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Playing With the Biker (Curvy Women Wanted Book 17)

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “I certainly do.”

  “You wore Mandy down.”

  “I don’t think I did anything like wearing her down.” He’d asked her right after he’d given her one of the best orgasms of her life. Multiple orgasms. The kind that make a woman scream and almost verge on pain as there is so much pleasure. He’d done that. No one else. He smiled just remembering.

  “Dale, you’re my son, and I love you. Please, be careful.”

  Dale finished getting ready and turned to his father. He wasn’t wearing a tux, nor had he changed out of his leather cut. Mandy didn’t mind who he was, and didn’t demand he share a persona of himself with anyone else. She was more than happy with who he was.

  “I’m in love with her, Dad.” There, he’d finally come out and told someone.

  “You’re in love with her?”

  “That’s what I said. I love her. I want to be with her, and I can’t see myself with anyone else.” He wasn’t going to tell his father about his pregnancy plan. He’d already fucked Mandy several times without a condom. So far, he’d kept her so focused on the pleasure of her body she didn’t even notice he’d done it. “I fucked up with her because I was scared. I’m not afraid anymore, and I’m not going to back down. I love her. I want to be with her, and I’m going to spend every waking moment I can proving it to her.”

  “Good. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “You’re not worried about Mandy? I know it took you a long time to get a good secretary.”

  “She’s fantastic, and if the worst comes, I’ll tell her I disowned you.”

  Dale laughed. “Good one. I’ve got to head out.” He slapped his dad on the chest before he left.

  None of the guys rode his ass for going on a date. They were all preoccupied with the club and what they were doing to some of the women. He had no interest in joining in. After leaving the club, he climbed into his bike, straddling the machine, and took off toward Mandy’s home.

  He was so freaking nervous.

  Dating wasn’t exactly something he had to practice with. Being the son of the president of the MC, girls had always been all over him, until Mandy. She didn’t swoon for him whenever he walked into a room. She smiled politely, but that was about it. What would he have to do to actually get her to fall in love with him? He’d never wanted a woman to love him, not even a little bit.

  “Right, let’s do this. It’s a date.”

  Climbing off his bike, he walked up to her door and knocked. Seconds passed and then a couple of minutes before she opened the door.

  She wore a pair of jeans and a crop top. Her face was red. “Hey,” she said.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” She stepped out of her door, closing it and throwing the key into her purse. “I just had to finish getting ready.”

  “You were going to stand me up?”

  “I wasn’t going to stand you up. I was thinking of a good enough excuse not to go on a date with you.”

  “And that’s not standing me up?” he asked.

  “Not in my book. We’re still going on a date, so you have nothing to worry about.” She pushed some of her brown hair off her face and smiled. “You never told me where we’re going. I figured you’d bring the bike, and I didn’t want to get sore.” She winced. “Over share.”

  “You’re nervous,” he said.

  “A little, maybe. I don’t know.” She kept flicking her hair back. “I think back to our first date.”

  “Our first date was amazing. You can’t deny that.”

  “I’m not. I’m thinking about what went down after with all the crap.” She shook her head. “Ignore me. I’ve been in a weird place lately.”

  “Anything I can help you with?”

  “Nah, it’s fine.” She pulled on her jacket. “Do you know where we’re going?”

  “Not a clue. I figured we’d wing it.”

  She burst out laughing. “A date with nowhere to go.”

  “You got it, sweetheart. Come on, let’s go and have some fun.” He was tempted to give her the helmet. He’d been riding his bike for as long as he could remember. She wouldn’t wear it though, no matter what he said. He was an expert rider on his bike, and no one told him what to do. “Climb on, baby.”

  Her smile was infectious.

  She climbed onto the back of his bike, wrapping her arms around him. “Do I need to hold on tight?”


  Her hands locked around his waist, and her lips brushed his neck.

  “I’m ready and waiting.”

  His cock wanted inside her so badly. He had to get control of himself, as otherwise he’d lose it right then and there. What was it about Mandy that had him so fucking lost on lust, on love? She didn’t take any of his shit, and he loved that about her.

  She wasn’t a pushover. He needed her more than he’d ever needed anything else.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked. “You’re not moving.”

  “I’m thinking about you, and what you do to me.”

  “And what is it I do?”

  He placed her hand directly over his dick. “This is what you do, and you make it hard for a man to think straight.”

  “Do you want me to take care of that for you first?”

  “No. I’m a grown-ass man. I’m going to treat you first.”


  Mandy had had every intention of canceling their date. She didn’t think it was possible for them to make it work, and yet, she’d heard him knock at her front door, and any chance she had of making him go away vanished. She didn’t want to push him away, so she opened up the door to see an equally nervous Dale.

  He had this way about him, which only served to make her adore him even more. She couldn’t believe she’d fallen for this guy. How was it even possible for her to do that after everything? He was a biker.

  She worked for bikers and saw how they operated every single day. Most women were a convenience to them.

  Why had she let Dale break down her walls?

  Because you wanted to.

  She pressed her face against the leather of his back, closing her eyes as the wind whipped through her hair. She loved being on his bike, loved feeling him between her thighs, controlling, in charge, ready to take on the world. She didn’t have any worries about the upcoming date.

  The fact he hadn’t made any plans suited her.

  They were not the kind of people to fit into a neatly organized way of life.

  They were merely two people who were misfits. She didn’t like the convention of keeping her mouth closed when someone was pissing her off. If someone was being a dick, she’d call them out on it, and had no problems when they glared right back.

  It was how she survived in her life.

  It also meant she hadn’t been married. She had tried dating, and even living with a boyfriend, but she ended it with him after she just knew they weren’t compatible. He spent too much time telling her what she should or shouldn’t do. No one, as far as she was concerned, had to live like that.

  Pushing all those bad thoughts out of her mind, she tilted her head back and enjoyed the rush of the air and the feelings surrounding her.

  She let out a whoop and smiled for all to see.

  After he’d been riding for nearly an hour, they came to a stop at a truck stop. There were lots of trucks, bikes, cars, and one big, old food truck, serving food. She couldn’t get a read on the name.

  “This guy does the best burgers and fries in the whole world,” Dale said.

  She climbed off the bike. Her legs felt a little like jelly, but she didn’t fall on her ass. “He does?”

  “Yep. I know I could take you to come fancy restaurant, but I figured you’d appreciate good food rather than great ambiance.”

  Dale pressed a kiss to her lips and strode off toward said truck as she stood beside his bike.

  He wasn’t wrong. Restaurants weren’t something she enjoyed.

  It’s another thi
ng he knows about you.

  She wasn’t about to list all of the pros and cons of dating him. The line at the food truck was long, and Mandy watched Dale as he moved down the crew. His leather cut stood out, and she noticed some conservative men gave him a wide berth.

  She had no idea why it turned her on, only that it really freaking did.

  Dale was tough. He wasn’t older or younger than she was. They were the same age, separated by months only.

  Folding her arms, she watched him as he made it to the food truck, ordered, and the guy served him up.

  He came back to her, laden with food. They found a small bench that wasn’t taken by families and sat down. He’d bought three burgers, lots of fries, some onion rings, and sauces.

  “You found this place?”

  “Yeah, a couple of months ago. I was going to bring you to it, but you’ve been a hard woman to get on a date.”

  “You bring anyone else?”



  “I’ve not been back since last time, but I follow the truck’s movements. They have a special text service to say when they’re in the area. I got a ding last night and knew this was the place I wanted to take you. It wasn’t exactly a plan, but a last minute of things falling into place.”

  She took a bite of the burger, and then some fries. As she chewed the food, flavors exploded on her tongue, and she smiled. “You’re right. This is the best food, and no restaurant could compete with this.”

  “Told ya.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t bring anyone else here to enjoy it.”

  “I haven’t fucked any of the club women, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  She paused with a fry against her lips. “I don’t want to spoil tonight.”

  “On our last date, I had so much fun. I freaking loved it. You were funny, smart, sweet, and fiery all in one package. I went back to the clubhouse, and I was terrified. I’ve never had a woman who I not only adored from the first moment, but who also made it impossible for me to forget. I know I’m not the greatest guy out there. You could do so much better. When you came back to the clubhouse, I saw you before you saw me. You stood out in the crowd. It was like you fucking glowed. I panicked with how happy I was to see you.”

  “You panicked?”

  “Yes, and I grabbed the first club whore I could, and forced her to dance. I didn’t want you to think I was one of these saps that fell in love on the first date. When you started mouthing off at me, telling me I was a dog, and an idiot, well, it turned me on. I’m a moron. I’m going to make mistakes. I won’t ever step out on you. No woman will ever compare to you.”

  As far as speeches went, it was a really sweet and heartfelt one.

  “I happen to like morons,” she said. “I think we’re suited quite well.”

  Chapter Five

  The date went far better than Dale expected. They ate good food, drank hot chocolate, and then he took her for a ride, showing her the sights. She was more than happy, and they shared another hot chocolate on the way home, and now he had her outside her house.

  Mandy climbed off the bike, pushing her hair out of the way.

  “I had fun tonight.”

  “Me too. We should do it again sometime.”

  “You’re willing to go on another date?” she asked.

  “More than one, in fact.”

  She looked behind her and then back at him. “You want to come inside?”


  He wasn’t going to toy around or play with this woman. He knew what he wanted and what he needed to do to get her.

  Parking his bike in her driveway, he followed her to the front door. He watched her open it, and saw there was a slight tremble in her hand.

  “You don’t have to be nervous.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then why are you shaking?”

  “I’m excited.” She closed the door and he pressed her against it. Flicking the lock into place, he sank his fingers into her hair, tilting her head back.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he heard her moan, and it was the prettiest sound in the world.

  Sliding his hands down her body, he pushed the jacket off her shoulders, before going to the edge of her shirt and pulling it up over her head.

  He spun her around, running his hands down her body to cup her wide hips. He found the button, releasing it before pulling down the zipper.

  Bending down, he pulled on her jeans, helping her out of them. Next, he took her panties as well. Stroking across the curves of her ass, he spread them wide, kicking her feet apart so she couldn’t hide from him.

  Biting her ass cheek, he did the same to the other before cupping her between her spread thighs.

  She gasped his name as his finger moved between her slit, stroking over her clit before going to her cunt, pushing two fingers inside her to feel just how wet she was for him. Removing his fingers, he stood and opened up his jeans. Wrapping his slick fingers around his length, he pressed the tip against her cunt and slowly began to sink inside her.

  When he was at the hilt, he paused, reaching between them to tease her clit. A few strokes and her pussy clenched around his dick. She was so close, and he wanted her just there, right at the peak, ready for him to fuck her.

  There was no way he could prolong this pleasure.

  Tonight, he just had to have her.

  Allowing her to come, he felt every ripple and relished the sound of her cries. They were so sweet, and exactly what he needed. Holding her hips, he didn’t give her a chance to come down from her peak before he began to pound inside her, sliding in deep, fucking her hard.

  In and out, he watched his cock, slick with her arousal as he pushed inside her. There was nothing more erotic to him than seeing Mandy take his cock. He was going to fill her with more cum.

  He wouldn’t stop, not until she belonged to him.

  Over and over, he fucked her, loving as she pushed back against him.

  “You are everything,” he said, pushing to the hilt inside her, and pulsing all of his cum deep into her cunt, hoping it flooded her womb, and if there wasn’t one already, they’d made a baby together.

  Guilt clawed at him as his orgasm started to ebb, but he pushed it aside.

  He had to do what he did, to keep this woman. He’d come to see Mandy wasn’t the kind of woman to be tamed. She was the woman you had to keep.

  Dale didn’t move for several seconds, not wanting to leave her body.

  She panted and glanced behind him. “Wow,” she said.


  He pulled out of her, and before she could have the chance to figure out his cum was dripping out of her, he picked her up, carrying her upstairs to the shower.

  “Dale, what are you doing?”

  “I’m taking care of you. What does it look like?”

  “You don’t have to carry me.”

  “I like it.”

  “You’re behaving crazy,” she said.

  “No, I’m just crazy about you.” And I’m wanting to knock you up. I don’t like how I’m behaving with you, but I can’t seem to stop.

  He was a grade-A asshole and knew it the instant he dumped her in the shower, turning the water on as it ran out cold and stepping in with her.

  He removed his jacket, shoving it out of the stall, but his clothes, he allowed to get soaked as he grabbed the soap.

  Even as some of his cum was running out of her, there’d be some that would stay, and he was hoping that would do the trick, again.

  There had to come a point where he finally knocked her up.

  Using his hands as a sponge, he started to rub her body, paying careful attention to her large tits, then down her body, going to her full ass. He pulled her close and took possession of her lips, wanting her again.

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “No. I’ve got you in my arms, Mandy, and whenever you’re there, I don’t want to let you go. You can call it insatiable, but I�
�ve got a lot of other words to call it.”

  “Let’s not call it anything, please,” she said. “Just … let’s just enjoy this.”

  And he knew exactly why he was having to do what he did.

  Mandy would never be his unless he forced the issue.

  The thing was, guilt aside, he was willing to do whatever it took to claim her as his.


  A couple of days later, Mandy walked into the office. Doc was handling some papers, and Jo looked rather frazzled.

  “I thought you had called in sick,” Jo said.

  “When I woke up this morning, I was so damn sick. I thought I was. I feel all right now. I figure there’s no point me wasting a sick day when I can come in.”

  Doc stopped writing on his form and looked at her.

  “You know, you’ve been having these morning sicknesses for a couple of weeks now.”

  “Nah, it hasn’t been that long.”


  Doc went over to the clock-in chart. “All last week you were sick in the morning. You worked overtime, but the same complaint. Sick as a dog. Then you felt fine, and came into work.”

  Mandy frowned, walking over to the board.

  “No, it couldn’t be every single day. That’s not possible.”

  “Why not?”

  “I feel fine.”

  “A couple of hours later. Do you eat dry toast? Crackers?” Doc asked, glancing over to Jo.

  “You can’t do that secret communicative look thing. I was the one who set you two up. Remember that. You both can’t do that to me. What’s going on?” Her mind was not in a good place.

  She didn’t like it when people had this weird look on their faces, like she was being stupid or something. She hated it more than anything else.

  “You can’t keep holding it over our heads that you helped us get together.”

  “I totally can, and I will,” Mandy said. “What’s the big deal?”

  “Sweetie, don’t freak out, but I think Doc needs to go and get you a pregnancy test kit.” Jo spoke quietly, softly.

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  “He does. You’ve been sick every single morning and feel fine just before lunch. Dry toast and crackers ease your stomach. You sound like me. I’m pregnant. Believe me, I can see the signs.”


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