Claiming Mine (Unforgiven Riders MC Book 1)

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Claiming Mine (Unforgiven Riders MC Book 1) Page 5

by Amy Davies

  “Thank you,” Ana’s soft voice says.

  I look at my brother and offer him a nod, which he returns. I take Ana’s hand and lead her out of the house and over to my bike. I hand her helmet over and watch as she puts it on.

  “That went well,” she quips. I chuckle and swing my leg over my bike.

  “Yeah, as well as a priest saying no to a fucking stripper.” She climbs on the back of the bike, wrapping her slender arms around my waist.

  “Thanks for coming with me,” I say, running my fingers over her hands locked at my waist.

  “I wanted to come with you, Ace. I do care for you. Now let’s get a hotel, okay? I’m kinda tired after riding all day.”

  “Thanks anyway. Yeah, I’m kinda beat myself. Let’s go and get some sleep.”

  I drive us around town until I find a hotel for the night. Ana makes me book a twin room, which pisses me off. I want her in a bed with me, her arse pressed up against my dick. I bet her body will fit fucking perfect against mine.

  I get a text asking if I’ll meet Solar the next morning in a coffee shop in town. Of course, I agree. We need to get this shit over with.

  Sleeping in the same room as Ana and not being able to touch her is killing me. She showered, and that was hell all on its own. The thought of her wet and smooth and soapy sent my cock into overdrive. I’m going to fuck her senseless when we get home and have time to talk about us. Well, I’m going to talk; she’s going to listen.

  Ana Dawkins is going to be mine. End of fucking story.


  We arrive at the coffee shop and my heart thumps in my chest. Solar is a scary guy. So much like Ace, in a way, but Ace never scares me. He held my hand when we climbed off the bike, and even held the door open for me. Nancy taught him well.

  Solar and his girlfriend are sitting at a table, but Solar stands when he sees us enter the cafe.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday, it all just came as a bit of a shock. I didn’t introduce you properly. This is Jasmine, my old lady.” Jasmine gets to her feet, giving Ace a hug.

  “It’s nice to see you both again,” she says, before hugging me. We all sit back down, just as a waitress comes over to take our orders.

  “What club are you with?” Solar asks Ace.

  “The Unforgiven Riders. We’re not far from here, only in Torquay. How long have you been a member?”

  “Fourteen years now. You?” he asks.

  “Same. Mum bought me my first bike when I was sixteen and I prospected until I was eighteen. Now I’m Sergeant-at-Arms.” Pride laces his voice. We go quiet, while the waitress places our food down on the table.

  I speak after a brief silence. “Nancy’s funeral is in three days. It would be great if you could come, both of you.” I offer a sympathetic smile at Solar. His eyes flick between Ace and me, but he doesn’t speak.

  “Thank you. We’ll—” Jasmine is cut off by Solar.

  “We’ll discuss it.”

  “We’ve gotta head back today. Get everything sorted,” Ace explains. “I’d really like it if we could stay in touch. Maybe get to know each other. I’d like to meet your son, too, at some point.”

  “That would be nice. Nate would love that, wouldn’t he, Aiden?” Jasmine chimes in, trying to get Solar to relax and get to know his brother.

  “How old is he?” Ace asks Jasmine.

  “Five,” she replies.

  “Wow, you guys have been together a while, then,” I query.

  “Not long enough,” Solar puts in.

  “Thanks for agreeing to talk with me,” Ace says to Solar as they both stand.

  “Thanks for coming to find me.” The two brothers shake hands.

  Jasmine adds,

  “We’ll let you know about the funeral.” We both stand with them, and Ace slides his arm around my shoulders and leads me out of the cafe. His touches are getting bolder and more frequent these days. I know he wants more, but it scares the hell out of me.

  But Ace being Ace, he always gets what he wants. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring and losing Nancy has made me look at things differently. Well, it’s made my heart and body look at things differently, but my head… that’s a different story. My head knows how much Ace can hurt me. My heart won’t take the pain he will inflict on me if things go bad.

  I’ll have to move again, leave behind the cafe, the friends I have made here, and possibly my sister. Zarah has made a life here, just as much as me. She has her own friends now. I would hate to take that away from her. But I could never stick around if things ended badly for Ace and me.

  Speaking of Zarah… My phone rings and her face pops up on the screen.

  “Hey, sis,” I answer.

  “Hey. How did things go?” I look over to Ace, who’s leaning against his bike, his ankles crossed, as well as his arms, with his phone in hand.

  He is one sexy man, that’s for sure. I lick my lips and fall into my ‘Ace Daze’, as Zarah calls it. I think about the way his hands would feel on me. Would his beard scratch and mark my skin when he’s—

  “ANA!” My name is screamed through the phone, followed by a chuckle. “Are you in your ‘Ace Daze’ again?”

  “No. What are you talking about?” I lift my thumb to my mouth and nibble on the nail—a nervous habit. Nancy used to slap my hand when she saw me doing it.

  “Mmmhmm, I bet you’re standing there looking like a creeper, staring at Ace McGowan. Am I right?” I blush, even though I know she can’t see me.

  “No!” My voice comes a little high-pitched, catching Ace’s attention. He smirks, and then winks at me, making my blush deepen beyond belief. I spin and turn away from him, trying to calm the raging blood rushing around my body. He knows what he does to me—hell, to every woman who comes into contact with him.

  “Porkies, Smallie. So how was it?”

  “How was what?” I ask.

  “The meeting with the brother. Girl, what did you think I was talking about?” I look over my shoulder at Ace and see he’s now talking to a woman, who looks more his type. I watch as she runs her fingers down his forearm, tracing his tattoos, and he lets her. My stomach drops, and my ‘inner Ana’ pipes in, telling me she knew she was right about him all along.

  I turn my back to them, not wanting to see their flirting, and answer my sister.

  “It was okay. Aiden was shocked at first, but Ace explained everything. He has a son and an old lady to think about, but they might come to the funeral. So, we’ll see.”

  “That’s good, then—that he accepted Ace. So when are you guys coming back?”

  I look over my shoulder just in time to see Ace throw his head back in laughter at something the woman said. Bile rises in my throat, but I swallow it back down. How embarrassing it would be for me to vomit not only on a very public street, but in front on Ace.

  “Soon. I want these last few days over with,” I state, and walk towards the corner shop to grab some water. Ace is still talking to the woman and hasn’t noticed that I’ve moved. He just proved me bloody right, didn’t he.

  “What’s happened between you and Ace?” Zarah enquires.

  “Nothing, and nothing will ever happen. I mean it Z, nothing.” I hear her sigh on the other end of the phone before she speaks again.

  “You have to move on, babe. You need a life that doesn’t revolve around the cafe… or me. I want you to be happy.”

  “I am happy. I’m fine just as I am. How are you feeling anyway?” I ask, changing the subject. I’m done with the subject of Ace and me, because that is never going to happen.

  “I’m okay, still a little sore. The cafe is doing great without you—just saying. So you can stay another night or two if you want.” She sniggers.

  “Whatever. I don’t want to stay another night; I want to come home.” I hang up on her, then pay for my drink before walking back to the bike, Ace and the woman still freaking talking.

  I huff and stop at the back of the bike. My scowl shows Ace I’m not happy with him, an
d the smile drops from his face for a split second before he snaps it back into place.

  “Ana, this is Daisy. She was just telling me how she loves to ride motorbikes.” I cross my arms and look her up and down. She is pretty, in a fake way, I suppose. Long blonde hair flowing down her back, boobs hanging out of the little halter top she’s wearing, painted on jeans.

  “Good for her. So, are you taking her for a ride? If so, I can call a taxi to get me home,” I smart. I am never like this; he brings this out in me. I’m always the calm, collected one. I never let anything faze me anymore. Life is too short to be worrying over little things.

  Ace’s face is a picture. He looks shocked but amused by my outburst. I am so over the biker thing today.

  “Oh, I know a good taxi firm for you. Let me get you the number,” the woman pipes in. I look between her and Ace, his face now showing he’s pissed at me. Well, what the hell did he expect?

  “Oh, thanks, that would be fab. I’m sure Ace would love to take you for a ride. Ace likes to show the ladies what he has.” I can’t seem to stop my mouth from running away with itself.

  “Ana.” He says my name with a warning tone. I look to him again and see his eyes are narrowed on me, but Ace McGowan doesn’t scare me.

  “What? I’m being a good wingman—well wingwoman, but you get the gist of it.” I shrug. I know I should stop, but my brain and mouth are no longer working in tandem.

  “Ana, I really fucking suggest you shut the fuck up, right now.” I ignore him and look to Daisy, who is still scrolling through her phone.

  “Do you have that number for me?”

  “ANA!” Ace barks my name, making both of us jump. My gaze snaps to his, and so does Daisy’s. We enter a staring contest, one I know Ace will win. He has that broody stare down to a pat. I get lost in his eyes; they pull me in and hold me captive. My heartbeat spikes, and my body tingles from his penetrating gaze.

  “Found it.” Daisy’s voice breaks the spell. Ace snaps his gaze to hers and growls his reply.

  “She doesn’t need a fucking taxi. I’m taking her home. She’s the only one allowed on the back of my bike. So fuck off.” She jumps a little but schools her features.

  “You don’t have to be an arsehole about it. If you want to shag Little Miss Prim, just say so. Flipping hell, mate, just shag her already and stop leading women like me on.”

  “Women like you? Bitch, women like you spread their legs for any man who shows interest. I know women like you; I have fucked women like you. But no more. You see this woman?” He points to me. “She is more woman than all of you slags put together. She has fucking self-respect, and integrity. Now again: Piss off.” He finishes his rant yelling at her.

  “ACE!” I scold him, but in true Ace style, nothing fazes him.

  “Get on the bike, Ana. We’re going home.” He leaves no room for arguments. He slides his leg over the bike and starts the engine, not waiting for me to climb on. I put my hands on my hips and take a deep breath. I have seen a pissed off Ace before, but now he’s a tad more than pissed off. Ace’s voice makes me jump again.

  “Bike, babe. Now.” I shake my head and put the helmet on, then climb onto the bike. Ace waits until I’m situated behind him and my arms are secure around his waist before he shoots off down the road. Even in his pissed off mood, he still made sure I was safely on his bike.

  The ride home was uneventful. We stopped once because I needed the toilet and Ace wanted a drink. We didn’t speak. He was still pissed at me. Well I have news for him: I’m still pissed at him, too.

  I climb off the bike outside my house and, without a word to him, remove my overnight bag from the saddlebag on his bike. I march up my front door. After digging my keys out of my bag, I put the key in the lock, only to have a large, tattooed hand stop my movements.

  “Baby.” His voice is gentler than it was earlier today, making me shiver. His warm breath touches my bare neck.

  Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I wait for his next words. I expect him to still be pissed at me, but his words shock me, even though I have heard them time and time again.

  “Today was fucked up. We both fucked up.” I try to turn to face him and give him a piece of my mind, but he stops me. “Both. I shouldn’t have talked to her; you shouldn’t have walked off. Plus, you don’t ever try to palm your man off on another woman. What were you thinking?”

  “You aren’t my man, so she had free rein over you,” I whisper. Even as I speak the words, bile threatens to leave my stomach.

  “I am your man, and you’re my woman. I’ve told you this before. No more waiting, babe. We have wasted to much fucking time already. If losing Mum has taught me one thing, it’s we don't have enough time on this earth to waste it. So this is us not wasting anymore time. I’ll give you until after the funeral to see things my way.” He pulls at my jacket so he can get to my bare neck, and lays gentle kisses there, sending a waterfall of emotions over my body.

  His chest touches my back, and I can feel the heat seeping through his club jacket and into my body. The material does nothing to stop the connection between us.

  “You are mine, Ana Dawkins.” He lays another open-mouthed kiss to my neck before stepping away. “See you soon, babe.” With that, he leaves me standing there like a fish out of water. I keep my back to him, until I hear the bike start. His voice startles me again. He really needs to stop doing that shit.

  “Inside now, Ana.” I open the door and quickly step inside. I stand at the threshold, looking at this sexy man sitting on his bike outside my house. The man that wants to claim me in every way.

  Oh, lordy.

  I give him a little wave and close the door. Once the door is fully closed, I hear his bike pull away and down the street. Again with my safety coming first.

  It always seems to be first and last with Ace.


  Leaving Ana the day we got back from meeting my brother was fucking hard, and by hard I mean my cock was hard as steel. The way she clung to me on the bike, and the way her body shivered when I told her she was mine and I was hers…

  I was fucking livid with her when she tried telling that bimbo she could have me.

  I know she’s scared about what could happen between us, but fuck if I’m a selfish man and want her no matter what. She will open up to me. I will get her to submit to me. I chuckle to myself, remembering the way her body responded to me. Fuck, she has always responded to me.

  “Hey, fucker.” I hear my name being called as I walk into the clubhouse. EC is sitting by the bar with a club girl on his lap, her tits hanging out of her top, his other hand holding his phone.

  “What?” I ask, as I make my way over.

  “You got everything sorted for tomorrow?”

  I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. I may be a bad arse biker, but fuck, my mother was my world.

  “Yeah, everything is done. Ana and Z are bringing the food over in the morning. We’re shutting the cafe down. I wanted someone to do the catering, but Ana was having none of it. She’s as stubborn as a fucking mule that one. What you up to?” I ask, nodding towards the phone. EC winks at me and turns the phone around so I can see the screen.

  “SnatchChat,” is all he says. I shake my head at him. It’s a game all the boys play. Hell, even I did at one point. The boys like to share a picture of a girl’s pussy when they’re done fucking it. EC named it ‘SnatchChat’.

  “Put the bitch in her place, Ace. She should know she can’t talk down to you. Skanks like her are fake as fuck, anyway. She’s using the innocent act to reel you in. But I can give you what you want, baby. Anything,” the club girl on EC’s lap says.

  “The fuck you say? You don’t call my woman a bitch, or a fucking skank. You’re the skank and whore around here, bitch. You’re here for one reason and one reason only, you fucking get me?” I spit at her. Fucking cunt calling my woman names.

  “Your—your woman? Since when?” she stammers, as EC, none too gently, gets her off his l

  “Doesn’t matter. No one slags off Mouse. Piss off,” EC snaps at her.

  “But, EC, I thought—”

  “Well you thought fucking wrong. Ana belongs to Ace, so fucking deal with it and keep your trap shut.” We both turn our back on her, and I signal to the prospect to bring me a beer.

  We sit in silence for fuck knows how long, until that amazing silence is broken. “So you finally claimed her, huh?” EC speaks from my side. I nod. I’ve barely talked to Ana about it, but she knows it’s coming. Well, she should know it’s fucking coming.

  I look over to see Suede sitting in his big, worn, leather chair with his old lady, Lola, sitting on his lap. They are Dyson’s parents.

  Suede’s hands slide dangerously close to her pussy. No one here is shy about shagging in public and the boys here are not shy about their sexuality.

  Take EC, that boy will fuck anything that gets him off. He never told us he was bisexual until one of the brothers caught him with his dick in a guy’s mouth one time while we were on a run.

  “SUEDE.” Batch comes barrelling into the room, screaming the Prez’s name. His eyes scan the room, looking for him. Once their gazes connect, Batch is marching across the room and leans in, speaking into the Prez’s ear.

  I sit and watch as Batch explains whatever the hell is going on, Prez’s face getting redder and redder as Batch keeps talking.

  “CHURCH. NOW,” Suede bellows to the room. “All non-members get the fuck out.” He marches down the dark hallway towards the big room where we hold church, or club meetings to non-MC-know-it-alls. One of the newer prospects stands outside the room with two boxes; one for our mobile phones and the other for our weapons. Neither are allowed in church.

  I walk into the room and most of the boys are here already. I take my seat to the left of Prez, dropping into the leather chair, and wait for Prez to start explaining what the fuck is going on. He bangs the gavel and rubs his hands over his face.


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