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Faith's Crossing

Page 22

by Carrie Carr

  Lex helped her with the bags. “Wasn’t it, though? Here, I’ll hold these, while you unlock the trunk.”

  “Thanks, honey.” Amanda playfully piled all the bags into her friend’s arms.

  Lex juggled the packages, trying to keep from dropping any of them. “Good grief.” She barely kept one of them from falling to the ground. “I don’t remember seeing you buy this much stuff.” She balanced a bag on her raised thigh, praying that she’d be able to keep her equilibrium long enough to save whatever was inside. A high-pitched female voice squealed from behind her, and a woman brushed by Lex.

  “Mandy Cauble? Is that really you?”

  Amanda spun around just in time to be wrapped up in an embrace from a tall woman with dark blonde hair. “Darla?”

  The woman stepped back a pace, smiling broadly. “Oh, my goodness, I can’t believe it. You look absolutely fantastic!” She kept a firm grasp on Amanda’s hands as she bounced up and down excitedly. Stopping to look at the car, she commented, “I’m glad to see you finally retired that old heap you were driving.”

  Unable to keep her juggling act up any longer, Lex dropped a couple of packages to the pavement. “Ah, hell.” She squatted to gather them back up and didn’t notice the close scrutiny of Amanda’s friend.

  Darla eyed Lex with a speculative eye. “I see at long last you’ve got a driver. Did you knuckle under to the pressure from your mother? I should have known you’d pick a nice-looking woman. But isn’t she dressed a little casual?” She eyed the taller woman in appreciation.

  Amanda released Darla’s hands to help Lex with the strewn-about packages. “I’m sorry, honey. Let me help you get them to the car.” She turned back to a slack-jawed Darla. “Would you mind opening the trunk? The keys are still in it.” Amanda picked up a couple of bags and then nodded in her lover’s direction. “Darla, I’d like you to meet Lex Walters, the love of my life.” She dumped her packages into the trunk, unloading Lex’s arms as well. “Lex, this is Darla Cummings, a really good friend of mine since high school.”

  Lex held out a hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Darla.” Feeling as if she were on display, Lex almost blushed at the other woman’s close perusal of her.

  “My pleasure, Lex.” Darla gave her a slow once over, then winked at Amanda. “Honey, if I could find someone like this, I’d dump my husband. I take it you’re only visiting? Something tells me Lex isn’t from around here.”

  “Nope. We’re leaving tomorrow. What gave her away?” Amanda stood next to the blushing rancher and patted her on the arm in an attempt to comfort her.

  “Well, she has the most darling accent. And yours seems to have picked up quite a bit, too.”

  “It's probably because I've spent the last seven months in Texas,” Amanda acknowledged, as she turned back to face her old friend.

  Darla suddenly noticed the bruise on Amanda’s jaw. “Goodness, what happened to you? And what does the other guy look like?”

  Amanda ruefully stroked the side of her face, careful of the bruise. “I got mugged at the beach yesterday. But Lex caught him, and it doesn't even hurt, now.”

  Darla stepped between the two women, linking an arm with each of them. “Now this sounds like a story I want to hear. Let’s go have a cup of coffee and you can tell me all about it.” She led them down the sidewalk, babbling the entire time.

  “YOUR FRIEND WAS really nice,” Lex observed quite some time later, totally relaxed as she lounged on the bed in the guest-room. “Chatty as hell, but nice.”

  Amanda stepped out of the bathroom, clad only in a black slip and matching lace bra. “Yeah, I know. She’s one of the few friends I had in high school who didn’t dump me when they found out I was gay.” She sighed and sat down next to Lex.

  Lex put an arm around her and pulled her close. “I’m so sorry, Amanda. I suppose in that respect, I was a lot luckier than you.”

  “Really? Why?” Amanda scooted back for a moment, looking into Lex’s eyes.

  “I didn’t have to worry about what anyone thought. I pretty much stuck to myself and didn’t have anyone I really considered a friend. Except for Martha and the guys at the ranch – and none of them ever judged or ridiculed me.” Lex brought Amanda into her lap. “I’m glad that you had Darla, and even Frank.”

  Amanda wrapped her arms around Lex and sighed. “I had a couple of friends who stuck by me, although there were quite a few more who acted as if I had the plague. And of course I also had Gramma and Grandpa Jake. They were the absolute best. Telling my grandparent’s was the scariest because I respected the two of them more than anyone else, including my mother and father. I must admit, they were a bit shocked and confused, but I was so lucky. They said there wasn’t anything I could tell them that would keep them from loving me.”

  “I take it your folks were in the not-so-happy-to-hear-it crowd, huh?” Lex asked, feeling warm breath on her chest.

  “I guess you could say that. They still think it’s a phase I’m going through. Daddy blames the liberal school system I attended. Meanwhile, Mother thinks I’m gay because Jeannie married Frank, and I’m trying to get back at all of them because of that.”

  Lex laughed out loud at that revelation. “You poor thing, pining away for your sister’s husband.” She flinched as she received a sharp poke from a sharp finger. “Ouch! Jeannie was right.”

  Amanda sat back a little. “Huh? My sister was right about what?”

  “You are a bully!” Lex captured Amanda’s swinging hands in self-defense. She fell back onto the bed, allowing her friend to straddle her hips.

  “And you are lucky that it’s almost time for us to go downstairs for the dinner.” Amanda leaned down to bedevil Lex with a near kiss. “Otherwise, I’d show you just how much of a bully I can be.” She jerked back just as Lex raised up to catch her lips. “Teach you to tease me.” She bent back down and dropped a quick kiss, then rolled to the side quickly.

  Lex lay on the bed and closed her eyes. “Okay, you win.” She released a heavy sigh and let go of Amanda’s hands.

  “I win? You’ve got to be kidding. You never give up without a…aaaaaah!” Amanda found herself suddenly on her back with a grinning woman over her body. “You cheated,” she muttered.

  “Me? Cheat? I can’t help it if you let your guard down like that. You shouldn’t be so trusting.” She gave Amanda a kiss. “Let’s get dressed for this shindig, before your mother bursts in here looking for you.”

  Amanda allowed Lex to help her off the bed, then headed for the closet. “I’ll just get your clothes together, then.” She stepped back out, carrying several items on hangers. “Here you go.”

  Lex looked at the clothing. “Are you sure about this? I really don’t want to upset your parents any more than they already are.”

  “I’m perfectly sure. It will go very well with what I’m wearing, and I want you to be comfortable.” Amanda handed her the hangers. “Trust me. You’ll look great.” She went over to the shopping bags sitting in the corner. “Let me slip this stuff on, and you’ll see what I mean.” She carried two of the bags into the bathroom and closed the door.

  Resigned, Lex took the clothing off the hangers and slipped out of her shirt. I hope she knows what she’s doing.

  MILLING AROUND THROUGH the dozen or so people, Jeannie searched for her husband, murmuring her apologies to yet another nosy business associate of her father’s. “Yes, Amanda is here, Mr. Cross. She should be arriving any moment now.” She quickly stepped away from the large, sweating man, who had always seemed quite enamored with her younger sister. Like she’d ever give your creepy butt a second look. Jeannie flinched away from his hand as it came perilously close to her rear end.

  A warm voice whispered in her ear, as another hand lightly patted her bottom. “There you are, sweetheart.”

  Spinning quickly, Jeannie almost slapped her husband. “Frank, where on earth have you been?” Forgetting her anger immediately, she eyed her husband’s sturdy form with appreciation. The black
denim hugged his hips and legs well, and the gray tab collar shirt fit his broad shoulders like a glove. Everyday I love him more and more. Amanda isn’t the only one who was struck by love at first sight. Jeannie thought back to when her sneaky little sister had brought Frank home one evening to “help him study for a history test.” Even though she was a freshman, and he was a senior, they were both in the same class. Jeannie had been studying in the library when the two of them came into the house. Neither Frank nor she realized until much later that Amanda, who thought they’d be a perfect match, had set them up. They had been together ever since. And for that, I will be eternally grateful. Jeannie caught the adoring look her handsome husband bestowed upon her. “You look great, honey.”

  “Thanks, baby.” He leaned over and kissed his wife’s lips. “You look absolutely gorgeous yourself.”

  Jeannie was wearing a knee-length dark green skirt complemented by a pale yellow silk top, which had already brought her mother’s wrath down upon her. Elizabeth had demanded that she go back upstairs and change, citing that the evening was a dinner, not a “sock-hop.” Knowing her mother would get over her fit soon enough, Jeannie apologized, slipped by her, and had been busily avoiding her ever since. “I’m glad someone thinks so. Mother wasn’t quite so impressed.”

  “I saw the look she gave you.” Frank pulled his wife to him and put his arm around Jeannie’s waist. “Don’t let her get to you. You look fantastic.” Seeing a movement by the door, Frank turned his head. “Whoa.”

  “What?” Craning her head over the others in the room, Jeannie followed his line of sight. She finally was able to see what caused her husband’s comment. “Oh, wow.”

  Amanda had stepped into the room, her partner following close behind. She was wearing a black denim skirt that fell to just below her knees, and a slightly oversized dark red silk shirt, the color lighting up her face. She reached behind her body and grabbed Lex’s arm to bring her into the room. Jeannie’s jaw almost hit the floor when she studied Lex. She was wearing pressed black denim jeans, shiny black boots, and a deep green satin shirt that complemented her skin tone, too.

  Frank gave out a low whistle. “They make a nice looking couple, don’t they?” he whispered into his wife’s ear. He caught Amanda’s eye and waved them over.

  The two women made their way across the room, stopping ever so often so that Amanda could speak to one of her father's associates, and introduce Lex to them. After what seemed like forever, the two women were finally next to Jeannie and Frank. Amanda nodded at the couple’s clothing choices. “Hey, guys. You both look great.”

  “Damn, Mandy, you didn’t tell us that you two would be looking so stunning.” Frank enjoyed the blush on Lex’s face that his comment caused. He could also see the adoring look she bestowed on Amanda and knew that his sister-in-law had finally found the right person. “Have you two seen—”

  A low, hissing voice came in from behind them. “It’s about time you made it downstairs. People have been asking about you for the past twenty minutes,” Elizabeth Cauble snapped, stepping between her youngest daughter and Frank. Looking at Amanda’s clothes, she gave a long-suffering sigh. “Are you and your sister trying to ruin this family’s reputation? How much is it to ask that you dress properly for a social function?” She was about to continue when a distinguished older gentleman stepped into their little group.

  “Elizabeth, don’t tell me these two lovely young women are your daughters?” He took Amanda’s hands into his and brought one to his lips. “Amanda Cauble, I swear you look more and more like your lovely grandmother Anna Leigh every time I see you.” He gave her a wink as he peered over her knuckles.

  Amanda stepped into his arms for a hug. “Uncle John, it’s so good to see you again.” She pulled back and grabbed Lex’s arm. “I want you to meet my close friend, Lexington Walters. Lex, this is John Grayson, an old friend of my grandparents.”

  The tall, gray-haired man held out his hand, which Lex took and gave a hearty handshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the look of disgust on Elizabeth’s face. Gee, sorry about that, Mom. It seems like everyone else here likes the way that Amanda looks.

  “So you’re the young lady who saved Amanda’s life. I spoke to Jacob just last week on the phone, and he told me all about Mandy’s latest adventures.”

  Lex felt the heat from her blush rise up her neck. Word spreads around these people quicker than a brushfire. “I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.”

  “And modest, too. Well, whatever you want to call it, you have our deepest appreciation, Ms. Walters.”

  “Please, call me Lex, Mr. Grayson.”

  “Only if you’ll call me John, young lady.” He grinned at her, knowingly. “Perhaps I’ll see you at Anna Leigh’s big pre-Christmas get-together this year, Lex.”

  Lex glanced over at Amanda, who was nodding. “Umm, you just might, sir.”

  “Excellent!” He patted her on the shoulder, before turning his attention back to Amanda. “Mandy, I’m sure I’ll see you later.” Grayson accepted another hug from the young woman and then took a gentle grasp of Jeannie’s arm. “Come on, young woman. Tell me what you’ve been up to lately.” He walked off with Jeannie and Frank in tow.

  Elizabeth glared at the retreating man’s back, then stepped up into Lex’s face. “Don’t think that you can fool everyone here,” she whispered. “My husband will find out what you’re after, sooner or later.” She spun around and made her way into the group of people, greeting them with insincere words.

  “What did she say to you?” Amanda asked, seeing the look of resigned acceptance cross her lover’s face.

  “Nothing important.” Lex gestured to the other end of the room, desperately trying to change the subject. “It looks like they’re moving everyone out.”

  “Good. Then we’ll have a minute to ourselves.” Amanda waited until the room had cleared, then led Lex over to the love-seat. “Sit down with me for a moment, okay?”

  “Are you sure? I’d hate to make your mother angrier at you right now.” Lex was concerned about the matriarch’s attitude. She could handle Elizabeth’s wrath as long as it was directed at her, but she didn’t want to subject her partner to any more of the woman’s hateful outbursts.

  “It’s going to take her at least ten minutes to get everyone seated like she wants, so she’ll never miss us.” Amanda reached out and pulled her lover to sit beside her. “Lex, please don’t shut me out. Anything that has to do with you is important to me.” She brought their linked hands to her chest. “I know my mother said something completely out of line to you. Please tell me, or I’ll just ask her myself.”

  “No.” Lex shook her head adamantly. “I don’t want you to get into another argument with her because of me.” She looked at their hands, which were now in Amanda’s lap. “She said your father will keep trying to find out what I want with you. They seem to think I’m after your money,” Lex finished quietly.

  “Damn them!” Amanda jumped up, only to be held back by the strong grip Lex still had on her hand. “I’m going in there right now and give them both a piece of my mind.”

  Lex pulled her back down. “As much as I appreciate you defending my honor, let me handle them.” Forestalling another outburst from Amanda, she continued, “And even though I don’t want to sink to their level, I’ve got an idea about how to answer their questions. So don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Amanda looked into Lex’s eyes, then tilted until their foreheads were touching and gave Lex a kiss. “Okay, I’ll let you handle it. But don’t expect me to stand by and watch them continue to treat you badly.” She gave Lex another kiss. “Because I can’t do that.”

  “Do you think you two can control yourselves long enough to join us for dinner?” Michael Cauble’s disgusted voice carried across the sitting room.

  Lex stood, then calmly led Amanda through the room, not releasing her hand. At the doorway, L
ex stopped to look down on Michael. She gave him a cold smile. “Thank you for coming to get us, Michael.” She stressed his name, daring him to say something. “I know that you usually have one of the servants do that, but I really appreciate the personal touch.” Lex patted him on the shoulder with her free hand as she and Amanda stepped past him and started for the dining room.

  “What was that all about?” Amanda whispered, as she and Lex walked down the quiet hallway.

  “Just the first part of my plan, sweetheart.” No more Ms. Nice. It’s time to play some hardball, and I’m gonna enjoy every damn minute of it.

  Before stepping into the dining room, Lex tried to release Amanda’s hand, but her lover held on stubbornly. With a mental shrug, Lex decided to stir things up a little. Reaching their designated places, she gave Amanda a quick grin and pulled out her chair for her. The eyes of over a dozen curious people were on them.

  Blushing slightly, Amanda accepted the gesture. “Thanks.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her mother narrow her eyes. Uh-oh. I don’t know what Lex is up to, but I think it’s working.

  Lex traded nods with Frank, who was seated directly across from her. Looking around the table, she could tell that the only person who ‘dressed’ for the dinner was Elizabeth, as most of the guests were wearing business suits. She gave the smirking Jeannie a wink and sat down beside her partner.

  Michael Cauble stood at the head of the table and addressed the group. “Since we are finally seated, I would like to thank everyone for attending this evening.”

  As his voice droned on, the man sitting next to Lex muttered under his breath, “He threatened us with the loss of our jobs if we didn’t show up for this little function. Jeremy down there,” he nodded toward a thin, nervous looking young man who kept checking his watch, “his wife went into the hospital late this afternoon. She’s in labor with their first child.” Michael finished his remarks and sat while Mark shook his head in barely disguised disgust, and then offered his hand to Lex. “My name’s Mark Garrett. I handle all of the accounts in the Southwest.”


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