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The Lionman Kidnapping

Page 14

by Eve Langlais

  She almost sighed. “Didn’t you do any background before swooping in?”

  His stubborn expression said it all.

  “It’s a wonder you’ve lived this long,” she muttered.

  “Shut your mouth, woman. It’s almost time.”

  “Time for what?” Jayda asked, winding her wrists a few more times to tighten the scarves while watching him open a laptop.

  “Almost time for us to become stars.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Petrov got up and lumbered closer. He wore a robe, his bare legs sticking out from under the hem. When he dropped the robe to the floor, he wore nothing underneath, displaying himself in all his naked hairiness.

  Her lips twisted in repugnance. “Put that back on. No one wants to see your dick.”

  “Soon you will feel it.”

  She eyed it with skepticism, thick but short. So short. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Silence or I’ll gag you.”

  “You might have to, or there’s a chance I’ll laugh.”

  The man stomped toward her, his limp penis bouncing as he lost his hard-on.

  She peppered him with questions. “Who hired you? What were your exact orders?” Because once they got their hands on her, they obviously took off. Which made her wonder, had one of the treasonous guards contacted Petrov to let him know she’d exited the building? It would explain the timing.

  “None of your business.”

  “I’m making it my business. You’re obviously not law enforcement, government, or military. They would have come in demanding we lay down our arms.”

  Petrov snorted. “The person I work for is above such laws. And they were adamant we capture you as leverage against your father.”

  “My father?” She could have groaned as she realized their reason for snatching her. “You idiots think you can use me against him?”

  “In a few moments, we shall do a live video feed of me beating and raping you.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “Isn’t that kind of gross to be showing my father?”

  “He needs to comply, or you will pay the consequence.”

  “And you’re supposed to be my punisher?” She eyed him critically. “Not well liked, are you?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Her lips quirked. “Because a half-dozen of you maybe could have gotten the better of me, but just one man…” She gave a sharp yank, and while the fabric stretched, she grabbed hold and kept pulling until there was a crack. The post fell with a clatter to the floor.

  Petrov’s eyes widened. A human reaction.

  She smiled. “I guess you didn’t read the reports on me too well. Which reminds me, there aren’t any actual reports about me because I don’t leave witnesses behind.” She wound the other scarf and pulled. Another post toppled, and she sat up, the scarves on her wrists fluttering.

  “What are you?” he breathed, backing away. His dick turtled with fear.

  “I’m the reason why someone wants my father to cooperate. Can you imagine an army of soldiers like me?” She untied her ankles as she spoke.

  “You’re not so tough.” He found his balls and thrust out his chest. “A tiny female like you, I could kill you with a single punch.”

  “Go ahead and try, tough guy.” She stood on the bed, testing its bounciness by rolling on the balls of her feet.

  “Even if you get past me, you won’t escape. My men will kill you.”

  “Are you sure about that? Because…” Her train of thought derailed at a distant noise.

  “My men have guns,” Petrov blustered.

  “Can they shoot when they’re scared?” she asked, stalking toward Petrov, doing her best to intimidate.

  Problem being she wasn’t the only predator in the house. Petrov turned his head as the noise occurred again. A sound that could mean only one thing.

  “Is that a roar?” Petrov asked in confusion.

  “That’s my boyfriend,” said with exasperation as the door was kicked open.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Her scent led Marcus up the stairs, and knowing he was close meant nothing could get in his way. The bullet barely grazed his arm. The meat sack shook too badly to have proper aim.

  The meat sack flew, despite his lack of wings, but needed to work on his landing. Crunch. He hit the bottom of the stairs and didn’t move.

  Another impediment gone. Marcus jogged up the remaining stairs and was confronted by a few sets of doors. Two open, but it was the rumble of voices behind the one that was closed that he focused on.

  Stomp. Stomp. Marcus didn’t bother to hide his approach. Let the meat sack he hunted know he was coming and tremble these last moments of his life.

  He smashed in the door to find Jayda looking massively peeved.

  “Why are you here?” she snapped, looking tousled but gorgeous, although he did wonder at the scarves tied around her wrists. Which made no sense until he saw the broken bed.

  He growled, “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing because you interrupted.” She planted her hands on her hips, eyes flashing with anger—and lust. He could feel it tugging at him. A connection to her that probably only existed in his mind and yet had led him to find her.

  Marcus, despite his beastly rage, had perfect control of his tongue. “Excuse me for saving your ungrateful ass. I told you to run away from the fight.”

  “I don’t need your help. I had this under control.”

  “I can see that,” he stated, circling into the room, his gaze on the naked hairy man.

  “Lord save me from a man with a hero complex.”

  The word brought a snort. “Not a hero. Not even close. Apparently finding you is my new objective.”

  “You idiot. You escaped the clinic. Run away. This is your chance to get away from everything.”

  Didn’t she yet grasp she was his everything?

  “Most women would say thank you.”

  She arched a brow. “I’m not most women.”

  “I know.”

  The moment was interrupted.

  “You are one of the beast men her father made.” Declared in a heavy accent by the meat sack—who would soon be known as dinner.

  “No one made me.” Doctors might have healed his body, made him stronger. But inside… “I’m Marcus.” And he wasn’t about to let this asshole lay one finger on Jayda. “Mine.”

  “I don’t belong to you,” she sassed, making the Russian-sounding thug glance away from Marcus.

  Stupid move. Marcus pounced. Literally. Pinned the guy on the floor and opened his mouth wide over terrible teeth.

  Made an unlionish sound when Jayda flicked his ear. “Don’t eat him.”

  “Why not? He smells…” He dropped his nose to run a sniff over the Russian. “Like meat marinated in vodka.”

  “Eat him later. After he tells me where my daddy is.”

  “Who cares where that Frankenstein bastard is?”

  Again, she flicked hard enough to hurt, and he cast her a glare. “Stop that.”

  “Don’t talk smack about my daddy.”

  “Your daddy is an evil scientist.”

  “Still my daddy. And I want him back.”

  Marcus sighed and faced the Russian once more. “Tell her.”

  The spit that hit his cheek and slid down could have only one reply.

  She didn’t see it that way.

  “I told you not to kill him!” she screeched.

  Marcus rose and defended the only choice he had. “He spat on me.” And it was gross.

  “Don’t be a princess. Now, because of you, I don’t know how to find my daddy. Or who the person was who kidnapped him.”

  “I’m sure we’ll find a clue. Somewhere.” He looked around the bedroom, noticed the rather old décor. Lace curtains in the window and a patchwork quilt on the bed. The laptop on the dresser beckoned.

  He tapped on it. The screen remained dark.

  Jayda pulled drawers and dumped out the con
tents. More things that didn’t seem to match the dead man on the floor. He surely didn’t wear giant granny panties or floral muumuus.

  “There’s nothing here.” Jayda strode for the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  She cast him a look over her shoulder. “To find someone who can tell me where Daddy is.”

  “Um. Er.” He fidgeted.

  She sighed. “Did you kill them all?

  “I was a little pissed when I got here.”

  “Just one, kitty. I only needed one to question.”

  “We can search their bodies for clues,” he offered.

  “I guess,” she huffed. “You coming?”

  “I didn’t hunt you for the last several hours to abandon you now,” was his sarcastic rejoinder.

  Her lips curved into a smile. “Sweet of you, kitty. But I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”

  “Would it kill you to just say thanks? I was worried about you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Didn’t seem like it when they carted your ass off in that helicopter,” he grumbled.

  She stopped her descent down the stairs and rose a step to bring herself even with him. “You were worried?” She sounded so surprised.

  “Of course, I was worried. I thought they might have killed you.” For a moment she stared at him, and he drew closer to her, wanting to taste her lips.

  “Knowing the guys who attacked were dangerous, you still decided to track me down. How?” she asked, turning to skip down the remaining steps. “How did you find me?”

  “I followed my nose.”

  “Only your nose?” she queried as they entered the hall and found another body. Dead, his pockets devoid of anything but a vape and a few crumpled dollars.

  “I also kind of listened to my gut,” he admitted, which played down the strangest feeling he’d ever had. Soon as the helicopter landed in the city, he’d hopped out and basically spun in all directions. Then had just known what direction she was in.

  Luckily Lowry had a spare set of keys for a car they kept parked at the airfield. He hopped in and began to drive, following the tug on his senses to a farm outside the city. Would have missed it without the strange feeling he had because it was hidden from the road. Even pulling up the long drive, he’d wondered if he was in the right spot, given the house appeared dark with all the curtains and shades drawn. Yet he’d known upon seeing it that Jayda was inside.

  “Just like an addict,” she muttered.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You think you need me, so like an addict, you can always find your fix.”

  “That’s not why I came.”

  “Isn’t it?” She turned back to look at him. “What do you think would happen if I were to go away?”

  The stutter of panic brought a frown. “I’ve got control over myself now.”

  “Do you?”

  Did he? He had to wonder, given her skepticism. She gave him her back as she went into the living room, following the trail of violence he’d left behind.

  “Why was that guy upstairs naked?” he asked. Jealousy still burned in him.

  “Plot to torture me to force my father to cooperate.” She said it so nonchalantly.

  “I should kill him again,” he muttered darkly, looking up at the ceiling.

  “You shouldn’t have killed him at all. I was just about to get him to talk.”

  “I can’t believe the moron used scarves.” He snorted.

  “In Petrov’s defense, no one knows about my abilities. Father made sure all knowledge of me was wiped.”

  “Because you’re a monster, too.” He still was coming to grips with it.

  “I prefer the nickname the lab rats gave me: Hyena Girl. Once you hear my laughter, it’s already too late.” She struck a pose.

  He laughed. Hard enough she scowled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You pretending to be like a superhero.”

  “You saying I can’t wear tights?”

  “I’m saying you’re more like a Harley Quinn. Not quite good, but not pure evil either.”

  The reply must have mollified because she smiled again. “Except I don’t need a bat.”

  And he wasn’t as cool as the Joker.

  They searched the house, top to bottom, only to find nothing but the previous occupants stuffed in the freezer. So much for their golden years.

  Returning to the bedroom, Jayda kicked the cooling body, which was beginning to stink already.

  She slapped more buttons on the laptop before declaring, “There’s nothing here.”

  “We must have missed something.”

  “We’ll have to backtrack and figure out where these thugs are from.”


  “I have my ways.” Her sexy grin just about undid him. His relief in finding her had long since given way to desire.

  Every time she moved he remembered her beneath him. Saw her again, undulating, crying out, making him feel—


  The bell caught their attention, and they turned to the laptop with the black screen that hadn’t responded to their touch. Except it wasn’t dark anymore.

  A video chat window suddenly appeared, and in it was the face of a frightened man. His eyes were wide as he yelled, “Petrov! Where are you?”

  “Who is this?” Jayda moved closer and peered at the jerky motion on the screen.

  “Where’s Petrov? Tell him we need more soldiers. More—” The man cast a glance over his shoulder as someone screamed. A long, drawn-out sound that had the guy moaning and breathing hard. “Oh shit. Oh shit. Someone shoot him. Shoot—"

  The feed went dead, and no amount of swearing or punching of the keys brought it back.

  Jayda seethed as she paced. Marcus spent that time rolling Petrov in a carpet and then stuffing him in a closet. He couldn’t stand to look at what he’d done. Especially knowing he’d do it again.

  When Jayda finally calmed herself, he pulled the hyena’s tail in saying, “You done having a hissy fit?”

  That turned her glare on him. She stalked close enough to jab him in the chest. “This is your fault. If you’d just let me handle Petrov—”

  “And what if you couldn’t? How was I supposed to know?” Marcus snapped and yelled back.

  “You shouldn’t have come.”

  “Too fucking bad. I did because I was worried about you.”


  “Because I care.”

  The wrong thing to say. Her expression shut down. “You just think you do because being around me helps you.”

  “Bullshit. I came because I give a damn.”

  “Yet you didn’t want to help my father.”

  “I don’t want to bang your father,” was his dry retort.

  “Is that what you want?” she purred, slinking closer. “To fuck me?”

  “That’s not all I want.”

  Her brow arched. “Careful, kitty. It almost sounds like you’re going to say something we’ll both regret.”

  “I like you, Jayda.” More than liked but no use freaking her out yet.

  “Because you need me.” Her lips turned down.

  “Not in the way you think.” He moved toward her, but she danced out of reach.

  “I can’t do this. Not now. My daddy is missing.”

  “Then we’ll look for him together.”

  “You hate him,” she pointed out.

  “Yeah, but if it’s important to you, then I’ll look for him.”

  “No, kitty, you won’t.” Her expression softened, “You are going to take this chance you’ve been given to run.”

  “Run?” His brows rose with his query. “Why would I run?”

  “So you can hide before they find you.”

  “What happened to Chimera helping me?” He sneered. “Or was that a lie?”

  “He did help you. He gave you a second chance. But now it looks like it’s all coming to an end. That attack today…” She
shook her head. “It means someone is on to Adrian. On to all of us. Your best bet is to go into hiding.”

  “Are you going to hide?” Marcus asked.

  “Never,” the fiery answered he expected. “I’m going to hunt these fuckers down and make them regret they ever heard of my dad. But that’s my vengeance. Not yours. You need to go and have a life. Without me.”

  The very idea hit him like a fist to the gut. No Jayda? The panic made him understand her concern though. Was his wanting to be with her truly about him being in love, or did he fear the monster’s return?

  “What if…” He swallowed as he admitted his trepidation. “What if I can’t control myself?”

  “Then we’ll see each other again.” Left unsaid? When she was sent to take him out.

  “And if I can handle myself?”

  Her lips quirked. “Then maybe if the fates align, you’ll find me.”

  Didn’t she know he’d always find her? But he didn’t want to scare her. Instead he said, “You want me to go, I’ll go. But give me a last kiss.”

  “Just a kiss?”

  Actually, he’d take whatever she wanted to give. He just didn’t want to leave without touching her one more time.

  She let herself be pulled into his arms. Even tilted her face that he might brush a soft kiss on her lips.

  As if such a simple thing could be enough. His hunger couldn’t be contained. His relief at finding her poured from his lips, and she responded to his embrace. Clung to him just as tightly and whispered, “Fuck me, kitty. One last time for the road.”

  It didn’t matter they were in a stranger’s house or that there was a body in the closet. This might be the last time he’d touch Jayda, and he planned to take full advantage. The bed was right there, but he didn’t care. He shoved down her pants and slid a hand between her thighs to find her slick. And wet.

  He rubbed her and felt his cock hardening. He remembered all too well how it felt to be inside her. But he kept rubbing her, enjoying the slick, wet feel of her flesh. Gauging her response by the hitches of her breath and the fingers she dug into his shoulders.

  She rode his hand, undulating and moaning before finally commanding him to, “Take me.” She turned so that her backside faced him, and she gripped the dresser top. The roundness of her ass cheeks beckoned. He fumbled with his pants, and his cock emerged, throbbing and ready, the tip of it pearling. He pushed at the seam of her legs, her pants still caught around her thighs, making everything a little tight.


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