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Alec (Keepers Of The Lake Book 3)

Page 12

by Emilia Hartley

  “Huh?” Charlie rummaged the card out of the blankets.

  I washed your hair and wrapped up your hand.

  Sorry about that.


  She laughed. It was such an Alec thing. Of course, he would note the things that he had done for her and not how he felt. His physical impulse to fix everything would never go away. He would always want to keep busy. If someone needed something done, he would do it. But to get him to talk about his emotions was like pulling teeth.

  If she asked him for the claiming mark and told him exactly why she needed it, then he would do it. Not because he loved her, but because she needed help.

  The stuffed animal he’d bought was just a goofy-faced puppy. It had a squished nose and black spots on its white fur. She hugged it tight and rolled over to listen to Alec hammering the wall outside. The soothing sound put her back to sleep.

  But only for a little while. Charlie yawned and stretched. Her body hummed with life, her stomach twisting with the demand her beast had made earlier. Hunger pains twanged and brought her to her feet. Without thinking, she grabbed the stuffed dog and tucked it under her arm.

  She was thinking that there had been no food in the cabin when she found a bowl on the counter. Beside it was a bottle of mayochup. Alec must have gone shopping for her, too. It shouldn’t have surprised her. It wasn’t like he had a closet full of stuffed animals to give out as apologies.

  Hell, she was the one who needed to apologize. She had ripped his shower curtain off the rod when she fell. It was probably beyond fixing. He would need a new one.

  Charlie peeled the tinfoil from the top of the new bowl and slouched in a nearby chair. She kicked her feet up and set them on the edge of the counter while she devoured the French fries inside. They were a little soft from sitting around while she slept but that didn’t make them any less satisfying.

  “You really need to eat more protein,” Alec said as he passed through the kitchen to the bedroom.

  “I’ll eat it when it’s presented to me!” she called back.

  So far, she hadn’t had the chance to eat so much as a burger let alone a steak. The closest thing to protein that she’d eaten had been the peanut butter pie and that really didn’t count. Alec didn’t answer her. He kept his head down and did whatever he’d come inside to do before leaving.

  She scowled at his shadow, slipping out the door.

  “If I stink, it’s your fault!” Indignantly, she popped another fry into her mouth.

  The only protein she wanted was a big slice of him, cuddled up beside her. She wanted her fingers twined with his and his lips on her temple. She craved the closeness to him again, but it was clear he was going to start pushing her away again. If she hadn’t gotten stronger here, she might have given up.

  There were a few times when she first arrived that she wanted to give up. Norman’s promise had seemed like her doomed fate. Now, she knew that there was a storm of problems here. The clan was struggling to keep Zane under control while they put themselves back together again.

  Alec didn’t want her here because he was worried about her. Which was a load of crap.

  He was clearly conflicted because he hadn’t bothered to work on her supposedly broken car in at least twenty-four hours. His attention had been on her. The thought warmed her. She might have lost part of her pinky, but she felt like she’d gained part of her soul.

  The bit that Norman had squashed under his boot had returned to her. It wasn’t Alec alone who had brought life back to her. It was the others, as well. It was Jude and Buffy. It was Asher, always armed with a quick retort. It was Cole and Heath, sentinels ready to protect their clan.

  Charlie wasn’t going to go anywhere. She was done with the Pacific Northwest and the clan that was slowly killing her. Setting aside the bowl of French fries, she went into the bedroom to find her phone. Just like she thought, it was riddled with missed calls and texts from Norman.

  They all asked her where she was, looking for an exact address or coordinates. The final message told her that he’d paid her parents a visit. They must have told Norman where to find her. They were the only ones who would have known where she was. Where else would she be than the place where her heart resided?

  Norman didn’t send any threatening photos of her parents with it, no indication that he planned to hurt them if she didn’t come back. Her shoulders dropped away from her ears. Norman was an asshole, but he didn’t have enough spine to hurt someone outside his clan. Her parents would be safe. And as much as she loved them, she also loved the distance between herself and them.

  She might not ever forgive them for what they did to her. They were her parents, so she loved them like any good child, but Charlie was also smart enough to know that so much of her pain had been caused by them. They never stopped to think about what was good for her once she was changed. They lived by a kind of fear born out of love. That fear had brought her a cursed life.

  Charlie turned off her phone and dumped it in the nightstand drawer once more. Everything she needed was right there in front of her. She didn’t need a phone to find it.

  When she stood again, her vision darkened. She might have had a few French fries, but Alec was right. Only protein would make her feel any better. The only problem was that there was nothing in the fridge and her car was still supposedly broken down. Not that she thought she should drive to town in her condition.

  Exhaustion weighed her footsteps. The past few days had been filled with action, from carnal to dangerous. And it wasn’t over yet. She knew Norman wouldn’t give up that easily. And Zane was still trapped in the lake. For a moment, she regretted bringing another issue to this clan.

  Then, she remembered Jude’s offer. This clan could protect her. And, in turn, Charlie would do whatever she could to help them with Zane.

  Alec was tired of this shit. He wanted Charlie so bad his soul screamed for her, but two problems stood in his way. He couldn’t fly all the way to Washington and destroy the clan that was hurting his mate, but he could address the issue right in front of him.


  Alec stood on the end of the floating dock. The water made it sway under his feet. He could almost feel Zane’s wrath. It pulsated like the waves, in and out. His friend was pissed over what happened. They had failed him. He had every right to hate them all, but he had no right to destroy their lives because of it.

  The monster their friend had become wasn’t the man they remembered. Alec didn’t know if they could save him, but they could put him out of his misery. He didn’t like the idea. In fact, it seared his stomach, trying to burn a hole through his soul. Just thinking about what he planned on doing hurt him.

  But someone had to do it.

  Cole was still recovering from his brush with death by Alistair’s hands. Not physically, but mentally. Heath had turned his attention away from the lake and towards his new love. Asher was…well, unreliable at best.

  Alec was the only one who could fix this situation. He had to do it. For them.

  Without wasting another moment, Alec leapt into the lake. He swam into the dark parts that the sun could not reach. As his vision cleared, growing sharper when his beast granted him power, he could see fish and kelp taking shape around him. The fish darted away, running for safer waters.

  This wasn’t enough. Alec had to swim deeper. Zane was hiding somewhere at the bottom of this lake. He would be tired from his display of power earlier. It was the perfect time for Alec to strike.

  Yet, he slowed. Second thoughts whirled through his mind. Could he take his friend’s life so easily? Even if Zane was a monster, could he take away Zane’s last chance at freedom? Alec had been so sure of himself when he stood on the dock. His only thoughts had been of Charlie and the future he envisioned with her.

  She couldn’t leave his side. Not only would his beast not allow it, but he feared that if she left the cabins, she would lose the spark that had come to life inside her. It hadn’t been there when she arrive
d. Only after spending time with the clan, with him, did the spark in her start to shed light.

  Would Zane truly not harm her if she stayed? Could she be part of the secret to saving him? Alec didn’t know. He wanted to fix things with his own hands. He wanted to be the reason that they were safe again. What else could he do with himself? If he stood around and waited for disaster to befall them, then he would only blame himself.

  While Alec battled with himself, a figure darted in the water before him. He jerked back and nearly swallowed a mouthful of water.

  You came to say hello? Zane asked while filling the water with bitter laughter.

  Whatever spell Sybil had cast, it’d been weak. So haphazardly thrown together, the spell had melded with their friend. Alec had to wonder if this behavior was because of betrayal or if it was the spell tainting Zane’s mind. If they broke the spell, would he go back to being their friend? Could he find it in him to forgive them?

  Alec couldn’t ask anything of his friend. The water would have filled his mouth. It would have sought out his lungs and tried to fill them.

  With a beast this strong, would Zane let Jude stay as the head of the clan? Alec had not yet seen Jude prove herself. She acted strong, but he didn’t know if she truly had the power to back that up.

  Or have you come to put me out of my misery? What makes you think I am miserable at all? He who has the most power lives the fullest. Right?

  Alec’s beast roared. Those had been Alistair’s words. It was what Alistair said when he turned on them. If they would not follow him, then they did not have enough power to stand by his side. And so, Alistair had tried to destroy them.

  Alec wanted to remind Zane that he was not that kind of monster. Zane could be as bitter and filled with rage as he wanted, but any dragon who thought they could hold the world in the palm of their hand through destruction could stay and rot in this damn lake.

  I missed her. Charlotte is the only good soul among you all. She came back for you, like we all knew she would, but you’re down here in my domain. I could hold you until your lungs give out and fill with water. Then you would never see her again.

  Alec snarled. Small bubbles lifted from his curled lips.

  Are you sure you’re looking in the right direction?

  Shadows passed over them. Alec’s head snapped back. Darkened dragons flew over the lake. One after the other, they filled the skies. Alec would have cried out had he not been under the water. He’d thought this would be his chance to attack Zane, but he hadn’t thought about what would be happening above the water. The problem should have been dealt with. How could Charlie’s clan leader have sent back-up so soon?

  Don’t waste your time. Go save her.

  Alec kicked frantically, trying to reach the surface before the army of dragons could land on shore. There were too many of them. Could the clan fight them all off? Alec couldn’t lose Charlie. He wouldn’t let them take her back. She needed him. He couldn’t fail her again.

  Above the water, he gasped. The skies were clear. His heart hammered a panicked beat, but there was no danger. No dragons stood on the shore aside from his friends. Charlie waited for him at the end of the floating dock. Her arms were wrapped around her middle, the hem of his shirt flapping in the wind.

  Zane had cast an illusion over the sky. It had tricked Alec into leaving but also showed Alec what was more important. He didn’t know if that was what Zane had meant to do, but Alec swam toward the shore with renewed vigor.

  Give her what she deserves. Because you would have died down here without ever telling her the truth.

  Alec faltered, only for a moment. But it was enough. Water filled his mouth. Charlie didn’t know. She had no idea. The only person who knew the truth of how she was changed was Zane.

  How many times would Alec fuck up before someone stopped him? He’d kept the truth even from himself, denying it all along. Fifteen years, he’d ignored what really happened. Zane had been there when it happened. He’d been there when Alec struggled with what he’d done. When both Zane and Charlie disappeared, Alec had shoved the thought to the back of his mind and left it locked away.

  Now, he looked up at Charlie and saw the fragile happiness in her eyes. The sun behind him lovingly caressed her skin and highlighted the few freckles spattered over the bridge of her nose. He didn’t want to see despair crush her again. If he told her the truth, she would surely turn away from him.

  She would never look at him the same again.


  Through the window, Charlie caught two figures racing toward her cabin. Jude’s steps were precise while Buffy was buzzing with energy, making her hair bounce around her shoulders. They had blankets and bags of candy in their hands. Buffy dropped a bag and rushed back to grab it just as the front door swung open.

  Jude sauntered up to her. “I hear you’re having trouble with your clan.”

  Charlie leaned back, warily eyeing the female leader. Jude had a wicked gleam in her eyes, though. It was the kind of gleam Norman had when he saw a challenge. Charlie swallowed, summoned her courage, and replied.

  “I live with a giant pile of shit that knows how to bark commands.”

  At that, Jude burst out laughing. She clamped a hand over her mouth, tears welling in the corners of her eyes. Jude didn’t know that Charlie only felt brave enough to speak the truth because she was states away from her clan leader. It was a false kind of bravery because if Norman had been anywhere near, Charlie would have choked on the words.

  Even if they were the truth.

  Buffy found a chair, wrapped her blanket around her shoulders, and settled in. The crackle of a candy bag filled the cabin. Buffy whispered an apology before popping a sour worm into her mouth. Charlie held out her hand in request, and Buffy dumped a pile of the gummi worms into her palm. Was this some sort of girls’ night?

  “I know a man,” Jude began, “that is channeling his desire to rule the world into helping fix other clans. If you want, I could drop a hint that your clan is suffering. I’m sure the talking pile of shit would love a visit from a gold dragon.”

  Charlie balked. “A gold dragon? Norman would crap his pants.”

  Buffy snickered. “Can a pile of shit even poop?”

  Charlie didn’t even want to consider the logistics of it. She shook her head, trying to dispel the thought. Had Jude really just offered to contact a gold dragon? There were so few in the world. They were rare and very powerful. No sane dragon ever tried to pit themselves against a gold dragon.

  “How do you even know one?” Charlie asked Jude. “A gold dragon, I mean. If it means you will have to owe a favor to a man like that, then don’t even bother. I don’t want to ask anyone to put themselves in debt like that. It’s…it’s not right.”

  Buffy’s smile was suppressed, a thin line she could barely contain. Before long, it spread wide and she looked at Jude. There was a secret between the two. Even Charlie could see that they’d known each other for a long time. The way they communicated without words made Charlie jealous. She wanted to be a part of that kind of squad.

  Buff couldn’t seem to hold it in any longer. She was practically bouncing in her seat. “Jude is a gold dragon!”

  Charlie’s jaw would have hit the floor had the table not been in the way. She looked between Buffy and Jude, waiting for this to be some kind of weird joke. When they didn’t take it back, Charlie’s stomach churned. Alec’s clan had been taken over by a gold dragon.

  “But that’s not who I’m talking about,” Jude said with a wave of her hand. “My cousin just took over our clan, and he had a run in with some assholes from Nevada. He sent some dragons down there to sort the clan out. He sent me out here to figure out what was going on with these fools and they convinced me to stay.”

  Buffy made a sound with her lips, rolling her eyes at Jude. “You inserted yourself in the clan here, and you know it.”

  “Yeah, but that was back when the clan was just Cole. And Cole was doing all of the inserting, i
f you get what I mean.”

  “Have you always been this crude? Was it just pushed down because we went to a religious girls’ school?”

  Jude gave her friend a toothy smile. Even though Buffy was clearly sassing a gold dragon, she didn’t seem bothered in the least. She wasn’t afraid of Jude. If anything, they were tight friends.

  “So, this relative of yours? He could pay Norman a visit?” Charlie chewed her lip. She didn’t want to put a gold dragon in harm’s way. Then again…he was a gold dragon.

  Before Jude could respond, the door swung open. Alec hung in the doorway. He opened his mouth and then paused when he saw the cabin full of women. Jude and Buffy shared a look before turning that look on Charlie. They waggled their brows at Charlie before leaving their seats and excusing themselves, leaving Charlie alone with Alec.

  The hours were dwindling away. She didn’t have much time left. Early the next morning, if Alec wouldn’t remember her, she would have to be on her way back to Norman. The sad truth was that Charlie wanted to belong to this clan. She wanted to find a home here. Jude and Buffy could be good friends. Asher was a fool, but a likeable one.

  It was all in Alec’s hands, though. Charlie couldn’t stay here if Alec didn’t love her. She couldn’t look at him every day, moving on with his life while she was stuck in a dream that wouldn’t leave her. She’d spent every day of the past years knowing that she would return to him.

  Was this where he told her that her car was fixed? Would he send her on her way without ever acknowledging the past they shared?

  “I’m hungry. Grab a light coat. We’re going to get food.”

  Charlie perked up. “What?”

  “You heard me. Food. You and me. Let’s go.”

  “I might be a dragon, but I don’t respond to commands from those below me.” She grinned.

  Alec faltered. She watched a series of expressions pass over his face, surprise, challenge, and denial.


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