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Brainy Bear (Justice Squad Book 5)

Page 6

by Scarlett Grove

  Sampson reached inside and pulled out the tissue paper wrapped contents. It was a teething toy in the shape of a giraffe, some bibs, a warm outfit, and several books about child-rearing.

  Sampson handed the teething toy to Megan after she asked for it. She opened the box and rose to rinse it off in the sink before handing it to Jimmy. He immediately began to chew on the giraffe and squealed gleefully as the toy squeaked in his mouth.

  Megan and Sampson both gazed lovingly at the child and then looked up at each other. Sampson felt his inner bear growling low, insisting that he take his mate now. Stop waiting. Stop being a weak fool. She's yours. She is your mate. Don't let her go. Make her yours.

  He squeezed his eyes closed, trying to make the voice of his grizzly go away. He then looked through the books, and thanked Zander.

  "These will come in handy. I don't know anything about raising children. Megan has a Master’s in early childhood education, though, and her help has been invaluable.”

  "Are you satisfied working as a nanny?" Zander asked.

  "I'm lucky that Sampson hired me. When I left Denver, I didn't really know where I was going. I just stopped somewhere and got a hotel. I needed to get away from my life. To start over again after my sister died. I was running out of money, so I applied for a job. Like I said, I was lucky."

  "I see," Zander said.

  "And I'm lucky to have her.”

  "Well it was lovely to meet you, Megan, and little Jimmy," he said, ruffling Jimmy’s hair, "but I need to get going."

  "I'll walk you out," Sampson said.

  The two men walked to the door, leaving Megan in the kitchen with Jimmy. They stopped in front of the door and Sampson asked him low, "What do you think?"

  "She's hiding something," Zander said. “I can't quite put my finger on it, but she is being evasive. There's another reason that she's here in Fate Rock besides running from a memory. But she's fragile — I think you are right in finding her therapist. Only time will tell. Hopefully that's all she'll need for her recovery. I wish you both the best of luck. And I am confident that eventually the two of you will be together."

  "Thank you, Zander," Sampson said, gripping his friend’s shoulder. "You've been a big help.”

  "Let me know if you need anything else," Zander said, stepping out into the cool November afternoon.

  "I will," Sampson said before closing the door.

  He wasn't sure if he felt better or worse knowing that Megan was hiding something. But every bit of information that he gathered got him closer to the truth. Zander believed there was another reason for her being in Fate Rock, and as much as he agreed that Megan was fragile and needed space, he wanted to know what it was. Only the complete truth would allow them to move forward with their relationship if it would ever be possible for them to have one.

  He went back to his office after lunch and started to work. He'd been approaching the hacker from multiple angles, disguising his footprints through a thousand chain IP, and he knew that soon he would crack the firewall without detection. Every bit of information and every attempt got him closer. But he had another close call with being detected and had to call it a night.

  He joined Megan in the dining room for dinner, pork ribs and corn on the cob with pumpkin pie. He asked her if she wanted a glass of wine. Tonight, she accepted. They ate dinner together and he helped her clean the kitchen before they put Jimmy down. After the little boy was sleeping comfortably in his crib, they walked back down the stairs together, their hands nearly touching.

  "Would you like another glass of wine?" he asked as they walked into the living room.

  "Um, okay," she said hesitantly.

  "Make yourself comfortable. I'll get it."

  She sat down on the couch, and he went to the kitchen to fill their glasses with pinot. He returned to the living room and handed her the glass before sitting down beside her. The smell of her skin was like perfume. And he could sense that she was relaxing as she sipped her second glass of wine.

  "The dinner was delicious," he said. "I'm so lucky to have you here."

  "Thank you. I feel the same. How is work going?"

  "I'm close to finishing this project. It will be a big relief when it's done.”

  "Oh, that's good."

  "I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help."

  "I'm glad that I am able to help you, Sampson," she said. "I'm glad that I have something to offer."

  "You have more to offer than you realize." He gazed into her beautiful hazel eyes.

  She took a deep breath and let it out, setting her wine glass on the end table beside her. Sampson did the same, and they turned back to each other. Their hands touched, electricity shot through him, and their fingers threaded. They looked down wordlessly, watching their hands get acquainted. When their eyes met, they moved into each other as if possessed by the same spirit.

  Their lips met and it was like an explosion of desire, comfort, and clarity all wrapped together inside his chest. He pulled her close and kissed her deeper, needing to explore the depths of her taste. The warm flood of desire spread over him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They consumed each other, their kisses growing more passionate until they became frantic.

  She groaned and climbed up into his lap as he pulled her astride him. It wasn't until then that they broke their kiss. She let out a deep breath, resting her forehead against his, her hands threaded through his cropped hair. They looked at each other and it was as if they could read each other's thoughts. Then, she kissed him again.

  Chapter 10

  A flood of desire and emotion washed over Megan as she breathed in Sampson's breath. She was so surprised by the turn of events, and her overpowering hunger for him, that she didn't want to stop to think about what was happening or what the consequences would be. She just wanted to feel.

  She wanted to be in the moment, kissing him, feeling him, loving him. It was one of the most monumental, most beautiful moments of her life. It was as if time stood still and the world washed away.

  It was just her and Sampson, their bodies pressed against each other, their mouths hungry and dancing to the rhythm of their hearts. Megan groaned as his hands ran up and down her form, gripping her hips and grasping her breasts. Her craving for him, in that moment, was stronger than her need for food or water or even air.

  She felt as if she was possessed by her desire for this beautiful, kind man who had given her so much, who had forgiven her too. She needed him. She needed to feel him all around her and inside her. She didn't want to stop to think.

  Sampson slipped his hands under her shirt and ran his palms over her breasts as she slid over his hardness. The feeling of his body underneath her, his mouth consuming her, his hands grasping her, surrounded her with infinite bliss. She knew it could only get better the closer they got.

  She pulled his shirt up over his head and ran her hands over the hard planes of his muscled chest. He was incredibly fit for a computer programmer. She thought it must be because he worked out in his basement gym regularly. He was a beautiful man, mentally and physically, but Megan would have wanted him regardless of his physical perfection. In that moment of animal lust, though, it made her body respond with increased intensity.

  She groaned as he slipped his tongue between her lips and pulled her hard against him. She couldn't hold back any longer. As if reading her thoughts, he stood from the couch, taking her with him. He carried her effortlessly up the stairs, kissing her and holding her the whole time.

  He stepped into his bedroom and kicked the door closed behind him and then placed her on the bed. He stood above her in the dim lamplight, his chest heaving, his eyes alight with desire. She quivered with longing and fear at what she saw in his expression: the animal within. He had told her that his inner grizzly was frantic for her. And knowing the mild-mannered Sampson, she hadn't taken it very seriously until that moment. She saw his teeth descend in his mouth as he stared at her.

  "Do you want this?"
he asked, sliding his hand up her inner thigh. He grasped the heat between her legs, and she groaned.

  "More than anything."

  He growled and moved with lightning speed, pulling her pants down her legs and her shirt over her head. She lay on the bed in nothing but her underwear as he crawled over her, kissing her gooseflesh-covered skin. She quivered with desire as he reached her lips, claiming her mouth with his hungry kiss.

  He settled between her legs. There was nothing between them now besides the thin fabric of their underthings. He reached behind her as she arched her back and he unclasped her bra, pulling it off her body.

  He sucked each nipple into his mouth, nibbling and sucking as he squeezed and kneaded her full breasts. Slowly, he descended her body, kissing and licking her stomach as he went. When he reached her belly button, he hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties and began to pull them off.

  He slipped the panties away and crawled between her legs, pulling them wide at the knees. He gazed at her throbbing wetness.

  He growled, his eyes ablaze and his teeth sharp, before he dove into her pussy. He licked the slit between her legs, lapping up the juices that she gushed for him. Her entire body shook with desire as his tongue circled on her clit.

  She groaned, loudly, thinking that maybe she would wake the child if she didn’t keep it under control. But she was so lost in desire that she couldn't stop. She bit her lip as he consumed her flesh. He slid two fingers into her wet core and pressed against her inner desire. She came with a full body climax, vibrating like it had been an electric shock.

  But he didn't stop. He continued to rub her g-spot while he sucked her clit. She threaded her fingers through his hair, her eyes wide, staring at the ceiling. She'd never felt pleasure like this. She exploded with such deep pleasure that she was sure her body filled his mouth with her fluid. He growled, licking up her body’s offering with groans of pleasure.

  After slipping off his underwear, he sank between her legs, pressing his hard shaft against her throbbing, wet core. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and kissed her. She still tasted the tang of her body on his lips, and she quivered as he pressed his cock harder against her soaking wet entrance. He slid back-and-forth over her, teasing her with his shaft.

  She growled with need. She couldn't take the teasing. She needed him inside her more than she'd ever needed anything. She pulled him against her and arched her hips to accept him. The head of his cock slipped inside her. She took him, mouth open in a silent groan. His manhood was big, bigger than anyone she'd ever been with, but she wanted every throbbing inch of it. She lay silent, her eyes wide as he slipped deeper and deeper inside. When he sank to the base, she finally let out a low rumbling groan. Her body burst with climax and her pussy squeezed around his thick cock. The feeling of fullness accentuated the pleasure of her orgasm. He kissed her hard and deep before he looked into her eyes. He kissed her cheeks and forehead.

  "You are so beautiful.”

  He plunged himself deep inside her, thrusting again and again with his powerful hips. Megan clung to him, surrendering to the power of his passion. It was an all-consuming experience of total abandon. He thrust deeper and faster, taking her completely. And she wanted to give herself to him. She'd never felt so safe or so loved. She rode on waves of bliss, as her orgasms crested and fell. She couldn't believe so much pleasure was even possible. She felt his hard teeth slide over her neck. And she quivered in anticipation of his bite.

  "I will make you my mate," he growled. "I must claim you now.”

  She wanted to be his. But she knew she wasn't ready.

  "Please don’t. Not now,” she whimpered, not fully understanding why.

  She hoped that he would understand. He growled again and held her close, thrusting several more times before he released. They came together in a blinding flash of intensity and heat. And it was so incredible. It couldn't be put into words how beautiful he made her feel, and so totally loved and safe and protected.

  Their bodies throbbed and shook as the final throes of their lovemaking shock through them. As they lay together in the afterglow, Megan was completely speechless. She had no way of understanding what she'd just experienced. She had no reference point for it. It was beyond anything she could comprehend or compare it to.

  He pulled her against him, holding her close to his chest. A tear slid from her cheek as she listened to his heartbeat. She'd never felt so safe. So perfect. Her tears slid over his chest and she tried to disguise her shuddering as they began to flow.

  "What's wrong?" he asked, wrapping his big strong arms around her.

  "I never knew sex could be like this," she whispered, trying to hold back the tears.

  "Neither did I," he said in a calm, sober voice. “But I'm glad that you held me back. If you are not ready to be my mate, then I wouldn't want to claim you. I want you to be ready.”

  "Thank you, Sampson. I hope that I will be ready soon. I know I will be. There's nothing I want more than this; it's the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. And I don't even know how to express how happy you make me.”

  “If this is happy, then I would hate to see you sad," he said with a laugh. She laughed as well, her tears of happiness slowly abating.

  She knew that he understood. She didn't have to say anything. She fell asleep in his arms, and experienced one of the best night’s sleep she'd ever had.

  She dreamed of what it would be like for them when they were finally together. She sat at the dinner table, hand on her big growing belly. It was such a beautiful, idyllic moment that she had never been happier. Her heart was full to bursting. The moment was a complete celebration of their love and family.

  But then suddenly the scene changed. A man stepped through the door. It was him. He walked across the room and grabbed her. Sampson and Jimmy were gone. The man's cruel eyes bore into her. He threw her across the table and pushed up her dress.

  "You'll never escape me," he growled angrily.

  Megan woke with a scream, sweat trickling down her body.

  "What is it?" Sampson asked. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to tell him that she would be haunted forever by the man who'd killed and raped her sister. She would never escape. She would always be broken. She would never have her happy life. She would never have her own family until she got her revenge.

  Chapter 11

  Sampson's hands trembled as he held his finger over the enter key. He’d finally worked out a program to get past Dark Trove’s firewall. The night he'd spent with Megan had been the most beautiful night of his life, and his inner bear was finally at peace, for now.

  He hit the enter key and watched his code run over the screen. Several long moments were suspended in time as he held his breath. And then, he was in, behind the firewall. He’d cracked into the hacker’s database. All of Dark Trove’s information was at his disposal.

  Sampson began to download everything he needed to prove that he was at the center of the hyena terrorist ring. He watched the download bar zipping by on his screen. His heart pounded with anticipation, fear, and excitement.

  Finally, he’d done it. All the hard work and perseverance had paid off. Even after thinking that maybe he wouldn't be able to pull it off with Jimmy and Megan in the house, he’d finally made it happen. As soon as he was done downloading the information he needed, he quickly backed out of the system, totally undetected.

  It was one of the greatest achievements of his life to date, and he couldn't wait to inform his CO.

  He picked up his encrypted cellphone and dialed Hawk, who answered on the second ring. Sampson was choked up and at a loss for words before he was able to speak.

  "I did it, Hawk,” he finally blurted out. "I got into the database. I have everything we need.”

  "Well done," Hawk said. "I want you to go through the information and get all the evidence we need to raid his house. I want to have a firm direction before the end of the day.”

  "You've got it,"
Sampson said.

  He smiled at himself and rubbed his face, looking at his screen. He wished he could tell Megan. After last night, he knew that he could trust her, but she still had no idea that he and his friends were in the Justice Squad. And for now, it was better to leave it that way, especially with such a sensitive mission to complete.

  He knew he might have to leave the two of them alone together while the Justice Squad raided Dark Trove’s location. And then, when he returned home, he would tell her everything. Hopefully, she would understand.

  Sampson spent the rest of the day parsing the data. He found all the evidence he needed to put the hacker at the center of the hyena terrorists. There was more than enough evidence to raid his home, arrest him, and seize his equipment.

  He also found out that the hacker happened to live in Fate Rock, not more than a few blocks away. It appeared he had a suburban house in a neighborhood close to downtown, which was one of the most surprising things Sampson had experienced in his entire career. After loading all the intel on a thumb drive, he told Megan that he needed to go out, and made his way over to his CO’s house.

  The whole crew was there when he arrived, and they convened in the living room. Elena was in the kitchen cooking dinner when Hawk opened the secret door behind the bookshelves. They all slipped inside and sat around the big stainless-steel table in front of a big-screen TV. General Partridge was on the screen as the crew sat down.

  Sampson plugged his thumb drive into Hawk’s computer and uploaded the intel to the government mainframe.

  "We have all of the evidence we need to take this guy down, to shut down all communication abilities for the hyena terrorists, and finally arrest every single member of every single cell. It's all here. All of it."

  "Well done Lieutenant Reed," General Partridge said. “You’ve done your country a great service.”

  Sampson had never felt so proud in all his life. After the night he'd spent with Megan and the completion of his mission, it was a monumental day for him.


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