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I Have to Have Her

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Wow,” she said. “That was really something.”

  He smiled, expecting her to roll against him. Instead, Gabriel frowned as she rolled off the bed and without another word, headed toward his doorway.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “This is a strictly fucking relationship. I don’t have to sleep with you and we don’t know when Rhianna’s going to be back.”

  “You think I only want you the one time?” he asked, climbing off the bed. The fact she wanted to leave pissed him off.

  “Don’t all men like it one time and are too exhausted and fall asleep?”

  He cupped her face, taking her hand and placing it over his erection. “I’m not like other men.”


  For the first time in her life, Claire knew what it meant to be thoroughly fucked. Rhianna was due back this very evening. The charity event had only been a one-night sleepover. After Gabriel had taken her not twice, or three times, but four, she’d gone back to her own room, showered, and slept until ten. He’d been gone from the apartment, without a note, not that she was expecting any. She didn’t want to start wishing for something that wasn’t going to happen.

  She’d had sex with her best friend’s brother.

  At work, she stood at the bar as Daniella filled her order. Another car had been waiting for her tonight, no sign of Gabriel. After she’d had breakfast, she’d gone back to apartment hunting.

  Rhianna had arrived before she went to work that evening, hugging her and telling her how much fun she had. There had also been a twinkle in her eye, and Claire knew from experience her friend had met someone and wanted to keep that little detail a secret from her brother.

  “You’re not with it tonight, are you?” Daniella asked.

  “Huh, sorry? What?”

  Daniella laughed. “Men trouble?”

  “Something like that.” She gripped her tray and wondered what the hell she was going to do with Gabriel in her life, her bed, or whatever the hell he was meant to be.

  “I’d stop daydreaming if I was you. The man himself is in his office. He doesn’t mind firing people who aren’t doing their job.” Daniella winked at her.

  Gabriel was here?

  She hadn’t seen him since last night. Just knowing he was somewhere, watching, waiting, unnerved her.

  Get a grip, Claire.

  This is just an arrangement. Thirty-one days for you to enjoy.

  She had no intention of taking any money or the apartment. She avoided taking charity or living outside of her means. If this job continued to pay good tips and good money, she’d be able to afford a nice place.

  She knew how to keep her mouth shut. Growing up with a mother who liked to bring married men home, she’d learned the value of staying quiet. This place was easy. She never looked at the men long enough to recognize them and wasn’t interested in anything else.

  Serving up drinks, she steered clear of their grabbing hands. A couple of times, she had men grab her ass and offer to pay her a fortune for a fuck. So polite. There were guards in every single room and they intervened, reminding them of the rules. She wasn’t up for sale.

  The minutes ticked by, turning into hours. She was still serving, and as she waited at the edge of one of the rooms as two women gyrated against one another, a hand wrapped around her waist.

  “Do you like what you see?” Gabriel asked, whispering against her neck.

  “They look like they’re having fun.”

  “Most of the girls do. They love the power, the attention.”

  “Do you only hire willing girls?” she asked.


  “You don’t force them?”

  His grip on her waist tightened. “You seem to mistake me for someone else. I don’t deal in human trafficking, Claire.”

  “But your businesses are not as legal as they seem?”

  His other hand cupped the back of her neck, holding her still against him. They were in the shadows, so no one could see them.

  “What are you trying to ask me?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’m not a good man, Claire, but then, you know that.”

  She did.

  The dress she wore was indecent, making it easy for his hand to slide inside the slit at the leg and touch her.

  “But I can see that isn’t a problem for you.”

  “I’m working.”

  “I’m the boss and I’ve got something else for you to do.” He covered her mouth, lifted her, and she didn’t fight as he pulled her away from the room. No one stopped them, not that anyone saw. She figured someone could have, but they were probably preoccupied, and who was going to stop the boss?

  He closed the door to what she assumed was his office and he pressed her up against it. His lips were on hers and she cried out as he bit down hard.

  “I’ll deal with you in a minute but this is for me.” He moved her across the room toward his desk. He bent her over the desk and flung the dress up and over her head.

  His hands ran across her ass and he tugged at the thong she’d worn. Panties were hard to wear as the slits were so high and she didn’t want them to show through. He spread the cheeks of her ass wide and then his cock slid inside her. At the last couple of inches, he slammed in deep. One of his hands went to her hip and the other gathered up her hair. Wrapping it around his fist, he started to fuck her hard, driving inside her.

  She cried out, holding on to the desk as he held her in place and took what he wanted.

  This was hard and fast. He sped up, his thrusts increasing as he fought completion, going to the hilt, pounding within her.

  She moaned his name, driving back against him, completely coming apart as she used her body for his own pleasure.

  This wasn’t love. She didn’t want love. This was cold, hard need, turned to fucking.

  With each drive of his cock, she lost all thought and was unable to think, to focus, to do anything but feel him.

  When he came, he didn’t immediately pull away either. He held himself deep within her, and she closed her eyes.

  Arousal still pulsed through her body, demanding her own release. His breath fanned across her hair. Then he slid his hand between her thighs, and with his now-flaccid cock inside her, he started to work her clit. “Come for me.”

  She whimpered, sliding her pussy on his fingers, his cum swimming inside her.

  “That’s it, Claire. Take what you want. Don’t wait for me, just take.”

  The sounds of her release filled the air and she couldn’t help but become aware of how easy he made her forget herself.

  He stepped away, his cock easing out of her, and he grabbed some tissues, placing it against her and capturing his cum.

  Heat filled her cheeks. She wiped herself, feeling strange. This was different.

  Turning on her heel, she went to leave, but he caught her wrist. He lifted her and placed her on the edge of his desk.

  “You need to stop doing this. I’m not some pet you can control.”

  “That’s exactly what you are.”

  “And you’re my pet as well,” she said. She hadn’t asked him for anything and she certainly hadn’t taken anything.

  “What’s your cell phone number?”

  She frowned. “What?”

  “I want to call you when I need you. Remember?”

  “Oh, I, er, I don’t have a cell phone. It was broken when my landlord threw out my clothes and stuff.”


  “You’re not going to hurt him, are you?” she asked.

  “It depends. Do you want me to?”

  “No. He was just doing what he thought was right.”

  “And kicking out a woman in the streets was right?”

  “I thought Tony had paid, but he hadn’t. Wouldn’t you do the same?”

  “I’m not a landlord.”

  “No? What are you?” she asked.

  He leaned forward, capturing her lips. “I’m king.”
/>   Chapter Five

  “How much did you say he offered a month?” Gabriel asked. He listened to the figure his man gave and gritted his teeth. Claire was proving to be a pain the ass, but he oddly didn’t mind. She was a welcome distraction. “Offer him double and call me when it’s done.”

  So far, he’d gotten rid of three potential apartments. Ever since his men had told him she’d gone hunting for them, he always made sure they were able to make counteroffers that stopped her from moving out.

  He didn’t have a fucking clue why.

  They had their arrangement and so far, he’d organized another apartment with her, not too far from the one they lived in now, and had yet to use it. She hadn’t even wanted to take the cell phone he’d given her. The woman was proving to be difficult. She didn’t accept gifts from him, only orgasms.

  He was used to women wanting everything from him. His money, jewelry, gifts, everything. Instead, this woman only wanted his cock, and so far, after only a couple of days, he wasn’t fucking bored. In fact, with each passing day, he grew more and more addicted to her.

  “Sir, there’s a situation at one of the tables. Three men are counting cards,” one of his guards said.

  “You have proof?”

  “Yes, sir. We’ve removed the men from the table and are in holding now.”

  “Let’s go and see.” He got to his feet and made his way toward the security monitor. When someone attempted to count cards, it was difficult to identify. Watching the men on screen, he noticed they were clearly bad at it. He saw the way they all followed the cards, counted, their lips moving.

  After just a few minutes, he’d seen enough and made his way to the room where the three men were waiting.

  “This is horse shit,” the first man with short, blond hair and a receding hairline said.

  “Gentlemen, I’m Gabriel Locke, the owner of this establishment.” By saying his name, he could always judge if people knew him. They all seemed clueless, which was a pity. Now if they’d been playing in his private betting rooms, he’d be able to take out his anger on them. As it was, with civilians, he had to play by the rules, and counting cards wasn’t allowed. Giving them a warning and removing them from his property, banning them from all of his casinos, the matter was dealt with.

  It pissed him off and he stood, staring out across his empire.

  There was only one person he wanted right now.

  After pulling out his cell phone, he texted her.

  Gabriel: Be at the apartment in ten minutes.

  He hadn’t even put his phone away when his cell phone alerted him to a brand-new message. Gritting his teeth, he opened it up, and there was one waiting from Claire.

  Claire: Can’t. Rhianna’s upset. I’m keeping her company.

  She was, was she?

  Well, his needs came first.

  Leaving the casino, he climbed into the back of his car and ordered to be taken to his apartment.

  Before the car had even stopped in its parking spot, he was out the door, at the elevator, and heading back up to his room. The time that passed didn’t do his mood any justice. He was angry, pissed off, and fucking horny. Opening the door, he entered the apartment and found his sister and his woman on the sofa.

  Rhianna sniffled into some tissues.

  “What’s going on here?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing.”



  “Then why are you crying?”

  “It’s none of your business,” Rhianna said.

  “Good, if it’s none of my business. Go accept the pizza I ordered. I know you love it.” He pulled some money out of his wallet and handed it to Rhianna.


  His sister couldn’t resist a good pizza. The moment she was out of sight, he grabbed Claire’s hand and dragged her to his bedroom.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  He slammed the door and shoved her toward the bed. The clothes she wore were hideous, but he pulled down her pajama shorts, revealing her naked ass.


  He had her on her knees and was inside her within a matter of seconds. She was wet, not as soaked as he liked her, but he didn’t have time. He worked his fingers through her slit and she gasped, moaning as he fucked her.

  “When I tell you to be somewhere, you’re going to be there.”

  “I had Rhianna to think of.”

  “Don’t say her name. I don’t want to hear her name.” He bit down on her neck and rode her pussy, driving inside her, fingering her pussy. He grabbed his cell phone, putting it in her hand. “Call the pizza place, tell them it’s for Locke and they need to be ready within minutes.”

  He knew the receptionist would keep Rhianna talking for him.


  “I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to do as you’re told. I’m not arguing with you. Do it.”

  She moaned as he pinched her clit.

  “There will always be consequences for not doing as I ask. You’ll learn.” He fucked her hard, teasing her clit and feeling her answering pulse as she squeezed his cock. She felt so good.

  When she was on the phone, he made it harder for her to focus, working her clit, making her speak even as she wanted to moan in pleasure.

  Good. He wanted to drive her wild, to make her think about what she did. He wasn’t the kind of guy who liked to wait for anyone.

  He pounded inside her, taking her harder. She hung up the phone and he brought her to orgasm. Feeling her ripple set his own release off and he came, spilling his cum inside her. He didn’t know if he was ever going to be able to go back to wearing rubbers. She felt so amazing on his length.

  Afterward, they were both panting.

  “Stay where you are,” he said, easing out of her.

  He went into his en-suite and rinsed out a cloth. Glancing up, he looked at himself in the mirror and was surprised by what he saw. He looked … no, he wasn’t even going to analyze this shit.

  Leaving the bathroom, he returned behind her and saw some of his cum leaking out of her pussy. Damn. Before he took her again, since he knew they didn’t have time, he pressed the cloth to her, cleaning her up. After throwing the cloth in the laundry basket, he helped her back into the shorts and ran his fingers through her hair.

  “Are you happy now?” she asked.

  “It’ll do, but next time, you won’t like the consequences. Don’t play games with me, Claire. You won’t win, ever.”

  She nodded, opened her mouth, closed it, and left the bedroom.

  The door remained open. Rather than see his sister like this, he took a shower. He’d lost his freaking mind and he needed to start getting back his composure or he was going to end up so fucked.


  Three days had passed since Gabriel had pulled her into his bedroom and took what he wanted. Claire knew she should have been pissed at him and called this whole thing off, but she’d enjoyed it. Not that it was any excuse. He hadn’t hurt her. She hadn’t even asked him to stop.

  “You look so gorgeous,” Rhianna said as the car pulled up outside of a nightclub. Her best friend had demanded a girls’ night, complete with dancing, men, and a chance to just forget about the guy she’d met on her charity event. Claire didn’t even know his name. Rhianna wanted to keep some things a secret. She didn’t mind. When they were younger, Rhianna often went off with guys and never told her about them.

  Their friendship was stronger than boys, men, and all the secrets.

  She’d gone back to the apartment after another useless attempt to find herself a place only to see a white dress and heels waiting for her. Rhianna had already been getting ready. She loved her friend but guilt churned in the pit of her stomach.

  Her … arrangement with Gabriel clouded her decision to do anything, but Rhianna had said it was time for them both to meet men.

  “Look at the line. I don’t think we should go here,” she said.

Don’t worry. This is Gabriel’s club. I come here all the time.” Rhianna was out of the car and dragging her along with her.

  The men opened up the doors and music surrounded her. The beat and pulse of the noise didn’t help to calm her nerves. In fact, it made her feel more nervous.

  “I love this,” Rhianna said.

  Claire wondered if Gabriel liked his sister coming to any of his clubs. Did Rhianna know about the secret strip club? Either way, Claire’s lips were sealed. Even with all the secrecy around the job, she actually liked it. The heels were a nightmare but she got paid good money and she felt safe. There were some jobs where she hadn’t felt safe at all.

  “Let’s go to the bar,” she said, yelling to be heard over the noise.

  “Not happening. Let’s dance. Come on. We’ve got to find ourselves some good-looking men.” Rhianna screamed each word for her to hear.

  Dragging her onto the dance floor, Rhianna let out a hoot and laughed along with her, Claire started to dance. There was no rule from Gabriel about her not having fun. It didn’t take long for someone to wrap an arm around Rhianna.

  Claire felt a body behind her. It wasn’t Gabriel, but rather than judge, she just danced anyway, allowing herself to be taken by the fun and heat of the night.

  She spun around, wrapping an arm around his neck, dancing. Whenever he got too close with his body, she made sure there was more distance.

  There was no invitation here. When he didn’t seem to be getting the idea that it was just dancing, she pulled away, and the man let her go, moving on to other women. She stumbled toward the bar, ordering herself some water.

  Rhianna was hurting and Claire had a feeling the guy at the charity event was a lot more than just an acquaintance.

  She thanked the bartender and sipped at her water, watching her friend.

  “What’s a beautiful woman like you doing all alone here?”

  She turned to see a man with short, black hair and a smile, clearly sexy, dressed in jeans and a white shirt.

  “Is that the standard pickup line?” Near the bar, the noise wasn’t so consuming. People could talk without shouting. It was nice.


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