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Copyright © 2019 by Taylor R. Marshall
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Biblical references in this book are taken from the Catholic Edition of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1965, 1966 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Crisis Publications
Box 5284, Manchester, NH 03108
ePub ISBN 978-1-622828-470
To my eight children, the next generation
of warriors for Christ and His Church
Foreword, by Bishop Athanasius Schneider
1. The Smoke of God and the Smoke of Satan
2. Alta Vendita: Satan’s Revolution in Tiara and Cope
3. Our Lady of La Salette
4. Attack on the Papal States in 1870
5. Pope Leo XIII Sees Demons Gather on Rome
6. Infiltration of the Church by Secret Societies and Modernism
7. Our Lady of Fatima
8. Conclave of 1922: Pope Pius XI
9. Communist Infiltration of the Priesthood
10. 1939 Papal Conclave: Pius XII
11. Pius XII as the Pope of Fatima
12. Communist Infiltration of the Liturgy
13. Woeful Illness of Pius XII: Three Crypto-Modernists
14. Mysterious Conclave of 1958
15. Pope John XXIII Opens the Third Secret
16. Vatican II — Modernism on Parade
17. Conclave of 1963: Paul VI
18. Crypto-Modernism and Nouvelle Théologie
19. Theological Infiltration of Vatican II
20. Infiltration of the Liturgy
21. Ottaviani Intervention against Pope Paul VI
22. Archbishop Lefebvre and the Traditionalist Resistance
23. Resistance to the Novus Ordo Missae
24. Infiltration of the Vatican Bank under Paul VI
25. Infiltration and the Mysterious Death of John Paul I
26. Infiltration of John Paul II’s Pontificate
27. Sankt Gallen Mafia: Homosexuality, Communism, and Freemasonry
28. Ratzinger versus Bergoglio in the Papal Conclave of 2005
29. Infiltration and the Plot against Benedict XVI
30. Infiltration of the Vatican Bank and the Butler of Pope Benedict XVI
31. Infiltration and the Election of Pope Francis
32. Solving the Current Crisis
33. Spiritual Weapons against Demonic Enemies
Who’s Who in This Book
Timeline of Popes in This Book
Vatican Secretaries of State by Papacy and Dates
Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita
Both Versions of the Secret of La Salette
Timeline of Liturgical Changes
Dates of Indults for Communion in Hand
Timeline of the Life of Ex-Cardinal McCarrick
About the Author
In Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within, Taylor Marshall touches on a topic that is deliberately ignored today. The issue of a possible infiltration of the Church by forces outside her does not fit into the optimistic picture that Pope John XXIII and particularly the Second Vatican Council unrealistically and uncritically drew of the modern world.
In the last sixty years, there has been a continuously growing hostility toward the Divine Person of Jesus Christ and His claim to be the sole Redeemer and Teacher of humankind. This hostility of the allegedly “nice,” “tolerant,” “optimistic” modern world expresses itself in slogans such as “We don’t want Christ to reign over us”; “We want to be free from any demanding doctrinal truth or moral law”; and “We will never acknowledge a Church that will not unconditionally accept the mindset of the modern world.”
This hostility has reached its peak in our day. Not a few high-ranking members of the Catholic Church’s hierarchy have not only yielded to the relentless demands of the modern world; they are, with or without conviction, actively collaborating in the implementation of its principles in the daily life of the Church in all areas and on all levels.
Many wonder how it could happen that the Church’s doctrine, morals, and liturgy have been disfigured to such a large extent. How is it that there remains very little difference between the predominant spirit in the life of the Church in our days and the mindset of the modern world? The modern world, after all, is inspired by the principles of the French Revolution: the absolute freedom of man from any divine revelation or commandment; the absolute equality that abolishes not only any social or religious hierarchy but even differences between the sexes; and a brotherhood of man so uncritical that it even eliminates any distinction on the basis of religion.
It would be dishonest and irresponsible only to state the facts of the Church’s current internal crisis, and to deal with the symptoms. We must examine the very roots of the crisis, which, to a decisive extent, can be identified (as Taylor Marshall has done in this book) as an infiltration of the Church by the unbelieving world, and especially by Freemasons – an infiltration that, by human standards, could effectively succeed only through a long, methodical process.
As Pope Leo XIII noted when he opened the secret Vatican Archives, in researching and exposing historical facts – even if they are compromising and troubling – the Church has nothing to fear. This book reveals significant historical roots of the current global crisis in the Church and throws light on many otherwise puzzling events of the past.
Because of the lack of sufficient resource materials and since the relevant Vatican Archives are still closed to researchers, some issues considered in this book (such as the circumstances surrounding the death of Pope John Paul I) must remain as hypotheses. Other arguments presented here, however, point to the existence of a kind of ominous red thread which systematically runs through the history of the past century-and-a-half of the Church’s history.
The Church of Christ has always and will always be persecuted; she will always be infiltrated by her enemies. The question is always only about the extent of such an infiltration, and this is determined by the degree of vigilance exercised by those in the Church who are designated as “watchmen,” which is the literal meaning of the word episcopos — that is, bishop. The highest watchman in the Church is the Roman pontiff, the supreme shepherd both of the bishops and of the faithful. The first infiltration in the Church happened with the apostate apostle Judas Iscariot. Since then, there have been in the Church intruders – priests, bishops, and even in very rare cases, popes – whom Our Lord called “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”
It is noble and meritorious to sound the alarm when robbers and other intruders are secretly breaking into the house and poisoning the food of its inhabitants. In the past fifty years, such an alarm has been sounded several times by courageous bishops, priests, and lay faithful. Those in responsible offices in the Church, however, have not paid due attention to those alarms, and so the intruders – wo
lves in sheep’s clothing – have been able to wreak havoc, undisturbed, in the house of God, the Church.
With devastation and confusion in the Church now in full public view, it is time to expose the historical roots and the perpetrators of this harm. It may help many in the Church to wake up out of their lethargy and to stop acting as if everything is just fine. Taylor Marshall’s book is a significant contribution to the work of raising awareness of this situation and taking preventive actions and countermeasures in the future.
Saint Augustine gave us the following realistic yet consoling description of the truth that the Church will be always persecuted:
Many a time have they fought against me from my youth up (Ps. 128:1). . . . The Church is of ancient birth. . . . At one time, the Church was in Abel only, and he was fought against by his wicked . . . brother Cain (Gen. 4:8). At one time, the Church was in Enoch alone: and he was taken from the unrighteous (Gen. 5:24). At one time, the Church was in the house of Noah alone, and endured all who perished by the flood, and the ark alone swam upon the waves, and escaped to shore (Gen. 6–8). At one time, the Church was in Abraham alone, and we know what he endured from the wicked. The Church was in his brother’s son, Lot, alone, and in his house, in Sodom, and he endured the iniquities and perversities of Sodom until God freed him from among them (Gen. 13–20). The Church also began to exist in the people of Israel. She endured Pharaoh and the Egyptians. . . . We come unto our Lord Jesus Christ: the Gospel was preached in the Psalms. For this reason, lest the Church wonder now, or lest anyone . . . who wishes to be a good member of the Church wonder, let him hear his Mother the Church saying to him, “Marvel not at these things, my son: Many a time have they fought against me from my youth up, but they could not prevail over me. (Enarr. in Ps. 128)
Even the most perfidious plot to destroy the Church from within will not succeed. Hence, our Mother the Church will answer with the voice of her innocent children, of her pure young men and virgins, of her fathers and mothers of families, of her courageous and knightly lay apostles and apologists, of her chaste and zealous priests and bishops, of her religious sisters and especially of her cloistered nuns, the spiritual gems of the Church: “They could not prevail over me!” Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
+ Athanasius Schneider
Auxiliary Bishop of the
Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana
April 11, 2019
I would like to thank my wife, Joy Marshall; my parents; and all my readers, students, listeners, and viewers. I am grateful to His Excellency Athanasius Schneider, O.R.C., for reading the manuscript and for writing the foreword. Also, a special thanks to Charlie McKinney, John Barger, Charles A. Coulombe, and Rev. D. Christensen for reading the manuscript and for their advice.
The Smoke of God and the Smoke of Satan
Why did Pope Benedict XVI resign the papacy on 28 February 2013? And why did lightning strike the Vatican on the night he announce it? Was it prompted by scandal at the Vatican Bank? Was it a sex scandal tainting the highest cardinals? Was it a doctrinal crisis? All these questions and doubts coalesce when we acknowledge a substantiated and corroborated fact: Satan uniquely entered the Catholic Church at some point over the last century, or even before that. For over a century, the organizers of Freemasonry, Liberalism, and Modernism infiltrated the Catholic Church in order to change her doctrine, her liturgy, and her mission from something supernatural to something secular.
Catholics are increasingly aware of a climate change in the Catholic Church. Some point to the controversial pontificate of Pope Francis. Others highlight the confusion surrounding the surprise resignation of Pope Benedict XVI in 2013. Some are convinced that John Paul II was not who we thought him to be. Most agree that the Second Vatican Council, the Novus Ordo Mass, and the pontificate of Paul VI brought monumental confusion to the Catholic Church. But does the fall of the first domino begin in 1962 with the opening of Second Vatican Council?
I argue that the root of the problem extends back to an agenda put in play more than one hundred years before Vatican II. It is an agenda to replace the supernatural religion of the crucified and resurrected Jesus Christ with the natural religion of humanism and globalism. It echoes the primeval choice of Adam and Eve to make themselves divine by grasping at the fruits of nature, rather than kneeling in reception of the supernatural fruit of divine grace. Lucifer also rebelled against God. In his pride, he sought to ascend to the throne of God, not by sharing in the supernatural life of God, but by digging deep into his own nature and reaching for the stars — and thereby falling into the abyss of hell. Supernaturalism — relying on God who is above the natural — is Catholicism. Naturalism — relying on our created nature without the aid of God — is Satanism.
The Catholic Church is in crisis because the enemies of Christ plotted organized efforts to place a pope for Satan on the Roman Chair of Saint Peter. The enemies of Christ from Nero to Napoleon eventually discovered that to attack or murder the pope only creates sympathy and martyrs. It is a failed strategy in every era. So instead, they sought quietly to place one of their own in the papal shoes. It would require decades, even a century, to create the seminaries, the priests, the bishops, the cardinal electors, and then even the pope or popes themselves — but it would be worth the wait. It has been a slow, patient plan to establish a Satanic revolution with the pope as puppet.
If you do not believe that Satan exists, put down this book. Moreover, if you believe that the Catholic Church can be purified merely by updated rules, policies, and canonical procedures, you’ll find little promise in the historical diagnosis and proposed cure found in this book. Saint Paul stated: “For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12). The crisis of the Catholic Church relates to the intrusion of these “rulers of this present darkness,” and she can only be purified by sanctified warfare against the demonic.
In a homily for Holy Mass on the feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul (29 June 1972) and in commemoration of the ninth anniversary of being crowned as Bishop of Rome, Pope Paul VI lamented: “We would say that, through some mysterious crack — no, it’s not mysterious; through some crack, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God. There is doubt, uncertainty, problems, unrest, dissatisfaction, confrontation.”1 This testimony of Paul VI acknowledged not merely that the Catholic Church had experienced secularization but that the smoke of Satan himself had entered the Church through a crack. What is this satanic smoke?
In Sacred Scripture, the word “smoke” is used about fifty times. In almost every case, the word refers to the liturgical worship of Israel’s God through the smoke of incense and the smoke of animal sacrifice as “sweet-smelling sacrifice” (Sir. 38:11). In one case, “smoke” is even used for the exorcism of a demon: “And when the demon smelled the odor he fled to the remotest parts of Egypt, and the angel bound him” (Tob. 8:3). When Isaiah mystically enters the heavenly house of God, he makes particular mention that “the house was filled with smoke” (Isa. 6:4). Lastly, the book of Revelation details the plumes of smoke within the heavenly Holy of Holies: “The smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God” (Rev. 8:4). Scripture, then, universally associates smoke with the worship and presence of God. Why, then, does Pope Paul VI speak of the smoke of Satan?
Although smoke is nearly always a sign of holiness, sacrifice, and worship, in the book of Revelation, we find a handful of exceptions. We repeatedly observe how Satan mimics God, just as the Egyptian magicians copycatted the miracles of Moses. For example, Revelation presents a perverted satanic trinity of the devil, an antichrist king, and a false prophet. In place of a Holy and Virginal Church wedded to Christ, Satan establishes the Whore of Babylon riding the antichrist. In like manner, we observe sa
cred incense smoke in the eighth chapter of Revelation, and then immediately we read of the demonic smoke of Satan in the ninth chapter:
I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit; he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth. (Rev. 9:1–3)
This is the “smoke of Satan” to which Pope Paul VI referred in 1972. Satan is the “star fallen from heaven to earth.” Just as Simon received a new name (Peter) and received the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 16:19), so also the devil received a new name (Satan) and received a “key of the shaft of the bottomless pit.” Both Peter and Satan received new names and the power of keys. Satan is, therefore, the pope of the damned. That Satan is the papa or father of the damned can be discerned from the warning of Christ to the Pharisees, “You are of your father the devil.”2
The Catholic office of pope goes back to Simon Peter. After Christ asks the apostles, “Who do you say that I am?” Simon answers, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matt. 16:15–16). Christ then promises to Simon the Davidic office of steward or prime minister by changing his name:
Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matt. 16:17–19)
The successors of Saint Peter are those papas or “popes” who succeed Saint Peter as bishops of the city of Rome. To understand fully how the “smoke of Satan” entered the Catholic Church before 1972 under Pope Paul VI, we must begin with the infestation of the Catholic Church by institutional naturalism and this leads us to the year of Our Lord 1859.