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The Hunters Rage

Page 8

by Elizabeth N Harris

  “It’s dead.” Buzz confirmed. Hawthorne hadn’t backed off the last few weeks. Instead, his girl got more and more adventurous. Her efforts had highly entertained Nigel and Buzz. Leila was pitting herself against the best of the best. She wouldn’t win. I got off my ass and glanced at the screens.

  “Keep on it, Nigel.” I said, patting his shoulder. Nigel grasped my hand and smiled back at me.

  “Anything for you, my love.” He grinned at me, and I strolled out of the door. Falcon and Nova had a tournament today, and I intended to be there. I drove home and got ready.

  A long flowing skirt, a gypsy top and bangles at my wrist that covered my leather cuffs. Strappy sandals with thick soles that hid the knives they carried. I threw a beige leather beaded choker on, yeah it held weapons as well and moved my ass in a hurry. I left my hair down.

  I was Stacey Conway, mother of two and a widow. A widow whose husband had been prosperous. We lived in an upper-class area, and I drove a Mercedes. My hair was brown and hung down my back, and I wore brown contacts. I looked nothing like Artemis who terrified the criminal elements. Just another suburban mother of two.

  Akemi fell into step beside me. Today was huge for Nova, and we’d both be there. Chatting about shit we got in the car and drove to where my daughter was waiting to win her next tournament. Nova kicked ass and took the first gold and Falcon took two golds and a silver. Nova then took two more golds. Then Nova took the competitor of the tournament award. It was a good day. A damn good day.


  Leila’s eyes narrowed as her computer pinged. She looked over, and her mouth dropped open, after four weeks she’d a match. Leila scrambled to download it before whoever was blocking her acted. It just uploaded as they wiped her search. It didn’t matter, she had it. Leila finally had it. She left the control room running.


  Drake sat in a chair at Hawthorne’s and tapped his fingers on the table. Ace sat to his right and Ramirez sat opposite him with a file in front of him.

  “We have something.” Dylan said walking in. One of his men, Shane, walked beside him. Leila scurried in behind him and picked up a remote. Clicking on it an image appeared on a screen. It was a dark picture of a Japanese man. He was tall and slender, his arm wrapped around Artemis. Both of them faced the camera.

  “If Rock hadn’t been quick to get the shot, we wouldn’t have anything.” Leila said. “I’ve been running facial recognition and got shit until now.” She clicked again, and a picture of a young girl and boy appeared on the screen. It was a newspaper report, and they were in the picture accompanying it. The two of them were dressed in a Gi’s, used for martial arts. The girl held a trophy above her head and three gold medals in her other hand.

  “Meet Nova Conway.” Dylan said. “Eleven years old and younger twin of Falcon Conway. Falcon was born ten minutes before his sister. Both Conway’s are famous in the world of martial arts. They live with their widowed mother, strangely, there’s not a picture of her anywhere.”

  Drake sat up, paying attention as he studied the children. A slight frown creased his forehead, and he looked towards Ace. Jesus fuckin’ Christ, the kids, looked like him, a fuck load like him. A lead feeling sank into his gut. Ace seemed unaware of anything, and Drake swallowed his gut reaction.

  “Their father was Russell Conway, a self-made man who died in a tragic road accident before his children were born. Russell was married six months before his death to Stacy Meadows. Only information on Russell is, he was Native American, owned his own business in investments, and there are absolutely no pictures of him anywhere.

  Stacy owns her house outright, no mortgage. She drives a two-month-old Mercedes. There’s nothing else, no credit, no pictures, she’s a ghost. The kids go to a good public school, not drawing attention.”

  “Stace.” Drake muttered. Ace nodded. Leila clicked the image of the newspaper again and closed in.

  In the background, mixed among many other faces was a couple. The guy had his arm around the waist of a brown-haired, small woman. As Leila clicked to enlarge the picture again, and it grew a little fuzzy. She then superimposed the image of the Japanese man and Artemis over it.

  “Facial recognition is seventy percent probable.” Leila confirmed. Ramirez slid the file towards Drake.

  “Did you know Kayleigh Mitchell had an older sister? It was hard, but I tracked a midwife who remembers Hannah Mitchell’s birth. Their mother wanted her tubes tied but had been denied as she was only seventeen when Hannah Mitchell was born.”

  “Kayleigh never mentioned a sister.” Ace denied shaking his head.

  “Kayleigh may not have remembered her, but Hannah definitely didn’t forget her. Hannah ran away when she turned sixteen, Kayleigh was four. Hannah got her ass out and worked her way on a pole, getting an education paid for by that pole. Hannah became a doctor at a hospital. Once settled, she began searching for her sister. It was clear Hannah intended to bring Kayleigh to her and give her a better life.”

  “She failed.” Ace said curtly.

  “Yeah, she failed. Her mother had moved and married a piece of shit Adrian Cook, who disappeared in suspicious circumstances.” Ramirez didn’t look in Drake or Ace’s direction. “Hannah Mitchell disappeared four weeks after Kayleigh Mitchell did. This is the only existing photo of Hannah Mitchell.”

  A photo slid across the table and Ace drew in his breath. He knew that red curly hair, that button nose and pert mouth. Her frame was slender with full breasts, and she hugged a pole upside down.

  “Hannah Mitchell is Artemis?” Ace questioned.

  “Lookin’ that way. Hannah discovered Kayleigh was murdered, don’t know how but she did. My guys will get more information. Hannah revamped her entire life and became a weapon of revenge.”

  “Got an address for Hannah Mitchell slash Stacy Conway?” Drake asked.

  “Sure have.” Ramirez slid a piece of paper across the table. Drake looked at Ace, and they both rose to their feet.

  Chapter Four.

  2nd November 2014

  I sensed eyes on me before I even exited the van. I’d spotted Rage within seconds of pulling into my street. That was okay, I’d a fall-back plan, I always did. How they found me, I don’t know, but within two hours I’d find out. I sent a text to Nigel and Buzz to get them on it and exited the car. Leaning against it, I watched as Ace got out and strolled in my direction.

  “Gonna invite me in Artemis?” Ace asked smugly. My palm twitched to slap that look off his face.

  “Sure, why not?” I replied and turned on my heel and opened the door. Akemi stood cooking at the stove, and the smell of curry filled the air.

  “I see they got out of that van.” Akemi grinned. “They’ve been sitting there three hours now.” Akemi giving a time meant he’d alerted the offices, and they were packing. I nodded at him. Ace looked unsure of himself, not so smug, good. Neither of us was reacting the way Ace expected us too.

  Akemi nodded once more and imparted the information that Mrs Humphries and the kids were long gone. This was good. They’d be in a safe room at Artemis with Simone and Butch protecting them. I picked up a piece of cucumber and popped it into my mouth. Kristoff and Angel would be helping Buzz and Nigel pack the offices.

  “What do you want?”

  “Want the truth, Hannah.” Ace said playing his trump card. I sighed and shook my head.

  “What’s that line?” I asked Akemi. “You can’t handle the truth!”

  “Stop the bullshit.” Ace snarled with a flash of temper.

  “Always so impatient, Ace. Never learned, did you? Akemi honey is that done?” Akemi turned to me and raised an eyebrow.


  “Go clean your weapons.” I told Akemi, code for, get the kids and get to the safe house. Akemi left the kitchen and seconds later, the back door slammed shut. Akemi’s bike started up and swung out of the drive. The van followed a second later. I grinned at Ace.

  “Hope that van can go where a
bike can.” Akemi would lose it within minutes.

  I walked to the stove and dished up rice and several scoops of curry and sat at the breakfast bar. Steadily, I ignored the dangerous vibes coming from Ace as I dug in and moaned. Akemi could make a curry.

  “So, you think finding me, means I’m backed into a corner.” I spoke to Ace, who had his hips leant against one of the worktops. Ace gave a curt nod. I tutted at him.

  “You’re Kayleigh’s sister.”

  “You know shit.” I said and took another bite of the curry and rolled my eyes in pleasure.

  “Fill me in. You found out Kayleigh died and started a revenge binge.” Ace stated. I waggled my fork at him.

  “Nuh huh. What revenge binge? I’ve stayed well away from your fucking MC until now. You dragged me in.” I hissed. “You think you know shit, you don’t. I do, however, know lots of shit.”

  “So fill me in.” Ace repeated. I shook my head.

  “By this time tomorrow, any trace of Stacy Conway and her two children will have disappeared. Akemi will be wiped from history. Do you think we haven’t prepared for this?” I asked and took another bite. Green eyes narrowed on me.

  “Come on now, Ace. We can move anywhere in the world in hours. New identities for my family, a sparkling new life. And we’re both aware, I’ve a fuck load of money to set straight back up. Hell, I don’t have to even take jobs, what I have in the bank I can live on for the rest of my life.” I finished the curry and rose to my feet.

  “You come into my home and tell me you think you have me.” I dumped the plate in the sink and walked straight into Ace’s space. “You’ve shit.” I hissed at him. Ace blinked and before I could move his hands grabbed me. Ace pulled me into him, and his mouth descended on mine.

  Fire lit deep within me as his lips touched mine. Without a thought, mine parted, and his tongue swept in. I’ve been kissed before, kissed when I was younger, but that was nothing compared to this kiss. The world erupted in flames, and my hands slid into Ace’s hair, and I pulled his head closer. I wanted Ace to claim me and his mouth did precisely that. Ace ended the kiss and raised his head. As he let go of me, I stumbled back, and my hands flew to my swollen mouth.

  “What the fuck was that?” I yelled. My calm had gone, shot to pieces by a kiss that shouldn’t have happened.

  “Best way to shut you the fuck up.” Ace said, but desire burned in his eyes.

  “Fuck you.” I spat. Ace moved fast, and I was in his arms again and his mouth on mine. This kiss was as smouldering hot as the first. Ace’s hands slid around my waist and up my shirt. One hand cupped my breast, my nipple hardened under his casual flick, and I moaned into Ace’s mouth.

  Of their own accord my hands slid up his tee, and I touched warm silky skin. I ran my fingers across his back and pulled him into me. Ace’s cock was hard, rigid against my stomach, and I moaned again into his mouth. Desire over-ruled any common sense I had.

  Ace tore his mouth from me, bent his head and sucked my nipple through my blouse. I cried out and raked my nails down his back. Ace’s head rose, and his eyes drilled into me. Oh my god, what the hell was I doing?

  I tore myself from Ace’s arms and moved as far away as I could get. Panting, I straightened my blouse and tried to regain my famous control. It wasn’t there. Shuddering and struggling to regain my control, I eyed Ace breathlessly.

  “Could get used to that look, Hannah.” Ace whispered from across the room.

  “Never!” I spat. My body betrayed me. I was beyond furious, how dare Ace affect me this way! Desire for that murderous bastard? What the ever-living fuck?

  “Oh believe me baby I’m gonna have my hands on you again and the way you fuckin’ respond I’ll be inside you in minutes.”

  “Keep dreaming.”

  “Baby, I’ll dream of that kiss all fuckin’ week. Never has it been so hot.” That was my shot, I saw it, I went for it. Straight for his jugular.

  “My sister not so hot?” I asked vindictively, and he shut down. Ace’s eyes dulled and grew blank. His body locked and vibes came out of Ace made me want to drag those words back.

  “Kayleigh was the most amazin’, sweetest thing I’d ever seen. Innocence and wild rolled into one. She was my everythin’. Still is my everythin’ but let’s not pretend you’ve sisterly feelin’s for Kayleigh. You left Kayleigh when she was four. You were too late comin’ back for her.”

  “Yeah, way too late. Too late to save Kayleigh from the monster she loved. Kayleigh only ever had stars in her eyes when she looked at you. Fucking someone involved in her death I’m not doing.” I shouted. Ace moved again quicker than I thought and pinned me to the wall.

  “Involved in her death?” Ace’s voice dropped low and dangerous. “Involved in Kayleigh’s fuckin’ death? I searched for fuckin’ months lookin’ for her. Kayleigh destroyed me when she disappeared. I wasn’t even aware Kayleigh was pregnant! I was involved in her death?” Ace roared.

  “Kayleigh didn’t know. She found out that day.” I said stupidly.

  “What?” Ace asked, his gaze raking me. Cover, oh shit cover.

  “She’d been feeling ill. Visited the doctors that day. I tracked him and spoke to him. The doc told her she was pregnant that day. And I guess Kayleigh went to the bar to tell you.” Ace stepped back, and he was a damned good actor, or he didn’t know. Pain locked his body in place, and Ace bent over and folded his arms around his gut.

  “Kayleigh found out that day?” Ace whispered so quietly I could barely hear him.


  “Keep fuckin’ up with her.” Ace said in the same voice.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, drawn, into his pain despite myself.

  “Blamed her for leavin’ me. Kayleigh was rottin’ in an unknown grave. I thought she couldn’t hack what was goin’ on at the club. I blamed Kayleigh for being weak. I hated her for leavin’ me. I fuckin’ hated her.

  My girl didn’t leave me, Kayleigh was taken from me. Then I blamed Kayleigh for not tellin’ me she was expectin’ and she’d only just found out. I keep fuckin’ up with her.” Ace’s eyes met mine, and they were so full of pain I wanted to reach out and take it away.

  “Kayleigh deserved better than you.” I snarled before I dwelled further on his pain. I had to stop this, push him away, keep him at arms-length.

  “Yeah. She did. Kayleigh deserved a life full of laughter and happiness. A white picket fence and a yard full of flowers.” Ace said his eyes gazing past me and seeing something I couldn’t.

  “Well, she didn’t get it.” I growled. Ace looked back at me, but he wasn’t seeing me, Ace was seeing her, Kayleigh. I’d never been so confused or conflicted.

  “No, she didn’t.” Ace looked at me suddenly. “Black Lords. That wasn’t Rage.”

  “Nope.” I popped out.

  “You did that. In a week. Disbanded the entire gang.”

  “Clever girl ain’t I to do that on my own.”

  “Did it for Drake.” Ace kept pressing.

  “I did it for Phoenix.”

  “No baby, you did it for Drake, ‘cause Drake couldn’t do it himself, and the MC was in limbo. You acted before we did. You must ‘a known we’d get to them. Rage weren’t gonna let Black Lords walk free after what they did to Phoe.”

  “I did it for Phoenix.” I reiterated.


  “Takes one to know one Ace.” I sneered. His gaze raked my face.

  “You did it for Phoenix. But also did it for Drake.”

  “So what if I did?” I shrugged.

  “If you did it for Drake, he ain’t involved in Kayleigh’s murder.” Ace summarised. Ah, that was where Ace was leading the conversation. I shrugged.

  “So Drake, Fish, Apache and Texas wasn’t involved. That’s four brothers in the clear. Who was involved?”

  “Honey, I’m sure you’ve that info.”

  “Who was fuckin’ involved?” Ace thundered. I shrugged and picked up a piece of bread and nibbled on it.

  “Isn’t it enough you fucked up her life, now you wanna fuck up mine?” I asked, my eyes narrowed.

  “Don’t wanna fuck up your life.” Ace instantly denied.

  “Then get the fuck out. You fucked Kayleigh’s up, you haven’t got a hope in hell of fucking mine up.” I snapped arms wrapped around myself defensively.

  “Don’t wanna fuck it up, Hannah. I just want info, and I know you know.” Ace’s pain bit through me, touching my pain, and I hated him. Ace had me off guard, and I flipped.

  “Bastard, you were in on it!” I shrieked. Ace rocked back on his heels as shock crossed his face.

  “What?” He whispered as the blood drained from his face.

  “You were in on it!” I repeated shrieking at him. “Those stupid assholes recorded it. Misty filmed everything. I’ve seen it. I’m well aware who was involved. Listened to what they said, I saw what they did. I know you were involved.” I screamed. Pain for the last eleven years uncoiled and lashed out. A monster unleashed. Ace stepped backwards one slow step at a time as I lashed at him with it.

  “Thunder and Misty named everyone involved. I fucking heard them. Kayleigh heard it. She knew you were done and Kayleigh knew you gave the order! You stand next to Drake and pretend you’re innocent. You’re a goddamn fucking liar.” Ace eyes burned, and he came at me. I moved just as quick and brought the stun gun I had at my waist out of hiding.

  We grappled, and I zapped him, and Ace crashed to the floor. Ace looked at me as his body shook with the shock. I kicked him hard in the ribs, and I crouched and got in Ace’s face.

  “I fucking know who was involved, you gave the order. By the time I’m done Drake, your father, everyone will be aware. The MC will be clean of the scum who votes, gives orders and follows through on the torture of a pregnant teenage girl. When I’m finished, Rage MC will finally be fucking clean.” I hissed at him and rose to my feet. Glaring, I allowed my monster to take over and aiming on purpose, I tasered his dick. Ace screamed, and his body shook uncontrollably. Stick his dick in Kayleigh’s murderer? Scum.


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