning crowd of people. “Please welcome our newest recruit, Junior Officer Ara Yinhexi Lawrence.”

  Cheers and claps greet my new name, which is a nice surprise. I’m sure Radcliff will be able to alter DES’s records and I’ll be able to get on the Q-net again as long as I’m careful not to attract Jarren’s attention. But I am curious…

  “Ara?” I ask Radcliff.

  “Your dad picked your first name. I believe it’s a constellation. Your mother chose your middle name—it’s Chinese and translates to Milky Way Galaxy. And your parents asked me to select your last name. It was my wife’s maiden name.”

  Wow. He meant what he said about being like a daughter to him. “Thanks.”

  “But that doesn’t mean I won’t be hard on you, Junior Officer Lawrence. I have high standards for the behavior from my team. Understand?”

  In other words, don’t expect special treatment.

  “Yes, sir.”

  My parents pounce on me right after Radcliff beams with approval. I’m embraced and fussed over.

  But I stop them. “I still feel responsible and guilty for Officer Menz.”

  “We know,” Mom says. “You need time to work through it. We understand, but if you start sleeping twenty hours a day again, you’re going to have to talk to Dr. Jeffries.”

  “Why him?”

  “He has some experience in that area—both personal and professional.”

  I glance at him. He’s talking to Keir.

  “Okay,” I say.

  Mom clutches her chest in mock surprise. “That was too easy.”

  I grin. “Well I am a different person now.”

  Dad laughs, but Mom peers at me with her Mom-X-ray. “Uh huh. I’ll believe when I see it.”

  “Come on, Ming, have a little faith,” Dad says.

  “Are you willing to bet on it?” she asks.

  And that reminds me. “Dad, about that—”

  “Oh, look at the time,” he says. “We have to get back to work. See you at dinner.” Dad pecks me on the cheek and pulls my mother away.

  “Don’t think I’m going to forget,” I yell after him.

  “Forget what?” Beau asks me.

  “My dad betting on when I’d end up in detention.”

  “Yeah, I thought he shouldn’t be able to bet since he has insider knowledge.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I huff.

  He grins. “Let me be the first to welcome you to the team.” He holds out a hand and I shake it. “Nice to have a partner again.”

  After Beau, I end up shaking hands with the other members of the team as they welcome me one by one. Doctors Gage and Jeffries thank me and congratulate me.

  Morgan squeezes my hand harder than necessary and says, “Training starts tomorrow, Recruit.”

  Ugh. I should have known there was a catch. She laughs at my sour expression. Which dissolves when Niall approaches. He’s the last one and I suspect it’s on purpose because there’s no one else in the room.

  His hair is trimmed and he’s looking more than fine in his uniform. The clean scent of sage reaches me. My heart jumps into double-time when he’s within kissing distance.

  I tilt my head at the picture. “Is that for me?”

  “No. That’s for me. This…” He reaches behind the picture, pulls out a smaller piece of paper, and hands it to me. “This is for you.”

  It’s a drawing of a toad and a mouse, both wearing crowns, and fighting mutant zombies together. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

  “Welcome to the team,” he says.

  I raise an eyebrow. “No handshake?”

  “I’ve been strongly reminded about being a professional while in uniform.”

  “And when isn’t a handshake professional?”

  “When I know if I touch you I won’t be able to let go.”


  He gives me a wry grin. “And I’m supposed to pass that along to you, Junior Officer Lawrence. While you’re in uniform, you need to maintain your professionalism as well.”

  “Is that so?”

  He nods.

  This is going to be fun. “Please follow me, Officer Radcliff.” I go to the far left corner of the room.

  Niall joins me. “What—”

  I place my hands on the sides of his face and draw him in for
a kiss. A deep, passionate, curl-your-toes type. I know my toes are curling. After his initial surprise, he moans and responds in kind. I tangle my fingers in his hair. The rest of my body ignites. My new uniform feels tight and hot, the material abrasive against my skin.

  Niall breaks away, panting. “We’re going to get into trouble.”

  “No, we’re not.” He waits.

  “This is a blind spot, Officer Radcliff. The cameras can’t see us.”

  A wide grin lights his face. “Welcome back, Mouse.”

  Thank You

  Thank you for choosing Navigating the Stars book 1 in the Sentinels of the Galaxy series. The second book, Chasing the Shadows will be out in December 2019!

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  From the moment I sparked on the idea of space explorers finding Terracotta Warriors on other planets, this book has been quite the departure from my usual fantasy novels. As with most new things, it was a scary prospect. However, I had several people to help me along this journey and make it not so scary (at least until the reviews come in!).


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