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Her Billionaire Bellboy

Page 6

by Sophia Summers

  She recognized she was in the presence of a master.

  She also noted that Trent seemed sincere in his interest. He had been sincere with her as well. His agenda was easy for her to see, and for her father too, she imagined, but no one seemed too concerned as he led the conversation where he desired.

  They talked all through dinner, laughing and thoroughly enjoying each other. Tess couldn’t have been more thrilled. What a perfect turn of events. The only one bothered was Tehan. He interrupted a Spanish story Trent was just about to finish.

  “I can’t tell what to think of these old bull fighting stories. One finds them highly suspicious.”

  Trent studied him. And Tess knew he could say something lowering, but instead Trent agreed with him. “I do find it difficult to stomach such open torture of animals.”

  Tehan nodded. “Just so.”

  Tess took pity on him. “Tehan, tell us of your country’s history. You have an exciting passion for animals and unique species.”

  Tehan spent the next twenty minutes detailing his island’s endangered species and the efforts that his nation took to preserve them.

  Trent scooted his foot over and nudged her toe.

  Her eyes shot up to his face, but he wasn’t looking at her. He appeared completely engrossed in Tehan’s stories.

  She looked to her father, never sure what she would find in his face. Would it be pleasure, acceptance, disapproval? She cringed against the possibility of his disapproval. She’d felt his censure so few times that she was far from accustomed to anything less than praise from the dear man. What would she do if she had to step boldly away from his expectations?

  She didn’t think she could ever go against his will. If her father continued to expect her to marry the man of his choosing, she would either have to marry who he wished or desert the whole endeavor altogether. Her heart stuttered at the thought. What was she thinking? Give up the throne? Surely it wouldn’t come to that.

  She wasn’t ready to fully consider such implications, so she moved to something more entertaining.

  “Trent, will you be joining us in the royal watchtower?”

  He leaned forward conspiratorially. “The royal watchtower. Does such a thing exist? If so, I would be honored.”

  Her father beamed. “It does indeed. And it would be our pleasure to host you. Especially as you seem to appreciate the Regatta with as much vigor as we do.”

  “Most certainly.” Trent almost fluffed his feathers he seemed so pleased. His smile was so large Tess had to laugh. “I look forward to the beautiful sails and sleek boats and watching their progress.”

  The royals and all the boat owners would meet at the top of a tall hotel tomorrow. They rented the entire top floor and watched from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Each boat had a live video feed with microphones as well. It was very exciting and often became heated as boats clipped each other, coming within inches as they passed. Trent would love it.

  She rested a hand on her father’s arm. “And then surely in the helicopter to witness the finish?”

  “Oh, most certainly. But, my dear, you are giving away all the surprises at once.”

  “You are correct. I apologize if I have limited your enjoyment in any way.” She smiled at Trent. Things could not get any better. Her father seemed open to a friendship with Trent, and his presence at the event would be easily explained if anyone asked.

  Then Tehan cleared his throat. “I look forward to the gala.” He reached for her hand, caressing it with his own. “We will be the highlight of the event with a possible announcement.”

  She allowed her hand in his, but they had not discussed anything yet. She’d given him no inclination of her own feelings, but her family had certainly prepared him to think she would one day be his wife. Trent’s eyes were glued to the joining of her hand with Tehan’s, and a sharp glint flashed in his eyes. But his face was blank.

  “I look forward to the gala as well.” She pulled her hand away as gently as she could. “Will you be attending, Trent?”

  He seemed to return to his jovial persona. Maybe she just imagined the dampening of his spirits. “Naturally. We purchased our tickets as soon as they became available. My entire team will be there, though we are sadly without dates.”

  “I’m sure none of the ladies will complain.”

  Her father laughed. “No indeed. I might be mistaken, but I do believe you are quite friendly with the ladies are you not?”

  Trent’s glance flitted to hers before returning to her father. “I do enjoy dancing with beautiful women.” He cleared his throat. “But I don’t spread myself around as much as the press seems to believe.”

  Interesting. She’d make sure to google his name that evening.

  Her father shook his head. “I cannot understand why the press is so fascinated with the goings and comings of other people.” He rested a hand on Tess’s arm. “We are grateful they have respected our wishes and left Tess mostly alone.”

  “I don’t do much to garner their kind of attention, Father.”

  “That is true, sad though it is. They are less interested in new research developments, crop successes, or the governing of small countries.”

  Tehan cleared his throat. “Though I think we might have more for them to talk about soon. They do seem to be more interested when relationships are involved. We could perhaps use a little of that press to garner sales or marketing for our business.” He reached for her hand again, but she pulled it away and placed it in her lap. She refused to answer.

  Her father studied her. “Prince Tehan, I’d like to keep the press away from my daughter’s dealings, especially during something so special as her own wedding.”

  Her ears perked up, a smile spreading across her face. “Thank you, Father.”

  They continued to talk, Trent entertaining them, and Tehan seeming awkward and slightly uncomfortable. It was such a pleasant surprise to see Trent and her father relate so well. She didn’t know what would happen if he discovered she had interests in the successful American for something other than business. But seeing her father and Trent together gave her the tiniest sliver of hope that she might someday have a choice in who she dated and married. Until that day, she knew her true intentions with Trent would need to be kept in the strictest confidence.

  Chapter 8

  Trent and Tess stepped out of her father’s limo together. They turned and waved while the car drove out of the circle and away from the hotel. And then he turned to her, laughter on his lips.

  “What was that!” She asked, a smile on her lips. “How did you manage such a thing?”

  “Well now, I don’t come without my own resources, you know? I do have my own purpose in being here.”

  She frowned. “But you said you weren’t interested in me for those kinds of things.”

  “In you, no. But in your father, in Tehan, most certainly, yes.”

  An unsettled feeling twisted in her stomach. His motives were now entirely in question. She set it aside to consider later. “I’ve never seen someone relate to my father so well.”

  “I like him. He and I are a lot alike.” He watched her. “And you know I had other reasons to try to relate to him, to win him over.”

  She led him out the doors to walk the gardens. “Did you?”

  “Of course I did. I have no hope of getting anywhere near his daughter without his approval.”

  “Ah, and is she worth getting near? Sounds like a lot of trouble.”

  “Trouble doesn’t begin to cover it. She’s about to be married off to another guy, is from another country, will one day rule a nation, and has super protective and controlling parents.”

  “Wow, sounds like a hassle.” Her eyes dropped.

  “But as I got to know her father, I saw not so much of the control as the love, the concern, and the desire for her success. And then when I met the competition…pshaw.” He waved his hand in the air.

  “Don’t discount Tehan.” She knew she was nowhere near e
scaping an arrangement with the prince.

  “Oh, I don’t discount him, but meeting him further lit the fire beneath me to save you from such a fate.”

  “Is he so terrible?”

  “He’s all wrong for you.”

  “And you know who would be right?”

  “I most certainly do. I know who and what.” He took her hand again, and the difference between his gentle seeking of her attention and Tehan’s commanding display of ownership touched her. “You need someone who encourages you to step outside of the expected, who loves your ideas and builds on them. You need someone strong who doesn’t bow to your every whim.” He sighed. “Which might put me out of the running since I do not seem capable of denying you anything.”

  “Oh, I suspect if you and I were ever in competition, you’d be an active and consistent opponent.”

  He considered her for a moment. “True. But then I’d take one look at you and hand you the win.”

  She laughed. “I highly doubt that.”

  Their hands swung between them for a few moments before she dared sever the pleasant feelings between them. “So these women in the papers my father mentioned?”

  He groaned. “If you are not pestered by paparazzi or the tabloids then you may not understand. But I date. I have meetings. I network. And if I’m ever outside the house with a woman, the press manage to get a picture. Just don’t believe whatever you see in the press. Ever. At minimum it’s a spin on someone’s personal life, and quite often the speculation is so far stretched that it’s pure lies.”

  “It’s okay. I know I have no claim on you. Especially while I’m considering an alliance with someone else.”

  He held up a finger. “Let’s clarify. You are considering, or your father?”

  “My father. But I must be honest, I don’t know how I would ever defy him…so by default I too am considering such an alliance.”

  He nodded, silent. She would have given a lot to see his mind turning. They walked to the back patio with fire pits. The resort had put out equipment for s’mores.

  The group of bellboys she’d first seen him with raised their hands. “Trent! Princess!”

  He squeezed her hand. “And now we meet the team. I’m not sure if I should apologize for them or just laugh along.”

  “Oh, laughing along is always better.”

  Tim stood up. “So, Trent, if you’re going out with princesses does that put you in a whole new category? Are we gonna be calling you Sir Trent now?”

  The other guys laughed. Trent led her forward. “Guys, this is Tessandra Santorini. And manners up. She’s leagues above us in coolness and respectability.”

  Tim made a mock bow. “At your service, Your Highness.”

  The other guys groaned.

  “Let us know if Trent here can get you another drink.” They laughed, and Trent tensed.

  But Tess just played along. “He got me the best Mango Tango I’ve ever had.”

  They continued on, and Trent started to feel restless. After that very enlightening conversation with Tess’s father, he had hours of research ahead of him. But he would never cut time with Tess short.

  She squeezed his arm. “I have work to finish tonight.”

  “I was just about to say the same. Would you like to share a table, or do you work better alone?”

  He worked better alone, but he could make an exception if it kept Tess at his side.

  “I was thinking about what you said, about not shirking my duties and still finding time together. This might be one of those moments.”

  “Excellent.” A surge of expectation raced through him at his next thought. He tried to tamp it down with humor. “Your place or mine?”

  She laughed. “Mine. If that’s ok.”

  “Certainly. I’ll stop by my room to grab a few things and meet you where?”

  The guys were watching their exchange with way too much interest. “And I expect reports from each one of you in my inbox before bed tonight. Tomorrow is a huge day.”

  A few mock-saluted. Satisfied, Trent walked with Tess back to the elevators. When it opened on his floor, he grinned. “Where to?”

  “The top floor.”

  “Ah, nice. Glad we picked your place. Mine’s just the boring suite at the end of the hall.” The doors shut on her bright face, lit with expectation.

  Steady man. Doing work in her room could only be that. This night at least was meant for business over pleasure.

  Chapter 9

  Tess rushed through her suite, freshening up and then making sure her bedroom door was shut firmly, against Trent, her own reaction to him, and any risky ideas that might pop into her head.

  When the knock at the door let her know that Trent stood outside, she questioned her ability to get a single thing done with him in her suite. But when she opened the door, he nodded and smiled, all business. He moved directly to the table, opened his laptop, and dug into his emails. Pleased, she joined him for a couple hours as they worked across from each other.

  When at last he sat back, stretching his arms above his head, she was ready for a break.

  “Let’s talk about the gala.” He smiled, and she believed what he’d said, work was his fun.

  “Ooh, yes. I’ve got caterers lined up. We cut back on one third of the staff as you suggested—”

  “No, I mean dates for the gala.”

  “Oh.” So, not work.

  “You’re going with Prince Tehan?”

  She huffed. “Well, I never agreed to be his date. He never actually asked. His presumption this evening was pushing the limit of my good nature. I can only suppose my father promised him something, but I’m not aware of it.”

  Trent fiddled with his pen. “It’s your event. Do you want to go with Tehan? You won’t see him much, I presume, except for that epic opening he talked about.” Trent snorted like he was irritated just at the thought. “Consider if you want a date at all.”

  “I do want a date. For probably all the wrong reasons. It will be a topic of discussion if I don’t show up with someone. It is expected I open the gala with the dance.” She grinned. “And I do enjoy a man at my side when I’m all dressed up.”

  “Oh, you do?” His eyes lit. “Just any man or someone in particular?”

  “Are you begging for a date?”

  “I am. Unashamedly.”

  “But you heard Tehan.”

  “I did. And the discomfort on your face told me all I needed to know. Would it not be better with me at your side, helping with your details and looking charming?” He raised both his eyebrows, and even though she was trying to make light of his offer, she knew he could handle the pressure from Tehan and her father, handle the talk, handle all of it.

  But could she?

  She didn’t know what to say to him. This new pressure for her to defy her father made her uncomfortable. But she heard the sense in what he said, and she agreed with him at the same time that she disagreed. “I don’t know, Trent.”

  He stood up and moved to the balcony, sliding open the door and letting in a delicious breeze from outside. She joined him.

  “Your view up here is incredible.” The ocean spread out before them along with the gardens of the resort. She could see the yacht club down by the water, and the beautiful Palma Cathedral rose up in great heights behind the many boats.

  She stood at his side, close. He put his arm across her shoulders, pulling her closer.

  “I’m sorry, Trent. I can’t plan this whole week, run the Regatta and the gala, and defy my father and Tehan all at once.”

  “What if your father wouldn’t feel defied? What if it’s just Tehan grasping for power and your dad is watching it play out to see if you are in agreement.”

  She considered him. Perhaps he was right. “I will think about it. Thank you for asking in such a convincing and charming way. I hope you know that I would love to be with you. That you’re the man I would want at my side for the gala. For all of it.”

  He kissed the top
of her head. “I will try to remember that while I see you spinning around in the arms of Tehan and the other princes clamoring for your hand.”

  “How do you know they are clamoring?”

  ‘I’ve been asking around.”

  “Ah, well, you would be correct. The word is out that Father wants me to marry. You must think our ways barbaric.”

  He shook his head. “Not barbaric, just incredibly unfair and outdated. How’s that?”

  “I agree with you. But it’s a world I’m stuck in and must navigate the best I can. I won’t be at all surprised if you step away. This is a lot to ask of any man.”

  “It’s gonna take a lot more than a few glitches to get me to step away. We haven’t even been able to explore what if, yet.” He leaned back against the railing and faced her. “So, if I’m not your date, what is my purpose at the gala for you? Remember, your wish is my command.”

  “Honestly, I’m just happy you’ll be there. Perhaps save a dance for me?”

  “Of course. I’ll be your guy. If you need something, let me know. If you are uncomfortable, send me a signal and I’ll come rescue you by talking the other man to death.”

  She laughed. Everything seemed better when Trent was around. Just the thought of his presence at the gala calmed her.

  His eyes reflected the moon behind her, his face full of caring. He reached out a hand and placed it on the side of her face. “No matter what, I’m so happy we met.” He ran a thumb along her bottom lip. “And I want nothing more than a repeat of that kiss on my boat.”

  Her heart lit with equal parts fear and anticipation.

  “But not tonight.” He stepped closer.

  “You sure?”


  She raised up on her tiptoes to reach him and closed her eyes. He wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her up against him. Then he slowly, carefully, pressed his lips to hers. She groaned with yearning. But he stopped too soon.


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