Brainy Bear (Justice Squad Book 5)

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Brainy Bear (Justice Squad Book 5) Page 8

by Scarlett Grove

  Max opened the back door and secured the kitchen as the others filed through, weapons at the ready. Titus cut the electricity as the Justice Squad secured each room.

  When they came to the master bedroom, Sampson saw something that shocked him to the very core. His beautiful, sweet Megan stood over a man on his knees, a handgun aimed at his head.

  "Freeze," Hawk shouted.

  Megan dropped the gun and put her hands in the air. Both the man on his knees and the girl were quickly handcuffed and taken to separate rooms. Sampson couldn't believe what was happening. He held his AK-47 low and walked to his CO.

  "That's Megan," Sampson said in a low voice.

  "I know."

  They finished their sweep of the house, finding a second cache of servers. Hawk sent Rider back to base to bring back a van.

  Forty-five minutes later, they were loading the prisoners into the van along with Dark Trove’s servers and hard drives. Several of the men stayed behind to secure the house while Sampson rode with Hawk back to his house.

  Dark Trove was taken into custody, but Megan was taken to Hawk’s house, which served as the base for the Justice Squad. Sampson couldn't believe this was happening to his own mate. To him. The woman he had believed her to be had all been a lie.

  In the basement of Hawk’s house were two cells and an interrogation room. Megan was put into one cell, and the hacker in the other. Sampson stood with Hawk outside the door of Megan’s cell. He hadn't been the one to put her inside. He couldn't have faced it.

  "What do you want to do?" Hawk asked him.

  “I need to know the truth," Sampson said.

  The girl that he would have done anything for. The girl that he loved. He couldn’t understand why she’d been holding the hacker at gunpoint. Questions whirled through Sampson's mind, and he couldn't come up with a good explanation.

  "You want to talk to her?" Hawk asked.

  "I don't know if I can face her," he said, taking off his gear.

  "You're going to have to."

  Sampson sighed.

  "She left Jimmy here with Elena if that helps," Hawk said.

  Sampson grunted. In all the confusion, he hadn't even thought about what had happened to Jimmy. It was all so wrong. How could she have done this? Had her story been lies all along?

  "I'll talk to her," Sampson said. “I need the truth."

  Sampson opened the door and stepped inside. Megan was sitting on the bed with her knees pulled up to her chest. She was crying. She looked up at Sampson with the most pitiful look in her eyes. But she didn't say a word.

  Sampson stood across the room from her, unable to find words. He was still in such shock that he didn't know what to say.

  “Was it all a lie, Megan?"

  "Was what a lie?" she asked in a distant sad voice.


  "How could you say that?" She looked up at him with so much hurt in her eyes it broke him.

  "Who are you, exactly, Megan? Why were you holding Dark Trove at gunpoint? What is your role in all of this?”

  "I had no idea he was a hacker or that you were tracking him. I still don’t understand what happened back there.”

  "How are you connected to that man?”

  "He raped my sister," Megan said. Her words cut Sampson to the core. “He invited her into his house after she’d just completed hiking a hundred miles through the backcountry. She accepted his hospitality and went into his home. And for her trust, he destroyed her. She was too ashamed to report it, and when I finally convinced her to do it a month later, it was already too late. There was no justice for Amber. That's why she took her own life.”

  "Is that why you were here?" he asked, realization beginning to dawn on him. Not only was this man the information hub for terrorists, he had stolen the life of an innocent young girl.

  “Yes. I came here to confront him. To get justice for Amber."

  “You planned to murder him?" Sampson asked. He understood her need for vengeance. But her complete disregard for her own life and the consequences of such actions baffled him.

  "I didn't know. I didn't want to murder anyone. I tried to talk myself out of it so many times. I know it's wrong, Sampson, but there was nothing I could do. He wouldn't go away. It wouldn't leave me alone. I knew I would never be free of that monster unless I did something. Unless I avenged my sister.”

  "Why didn't you tell me, Megan?"

  “I should have told you, Sampson, and I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. It's been haunting me for months. I can't think of anything else. Even the night we made love, he still came into my dreams and tormented me. I don't think I'll ever be free of it.”

  "What did your therapist say about these thoughts?”

  “I couldn't tell her. How could I tell anyone about this?”

  "I am very sad that you didn’t trust me enough to tell me what was really going on with you.”

  "I do trust you, Sampson. You're the best man I've ever known. Men like you and Hawk and Zander could restore my faith in humanity. You make me feel like it's possible for women like me and my sister to be loved and protected and seen for who we really are. I understand if you can't forgive me. I have not been honest with you, and I'm broken beyond repair. I don't believe that I can find redemption. I'm just grateful that I got to know you and got to love you for the brief time that I was allowed. And if I have to go to jail for attempted murder, I am ready to accept responsibility for what I've done.”

  "You're not going to jail, Megan. You did break several laws. You broke into his house and you held him at gunpoint, and those are both felonies, but you also took down a man who was at the center of the hyena terrorist organization. We were on a clandestine mission to arrest him and confiscate all his intel. You got yourself into the middle of that, but there's no way that you are going to be arrested today.”

  "What are you going to do with me?"

  "I don't know yet. I understand why you wanted revenge. But I don't understand why you would put yourself in such danger. Why you would risk your future. Our future... Even after everything I tried to do.”

  "I don't expect you to understand,” Megan said. “I don't even understand, myself. But after everything I've been through with my sister, trying to get justice, talking to anyone about it just seemed futile.”

  "This is something I'm going to have to think about.”

  "Will you let me out?" she asked.

  "Not just yet. After what we all witnessed, I don't think that I can convince the others that you aren’t a threat. And I'm not sure I want you back in the house with Jimmy.”

  "I'll just go home to Denver," she said. “You never have to see me again.”

  "If that's what you choose to do," he said, his heart heavy, “that's up to you. But I'm afraid you're going to have to spend the night in here. We’ll try to make it as comfortable as possible for you. I'm afraid that's the best we can do.”

  "I understand," she said in a low voice. “I did commit several felonies, like you said. Just even considering letting me off the hook is more than I could expect.”

  "We'll get you something to eat. Hopefully by tomorrow, we will have processed the hacker and he will go to another location. He'll be going away for a long time. And then we will turn our attention to you."

  Chapter 14

  Megan accepted her fate, but it didn't hurt any less when Sampson walked out the door. She had made a mistake, but somehow she'd still hoped that maybe he would forgive her. When she'd seen him at that house, surrounded by all those military men that she’d later learned were his crew, she'd been dumbfounded and blindsided.

  She’d had no idea that Sampson was part of a military organization. She had no idea that he had been about to arrest the very man that she'd been stalking. She didn't blame him for not telling her — she hadn't exactly been trustworthy — but it was still a shock to find out the truth about the man she'd been living with.

  She admired him even more than she had before, and that made i
t hurt even worse when she looked into his eyes and saw how deeply she had betrayed his trust. He had brought her into his home, he had trusted her with his nephew. And he had loved her.

  She didn't deserve his love, and she knew that now. She was lucky to be getting out of this with her freedom, and she was grateful. Now that it was all over and done with, she could finally get on with her life. She’d go back to Denver and get back on her feet. Maybe her old job at the preschool would take her back. It was worth a shot.

  She tried to sleep, but sleep didn't come. Finally, deep in the night, she was able to get some semblance of rest. She woke the next morning from a terrible dream. The life that she’d dreamed of with Sampson had melted away and gone down the toilet drain. And it was all because of her. All because she'd been so weak and foolish.

  She stood from her bed and paced the room. There was nothing else to do but think. A meal tray was slipped through the door, but no one came to speak to her. And she could understand why. She wondered what Elena would think of her after what she’d done. It was too hard to imagine what the wonderful people of Fate Rock would think of her. They would reject her, and she would be alone again.

  She had been so close to having a family and home. So close to having somewhere she belonged. And she’d thrown it all away for senseless revenge. Revenge that would have done nothing but land her in prison. It hurt too much to think about.

  And she didn't want to think about it. All she wanted was to numb the pain and forget that she'd ever had a chance to be loved. That she'd ever had a chance to have a home and a family and had thrown it all away for nothing.

  The door to her cell finally cracked open and Sampson stepped through.

  "Everything has checked out with your story," he said. “We are ready to let you go. I'll take you back to the house to pack your things.”

  All she could do was nod. She wanted to throw herself into his arms and pray for his forgiveness, but she couldn't bring herself to speak.

  She followed him silently to the car and rode beside him several blocks back to his house. When she arrived, she silently stepped out of the car and made her way down to her bedroom.

  "Where is Jimmy?" she asked.

  "He's with Elena.”

  "Does she know?”

  "Does she know what?"

  "Does she know what I've done.”

  “No one knows. No one but the Justice Squad. It's not something we needed to share with the ladies. It wouldn't do anyone any good knowing about it.”

  "I'm grateful for that," she said, putting her things into her bag.

  "It was for the sake of community morale. No one is happy about what happened.”

  “I'm so sorry about everything, Sampson."

  "You don't have to be. What's done is done.”

  “I hope that someday you can forgive me."

  "I already have," he said in a low voice. He wouldn't meet her eyes, and her heart broke.


  She couldn't finish the sentence. She sat down on the bed and began to sob. She knew it was selfish to cry like this. She had made the mistake, not him; she deserved to be sent away. But she couldn't stop the tears once they started, and she started to weep, her face in her hands.

  It was like an uncontrollable torrent of all the sadness and despair she'd experienced since she’d lost her sister, the insanity of her plot for revenge, it all just came together in a big ball of sadness that wanted to escape through her eyes at that very moment. Sampson crossed the room. He sat beside her and rubbed her back.

  "I'm sorry things turned out this way.”

  "You have every right to hate me," she said. She couldn't stop the tears no matter how hard she tried.

  "I don't hate you." His voice was soft.

  "You should. You did everything you could for me. We could've had a life together. We could've had everything. But I threw it all away for my revenge.”

  "You did what you thought you had to do. I might have done the same thing if I were in your position."

  "You don't think I'm a horrible person?"

  "I could never think that."

  "Oh, Sampson," she said. "I don't want to leave you. I want to stay here with you and Jimmy. I want the life I dreamed about. I don't want it to all be destroyed because of my mistakes.”

  "I thought you wanted to go home to Denver," he said.

  “I only said that because I didn't think you could ever forgive me."

  "I wish you’d come to me, Megan, but I do forgive you. I know what it's like to lose someone you love. I wish there was some way you could reconcile it. My only regret is that you didn't trust me enough to tell me what was really going on, and that's my fault. I didn’t make enough time for you."

  They looked at each other as the tears streamed down her face. She realized that he was hurting too and feeling his own sense of guilt. Her heart bled in that moment and she reached up to him. He cupped her face in his hand and pulled her toward him. When their lips met, a fire ignited in her blood.

  Chapter 15

  All Megan could feel was the absolute perfection of the moment. Being in Sampson's arms was everything. She craved his touch, his love, his body enveloping her, holding her in his loving embrace. He pulled her closer and then pushed her down on the bed, ripping off her clothing. Moments later, they were both bare, kissing each other deeper than they'd ever kissed before. He growled with hunger, not stopping to think or ask.

  She burned with need. And he met her need with long, wet kisses. His fingers played on the desire of her core. She was sopping wet and begging to be filled. With little preamble or words, he slid inside her. He growled, his eyes bright with his inner beast. He slammed into her, staring directly into her eyes.

  "I'm going to make you mine," he growled in the heat of her release.

  Her pussy throbbed around his hardness. She gasped, not knowing what to think of this turn of events. If he wanted to claim her, that meant he wanted her to stay; that he wanted her to be his, to have and to hold forever.

  "Yes! Yes, please claim me. Make me yours. Keep me with you, forever.”

  “You’re mine,” he growled.

  His teeth slid over her neck. So sharp and so violent. He thrust into her, taking her completely and making her forget everything except the heat of his body and the intensity of his love. She wanted this. She wanted to be claimed. She wanted to be home and held and needed. And she wanted the nightmare to end.

  Tears slid down her cheeks as she came, thinking of how close she'd been to losing this love. But now he’d taken her back; he'd accepted her and forgiven her. And she was so overcome by gratitude that she could barely contain her joy. He cupped her face in his hand and kissed away the tears. His sharp teeth descended in his mouth and his eyes grew bright with his primal nature.

  As his orgasm drew near, he became harder; hotter. His teeth brushed over her neck. He bit down into her as they came together in blinding white heat. He pumped his seed into her core as the mate venom pumped into her veins. She tried to gasp, but her breath was cut off as he gripped her neck with his fangs. All she could do was let go, surrendering completely to the moment. And then everything disappeared.

  She was in darkness, falling through space and time with nothing to hold onto, until there was Sampson, reaching out his hand like an angel. And she took it. He pulled her to him and enveloped her in his embrace. Giving her safety, giving her a home, giving her everything she needed and more. He took her hand and he whispered, “You are not falling, my darling. You're flying.”

  And together they flew through the universe, dancing through space as they whirled around the cosmos. The sun, moon, and stars, all of existence, it was within their grasp. It all existed within the cocoon of their love. They held each other's hands and spun, gazing into each other's eyes. The bright stars of the universe whirled around them. She laughed, her soul lightening, her burdens washing away. Everything that was Sampson washed over her and she knew him to his very depths. An
d her whole being downloaded into him.

  As they look at each other, smiled, and danced, they were connected as one. One body, one mind, one soul. She knew that he would understand her forever, forgive her completely, and never question again why she had done what she'd done. Because her reasons were now his reasons. Her worries were his worries. And there was no need to explain and no need to forgive because they shared it all completely.

  And then she was in the room. He retracted his teeth from her neck. And she sucked in a long breath, her eyes going wide. He slipped away and pulled her to him, holding her close. He stroked her body gently and kissed her head. Neither of them spoke. Neither of them had to; no words were necessary. They had everything they needed in the silence.

  After what seemed like an instant but by the clock had been over an hour, Sampson sat up in the bed and kissed her forehead.

  "I need to go get Jimmy," he said. “But first, I want to give you something."

  Excitement filled her heart as she pulled the blankets up around her. He disappeared from the room and returned a moment later. He sat beside her on the bed and held out his fisted hand. He turned it over and opened his fingers, revealing a small jewelry box as Megan looked on in shock. He opened it up and revealed a diamond ring surrounded by sparkling gems. It reminded her so much of the sun and the stars glittering in the heavens. He removed the ring from the box and slipped it onto her finger.

  "I want you to be my mate and my wife," he said. “There will never be secrets or misunderstandings between us again.”

  They both knew to the depths of their souls that it was so. They would never have misunderstandings again because their bond made them one. One heart and one mind.

  They dressed quickly and met out to the car. After retrieving Jimmy from Hawk and Elena's with a few silent looks from Hawk, they brought him home. Megan fixed dinner while Sampson played with the baby. And they all sat down together at the table. A family. What they had always been meant to be.

  Sampson gave Jimmy some creamed corn and the little boy slapped at the plate, splashing corn on both of them. They laughed and looked at each other with such love in their eyes that Megan's heart nearly broke with joy.


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