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As early as 1995, prominent cardinals began to assemble regularly in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, to politick for the successor of John Paul II. These were all Modernists who favored the spirit of Vatican II. What bound them together was their allegiance to the Jesuit cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, archbishop of Milan. Cardinal Martini was the most prominent and outspoken opponent of Pope John Paul II and his prefect for doctrine, Cardinal Ratzinger.
The young John Paul II naively appointed Martini archbishop of Milan in 1979 and named him cardinal in 1983. Martini held considerable sway over the European bishops and served as the president of the European Bishops’ Conference from 1987 until 1993. He openly and repeatedly rejected Humanae vitae and the Church’s condemnation of artificial contraception, and her understanding of the beginning of human life. He was lax on euthanasia and advocated for the ordination of female deacons. He supported homosexuality and even civil marriage for homosexuals, saying, “It is not bad, instead of casual sex between men, that two people have a certain stability” and that the “state could recognize them.”138 On his deathbed, Martini said that the Catholic Church was “200 years out of date.”139
In 1995, Martini called like-minded prelates to Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, to discuss reforming the Church. This first meeting may have been called in response to the 1994 decree Ordinatio sacerdotalis by John Paul II, which affirms that women can never be ordained to Holy Orders.140 The topics popular with this group of bishops were collegiality, grooming future bishops, women as deacons, Communion for Protestants, Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried, and relaxing restrictions on sexual morality. These bishops were united in their deep concern that Cardinal Ratzinger would be voted in as papal heir apparent to John Paul II. Consequently, they needed time to cultivate a papal candidate who could defeat Cardinal Ratzinger at the next papal conclave.
Even though their leader, Cardinal Martini, was their most obvious choice for pope, he was Italian and did not have the support of the global bishops. So, the Sankt Gallen group examined the College of Cardinals and chose Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina as their chief candidate, knowing that he would pursue the theological and moral agenda that they advocated.
The members of this Sankt Gallen Mafia changed over time, but the names reveal the usual suspects of crypto-Modernist Catholic prelates:
Swiss bishop Ivo Fürer, bishop of Sankt Gallen from 1995 to 2005
Italian cardinal Carlo Martini, archbishop of Milan from 1980 to 2002 (died 31 August 2012 at age eighty-five)
Belgian cardinal Godfried Danneels, metropolitan archbishop of Brussels from 1979 to 2010 (died 14 March 2019 at age eighty-five)
German cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity from 2001 to 2010
Dutch bishop Ad van Luyn, bishop of Rotterdam from 1994 to 2011
German cardinal Karl Lehmann, bishop of Mainz from 1983 to 2016 (died 11 March 2018 at age eighty-one)
Italian cardinal Achille Silvestrini (administrative secretary to Vatican secretary of state Jean-Marie Villot)
British cardinal Basil Hume, archbishop of Westminster from 1976 to 1999 (died 17 June 1999 at age seventy-six)
British cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, archbishop of Westminster from 2000-2009 (died 1 September 2017 at age eighty-five)
Portuguese cardinal José Policarpo, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal, from 1998 to 2013 (died 12 March 2014 at age seventy-eight)
Ukrainian cardinal Lubomyr Husar, Ukrainian Catholic archbishop of Kiev from 2005 to 2011 (died 31 May 2017 at age eighty-four)
We know of the existence of these Sankt Gallen meetings thanks to Godfried Cardinal Danneels of Belgium, who has publicly supported same-sex marriage and the legalization of abortion in Belgium. In 2010, a clerical friend of Danneels, Bishop Roger Vangheluwe (whom Danneels consecrated as bishop), was found to have molested his own nephew. (Danneels was caught on tape recordings, made secretly, telling the young man not to pursue the matter until after the bishop retired “honorably,” and he unpassionately told the victim, “You can also acknowledge your own guilt,” rather than accuse his uncle the bishop.)141 Danneels described the Sankt Gallen meetings as a circle of friends hosted by Bishop Ivo Fürer, bishop of Sankt Gallen.
The official biographers of Danneels explained that “the election of Bergoglio was prepared in St. Gallen” because the “election of Bergoglio corresponded with the aims of St. Gallen, on that there is no doubt. And the outline of its program was that of Danneels and his confreres, who had been discussing it for ten years.”142 Danneels himself referred to the group as the Sankt Gallen “mafia.”143
Why Sankt Gallen, Switzerland? Sankt Gallen has historical roots in European Communism. Originally the town grew around the missionary base of an Irish missionary monk named Saint Gallus along the River Steinach in A.D. 612. Saint Othmar established a monastery on the site in 720. The dairy-farming town grew up around the abbey. By the beginning of the 1900s, however, the region became associated with ritual Satanism and Communism, as shall be demonstrated below.
Vladimir Lenin used Switzerland as his headquarters and place of exile on and off between 1903 and 1917. During the 1917 February Revolution in Russia, in which Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne, Lenin remained in exile in Switzerland. He inspired his revolution by having his writings and articles printed in Switzerland and smuggled into Russia. Encouraged by the February Revolution, he decided to return to Russia.
Fritz Platten organized Lenin’s return to Russia. Platten was a native of Sankt Gallen — a Freemason and a Communist. He arranged to have Lenin sneaked out of Switzerland and through Germany in a sealed train car and then to find a ferry to Sweden and through Finland, where he would arrive back in Russia as leader apparent.
Our Lady of Fatima predicted these horrors in July 1917, when she warned the children that “Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.” Led by Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks violently seized power in November 1917 (one month after the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima) and murdered Tsar Nicholas II and his family on 17 July 1918.
Fritz Platten not only smuggled Lenin out of Switzerland back to Moscow; he also saved his life. Platten was in the backseat of Lenin’s car when it was attacked in Petrograd on 14 January 1918. When gunfire rang out, Platten grabbed Lenin by the head and pushed him down. His hand was grazed by a bullet and covered in blood.144 Without this intervention by this native of Sankt Gallen, the world may not have known the horrors of Marxist-Leninism. Platten also founded the Communist International in 1919 as a means for encouraging world Communism. As a representative of the Swiss Communist Party, he spent much of his life in the Soviet Union. It seems that Platten is the link between Leninism and the origin of Sankt Gallen as a hotbed for Communism and dissent.
The infamous occultist Aleister Crowley (1875–1947) and his adherents also possess a ritualistic connection to Sankt Gallen. Crowley was a pioneer in recreational drug experimentation, a bisexual, an esoteric occultist, poet, painter, and outdoorsman. He was derided as the “wickedest man in the world” and labeled a Satanist. He was not formally a Satanist but was a self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the religion of Thelema. As an enthusiastic mountaineer, Crowley spent much of his time in Switzerland.
His religion centered on “sex-magick” of the Order of Templars of the Orient (OTO), of which Crowley was a member. Originally OTO was European Freemasonry, but under the leadership of Crowley, OTO was reorganized around the Law of Thelema: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”145 Unlike explicit Freemasonry, the OTO includes an ecclesiastical and liturgical “church”: the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (EGC) or Gnostic Catholic Church. The purpose of this church is to restore Christianity to its original status as a “solar-phallic religion.” The OTO is a phallic cult, and its oldest lodge is in Switzerla
The OTO also celebrates the rite of Liber XV or the Gnostic Mass, which Crowley wrote in Moscow in 1913. The liturgy calls for five officers: a priest, a priestess, a deacon, and two acolytes, called “children” and culminates in the consummation of a faux Eucharistic rite and the consumption of wine and a cake of light (made of menstrual fluid) after which the recipient recites: “There is no part of me that is not of the gods!” It seems that the Diocese of Sankt Gallen allegedly assisted the OTO in celebrating this false Mass.
The Swiss-born Hermann Joseph Metzger became the patriarch of the Gnostic Catholic Church in 1960.146 He dressed in a white cassock and zucchetto just like the Catholic pope. He also served as head of his Order of the Illuminati, head of his Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua. Allegedly, “Patriarch” Metzger and the Swiss OTO acquired three thousand hosts from 1963 to 1967 from a Catholic convent. Whether these hosts were consecrated is not stated. Moreover, they claim that they received incense from the chief sacristan at the Sankt Gallen Cathedral and wine directly from Joseph Hasler, bishop of Sankt Gallen and Council father at the Second Vatican Council from 1963 to 1965.147
In 1954, the headquarters of OTO moved to Appenzell, Switzerland, which is thirty-one miles from the township of Sankt Gallen proper. The name Appenzell derives from the Latin Abbatis cella, or “abbot’s cell.” Although geographically within the canton of Sankt Gallen, Appenzell maintains its independence, having rebelled against the abbot of Sankt Gallen in 1403.
Going back to the 1360s, the lay inhabitants of the town of Sankt Gallen and the town of Appenzell had been in conflict with the prince abbot of Sankt Gallen over grazing rights and tithes due to the abbey. To counter their resistance, Abbot Kuno von Stoffeln acquired the direct support and patronage of the Austrian House of Habsburg against these towns under his ancient jurisdiction. In response, the township of Sankt Gallen submitted to the abbot, but Appenzell sought the support of the Old Swiss Confederation and staged a rebellion against the abbot in 1403. Appenzell retained its independence, and although it was sympathetic to Lutheran and Anabaptist preachers in the 1500s, it retained a Catholic majority. Oddly, Appenzell still civilly follows the Julian calendar and marks New Year’s Day accordingly on our 14 January.
Appenzell, surrounded by the canton of Sankt Gallen, thus became the headquarters and capital of the OTO and Crowley’s religion of Thelema in 1954. It also operates the largest lodge of World Federation of Illuminati.148 Within this religion, the sex-magick techniques were taught by degree to initiates; for example the eighth degree of masturbation magic, the ninth degree of heterosexual magic, and the eleventh degree of anal sex magic.149
The year 1954 corresponds to the activities of the young Theodore McCarrick in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, as revealed in an interview between McCarrick’s child victim James Grein and me on 5 December 2018. Theodore McCarrick is the most notorious child molester and homosexual predator of the Catholic Church, having been removed from the College of Cardinals in 2018 and from the clerical state in 2019.
Theodore McCarrick’s father was a ship captain who died from tuberculosis when McCarrick was three years old. His mother raised him alone. He stayed at home while his mother worked at an automobile factory in the Bronx. As a teenager, he was expelled from Xavier High School in 1946. According to McCarrick it was for lack of attendance: “I think I felt the obligation of going daily to school was too strict an obligation. . . . They said, ‘You’ve had it, you’re out’ more days than ‘we’d like you to be here.’ ”150 After being expelled, he missed one full academic year (1946–1947), and his whereabouts are unknown. A friend of the family was able to get him into the Jesuit Fordham Preparatory School in the Bronx, where he began his junior year in September 1947. McCarrick excelled at Fordham Prep. Before graduating in 1949, he was elected president of the Student Council and voted “Most Likely to Succeed, Best Speaker, Most Diplomatic, and Did the Most for Prep.” Explaining his change of character, he recounted, “I guess I realized how unhappy I had made my mother and my family.”151
While at Fordham Prep, McCarrick became friends with Werner Edelmann, the maternal uncle of James Grein, one of McCarrick’s child victims. McCarrick graduated from Fordham Prep in May of 1949, just months before his nineteenth birthday. After his graduation, McCarrick said that he “spent a year with a friend in Switzerland working on his language skills.”152 James Grein identifies that friend as his uncle Werner Edelmann.
We can place this year by examining the words of McCarrick, who said that he took “a religious retreat in a monastery in the Alps on his 20th birthday [where] he made the decision to become a priest.”153 In a separate interview, McCarrick identified the monastery as a Carthusian one.154 McCarrick was born on 7 July 1930, so this places the retreat on 7 July 1950. This means that he spent a year in Switzerland, from about May 1949 until after 7 July 1950.
According to Grein, McCarrick traveled to Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, with his friend Werner Edelmann for a yearlong trip to visit Werner’s father, Otto Edelmann. Otto Edelmann was a wealthy business owner who had invented a style and means to manufacture bras and girdles. To confirm this fact, one can consult the US patent #US2145075A issued on 1 August 1938 to “Otto Edelmann” for “Garment and method of making the same” under the patent category of “A41C1/00 Corsets or Girdles.”155 McCarrick spent his year in Sankt Gallen studying languages at the prestigious and expensive Institut auf dem Rosenberg, a private boarding school in Sankt Gallen, under the patronage of Otto Edelmann. According to Grein, it was at this time that his grandfather Otto Edelmann told McCarrick that he would financially sponsor him for any vocational path that he desired. Otto Edelmann thus became the patron of Theodore McCarrick.
Grein relates that his uncle Werner rarely saw his friend Theodore during this time. Supposedly, he spent his nights at an unnamed monastery. Theodore discerned during this year at Sankt Gallen that he was called to be a priest. The devoutly Catholic Otto Edelmann was eager to assist him. With the financial support of the Edelmann family, McCarrick returned to New York by September 1950 to study at Fordham University and St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers. He was ordained to the priesthood by the reputed homosexual Cardinal Francis “Nellie” Spellman, archbishop of New York, on 31 May 1958. Otto Edelmann purchased a new automobile for Father Theodore McCarrick on the occasion of his ordination.
Father McCarrick became the de facto chaplain of the Edelmann and Grein families. The first baby that Father McCarrick baptized was the grandson of Otto Edelmann, James Grein, who would be molested by McCarrick at the age of eleven, and repeatedly for years, even within the context of sacramental confession.
The Grein family went to Sankt Gallen every Christmas from 1955 to 1963. Grein claims that Father McCarrick also traveled to Sankt Gallen annually for ten to fifteen years. He was deeply connected to this small town in Switzerland.
It is remarkable that this notorious pedophile and homosexual predator overlapped his time in Sankt Gallen with the establishment of Crowley’s OTO religion and the headquarters of the Gnostic Catholic Church’s being moved to Appenzell, thirty-one miles from the town of Sankt Gallen. Sankt Gallen provides a convergence of false Catholic religion focused on phallic worship, sex magick, and homosexuality with the visits of the young Theodore McCarrick. Decades later, Sankt Gallen became ground zero for a “mafia” of Modernist clergy that supported homosexuality, covered up sexual abuse, openly worked against Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, and lobbied to have Jorge Bergoglio elected as pope. The small town of Sankt Gallen served (and still serves) as the headquarters of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (Consilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae, or CCEE). Notably, two Sankt Gallen Mafia members served as presidents of the CCEE: Basil Cardinal Hume of Westminster (1979–1986) and Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini of Milan (1986–1993).156
One cannot help but wonder if Sankt Gallen served as an infiltration center for recruiting young men to infiltrate the priesthood in a way similarly desc
ribed by Bella Dodd. Perhaps the arrival of the fatherless Theodore McCarrick to Sankt Gallen in 1949 provided them a perfect agent to infiltrate the American Catholic Church with pedophilia, sex magick, and Communism. The gross sex magick of Aleister Crowley’s Gnostic Catholic Church is symbolically connected with Theodore McCarrick since Crowley’s cremated ashes are buried in Hampton, New Jersey — within McCarrick’s first diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey, where he served as bishop from 1980 to 1986.157 McCarrick magically ascended to priest (1958), monsignor (1965), bishop (1977), archbishop (1986), and cardinal (2001) without ever having served as a pastor of a parish. His ascent through the hierarchy happened impressively after his initial visit to Sankt Gallen in 1949 and at least ten other visits subsequently.
138 Terence Weldon, “Cardinal Martini on Gay Partnerships,” Queering the Church, 29 March 2012.
139 L’Addio a Martini, “Chiesa indietro di 200 anni, L’ultima intervista: ‘Perché non si scuote, perché abbiamo paura?’”: Corriere della Sera, 1 September 2012.
140 John Paul II, Apostolic Letter on Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone Ordinatio sacerdotalis (22 May 1994).
141 The typed transcript of the conversation between Danneels and the young man can be read in “Belgium Cardinal Tried to Keep Abuse Victim Quiet,” National Catholic Reporter, 30 August 2010.
142 The biographers of Danneels are Karim Schelkens and Jürgen Mettepenningen, and their comments can be found with clarification in Walter Pauli, “Godfried Danneels a oeuvré pendant des années à l’élection du pape François,” Le Vif, 23 September 2015.
143 “Cardinal Danneels Admits to Being Part of ‘Mafia’ Club Opposed to Benedict XVI,” National Catholic Register, 24 September 2015.
144 Dmitri Volkogonov, Lenin: A New Biography (New York: Free Press, 1994), 229.
145 Aleister Crowley, Liber AL vel Legis, I:40. See also Leo Lyon Zagami, “Evidence of the Collaboration between the St. Gallen Mafia and the Ordo Templi Orientis,”, 7 December 2017.