Misters & Mochas (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Book 2)

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Misters & Mochas (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Book 2) Page 12

by A. J. Macey

  “The boys and I decided to stay in and watch movies. This week has been really stressful with finals,” I explained, only half lying.

  I mean, it had been stressful.

  But not just because of finals.

  “Okay, sweetie, as long as you have fun. Don’t do anything you shouldn’t,” she warned with a stern look. “I’m going to be working, then probably taking it easy for a while before bed. If you need anything, I’ll be upstairs.”

  “Okay, Mom. Thank you again for the present,” I called out as she headed back up the stairs.

  Ugh, back to studying.

  So not fun.

  “Who’s ready to get pretty?” Lyla called out excitedly. Zoey and Aubrey laughed, shouting ‘me’ loudly from the basement. “What about you, Emma Bean?” I shook my head, and Lyla’s brows dipped down in confusion.

  That’s right. I haven’t updated her yet about the change in plans.

  “Why not? Did those boys back out? Do I need to go redhead crazy on them?” she huffed, puffing up her chest.

  “Freaking Brad,” I grumbled in irritation. I was happy to spend any time with my boys I could, but I had been excited about the dance, and knowing Brad would get to enjoy it, and I wouldn’t put quite the damper on my mood.

  “Ugh, screw that bastard,” Lyla bit out. “Well, I’m still doing your makeup, so you’ll just have to deal with it.”

  “She’s still having a date night. Reid, Kingston, and Jesse are coming over for movie night,” Zoey told her cheerfully. “Which I bet Emma is excited about.” Zo waggled her brows at me, making me chuckle.

  “Oooh, yeah, dark room, blankets, wandering hands,” Lyla cooed in a sultry voice that made her sound like she had smoked cigarettes her whole life. Leaning in at the end of her statement, she walked her two fingers up my arm and shoulder with an exaggerated wink.

  “I doubt that’ll happen,” I countered with a laugh. The three of them looked at me with skeptical gazes and an ‘mm-hm.’

  “How’s that all going, anyway?” Lyla asked.

  “How’s what going? With the boys?” I asked, confused what she was referring to. I thought it was pretty clear we were doing well.

  “The physical portion of it,” Aubrey clarified for her, wiggling her eyebrows. Lyla pointed at her. “Bingo.”

  “Can’t be easy, balancing three guys as friends, let alone three guys going hot and heavy. Hell, half the time, I want to punch Brayden, Carter, and Jason in the face, and we’re not even dating,” Aubrey explained.

  “I mean, we haven’t, uh,” I stuttered, struggling to explain I was a virgin, and we hadn’t done anything other than make out.

  “Aww, look at that blush,” Zoey teased with a grin. “Yeah, they’re treatin’ her right.”

  “Agreed,” Lyla tacked on, looking at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

  Huffing in exasperation at not being able to explain what I meant, I redirected the conversation. “How did I become the topic of conversation? You’re the two with dates.” I waved to Zoey and Aubrey.

  “Tell us about them,” Lyla prompted, pulling out makeup and sitting down on the coffee table in front of Zoey.

  “I’m going with Brandon,” Zoey exclaimed. Her excitement wasn’t much of a surprise—she’d had a crush on Brandon since before I moved to the middle of nowhere, Nebraska—but it was the first time she’d been confident enough to talk to him.

  “Uh, Jason,” Audrey murmured under her breath. My eyes widened as Zoey’s head whipped to face her.

  “Like our friend Jason?” I asked in awe. Aubrey shrugged, her cheeks tinting red in a bashful blush.

  “I’ve liked him for years, but it always seemed like he wasn’t interested or saw me as just a friend, but then he asked me,” Aubrey explained.

  “That’s adorable,” Zo stated as Lyla aww-ed. “I’m glad he got his head out of his ass.”

  “Me too,” Aubrey agreed, “I hope it goes well and doesn’t get all weird between us if it doesn’t work out.”

  “Don’t worry about that, just enjoy your night. Nothing kills a potential relationship faster than worrying about what may or may not happen,” Lyla murmured, her focus split between our girl talk and Zoey’s eye makeup.

  “Look at you, having all that adultier knowledge,” I teased, picking up stuff to start on Aubrey’s makeup.

  “Well, I am the adult of the group, so I figured I would share my wisdom with the rest of you,” she joked, making all of us laugh. “So, what’s everyone doing for winter break? That’s coming up, right?”

  “My family and I are going to Colorado. We have extended family there, and my brothers and I love to ski,” Aubrey stated, her eyes focused on the ceiling as I blended eyeliner on her bottom lash line. “Granted, my older brother is more of a cross-country skier, but my younger bro and I will be on the slopes.”

  “I plan on just hanging out, relaxing for approximately two days before my entire freaking family comes in for the holidays, then it’s basically all family, all the time,” Zoey groaned. “I love them, but there are so many of them. ‘Oh Zoey, you’re so big,’ ‘Zoey, what are you doing after graduation,’ ‘When you going to find a boyfriend, Zoey?’”

  “Well, what are you doing after graduation? Having some babies?” Lyla asked before cackling, “Totally kidding. I couldn’t even say that with a straight face.”

  “Ha ha,” Zoey deadpanned before chuckling. “What about you, Emma? Any fun plans?”

  “My mom actually got me a ticket back to Cali to visit my dad,” I mumbled.

  “The dad you haven’t talked to much since moving?” Lyla questioned, looking over at me.

  “Yup,” I grumbled. “Like, I’m really excited because I’ve missed him so much, but at the same time… like, what if he doesn’t want me there, and that’s why he hasn’t talked to me?” I shrugged, finally voicing the fears that had been rattling around in my mind, despite my refusal to acknowledge them since my mom gave me the tickets.

  “I’m sure he wants you there, I mean, he’s your dad,” Zoey countered. “It might be weird at first, but I think it’ll be good for you to go.”

  “I hope so. The whole running into my old friends thing is going to be weird, though. I’ve barely talked to them. All they wanted to do was gossip about their day. Which, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind keeping up with things, but it just got tiring, ya know? With you guys and the boys, I feel like we talk about a lot more than that. I’m not sure how to describe it, but I feel happy with you guys, a stronger connection than just petty gossip.”

  “Aww, that was the sweetest thing ever, Emma Bean,” Lyla teased, pretending to wipe tears away. “We love you, too.” I rolled my eyes, my cheeks heating as we all laughed.

  “Alright, you’re all done, Aubs,” I said, sitting back. “Just have to pick a lip color to go with your dress.”

  “Yay! Thank you, it looks awesome,” Aubrey squealed, looking in the small mirror I held up. “I’m going to get my dress on! Coming, Zo?”

  “Almost done, you go get started. Do you need us to touch up your curls?” Lyla asked, glancing between the two of them. Both shook their heads, the curls that framed their faces shifting with the movement.

  I sank into the couch as Aubrey got up, grabbed her dress, and went into the bathroom. After a very loud squeal of excitement at her makeup, Zoey hopped up and darted into my room to change. Lyla chuckled as she scooted over to sit in front of me.

  “You don’t have to do—” I started.

  “Nonsense! You’re getting your makeup done, regardless of whether you’re going to the dance,” Lyla countered. “Now shush, I have to concentrate, or you’ll look like a clown.”

  “Reid would probably find it funny,” I murmured, trying hard to not move my face.

  “Probably, but that’s not what we’re going for.”

  “Well, what are we going for then?”

  “Sultry and seductive. You may not be glamming up in a dress or getting your ha
ir done, but you’ll still look hot as hell,” she assured proudly. “Besides, I know how much you love taking photos for your album, so now you’ll look amazing. Well, more amazing than you normally do. Wait… that didn’t come out right. You know what I mean.” By the time she was finished, we were both laughing our butts off, and thankfully, my eyes weren’t watering, so all the work she had already done was spared.

  “Okay, enough of that, don’t want to risk ruining it.” Lyla finished up my makeup with a sweep of mascara and a dab of lip color, forgoing blush at my request.

  Because goodness knows, I don’t need any when Reid, Kingston, and Jesse are around.

  “Emma, Lyla, ready to see?” Zo called out.

  “Yes,” I squealed, turning so I could see Aubrey and Zoey’s dresses. Aubs was wearing a muted purple dress, lace material from the hollow of her throat to her waist where the skirt flared and swooshed around her knees in a silky satin wave of lilac. The high halter top neckline showcased her thin neck and collarbones, and her chestnut hair was warm against the cool tone of her dress. Zoey was in a similar fall color, her dress a floor-length forest green. The fabric wasn’t shiny, almost velvety, accentuating her dark curly hair and pale skin.

  “Photo time!” Lyla held up their phones so they each could have pictures. “Alright, Emma Bean, get in there.”

  “Yeah, join us!” Aubrey bounced in excitement, the mood of the room making my cheeks hurt from constantly smiling. Climbing off the sofa, I stood between Zoey and Aubrey as Lyla took the pictures, several where I know we looked ridiculous because of Lyla’s antics as she made funny faces at us.

  “Lyla, you come stand with Emma, then we can get a few with all of us!” Zoey took the phones from Lyla, holding mine up to snap a picture of me and Lyla together. With Lyla being, well, Lyla, after the first normal photo, she wrapped her arms around my neck and hopped up into my arms. I barely had time to catch her in a cradle, thankfully, not dropping her in the process.

  Ten minutes of funny picture taking later, the doorbell cut short our fun. Jason and Brandon stood on the other side, quickly followed by my boys climbing out of Reid’s Jeep. After hugs and more photos of those attending the dance, everyone headed out save for my boys, leaving us in the basement, trying to figure out what movie to watch.

  “It’s the holidays, so we have to watch a holiday movie,” I countered loudly at the boys who to groan. “You don’t even know which Christmas movie I want to watch, so why are you all complaining?”

  “Cause it’ll probably be a sappy movie,” Reid explained. “I’m all for sappy, but only on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.”

  “So, this isn’t what you had in mind? Because this is what I wanted to watch.” I held up my movie, and the guys’ jaws dropped. “Christmas doesn’t start until I see Hans Gruber fall off of the Nakatomi Plaza tower.”

  “Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie, but I’m so down,” Reid stated, taking the case from me and popping the DVD in the player.

  “It totally counts as a Christmas movie,” I scoffed. “There’s a Christmas party in the movie, it’s festive, and there’s good family fun,” I ticked off, putting a finger up for every point I made.

  “I agree with her,” Kingston added with a smile, “except maybe the family fun part, depending on how old the kids are.”

  “Psh!” Reid waved a hand at us dismissively.

  “What about you?” Kingston asked Jesse, who shrugged.

  “I don’t have much of an opinion on it, I just like the movie,” Jesse explained diplomatically.

  “You’re just full of surprises, Cali girl,” Reid flashed me a smile as he plopped down onto the couch. I chuckled, getting situated in my spot, making room between Reid and Jesse. “You look really good, too, in case we didn’t say anything.” I beamed as I got settled.

  “Thanks, babe, I’ll tell Lyla you appreciate her hard work,” I teased, turning to face the movie at Reid’s chuckle.

  Jesse’s body was hot, his torso hard against my back as I leaned into him. My right leg was draped over Reid’s lap, his hand resting on my knee while my left was planted firmly on the ground. Kingston was relaxed in the armchair off to the side, his body facing us, but his eyes were on the screen.

  The movie had been playing for about a half hour when Jesse’s fingers started to shift ever so slowly down my side to my hip. Thankfully, the backdoor shades were closed, the room was dark, and Jesse’s movements were covered by a blanket Reid had tossed over me. My breath hitched, my heart galloping in my chest as his calloused fingers crept over the sliver of skin peeking out between the hem of my shirt and the band of my leggings.

  Shifting, Jesse slouched into the couch further, his cheek pressing to the top of my head slowly moving his fingers under my pants. A rush of tingles spread over me, my veins on fire as the lightest touch ran along the top edge of my panties. I forced myself to sit still. My leg was still propped in Reid’s lap, and I didn’t want my wiggling to get his attention.

  Going to be the death of me with this teasing.

  Nibbling on my lip as discreetly as I could, my hearing filled with nothing but my breathing and erratic heartbeat. As Jesse’s fingers ran over the front of my panties, I couldn’t stop the slight jump, playing it off as I readjusted slightly when Reid glanced over at us.

  Jesse’s chuckle was so quiet, I barely heard it over the movie, the honeyed sound only making the surge of heat build between my thighs. Despite Reid nearly catching us, Jesse didn’t stop, his fingers dipping below the cotton fabric to the slick entrance underneath. I nearly moaned as he tentatively pushed a finger into me, the angle restricting how far, but enough to make my breath whoosh from my lungs. Stars burst in front of my eyes at the overwhelming sensations that threatened to drown me.

  It took all of my willpower not to move. I was held hostage by two desires—wanting Jesse to continue, but not wanting to let Reid or Kingston know what was going on right next to them. Jesse’s erection was pressing into my lower back and hip, the hardened bulge only serving to make me hotter. When I thought I couldn’t handle anymore, Kingston shifted to stand, breaking the bubble of teasing Jesse had created.

  “Want us to pause it?” I asked, my voice cracking in the middle of my question, followed by Jesse soft grunt as I lightly elbowed him in the stomach to cut off his smothered laughter.

  “If you could,” Kingston agreed, smiling down at me as he moved around the couch and into the hallway to go to the bathroom.

  “Anyone want snacks?” Jesse questioned, shifted forward to stand, but not before thrusting his finger into me one final time. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and flopped back on the couch, spent from the swirling emotions that had my nerves on edge.

  “I’ll help you,” Reid called out as Jesse headed up the stairs, shifting my leg off his lap before getting up. He stood there a moment, waiting until we were alone before he leaned down, his lips brushing the curve of my ear.

  “Tsk tsk, naughty Emma, having fun in a room full of people,” he whispered. I couldn’t stop the shocked gasp that escaped as I felt the blood drain from my face. “Aww, don’t look so scared, Cali girl, I like watching you squirm.” With that, he kissed me quickly, pulling back to flash me a cocky smile that guaranteed he’d loved nearly giving me a heart attack, then headed up the stairs, leaving me to my racing thoughts.

  The girls were right, wandering hands indeed.

  Not that you’d hear me complaining, I can’t wait for next time.

  December 21st

  Today, I’ll do my best, and that will be more than good enough

  #IAmGoodEnough #RockTheACT #StressFreeSaturday

  “You did it,” I reminded myself as I sank into my driver’s seat. “You finished your practice ACT and didn’t throw up. Gotta look on the bright side of things.” I continued to tell myself little positive things like Jesse and Ms. Rogers’ had told me to do if I was too anxious or worried to help set my mind on the right track. I even did some extra steps l
ast night, to help start on the right foot today. After meditating, I went to bed early with my alarm set fifteen minutes before my usual alarm, so I could eat a nutritious breakfast.

  Who said I couldn’t be responsible?

  Call me, Miss I-Freaking-Got-This.

  Almost home, my stomach finally settled, but my body was drained of energy as the last of the anxiety faded. Getting out of the car, I headed inside.

  “What the heck?” I murmured under my breath as I flipped the light switch.


  Not even a flicker.

  “Must have blown a fuse,” I surmised, heading to the basement where I knew the breaker was, but when I scanned the line of switches, none were off. “Maybe there’s an outage? Why am I still talking to myself?”

  Shaking my head, I pulled up a new tab on my phone, searching for outages, but according to the website, everything was up and running. My blood turned to ice as I made my way upstairs, snatching up the mail from its pile on the counter on my way. When I found the energy bill, I opened it and immediately felt my jaw drop.


  Final notice until payment.

  Mom couldn’t even be bothered to pay the damn bill, now? Storming to her office, I yanked out her password book, scanning until I found the login for the utility company. Hopefully, they have online bill pay. I pulled up the site on my phone and waited for it to load.

  Note to self, set up auto-pay when I own a freaking house.

  I gasped when I saw the bill, knowing I had enough to cover it but not without eating up a large chunk of my most recent paycheck. Guess Lyla and my friends are getting handmade gifts this year.

  “Why did you have to go to the middle of the country with bad reception?” I asked my mom’s office as if I expected her to be able to hear me.

  She didn’t.


  As soon as the bill was paid, a notification popped up saying the power would be turned back on within the next few hours. A chill settled over me when I finally realized how cold it had gotten in the house, so I hurried downstairs and bundled up on the couch. I got lost in a book Jesse and I had been reading together, wanting to reread the first part of the book, so I was ready for our second reading date.


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