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Pastel Spells

Page 3

by Orriculum Rose

  Find moment to light a literal fire between you, whether it is a campfire, or maybe you sit down to dinner and decide to have a candlelit meal for once. You can sit across or next to him, as long as you’re generally pointed to the candle.

  Use the prepared matches/lighter to light the fire. Have a friendly conversation over the fire. Feel the fire’s energy filling up your relationship.

  Drop the word “spark” into the conversation casually. This is the only word you will need for the incantation, and you only need to say it once. Let the conversation last as long as it can.

  Put the fire/candle out safely, but try to keep the fire’s energy in mind. It does not go out with the flame if you don’t let it. You can do this spell more than once if you like, but try to space it out.

  Show Me Your Love Spell

  A spell to help people more easily express their feelings to one another.


  rose petals


  white candle

  Dry some rose petals and crush them, add dill. Put a little in your pillowcase.

  Make a little circle out of the rest of the herbs, put the candle in the center. Burn it and chant:

  “By rosemary and dill this spell starts

  Draw me closer and show your cares

  As I’ve held you in my arms

  And you hold me in your heart.”

  Save the herbs in a bag. If the spell becomes too much, so you can salt and burn them to end it.

  Stop Ignoring Me Spell

  Place a small pinch of dill, and a fragment of a rose petal under your tongue. Concentrate on the intention “open your mouth, open your heart” for a little while.

  Give him a kiss on the cheek.

  then go into the bathroom alone. chant/think:

  “Open your mouth, let me see your heart

  Spill the feelings that are keeping us apart.”

  as you rinse the herbs out of your mouth with water, imagine his opening up to you.

  repeat if you like, but no more than twice a day.

  Contact Spell

  If your practice calls for it, invoke your corresponding deities/elements/planets, cast a circle, etc. This is optional.

  Draw the sign of mercury and charge it. Place a shallow bowl over the sign, place your phone opposite you, near the bowl.

  Write your and the person’s number on separate pieces of paper. If you have a piece of clear quartz (preferably cleansed/charged but no big deal if it isn’t) rub it over the numbers, three times each, then place it in the bowl. If you have no quartz, use your finger. Chant, say, sing or think:

  “Any words you have waiting for me,

  Be brought to the front of your mind

  Please, from me, the powers that be,

  Lead my friend, that he should find

  Our correspondence is long overdue,

  Spark a dialogue, to me from you!”

  After, take the papers and burn them, or tear them up into small pieces. Mix in the bowl, mix in your caraway and dill. Leave by the window, or sprinkle outside in the wind, in the direction of that person’s house.

  Of course, there is a mundane method as well, simply call or text them yourself. I know that option is scarier, but results are 100% quicker, so I’m going to include a quick little courage spell: take a pinch of basil, hold it to your heart and repeat the things you want to say to the person, until you feel a bit stronger. Place the basil under your tongue, drink some water and text/call them.

  Rose Romance Spell

  A spell to aid romance for couples that don’t connect in all the conventional ways

  Gather: a whole peach, rose quartz, a normal rock, and one of the items below that corresponds to what you feel is missing from the relationship.

  dill = communication

  vanilla = lust

  poppy seeds = romance

  cumin = fidelity

  coconut = chastity

  bluebell = trust

  cypress = peace

  Cut the peach in half, take the pit out.

  Put the rose quartz and the normal rock where the pit was

  Sprinkle your chosen ingredient over the inside of the peach.

  Close up the peach.

  Bury the peach. Keep the pit.

  For Sour Relationships

  ‘What Kind of Man Loves Like This’ Spell

  A spell to help release yourself from a bad relationship in your life


  a red and a blue candle

  half an apple

  coffee grounds



  pine needles

  representation of the person you wish to distance yourself from

  Light the candle, and take half the apple, which represents the rotting relationship.

  Bury the coffee, pepper, salt, pine needles, the banishing elements, and the representative object, in the core of the apple half. Burn the whole thing with the red and blue candle(s).

  As it burns, feel the bonds of the relationship dissolve away

  Dispose of the burned apple somewhere safe.

  Know What You Have Done Spell

  This is a spell to let the person know how they are affecting you negatively, so that they may gain a new perspective on

  Find a picture of the two of you, and roll it up with some rosemary inside, fresh or dried, whichever is easier to procure. Tie it with string, and light a black or white candle. Burn the rolled picture.


  “Wasted friendship, wasted years,

  Know and feel these wasted tears.

  By broken bond and rosemary

  Know, and regret what

  you have done to me.”

  Lapis Water Binding

  A spell to bind and banish those to a place they cannot travel from


  lapis lazuli

  sea salt water

  a rock or something heavy as an anchor

  black thread

  Create one taglock for the person/thing you are binding.

  Create the other taglock, for the part of yourself that has been affected by the person/thing. This is to bind the affect-or and the affected area away together.

  Mix the sea salt and the water, bind the taglocks and the anchor with black thread.

  Drown the bound objects, chant the above quote if you like.

  You can put the lapis lazuli in the water during this enchantment, but know it is a water-soluble stone. Alternatively, you can hold it over the bowl for the spell.

  Cold Shoulder Spell

  A spell for pushing two people apart.

  Find a picture of the two of them, preferably printed out, on something flimsy, like paper. Place the picture in a box you don’t mind getting wet. Get some ice, and chip it up into small pieces.


  “Sharp as ice and just as cold,

  I break the bond these two hold.

  With ice, now, let friendship freeze,

  Let these two become enemies.”

  Create a line/wall of ice between the two in the picture, down the middle. Close the box and let the ice melt and soak the picture, slowly blurring the ink and weakening the paper. Wait till the ice is all melted, and then reapply and repeat this step as many times as you feel necessary. Or until the picture is destroyed

  Tongue Tying Spell

  A spell for binding and unwanted flirter.

  Find something that represents his mouth, a drawing or a picture, anything. Write the names of the girls you don’t want him to talk to on the back. Bind with black thread, and then burn it over a black candle.


  “Your tongue is tied, it belongs to me

  I have your voice but it is only lip service.

  To flirt with other girls you won’t be free.

  By black thread and candle,

  Let this spell preserve us.”

  Keep the ashes in an envelope.

  Wrapped Around Your Fing

  - A Binding Spell

  A spell for binding and many unwanted flirters.

  Take one glove from a pair the person has worn. Write the names of the people who flirt and write them down, slip them inside each of the fingers of the gloves. Bind each of the fingers with black thread/string. Seal each knot with the wax from a black candle, and after each finger, chant:

  “Give me your hands,

  which you promised to me

  I have your voice

  but it is only lip service.

  To exchange flirts

  with others you won’t be free.

  By black thread,

  let this spell preserve us.”

  Bind it tight as you can with the thread, seal with black thread. Keep in a box out of sight.

  To Bind A Stalker Spell:

  Use a picture of them, or an effect of theirs, and begin tying it up with black string or thread.

  “I restrict you, you won’t bother me

  Your words won’t touch my mind

  Of this spell you won’t be free

  Until this thread unbinds.”

  Repeat the chant until you have covered the entire thing with the black string/thread, make sure you cannot see any bit of the original object.

  Self Love

  Rose Bath Spell

  A simple bath ritual of roses and milk to gather love and beauty


  dried milk

  epsom salts

  rose petals

  sliced strawberries

  Fill a bath with hot water, mix 1 ½ cups dried milk into the hot water

  Dissolve epsom salts in the water and stir.

  Sprinkle the rose petals over the top of the bath

  Soak in the bath, absorbing its soft warm energies.

  Eat the strawberry slices. Each bite leaves loving words in your mouth.

  Moon Glamour

  A glamour to feel confident and beautiful, even when nervous and self-conscious



  a white candle

  a pink ribbon

  a flower



  Tie the ribbon around the candle.

  Dress the candle with the flower, orange peel, and thyme.

  Burn the candle, chant,

  “By the light of the moon”.

  Blow out the candle, pass the quartz through the smoke.

  Tie the quartz with the ribbon and keep on your person as a charm.

  Use the charm as needed.

  ’On Fire’ Confidence Spell

  A candle spell for self-confidence, fearlessness and boldness


  celery leaves


  red ribbon

  an orange candle

  Wrap the candle with the red ribbon.

  Light the candle.

  Burn leaves and thyme in the flame.

  Concentrate on absorbing the vibrant energy from the candle.

  When satisfied, blow the candle out.

  Self Care – Habits

  Princess Sleep Spell

  A pillow spell for sleeping well with pleasant dreams




  lavender or chamomile

  cucumber peel

  Combine the cucumber peel and lavender/chamomile in the sachet

  Keep the sachet inside your pillowcase, amethyst under the pillow

  Place amethyst under bed during your sleep.

  Place amethyst under pillow during the day, or when not sleeping.

  Spell to Help Break Bad Habits

  A spell that mixes mundane methods with magic to help break bad habits


  black thread

  bay leaf

  a different, healthy habit you want to replace it with

  Identify what brings the habit on: boredom, convenience, etc.

  Bind it with the black thread.

  Burn the bay leaf and sprinkle the ashes over the new habit

  Keep the objects near one another, to remind you to opt for the good habit over the bad one.

  Healthy Eating Spell

  A spell to aid in the eating foods for a healthy diet, neither too little nor too much.


  moon water


  a cinnamon stick

  an apple

  Combine salt and moon water.

  Cut the apple in half, leave half in the salt/moon water.

  Leave the cinnamon stick on top of the apple in the water.

  Eat the other half of the apple.

  Dry out the cinnamon stick, hang it in front of your food cabinet/fridge.

  Stuffed Animal Sleep Spell

  A spell for keeping negativity out of dreams, whether it’s pain, difficult subjects, or people that hurt you.


  a pillow or stuffed animal

  apple seeds

  dried lavender


  Charge the herbs under the moonlight.

  Open up the pillow, place the herbs inside.

  Stitch the pillow back up. Keep the pillow on the bed when you sleep.

  Facewash Spell

  A simple spell to promote beautiful or healthy skin.


  a blue candle

  rose quartz

  facewash of choice

  a mirror

  Leave the rose quartz to charge the facewash of choice while not using it.

  When you go to wash your face, light the candle nearby.

  Anoint the mirror with a drop of wax.

  Use the facewash as you would normally, wash and rinse your face.

  Pat your face dry and blow out the candle.

  Remove wax from the mirror, leave rose quartz to charge facewash.

  Restarting Spell

  A ritual for fresh starts, to remove old energies, and invite new ones in

  To be done at the end of the year, midnights, or the end of each month


  a white candle


  two pages

  a fire-safe surface

  Write about, or in a sigil, represent the aspects you want to shake off.

  On the second page, write the things you wish to usher in.

  Place the positive one under the candle, and draw a circle of salt around the candle. Burn the negative note.

  If you plan to repeat the ritual, use the back of the positive note to collect the negativities for when you burn it later.

  To do as a group ritual, arrange the candles in a circle or mark all pages with a unifying sigil.

  Self Care – Emotional

  Bubble Your Feelings Spell

  A spell to bubble feelings that are causing you harm, such as unrequited love


  a pearl

  an object that represents your feelings

  a box

  a white candle.

  If you do not have a pearl, use clear quartz or glass.

  Gather up your feelings and push them onto the object. Box the object up.

  Drip white wax onto the opening of the box, sealing it.

  Draw a circle in the air around the box with the pearl.

  It is finished. It will not bother you until you unbubble it.

  This can be done without an object, only with thought, but it is harder to accomplish them.

  Reflected Illusion Glamour

  A glamour to blend in, or make something less noticeable



  sea salt

  a mirror

  daisy petals

  On the surface on the mirror, mix the water and sea salt


  “Reflected by the water,

  Hidden by the light.”

  Dip the daisy petals into the water

  Use the petals to dab the water on what you wish to hide

  Clear Speak
ing Glamour

  A spell to aid with speaking clearly, and get your point across.


  lipstick/chapstick of your choice


  morning dew

  violet petals

  Ensure the lipstick/chapstick is completely closed.

  Go over the outside of the container with the dew and the basil.

  Let them charge the balm.

  Wipe them off, apply the balm. Kiss the violet to start the spell.

  No Light, No Light

  A spell to figure out what you or another need to say someone, and to help you say, be it an apology or a confession.




  two blue candles

  Perform on or by “the empty space in” your bed, at night.

  Carve your name in one candle, the other person’s name on the other.


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