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by Taylor Marshall

  1965: McCarrick becomes a monsignor and the president of the Catholic University of Puerto Rico.

  1969–1971: Terence Cardinal Cooke brings McCarrick to New York, where McCarrick serves as associate secretary for education and assistant priest at Blessed Sacrament parish from 1969 to 1971.

  1971-1977: McCarrick serves as secretary to Terence Cardinal Cooke.

  During this time in 1971, McCarrick assaults a sixteen-year-old altar boy while measuring his inseam. This claim was found to be credible by Cardinal Dolan of New York.183

  In 1972, the same sixteen-year-old student was in the bathroom, where McCarrick grabbed him, and shoved his hand down his pants, trying to get into his underwear. This claim has been found to be credible.184

  1977: Pope Paul VI appoints McCarrick as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of New York. He is the vicar of East Manhattan and the Harlems.

  1981: Pope John Paul II appoints McCarrick the first bishop of Metuchen, New Jersey.

  1986: Pope John Paul II appoints McCarrick archbishop of Newark, New Jersey.

  1997: Archbishop McCarrick, a founding member of the Papal Foundation, begins serving as its president.

  2000–2014: McCarrick serves as a board member of Catholic Relief Services.

  22 November 2000, Fr. Boniface Ramsey, O.P., a professor at a diocesan seminary in Newark from the late 1980s to 1996, writes a letter at the request of Nuncio Gabriel Montalvo about a recurring rumor in the seminary that McCarrick “shared his bed with seminarians, inviting five at a time to spend the weekend with him at his beach house . . . [and] that he knew a certain number of seminarians, some of whom were later ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Newark, who had been invited to this beach house and had shared a bed with the Archbishop.” The diocese had purchased the beach house at McCarrick’s request in 1984.

  2 January 2001: Pope John Paul II appoints Archbishop McCarrick archbishop of Washington.

  February 2001: Pope John Paul II elevates McCarrick to the College of Cardinals.

  Fall 2001: Cardinal McCarrick opens Redemptoris Mater, a new seminary to educate diocesan missionary priests.

  2002: Cardinal McCarrick announces the Vatican’s new policy on sexual abuse by priests, by which an accused priest will be put on “administrative leave’’ and removed from clerical duties while his case is investigated. The procedures also include providing church pastoral services to victims and psychiatric treatment for the accused priest.

  April 2005: Cardinal McCarrick votes in the conclave that elects Pope Benedict XVI.

  16 May 2006: McCarrick retires as archbishop of Washington, D.C.

  In 2005 and 2007, the New Jersey Metuchen and Newark Dioceses paid settlements to two men, Mr. Robert Ciolek and an unnamed former priest, for allegations of sexual abuse by McCarrick that occurred at Mount Saint Mary’s in Maryland.

  2006: Archbishop Viganò reports that Nuncio Pietro Sambi transmitted an indictment memorandum against McCarrick to the cardinal secretary of state, Tarcisio Bertone.

  20 June 2018: The Archdiocese of New York announces that an allegation of sexual abuse by Theodore Cardinal McCarrick has been found to be “credible and substantiated.”

  19 July 2018: The New York Times reports the allegations of James Grein, who says that McCarrick serially abused him beginning in 1969, when Grein was eleven years old.

  28 July 2018: Pope Francis accepts the resignation of McCarrick from the College of Cardinals and suspends him from the exercise of any public ministry.

  25 August 2018: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò releases a testament claiming that Pope Francis knew about sanctions imposed on McCarrick by Benedict XVI but chose to repeal them. The next day, Pope Francis on an airplane states that in response he “will not say one word.”

  28 September 2018: The Dioceses of Salina and Washington announce that Archbishop McCarrick has begun his life of prayer and penance at Saint Fidelis Capuchin Friary in Victoria, Kansas.

  5 December 2018: McCarrick’s victim James Grein is interviewed by Dr. Taylor Marshall in a one hour, forty-two-minute YouTube video, in which he discloses the details and dates of his abuse, along with the shocking connections of McCarrick to Grein’s family in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland.

  27 December 2018: James Grein testifies in a canonical deposition by the Archdiocese of New York, stating he was molested by McCarrick, beginning when he was eleven years old and also within the context of sacramental confession.

  11 January 2019: McCarrick is removed from the clerical state.

  13 February 2019: McCarrick appeals the decision against him, and the appeal is rejected on 15 February. His removal from the clerical state stands.

  183 Laurie Goodstein and Sharon Otterman, “American Cardinal Accused of Sexually Abusing Minor Is Removed from Ministry,” New York Times, 20 June 2018.

  184 Ibid.


  (Page numbers refer to those in the print edition.)


  Alta Vendita, 9–18, 42, 84–85, 192, 225, 265

  Amoris laetitia, 226

  Angeli, Rinaldo, 37, 249

  antichrist, 6, 21, 22, 24


  Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 134, 145, 146, 181, 249

  Bea, Augustin, 108, 111–112, 117, 122–123, 127, 136, 139, 141, 234, 249

  Benedict XVI, Pope, see Ratzinger, Joseph; resignation of, 221–222, 239

  Bergoglio, Jorge (Francis), 3, 196, 198, 206, 209–211, 221, 223–228, 229, 230, 232, 236, 239, 241, 244, 249

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, 20, 27

  Boniface VIII, Pope, 30

  Bouyer, Louis, 134, 145–146

  Bugnini, Annibale, 89–90, 103–112, 117, 127, 134, 136, 149, 150, 151–155, 176, 250


  Calvat, Mélanie, 19–23, 26, 275, 277

  Calvi, Roberto, 174–175, 250

  Carbonari, 10, 13, 17, 84, 228

  Casaroli, Agostino, 250

  Castel Gandolfo, 112–113, 117, 123, 172

  Charlemagne, 29–30

  Chenu, Marie-Dominique, 134

  Christie, Agatha, 157, 159

  Code of Canon Law (1917), 51, 182, 184, 185

  Code of Canon Law (1983), 185, 190

  Cody, John, 174–175, 179

  Coetus Internationalis Patrum, 128, 155

  Communio journal, 145

  Communion in the hand, 151, 160–161

  Communists, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 199, 200

  Concilium journal, 144, 145

  Congar, Yves, 134, 137, 144, 251

  Consecration of Russia, 98, 100–102

  Council of Trent, 105, 153, 160, 229

  Cranmer, Thomas, 149, 161

  Crétineau-Joly, Jacques, 9, 10, 17

  Crowley, Aleister, 200–202, 206


  Daniélou, Jean, 134

  Danneels, Godfried, 197–198, 225, 251

  de Lubac, Henri, 134–135, 137, 144–146, 181, 251

  devil, 6, 25, 35, 37, 80, 245, 282; see also Satan

  Dignitatis humanae, 139, 143

  Dillon, George Francis, 10, 14, 265

  Dziwisz, Stanisław, 184, 252


  Emmerich, Blessed Catherine Anne, 40, 223

  Extraordinary Lay Ministers of Holy Communion, 159–160


  Fatima, 73, 97, 99

  Fellay, Bernard, 191, 215

  Francis, Pope, see Bergoglio, Jorge

  Franz Joseph, Emperor, 43–44, 93

  Freemasons and Freemasonry, 3, 10–14, 17–18, 41–42, 46–47, 65–67, 70, 83–84, 89, 105, 127, 142, 155, 166, 169, 175, 199–200, 223, 225


  Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, 133–136

  Gasparri, Pietro, 76–77, 93

  Giraud, Maximin, 19–20

  Greene, Graham, 157

  Gregory XVI, Pope, 16–17

  Grein, James, 202, 203–205

  Guérard des Lauriers, Michel-Louis, 111, 153, 233–234, 252


  Hitler, Adolf,
50, 95

  Holy Roman Empire, 29

  Humanae vitae, 166


  John Paul I, Pope, see Lúciani, Albino; death of, 176–177

  John Paul II, see Wojtyła, Karol

  Johnson, Manning, 86, 90

  John XXIII, Pope, see Roncalli, Angelo


  Kasper, Walter, 134, 145, 197

  König, Franz, 179, 252

  Küng, Hans, 134–135, 137, 144–146, 154, 253


  Lamentabili sane exitu, 49

  La Salette, 19–26, 275–285

  Lateran Treaty, 80–81, 92, 94, 186

  Latin Mass, 145, 157–159, 190, 213, 241

  Laudato si’, 226

  Lefebvre, Marcel, 128, 145, 153–157, 188–191, 214–215, 234, 239, 241, 253

  Lehnert, Pascalina, 94, 113

  Lenin, Vladimir, 199

  Leonine Prayers, 80, 101, 106, 150–151

  Leo XIII, Pope, 14, 18, 20, 34–39, 41–42, 45, 51, 77, 79, 93, 142, 150, 165, 187, 229, 245

  Liberalism, 3, 16, 46

  Litany of Humility, 81

  Little Tiger, see Piccolo Tigre

  Loisy, Alfred, 49–50

  Lúciani, Albino (John Paul I), 169, 171, 173–177, 179, 180, 253

  Lucifer, 4, 11, 24, 40, 109, see also Satan

  Luther, Martin, 13, 149, 161, 230, 231


  Maciel, Marcial, 184

  Maffi, Pietro, 254

  Mafia, 166, 168–169, 174–175, 200–201, 210–211, 225, 229

  Manning, Henry Edward Cardinal, 26

  Marcinkus, Paul, 174–177, 182, 254

  Martini, Carlo, 195–196, 206, 210, 254

  Martin, Malachi, 111, 122–124, 254

  Marto, Francisco, 55, 58, 60–61, 64, 66–67, 70

  Marto, Jacinta, 55, 58, 59, 60–61, 66–67, 70

  Mass, the, 106, 147–151, 158, 245

  McCarrick, Theodore, 89, 184, 202–206, 219, 225, 255, 293–297

  Merry del Val, Rafael, 52, 76, 77, 93, 255

  Mirari vos, 16

  Modernism, 3, 40, 45–50, 52, 81, 127–130, 133–136, 137, 145, 228, 233

  Montini, Giovanni (Paul VI), 3, 5–7, 89, 92, 100, 108, 110–112, 117, 127, 131–134, 136, 138–139, 142–143, 145, 147, 150–151, 153–156, 159–161, 166–169, 171–173, 175–176, 179, 180, 182, 209, 214, 233–235, 240, 255

  Mussolini, Benito, 76, 79–80, 92


  Napoleon Bonaparte, 30

  Napoleon III, 20, 23, 31

  Nazis, 84, 94, 95, 180

  Nostra aetate, 111, 139, 140, 141

  Novus Ordo Missae, 3, 89, 106, 145, 151, 153–159, 214, 241


  Ordinatio sacerdotalis, 196

  Ottaviani Intervention, 151–154, 234


  Pacelli, Eugenio (Pius XII), 50, 54, 63, 80, 83–84, 89–90, 91–102, 103–105, 107–108, 111–113, 117, 119, 131–138, 140, 147, 165, 168, 172, 213, 229, 233, 235, 256

  Padre Pio, 142, 155, 235

  Papal conclave, 1903: Pope Pius X, 42–44

  Papal conclave, 1914: Pope Benedict XV, 51–52

  Papal conclave, 1922: Pope Pius XI, 76–77

  Papal conclave, 1939: Pope Pius XII, 99

  Papal conclave, 1958: Pope John XXIII, 113–115, 233–234

  Papal conclave, 1963: Pope Paul VI, 131–132

  Papal conclave, August 1978: Pope John Paul I, 172–173

  Papal conclave, October 1978: Pope John Paul II, 179–180

  Papal conclave, 2005: Pope Benedict XVI, 209–211

  Papal conclave 2013: Pope Francis, 223–225

  Papal States, 18, 28–31, 44, 77, 79, 94

  Pascendi dominici gregis, 49, 50

  Paul VI, see Montini, Giovanni

  Pecorelli’s List, 175–176

  Piccolo Tigre, 13–16, 265

  Pius IX, Pope, 9, 10, 17, 19–24, 28, 30–31, 33–34, 36, 44, 77, 92, 124

  Pius VIII, Pope, 27

  Pius VII, Pope, 30

  Pius VI, Pope, 30

  Pius X, see Sarto, Giuseppe

  Pius XI, see Ratti, Achille

  Pius XII, see Pacelli, Eugenio

  Protestantism, 10, 12, 153, 192, 229, 231

  Protestant Reformation, 10, 192


  Quadragesimo anno, 79

  Qui pluribus, 10


  Rahner, Karl, 134–135, 137, 138, 144–145, 181, 256

  Rampolla, Mariano, 42–44, 256

  Ratti, Achille, 63, 73, 75–80, 83–84, 91–92, 94, 96–99, 101, 131, 229

  Ratzinger, Joseph (Benedict XVI), 3, 89, 120, 122, 134, 137, 144–146, 169, 173, 181, 188–189, 195–196, 198, 206, 209–211, 213–215, 217–218, 220–222, 224, 236–237, 241, 257

  Rerum novarum, 79

  Roncalli, Angelo (John XXIII), 65, 90, 114–115, 117–119, 123, 127, 129, 131, 136–138, 146, 156, 172–173, 180, 233, 235, 257

  Rosicrucianism, 11, 12, 175


  Sacrosanctum concilium, 147, 149

  Sankt Gallen, 195–207

  Sankt Gallen Mafia, 196, 198, 206

  Santos, Lúcia dos, 55, 58–62, 64–70, 95, 97–100, 102, 107–108, 117–119, 122, 124

  Sarto, Giuseppe (Pius X), 22, 26, 43–47, 49–53, 90, 75–77, 80, 93, 124, 133, 136, 142, 147–148, 153, 228, 243

  Satan, 3–6, 9, 11–12, 18, 24–25, 36, 38–40, 140, 244

  Schillebeeckx, Edward, 134–135, 137, 144–145, 257

  Schutz, Roger, 154

  Schweigl, Joseph, 102, 119, 120, 122, 257

  Second Vatican Council, 3, 28, 87, 89–90, 109–111, 127–129, 131–134, 137–141, 143–148, 151, 153, 155–156, 159, 161, 164, 167, 172–173, 176, 181–182, 191–193, 195, 201, 215, 230, 233, 240–241

  sedevacantism, 188, 233–235

  sex magick, 200, 202, 206

  Sheen, Fulton J., 83, 85, 87

  Sindona, Michele “the Shark”, 166–169, 173–175, 258

  Siri, Giuseppe, 88–89, 113–114, 131–132, 179–180, 233

  smoke of Satan, 3–7, 161

  socialism, 33, 226

  Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), 90, 156, 188, 214–215, 234, 241


  Third Secret of Fatima, 65, 102, 108, 117–125, 233

  Thurian, Max, 154

  Tolkien, J. R. R., 112, 157

  tonsure, 44, 159, 160

  Tyrrell, George, 49, 50


  Unam sanctam, 30


  Vatican Bank, 3, 165–169, 172–176, 179, 217, 221, 225

  Vatican II, see Second Vatican Council

  Vatileaks, 217–221, 236

  Viganò, Carlo Maria, 217–220, 258

  Villot, Jean-Marie, 173–177, 179, 197, 258


  Wojtyła, Karol (John Paul II), 3, 44, 100, 124, 145–146, 169, 173–175, 179–193, 195–196, 209, 214, 259

  Wuerl, Donald, 179

  About the Author

  Dr. Taylor Marshall is the best-selling author of nine books, including The Eternal City: Rome & the Origins of Catholic Christianity, Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages: A Layman’s Quick Guide to Thomism, and The Catholic Perspective on Paul. He is also the author of the popular historical fiction Sword and Serpent Trilogy about the Roman persecution of the Catholic Church.

  Dr. Marshall earned his Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Dallas with his dissertation “Thomas Aquinas on Natural Law and the Twofold Beatitude of Humanity.” He is the founder of both the New Saint Thomas Institute and the Troops of Saint George. He and his wife live in Texas with their eight children. Please learn more at

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Ellermann, Valerie Ely, Jared Emry, Ronald Endoma, Molly Ennis, Laurie Ensworth, Tongay Epp, Daniel Erb, John Ericson, Erin Hames Erin Hames, Sean Esposito, Tauna Esslinger, Ray Etter, Richard Evans, Keith Evans, Edward Evans, Michelle Evert, Des Eyden, Peter Ezetta, Gerard Fagan, Angela Fairbairn, Michael Fakult, Mary Fala, Joseph Falciano, Celina Falck-Cook, John Fallens, Nolan Farkas, Stephen Farlow, Beth Farmer, Susan Farnum, Amanda Farnum, Brenda Farrell, Alan Fassina, Gregory Fast, Tanya Favantines, Paul Fedele, Nancy Fehner, Simon Feil, Amber Feist, Catherine Felicien, Anthony Ferch, Agnello Fernandes, Mayur Fernandes, Agnes Fernandez, Fred Fernandez, Adrian Fernandez, Alfred Ferrante, Davide Ferrara, Stacie Ferry, Mary Feryan, Albert Fiedeldey, John Fiffick, Bonjello Figueroa, Jeff Finkbonner, Diane and Anthony Fiore, S.C. Fischer, Richard Fisher, Andrea Fisher, Ann Fitch, Flo Fitch, Rebecca Fitzmaurice, John Fitzsimmons, Sharon Fitzsimons, Sean Flanagan, Derrick Flannigan, Andy Flattery, Eric Fleming, Edna Flores, Francis Fogarty, Julia Fogassy, Marianne Fogelson, Ryan Foley, Charlene Fong, Adrian Fonseca, Carla Fontanilla, Martin Forbes, Matthew Forget, mark Forkun, James Foronda, Fred Forthofer, Rick Fortune, Peggy Foster, Nicholas Foster, Denise Fouracre, Randall Fox, Robert Fox, Patricia Fraide, Fr. Mason Fraley, Paul Francis, Kirk Francis, Alisa Franco, Frederick Frankel, Charles Fraune, Ron Fredericks, Emily (Harder) Friedl, Kari M. Froelicher, Gerald Frost, Norbert Fuchslehner, Howard Fulks, Pamela Fuller, Jocelyne Furtado, Laura Fusco, Roderick Gabbert, Patrick Gabriel, Lucas Gabrielson, Katherine Gabryel, Lynne Gaffey, Owen Gagliardo, Peter Gagnon, Rose Gallardo, Randy Gallegos, George Galloway, Joseph Galvan, Ayanda Gamana, Rachel Gamarra, Denise Garcia, Julio Garcia, Edgar Garcia, Maria Garcia, Luis Garcia Laurent, Bryan Gardner, Joseph Garza, Jason Gates, Jennifer Geaghan, Teresa Geiselman, Brendan Gendhar, Roberta Genini, Sharon Geppert, Geraldine Dobson, Neven Gerich, John Germain, Anthony Giangiulio, Nathan Gibson, Rebecca Gibson, Emily Gibson, Valerie Giggie, Lou Gigliotti, Annemarie Gillan, Joseph Gillespie, Mary Gillett, Ellen Gillis, George Gillon, Becky Gilmore, Jim Giordano, Mark Girardeau, Michelle Givan, Janice Givens, Bonnie Goard, Susan Gockowski, Dan Goddu, Thomas M. Goethe, Russell Goff, Jared Gogets, Thomas Goh, Peter Gojcaj, Angela Gole, Jonathon Gomez, Sherry Gonzales, Cristina Gonzalez, Joshua Gonzalez, Margarita González, Magdalena Good, Fr. Richard Goodin, Colin Gordon, Randall Gough, Renee Graceffa, Reuben Gracia, Sharon Grant, Jodi Grant, Ed Graveline, Nikki Graves, Christopher Gray, Lois Grebosky, Gloria Greenup, Jane Greenwood, Liz Gregorius, Kate Gregory, Gay Lynn Gremmel, Joe Gressock, Chimene Griego, Giselle Griffin, Joel Grissom, Robert Groppe, Jon-Mark Grussenmeyer, Lorenz Gude, Matthew Guerreiro, Marty Guerrero, Arthur Guillaume, Christopher Gutierrez, Ricardo Gutierrez Jr, Alice Guzman, Tamara Haas, Alex Haggard, Nathaniel Haire, Maryann Hajduk, Anne Hajek, Virginia Hajovsky, Joyce Hale, Michael Hall, Kennedy Hall, Ryan Hall, Roseanna M. Hallman, Cindy Hamer, Hilary Hammett, Paul Hammond, Sheelagh Hanly, Ken Hann, Renee Hannam, Tony Hansen Hansen, Jacob Hanson, Mike Harder, Joseph Hardy, Kent Hare, Michael Hargadon, Bill Harkins, Christine Harrington, Pam Harris, Adam Harrison, Kevin Harrison, Chris Harrison, Andrea Hart, Mary Hart, Annmarie Hart, Todd Hartch, Mary Harter, Dustin Harvey, Joseph Hatcher, Christopher Haukom, Patrick Hawkins, Vicki M. Hayden, Matthew Hayes, Trish Hebert, Georgia Hedrick, Rosanne Heiliger, Kimberly Heilman, Michelle Heiring, Jeff Helbling, David Helle, Steven Helm, Tonya Hembree, Teresa Hemphill, James Henderson, Paul Hepperla, Gilbert G. Herbig Sr., Megan Hermosillo, Jose Hernandes Hernandes, Victor Hernandez, Aida Hernandez, Gino Hernandez, Eladio Hernandez, Caleb Hernandez, Linda Hernandez, Amanda Herrick, Jay Hershberger, Fr. Thomas Hickey, Thomas Hickey, Donna Marie Hickman, Stephen Higgins, Robert Hill, William H. Hill, Wes Hill, Fr. Graham Hill C.Ss.R., Diana Hilmer, David Himes, John Hindery, Darlene Kostelac Hinman, Isaías Hipólito, Susan Hirst, Matthew Hisscock, Mari Hobgood, John Hoehn, Suzi Hoen, Julie Hoerle, Daniel Hoff, Michael Hoff, Michael Hoffman, Christopher Hoffman, Brian Hoffmann, Linda Hoffstetter, Laraine Hofmann, Shane Hollandsworth, Andrew Hollingsworth, Dan Hollowell, Peter Holm, Michael Holmes, Frances M. Holmes, John Holmstadt, Fred Holtslag, Timoteo Saldaña Honesto, Caroline Honn, Sonia Hooper, Bryan Hooper, Patricia Hooten, Darin Hopegood, Susan Hopkins, Jean Hosier, Richard Housey, Carol Howard Howard, Roman Hrynyszyn, Brian Hubacek, Kathleen Huddleston, Scott Hudecki, Sean Hudson, Randall Hulstein, OFS, Trever Humphres, Maria Hunter, Tom Hunter, Celeste Hupert, Brian Hurley, Michael Hurley, Andrea Huza, Steve Hyatt, Gannon Hyland, William Hynd, David Ibarra Hernandez, John-Camillus Igboanusi, Luciano Imbo, Chad Ingling, Paul Ingrassia, Olivia Ingrassia, Joan Italiano, Kevin Jackson, Will Jackson, Kevin Jacque, Nancy Jaeger, Ivan Jagas, Flo Jakobeit, Arkadiusz Jakubczyk, Mark Jakubiec, Jennifer Jalette, Louis-Benedict Aykhan Jalilbayli, Susan Jankowski, Anthony Jankowski, Stephen Janowski, Annie Jansen, James Jansen van Vuuren, Heather Jaracz, Larry Jaramillo, Karlo Jelincic, Jenifer Jenkins, W. Scott Jenken, Jerry Jenkins, Lauren Marie Therese Jenkins, Nora Jensen, William Jerome, Jeff jimenez, Alejandro Jimenez, David Jividen, Peter Johansen, Darryn Johnnie, Christian Johnson, Dale Johnson, Angela Johnson, Patricia Johnson, Galen Johnson, Teri Johnson, Jared Johnson, Brian Joly, Kristoffer Jonasson, Ray Jones, Walter Jones, Thomas Jones, Richard Jones, Maria Jones, Nicole Jones, Jessica Jones-Carson, Amanda Jordan, Julie Jordan, Sjoerd Jorritsma, Renju Jose, John Josefsberg, Thomas Joseph, Tom Joseph, Stephen Joseph, Joseph Martin, Sharon Joyce, Randy Juanta, Chad Judice, Kelvin Jukpor, Claude Julien, Rachel Jurado, Janeann Kakalecz, Austen Kalin, Mary Kalls, James Kanning, Rossano Kapauan, Delane Karalow, Joseph Karanja, Glenn Karhoff, Victor Karlak, Denise Karmody, Alexander Karzon, Jonathan Kash, Anita Keahey, Louise Keanr, Megan Kearney, Mary Keck, Steven Keedle, Victoria Keens, David Kelch, Esq., Thomas Keller, Kristine Keller, Maurice Kelly, Marie Kelly, Debbie Kelly, John Kemna, Adam Kemper, Sylvia Kendall, Pamela Kaye KendLl, John Kennedy, Keith Kennedy, Tim Kennedy, Angela Kennedy, Michael Keogh, Jill Kerekes, Dolorese Kershaw, Dan Ketelle, Mike Key, Jeffrey Keyes, Alex Kilates, Lucy Kildow, Ellen King, Michele King, Diana Kinnaird, Luke Kippenbrock, Robert Kirby, Gary Kirsch, Ed Kise, helen kish, Maureen Klecker, Leo Klump, Patrick Kniesler, Eric Kniffin, Stacey Knoch, Christopher Koechig, Karen Koehle, Michael Koeniger, Kathleen Kois, Patricia Koranda, Patti Koski, William Koszelak, Sunita Kottoor, James Kovats, Emi Koyama, Frank Kramer, Rev. Edward Krause, Jerry Krebs, Mark Kristine, Christopher Kruchten, James Kubu, Barbara Kubu, Daniel Kuehn, Matthew Kuizon, Kateri Kullman, Bonnie Kuntz, Stephen Kunz, Dr. Kenneth Kuzdak, David Kwiecinski, Elizabeth L’Esperance, Patricia La Barbera, Cheryl La Follette, Debra Lacas, Dana LaCombe, Pete LaFave, Eric Lafferty, Cynthia Laforty, Kevin Lally, Kyle Laluces, Katherine Lamb, Catherine Lambert PA-C, Brad LaMorgese, Allen Landes, Josh Lane, Fr. Jeffrey Langan, Elisabeth Langenkamp, Robert Lapaz, Carol Lara, Fr. Nicholas Larkin, Brenda Laronde, Michael Larson, Miguel Lasaga, Christopher Laurence, Kathleen LaValley, Mary Lawrence, Thanh Le, Paul Leader, Yecenia Leal, Will Leatherwood, James LeBert, Joseph LeBlanc, Claude LeBlanc, Lawrence Leconey, Chris Lee, Alexander Lee, H.S. Lee, Joshua Lee, Thomas Lee, Cathy Lees, Andrea Lefebvre, Kara Leger, Wellington Lemmer, maria lenzen, Alex Lessard, David Letendre, Heather Leuci, Nicole Leung, André Levesque, Christopher Levis, Laurie Lewandowski, Chester Lewandowski, Deb
ra Lewis, Valerie Lewis, John Lewis, Robert Lewis, Alwyn Lewis, Alan Liang, Benjamin Licciardi, Braden Licciardi, Joseph Lichtenwalner, Chris Lim, Teresa Limjoco, Julie Linares, Linda M. Solis, Cathy Lins, Rose Anne Livingston, Beth Locricchio, Margie Loesch, Catherine Loft, Joshua Logan, Sheila Logue, Jim Logue, Jeff Logullo, Lois Tucci, Cristobal Longton, Francisco Lopez, Elisa Lopez, Jaime Lopez, Carl Lordi, Rod Lorenz, Ian Carlo Lositaño, John Lowman, Lucy Lozano, Brian Lucero, James Lucier, Carmela Lukacs, Laura Luster, Louise Lutz, Heather Luzzi-Miller, Michael Lynch, Corey Lyon, Joe Lyon, June Mabry, Matthew Mach, Jovi Macholowe, Raul Macias, Eugenia Macias, John MacIsaac, Joseph Mack, Michelle MacKellar, Sharon MacKenzie, Catherine MacMullin, Katherine Maddox, Justin Maderer, Emeka Maduekwe, Trevor Mahan, Joie Maida, Darko Majdic, Marty Major, Michael Maker, C. Malan, Daniel Malone, Sean Maltbie, Gregory Mandt, Joseph Maniaci, James Manley, Denise Mantei, Julie Maravilla, Gregory Marco, Robert Marcuccio, Margaret Leiberton, Maria Thrift, Mrs. Morag Marinoni, Mark Power, Paul Market, Brian Marks, Charles Marks, Kristen Marquis, Douglas Marr, Patrick Marron, Ryan Marsh, Thomas Marshall, Maryann Marshall, Scott Martell, Chris Martens, Robert Martin, Linda Martin, Michael Martinez, Martin Martinez, Martha Martinez, Rafael Martinez, Drew D. Martinez, Andriya Martinovic, Lawrence Martone, Bob Marts, Fr. Anthony Mary, F.SS.R., Michael Massey, Marco Mastromonaco, James Mata, Mary Mateer, Elizabeth Mathew, Bob Matters, Brandon Mauch, Neal Maxwell, Brigidetteñ McAnea, Kim Mcbride, Joseph McCallion, Trapper McCammon, Marie McCammon, Jennifer McCarthy, Katie McCarthy, Brett McCaw, Mark McComish, Joanne McCourt, Michele McCoy, April McCullough, Jay McCurdy, John McDevitt, Elizabeth McDonald, Michael McDonnell, Daniel McDowell, John McGinnis, Teresa McGlasson, Thomas McIntyre, Jeff McKay, Julie McKee, Patrick McKinney, Lisa McKinnon, Joseph Mclaughlin, Kyle McLemore, Peter McNally, Terry McNellis, Rosaria McNierney, Dina McNulty, Seth McQuillan, Bret McVeigh, Jennifer Meade, Jorge Medina, Andrew Medina, Elizabeth Mejia, Miguel Melendrez, Alexander Melhorn, Richard Melvin, Damyan Mendoza, John F. Mercer, Marisa Merkle, Kathleen Merry, Fr. Andre Metrejean, Auguste Meyrat, Benoit Meyrieux, Michael Bonin, Piotr Mietus, James Miguez, Laura Miller, Paul Millington, Dennis Minnice, Timothy Misencik, William Missavage, Dolores Mitchell, Quinton Mitchell, Jonathan Mittiga, Jill Mizen, Diane Moen, Anne Mohanraj, Dan Mohler, Dennis Mohr, Doreen Moisey, Erik Mojica, Alvaro Molina, Jason Molitor, Jon Mollison, Lynn Momboisse, Carol Monaco, Michael Monahan, Al Mondejar, Jonathan Charles Valentine Monge, Patricia Monroe, Ana Maria Monte Flores, Michael Monteforte, James Mooney, Jason Mooney, Philip Moore, Christine Moore, Mary Moore, Joseph Moore, Thomas J. Moore, Xavier Morales, Ximena Morales, Kevin Moran, Matthew Moreau, Crislee Moreno, Briana Morgan, Donald Morgan, Andy Morgan, Dean Morra, Kevin Morris, Olivia Morris, Mary Helen Morrow, Christian Mortensen, Christopher Moser, Thomas Mosser, Matthew Moucha, Maureen Mourt, Michele Mroczek, Abraham Mudrick, Debbie Mueller, Mike Muglia, Mike Mulcahy, Patrick Mullan, Brendan Muller, Paolo Munoz, William Murat, Andrew Murdison, Cristian Murillo, Mary P. Murphy, James Lee Murphy, Brian Musha, Felix Mutuc, Scott Myers, Eric Myers, Alex Nagel, Leslie Najm, Carlos Naranjo, Chris Nash, Bro. Harold Naudet, CSC, Joseph Ndu, Ross Neill, William Nelligan, Kristina Nellis, Mary Nelson, Keith Nelson, Erik Nelson, Paul Nelson, Norma Nelson, Luigi Neri, Timothy Neubauer, LeAnn Neubauer, Brian Newberry, Deborah Newell, Sandra Newton, Theresa Newton, Emmanuel Ngabire, Michael Nguyen, Joseph Nguyen, Stefanie Nicholas, Aimee Nickolas, Michael Nielsen, Michael Nielson, Nathan Niemann, Cort Niemi, Charles Nieves, Katherine Nini, Dalia Nino, Patricia Nisbet, Christopher Nnamani, Seaghan Nolan, Amber Nold, John Nolen, Arash Noori, Alexander Norris, Didier Nuncio Morales, Linus Nworie, Michael Nyoagbe, Eamon O’Brien, Mary Elizabeth O’Connor, Tim O’Flaherty, Jason O’Neill, Mark O’Rosky, Stephanie O’Rourke, Andrew O’Shaughnessy, Tom O’Brien, Lady Mary Ellen O’Brien, LGCHS, Valerie O’Doherty, Slobodan Obrenovic, Joshua Ochoa, Brian Ocurran, Lydia Ogoc, Stanford Oliver, Barbara Oliverio, Mark Olivero, Elaine OMalley, Timothy ONeil ONeil, Greg Onyango, Luís Raúl Oquendo, Bill Orsborn, Christopher Ortega, Sebastian Orth, Raymond Ortiz, Aileen Osias, Elizabeth Ovidia Osland, Carol Osteen, John Ott Ott, Sharon Otto, Ryan Owens, Therese Padilla, Nick Padley, Rebecca Padley, Damon Palestra, Tami Palladino, Theresa Palmer, Deborah Palumbo, Theresa Palumbo, Pam Brubaker, Michael Pant, Laura Paradis, Pete Parcs, Juan Martin Pardo van Thienen, Deborah Paris, Judith Park, Michael Parrett, Matthew Parsons, Colleen Pasnik, Joseph Pastorek, David Paterson, Joann Patras, Casey Patterson, Albin Paul, Joe Paul, Paul Pekarek Paul Pekarek, Joe Pausa, Amy Pavey, Marina Pearson, Vanessa Pehl, Martyn Pękala, Ernesto Pelayo, Vicky Pelegrin, Marco Antonio Pellens, Richard John Pelo, Emilio Perea, Nativedade Pereira, Manuel Pereira, Andy Perez, Melissa Perez, Jason Perez, Wendell Perez, Benjamin Perry, Marla Perry, Patrick Perusse, Kevin Peteres, Fran Peterson, Phil Petrucci, Pamela Pettibone, Paul Pettie, Amanda Pflanz, Mitzi Phalen, Philip Thoma, Sarah Louise Phillips, Theresa Phillips, Joseph Piccirillo, George Piccone, Nicholas Picini, John Picone, Victor Pidermann, Thomas Piegsa, Brent Pierce, Joshua Piersall, Diane Pietras, Theresa Pilkerton, Alain Pilote, Melissa Pimentel, Maureen Pinho, Ashton Pinto, Stephen Pistorius, Amanda Pizzo, Christopher Plessner, Kyle Pociask, Gavan Podbury, Marija Podniece, Bridgette Poitras, Sean Patrick Pokall, John Pollard, Jakob Pollard, Fr. Jeff Pomeisl, Matthew Pommier, Regina Pontes, Bradley Poole, Fr. Mark Porterfield, Paulette Portz, Jared Pottkotter, Mark Potzick, Eric Poulsen, Aurelio Prahara, John Pramberg, Donna Prather, Phil Pratt, Linden Predy, Terra Marie Presotto, Emily Prest, Chris Prieto, Kathleen Principe, Emily Principe, Kent Purdy, Glenn Purpura, Mark Quaranta, Ed Quigley, Daniel Quigley, Ron Rack, Lukas Radmann, Jurgita Radziunaite, Kate Raeder, Gordon Rafool, Jacob Rainey, Michael Rakaczewski, Frank Ramirez, John Ramirez, Lino Ramirez, Renacito Ramos, Maggie Ramshaw, Richard Randall, Paul Raney, Juni Ranillo, Nicholas Rankin, Chantelle Rantucci, David Rantucci, Joe Rappa, Ann Rastorfer, James Rauch, Jeff Ravenscroft, Wenceslaus Raymond, Jennifer Raymond, Antone Raymundo, Heath Rayne, Joshua Reagan, Dawna Reandeau, Edward Rebholz, Donna Rebre, Vinicius Rebuli, Robin Reed, Marcy Reese, Nathan Reffitt, Kevin Reginald, Donal Reid, Jeremy Reidy, Michael Reilly, Anthony Render, April Reneau, Lisa Renne-Kent, Gerald Renville, Rev. Fr. Richard Carr, Paolo Reyes, Rudy Anthony Reyes, Matthew Reynolds, Jayne Rheinhardt, Damian Rhodes, Zulema Richards, Joshua Richards, Nathaniel Richards, Linda Richardson, Carissa Ridenour, Caleb Rider, DeAnne Ridge, Geraldine Ridgway, Erich Riedel, Kevin Rilott, Michael Riopel, Mary Lynne Riopel, Kristina Ripka, Joyce Riske, Joan Risley, Ramona Rita, William Ritter, Eugenio Rivera, Joseph Roach, Zachary Robb, Amanda Robben, Donald Roberts, Chris Roberts, Aaron Roberts, Neil Robertson, Terry Robinette, Darren Robinson, Barbara Robinson, Vince Robles, Mabel Robles, Edwin Rocabado, Fabio Rocha, Marie Roche, Sébastien Rock, Ciara Rodgers, Theresa Rodrigues, Christine Rodrigues, Gretchen Rodriguez, Carlos Rodriguez, Tony Rodriguez, Gil Rodriguez, Carlos Rodriguez-Lampon, Alex Roerty, Bob Roesser, Matthew Roessner, Robert Roetting III, Melani Roewe, Steve Rogers, Eva Rohr, Robert Roll, Damon Roman, Michele Rooney, Dana Roraback, Charles Jone Rosales, Sandra Rosas, Laura Roscoe-Griffin, Heather Ross, Jeff Rosser, Ksy Rossiter, Derek Roush, Peggy Rowe-Linn, Roland Roy Roy, Terri Roy, Scott Roy, Ron Royer, Andrea Ruccolo, Richard Ruesch, Jane Ruggiero, Fernando Rui, Cesar Ruiz, Sarananda Ruiz, Raul Ruiz Jr., Rose-Ann Rumpus, Michael Rund, Adrian Rusch, Alexandra Russell, Allison Russo, Antonio Ruvolo, Nowellyn Ryan, Brendan Ryan, Phyllis Ryan, Bruce Sabatino, Greg Sabourin, H. William Safford, Mitchell Sager, Andrey Saiz, Ethan Salazar, Humberto Saldana, Juan Saldivar, Mary Salmond, Sharon Saltzman, Audry Salvador, Gaurav Salvi, Lito Samaniego, John Sammons, Janine Samz, Amy San Filippo, Lindsey Sanchez, Christopher Sanchez, Bill Sanchez, Carlos Sanchez Bonano, Maria Sánchez-O’Brien, Teresa Sando, Nikki Sanner, Maryanne Santelli, Patricia Santy, Austin Sarabia, Deacon Greg Sass, Jeremy Sauer, Fr. Timothy Sauppé, S.T.L., Lori Sautter, James Savage, Anthony Scarpantonio, Jeffrey Schack, Kevin Schad, Adam Schaefers, Cathy Schaffer, Mary Schaub, Patricia Schauble, Lou A. Schell, Brad Schepisi, Ron Schexnaydre, Eduardo Schiavon, Paul Schiller, Tom Schirra,
Cheryl Schlimpert, Sherry Schlosser, Michael Schmidt, Christopher Michael Schmitz, Richard Schneider, Timothy Schomburg, Danielle Schott, Rick Schrader, Daniel Schreck, Levi Schroer, Daniel Schuler, Adam Schwankl, Brent Schwartz, Michael Schweigert, Ryan Schweitzer, Heather Schweitzer, Diane Schwind, Bryan Scibelli, Jeffrey Scott, Timothy Scott, Grant Scott, Thomas Scott, Susanne Scott, Mark Scott, Andrew Seamans, Paul Seco, David Seefeldt, Curtis Seelhammer, Paul Sefranek, F. Scot Segesman, Gail Seiler, Krystian Sekowski, Noah Sell, Robin Sellers, Benjamin Varle Semah, James Senecal, Dominic Sepich, Carl Sergeant, Paul Serwinski, Janette Sessions, Jenny Seymour, Matthew David Shaddrix, Loretta Shalosky, Sharon Pry, John Sharry, James Shaw, Genie Shaw, Robert T. Shea, Fran Shea, Elizabeth Sheehy, James Sheflin, Paulette Sheldon, Dutch Shenefield, Ann Sheppard, Thomas Sheridan, Diana Shertenlieb, Oriane Shiroma, Carleen Short, Ronald Shpakoff, Adam Shrives, Kathryn Sibley, Janey Sibson, Althea Sidaway, Edward Sidleck, Peter Sierra, Anderson Macedo Silva, David Silva, Suzanne Silvir, Cheryl Simanek, Eddy Simon, Emmanuel Simon, Leila Simonsen, Francesco Sinagra, Jeffrey Singer, Asher Sircy, Clinton Sites, Ashley Sivertson, Ric Sjostrom, Jordan Skog, Ante Skoko, Brian Slaby, Dennis Slavik, Jesse Smaldone, Jeffrey Small, Alyssa Smeltzer, Julie Smith, James A. Smith, Melinda Smith, Jay Smith, Karen Smith, Barbara Smith, Samantha Smith, Charles Smith, David Smither, Valerie Smyder, Tim Sniffen, Gregory Snyder, Elaine Sobozenski, Liz Soliz, Alexander Soltysik, Josh Somerville, Hugh Somerville Knapman OSB, John Sommer, Herbert D. Sommerfeld, Julian Sommers, Siegfred Sornito, Peter Sorrentino, Nicholas Sosa, Steve Souza, Joseph Sparandera, Karen Spaziante, Jeff Spiegelhoff, SharonRose Spiers, Charles Spivak, Doug Spriggs, Louise Springer, Jennifer Spurgin, Burke Squires, Andrew Stahl, Jennie Stanbro, John Standifird, Karen Stanford Bonvecchio, Jim Stanislawski, Paul Stark, Benjamin Starnes, Jayden Stauffer, Martha Stefanchik, Jenifer Steffel, Eileen Steng, Richard Stevens, Kristopher Stickney, Charles Stiebing, Anthony Stine , Theresa Stiner, James Stocks, Chad Stolly, Logan Stolly, Noah Stolly, Vincenzo Stone, Patrick Stoops, Dan Stover, William Stowe, Eleanor Stowell, Mark Straub Sr., Judith Strausbaugh, Michael Strauss, Joan Strayham, Donna Sullivan, Alex Sullivan, Karen Sullivan, Bret Sunnerville, Patrick Suter, Donna Swager, Janet Swallow, Edward Swann, Philip Swanson, Thomas Swartz, Margie Sweeney, Nekeya Sylvester, Steve Szabo, Jan Szafrański, David Tambellini, Mary Tanberg, Celeste Tanodra, Patrick Taylor, Michael Taylor, Timothy Taylor, Guadalupe Tenpenny, Sasha Tesija, Erin Teter, Jennifer Tewell, Roger Theobald, Jessica Therriault, Sue Thibodeaux Ph.D., Curtis Thoene, Leigh Thomas, Coe Thomas, Ellen Thomas, John Thompson, David Thrower, Michael Ticich, Kyle Tillotson, Dave Timmerding, William Timmerman, Cindy Titus, James Tobin, Jeff Todd, Gregory Todd, Matthew Toenjes, Deborah Tofflemire, Anna Tognaci, Paul Tognetti, Joseph Tolin, Elizabeth Tomlinson, Derek Tonkin, Ryan C. Toups, Brad Toups, Bill Townsend, Nathan R. Towsley, Stephen Trabanino, Kathleen-Marie Tracey, Brandan Tran, David Trana, Nicholas Trandem, Joe Trassare, Jennifer Traughber, Jeffrey Traughber, Catherine Traugott, John Trausch, John Trautwein, Janice Travasso, Susan Treacy, Vaughn Treco, Justin Trefney, Reynaldo Trejo, Ernest Trevino, Caroline Trimble, Dave Troupe, Charles Trujillo, Andrea Trujillo, Ronaldo Tuazon, Tim Tubilewicz, Nancy Tucker, James Tucker, Forrest Tucker, Jose Tumbaga, Phil Tureau, Teresa Turner, Maryrose Turner, Joseph Turner, Jeffery Turner, Karly Tuttle, Dianne Uhler, Cutter Uhlhorn, Stephan Ulm, Bernard Untalan, Chris Urban, Jeremy Urban, Katherine Urquidi, Lima Vadakara, David Valdez, Mark Valencia, Jean Valerga, Dayle Van Alstine, Teo Van der Weele, Richard Van Kirk, Rik Johannes Franciscus Maria van Steenoven, Jaime Vanchura, Samuel VanDeest, Dana VanDorsselaer, Brenda VanWeezel, Scott Varga, Benjamin Vasko, Joanne Vavoso, Giona Vazhappilly, Lotus Vele, Michael Velosa, Michael Verceles, Adam Verheyen, Benjamin Verhovsek, Rich Vetrano, Deborah Victory, Maria Vida, Matthew Viergutz, Joseph Vigneri, Ted Villalon, Cindy Villarreal, Gerald Villaver, Janice Vinson, Stephen Volk, Daniel Volpato, Charles Volz, Dr. William von Peters, Amber Vowels, Diana Vredeveld, Thomas Wachtel, David Wagner, Deacon Brooke Wagner, Matt Wagner, Angela Wagner, M.K. Waiss, Marye Waite, Jesse Waitz, Leslie Wakeman, Matthew Walczak, Mark Waldecker, Carol Walenga, Alexander Walker, Jonathan Walker, Jennifer Walker, Travis Walker, Craig Walkins, Peggy Wall, Colin Wallace, Nigel Wallace, David Wallace, Mary Grace Wallsten, Karen Walsh, Catherine Walton, Todd Wannemuehler, M.D., Stephen Ward, Hazel Ward, Sean Warfield, David W. Warner, Kenneth Warnshuis, Mitchum Warren, Victoria Warren-Mears, Chris Washington, John Wasko, Dennis Waszak, Gordon Watson, Gregory Watson, David Watts, Chris Watts, Rosalind Weeks, Tim Weiland, Russ Wenzel, Alfred West, Ernie West, Neil Weston, Daniel Westrick, Fr. Alan B.Maria Wharton, John Whattam, John Whibley, Leonard White, Jessamyn White, Morgan White, Tanner Whitham, Lauren Whittaker, Steve Wiberg, Adam Wiederman, Kelly Wilbur, Avit Wilderness, Gary Wiley, Theresa Wilhelm, David Williams, Ronny Williams, Fredrick Williams, Rick Williams, Ryan Williams, Natalie Williams, Joan Williamson-Kelly, David Wills, Steven Wilson, David Wilson, Gerard Wilson, Hilda Wilson, James Wilson, Yvonne Wince, Steven Windey, Blake Winn, Christopher Winner, Aaron Winter, Pierre Wirawan, James Wiscott, Courtney Wissinger, Lynn Wofford, Tim Wolfe, Janet Wolfe, Kurt Wolfe, Tres Wolfford, Debbie Womack, Christopher Wong, Jennifer Woo, Benjamin Wood, David Woodby, Sara Jane Woods, Jeffrey William Woods, Joel Woods, Gilbert Wright, Sandra Wright, Rene Wu, David Wurst, Pieter Wycoff, Darek Wyrzykowski, Patrick Yanke, Gerald Yeakula, Harry Yonemura, Kristin Young, Joshua Youngblood, Tyler Younghouse, Jerome Ypulong, David Yung, Christopher Yurkanin, Aidan Zaballero, Colin Zak, Sandra Zanni, Royce Zant, Marilyn Zayac Zayac, Kale Zelden, Adam Zerger, Rose Zingleman, Thomas Ziolkowski, Amy Zizzi, David M. Zuber, Sam Zummo, Leo Zupan, Waldemar Zurek


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