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Viking Clan

Page 14

by Griff Hosker

  My daughter said, “Go. My father and I have much to speak on.”

  When we were alone, I was going to ask about Aethelflaed but Kara divined my thoughts, “Aethelflaed is fine and she is healthy. Your story is more important. You dreamed?”

  “Twice. Once at Wyddfa and again last night.”

  “I know but I need to know exactly what you dreamed. I glimpsed only part of the dreams. They were sent to you for they concern you directly.” I nodded. “And then tell me of the raid for that is important too. “

  I told her all, I had learned with Aiden, that even the smallest detail was important. When I had finished, she nodded and went to fetch ale for us.

  “Tell me about this Sven the Boneless. You saw him in the dream?”

  “Aye and he led Danes. When we went to Dyflin to avenge Erika and her family he was one of those who fought against us. I let him and his crew go but I told them that if I saw them again, they would die.”

  She sipped her ale, “You should have killed them all and burned their drekar. You are Dragonheart but sometimes I see a Christian heart instead and that may well be the undoing of you and, perhaps the clan.”

  “It is good that you are not a warrior for you are a hard woman.”

  “But I am a warrior. I am just a different warrior from a man. What is done is done. If it is Danes and if you saw them at Wolf Killer’s old home then we know they are coming from the south and east. They will not be coming by sea. Asbjorn and the men of Windar’s Mere gave up being Vikings long ago. The only time they raid and fight is when you command them. You must visit with them and warn them of the danger from the Danes.” She smiled. “The spirits must want you to survive.”

  “How so?”

  “They warned you that the attack will come when the Water is covered in fog.”

  “That happens often!”

  “Not as often as you think and it is mainly in the winter or early mornings in summer. If the Danes risk the High Divide in winter then they are more foolish than I give them credit for. We warn Karl and Cnut and the rest of the watch to warn us when they see a fog. Better a disturbed night than a slit throat.”

  We heard laughter from the cooking area and the three women re-entered, “How is my husband? Is he well?” Aethelflaed paused, “Was he wounded?”

  “They are both without wounds and both did well. Baldr’s skill with tongues helped us and Sámr learned to lead. Both have come back rich. He has and I have much to divide.”

  Nanna said, “And the two of them stay at home now?”

  I looked at Kara. Her face was impassive. “That is their choice. Sámr needed me to guide him on a raid. I have done that. Now what I need to teach him can be done here along the Water. I will not take him away but I know not what the Norns have in mind.”

  Each time I mentioned the Norns in the presence of a Christian they clutched their crosses.

  Cnut Cnutson sent a messenger to tell us that Sámr and Baldr had been spied riding up the road next to the Water. “I will go and greet them.”

  There were fewer people to greet the two young warriors. Yesterday had been the celebration of our success. I felt sorry for Sámr but it was another lesson learned. He was the future leader. He was learning to balance the needs of the clan with the needs of his family. His mother, father and grandmother had needed to speak with him. He would have other days when he would ride in glory at the head of his victorious warriors.

  Karl Word Master joined us, “It seems a lifetime ago since we marched up that road, Dragonheart. With Cnut’s father at your side we brought back riches and stories of great honour. I am pleased that I have had a life which is useful; watching your walls.”

  “Aye and most of those warriors now sit in Valhalla where they tell those tales.” I gave Karl a sideways look. “You wish that it had not been a wound but a glorious death?”

  “I did when first I was wounded and then I married. My son now has three young bairns and I get to see them grow. Had I died then I would have missed that. I know I may not see them grow up but they have met me and when my son talks of his father, the Ulfheonar, then they will know what I look like.”

  Cnut nodded, “And Snorri’s wife gave birth three months since. He does not know me yet but I will tell him of his grandfather when he is big enough. I will sing the song written by Haaken One Eye of when his grandfather was there when the god touched Ragnar’s Spirit.”

  We spied the two men leading laden horses. There were four of Ragnar’s men with them. They would return to Whale Island with the wagons and the horses. Sámr was doing as I always did when I returned. He was taking in the grandeur of the Water and the mountain. He was leading his horse for the last few hundred paces. When he neared me, I turned to walk between them.

  “How are Ragnar and Gruffyd?”

  “Envious of our success. Gruffyd had been proud of what he had taken but when he heard from my father how many chests of treasure were taken, he became silent.”

  “It is good that you did not bring up the matter. It would sound like boasting. Sometimes we are favoured when we raid and sometimes not. The two men we rescued told us that.”

  “Where are Aethelflaed and Nanna?”

  “They are with Kara and Ylva. They are holding a feast for us and you are to stay in Cyninges-tūn tonight.” I saw his face fall and I spread my arms. “I know but my daughter is a volva and one does not argue with a volva. It is for one night and Aethelflaed and Nanna seem happy about it.” He seemed mollified. “Besides, I need your help to tally the treasure. Atticus and Erik Shield Bearer have been working all morning and they will continue for the rest of the day. Dividing treasure is a skill which all leaders need.”

  “You gave Erik Short Toe and his boys theirs?”

  “Aye, as you know they always have the first of any treasure even before the jarl.”

  We had reached the hall of women and a slave waited to take the horses. Sámr turned to the men who had come from Whale Island. “If you spend the night in the warrior hall, we can send grain and coin back to my father.” I looked at him. He shrugged, “We took plenty.”

  “I was not criticising. It is a good decision, but do not expect those who receive your bounty to be grateful. It does not work that way.”

  We entered the hall and I could see that Sámr was curious about the lack of a welcome from his wife. He did not know that Kara and Ylva were the mistresses of surprise. When we entered both Nanna and Aethelflaed were seated on a fur covered bench and they were covered in flowers. Around their heads were garlands of flowers.

  Sámr said, “But…”

  Aethelflaed held out her hand, “Come, husband, and sit by me. You are to be a father.”

  Nanna held her hand out, “And, Baldr, so are you.”

  I looked at Ylva who shrugged. The late journey across the Water was now explained. While the two couples embraced, I moved closer to my daughter and granddaughter. “You have dreamed? This is good?”

  Kara nodded, “Birth is always good. How a child turns out is up to the parents. What do you think, father? Is Sámr a bad man? Will Aethelflaed turn out to be evil?”

  “You are right but I wondered if you had dreamed.”

  “We always dream. If you mean have we dreamed a bad ending then the answer is no. The children are not yet born and the Norns have yet to spin their threads. Ylva and I will weave a spell to protect them while they are in the womb and then another when they are born. The children will be as protected as any but once the Norns have spun then it is beyond our control.”

  “That is all that I ask.”

  While the six of them spoke, I drank ale and worried about Sven the Boneless. As a warrior I did not fear him. I had beaten both him and his master, Garðketill the Sly. He had left with just one crew of men and they did not worry me. It was the Danes he might bring with him. I had put the noses of the Danes out of joint when I had gone to the aid of the King of the East Angles. They had been beaten by me there and when we led t
hem a merry dance past Wihtwara. I had killed their witches and I had killed Egill Skulltaker. I had fought and defeated Sigeberht the champion of Lundenwic. They had reason enough for vengeance. I would not have worried save that I had dreamed and Kara confirmed my dream. The Danes were coming. It was just a matter of when. I took my leave of the six of them for it was late afternoon and I wished to speak with Erik and Atticus.

  When I reached my hall, I saw that the chests had been emptied and the table sagged under the weight of coins, “I fear, lord, that our meal will be late this night. I have yet to make my tally and we have the table to clear.”

  I shook my head, “I came to tell you that Erik and I will not be eating here in my hall this night. Kara is holding a feast.”

  I had thought that the old Greek might be upset but he looked relieved. “Good for I can finish the tally of the coins and tomorrow, with your help, Jarl, we can divide it up. I can count it but I would not share it.”

  “Erik, we need to bathe. Both of us stink of sea, oil and sweat. Have you any decent clothes with you?”

  He shook his head.

  Germund said, “There are clothes, lord, in a chest in one of the store rooms. I am guessing they belonged to Lord Sámr or Lord Gruffyd.”

  “Excellent. Germund, take Erik and try on the clothes. Fit him with the best that there are. Then bring him to the bath house. Have the slaves heat the water.”

  As they left Atticus said, “He needs his head shaving. I am sure there is wildlife there.”

  “There may be but let us take one step at a time. The others will not notice. Do not put that thought in his head. He will be embarrassed enough about eating with so many strangers.”

  He nodded, “He is a good boy, lord, and willing to learn. He has a quick mind and picked up what he had to do in a heartbeat. It is why we have almost finished.”

  “Then finish for the night now. You and Germund need food and the wagons do not need to return to Whale Island until noon. There is time.”

  “No, lord, for I will rest easier if the task is complete. It is my way.”

  “As you will.”

  Germund was aware of Erik’s nervousness and he came to the bath house to help my shield bearer. He made it seem easy and I was grateful. Germund had lived in Miklagård and understood about grooming. He showed Erik how to bathe himself. When we emerged, he helped us both to comb and oil our hair. I did my beard and moustache myself. The tunic which Germund had found had been one which Wolf Killer had worn. It was silk and came from Miklagård. Germund had a good eye. Erik could not get over the softness of the fabric. Atticus wagged a finger, “Do not spill food on it! It is the devil’s own job to clean it!”

  As Erik did not know who the devil was the point was wasted. Walking through Cyninges-tūn, passing the homes of my people, Erik drew close to me. “Lord, I have not eaten at the same table as fine folk. Erik Short Toe and his wife ate simply.” He swept a hand down his tunic. “I fear that I will do or say something wrong and I do not want to let you down.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder, “This is my family and they will do nothing but make you welcome. Listen and you will learn much. My daughter and her daughter are the two most powerful witches you will ever meet and yet they are the most gentle of ladies. You will enjoy this night.”

  As I had expected the night was joyous. Erik ate all that was put before him. He was polite and courteous and he listened. He was like one of those sponges we had seen in Miklagård. He soaked everything up. Ylva and Kara, as well as Sámr were aware that Aethelflaed and Nanna did not need warning of war. We kept to other matters. Baldr and Sámr spoke of the sons they would have and Ylva teased them by asking what was wrong with girls. She knew how to toy with them. As Baldr was called Witch Saviour because he had saved her life, she was gentler with him than Sámr. Sámr was a blood relative and she teased him until he waved his hands and shouted, “I surrender!” It was the sort of evening I wished I could have enjoyed with Brigid, Gruffyd, my son, and my daughters, Erika and Myfanwy. It was not meant to be. Brigid was always too concerned with the way the children ate and what they said. Erika and Brigid had fought all the time and Gruffyd had seemed sulky. Perhaps I was being rewarded for the patience I had shown and given, at the end of my life some pleasure.

  I did not drink too much and, aware that Baldr and Sámr had not seen their wives for a month, I left early. I did not retire when I reached my hall. We had brought back a barrel of the powerful red wine for which Portus Cale was renowned and Atticus had opened it. I sat with him and drank. Erik stayed awake for a while talking of all that he had heard until he fell asleep. Atticus and I played chess for a while. Out of the three games I beat him once. I was improving.

  Chapter 14

  I woke early and walked along the water as dawn broke over the eastern shore. It was a beautiful time of day. Ducks swam amongst the reeds and grasses at the margins of the Water. Fishes rose to take the insects on the Water and my fishermen were already sailing for the best places to fish. In Cyninges-tūn, the people were rising. Those with animals to tend headed for the pastures early. This was what I missed whilst I was at sea or raiding. The order and easy life in my valley were special. This was why I protected my people.

  I returned to my hall. Germund and Atticus had heard me rise and food was waiting. A dishevelled Erik appeared when I had almost finished, “Sorry lord.”

  “Don’t be. When you have eaten then help Atticus finish the tally. We need to divide the treasure. He nodded, “Germund, have the grain destined for Whale Island loaded onto the wagons. There are plenty of men in the warrior hall. And this afternoon I need you to prepare horses for Erik and I. We will be riding to Windar’s Mere, Ketil’s Stad and Stad on the Eden tomorrow. We have work to do.”

  Atticus looked at me nervously, “Will there be war, lord?”

  “Perhaps. Now finish your work. I will go and fetch Sámr; if he has risen!”

  Kara and Ylva were with their women making a new batch of cheese. I put my head into the cheese making chamber, “Is Sámr arisen yet?”

  Ylva said, cheekily, “He may be arisen but he is not yet up!”

  Kara looked shocked at the impropriety, “Ylva!”

  She laughed, “They deserve their pleasure.”

  I changed the subject, “I intend to ride to my three jarls and apprise them of the situation. If we are all correct then the Danes will come and come in force. I would have them build signal towers in their land. They have not gone to war for a while. They can build towers. This time we know that they will come for me.”

  Kara nodded her agreement, “This stronghold is where they will come. They see you as the head of the clan. If they destroy you then the clan is theirs as is the Land of the Wolf. They do not know that there is an heir.”

  Ylva said, “An heir who is not ready. I know my cuz. He will be ready in the fullness of time but not yet. He has a family to raise first. He has to find who Sámr Ship Killer really is.”

  “I did not have that luxury!”

  Ylva squeezed my arm, “You are Dragonheart; you were chosen by the gods. You cannot compare Sámr to you. If you do then he will be doomed to failure.”

  Kara said, quietly, “Remember Wolf Killer.”

  I nodded. They were right. “You are right to chastise me. When he wakes send him to me. I would divide the treasure.”

  It was almost noon when Sámr and Baldr arrived. They looked at me sheepishly. I tactfully avoided any comment. I had already laid out the treasure in piles. “You led this raid with me, Sámr, this is how I would divide it.” I went to one pile. “This portion is for the men who raided. It includes those who did not come back. This next is for you and this one for me. The last pile is for the people of Cyninges-tūn. You may make any changes you wish.”

  “They have as much as you.”

  “And that is right. They are the clan and without the clan I am nothing. If you disagree then take whatever you wish from their share and I will make it
up from mine.”

  I saw him debate and then he shook his head.

  “I have put the spices in three piles. One is for me. One is for Kara and the rest for whoever wants it.”

  “I could take it all?”

  “Of course.” He said nothing. “The grain, pots and other goods are in five piles. One for you and one for me. One for the crew. One for Cyninges-tūn and one for Whale Island.”

  Baldr said, “Lord, you give much to those who did not risk anything.”

  “Because they are the clan. There are women, children and the old. They cannot raid. Should they have a life which is without pleasure?” He shook his head. “Sámr, all of this is part of your training. These are the choices a leader makes. I hope I am a good leader for this is the way I have always done it.”

  “And I am learning.”

  “Tomorrow I ride with Erik Shield Bearer. There may be danger coming.” I told them both what I had learned. I saw Atticus pale. Sámr and Baldr did not. They were made of sterner stuff.

  “You need some men to go with you.”

  I shook my head, “The men I could take have just been away from their families for long enough already. I will not take them.”

  Baldr said, “You could take Aðalsteinn and Dagfinnr? I know from speaking with them that they are grateful to you and it would not hurt to show them the Land of the Wolf.”

  “Perhaps you are right. I will ask them.”

  Sámr looked relieved. “If war is coming then we need to prepare our defences.” He was looking at Baldr.

  “You could bring your families within this hall.”

  “No great grandfather; there may come a time when I live here but I believe that it is part of my preparation to make my hall stronger. Besides, I have hearth weru now. I chose them on the voyage back and they would live by my hall. We need to make them a hall and put a strong palisade around it. You chose a good site when you first lived there. The steepness of the slopes to the north and the east allow nature to defend.”

  Sámr chose his share and Baldr arranged for the hearth weru to ferry them across to their home. Word had spread and the men of Cyninges-tūn who had been on the raid came to the hall for their share. Atticus had all of their names noted down and he and Erik made certain that they all had their due and their names were crossed off the tally tablet.


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